Alexander Findlay

Chemistry in the Service of Man

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Full text of "Chemistry in the service of man"

i I WW I n iiii n u i 1 1 < t^ nmiimftm***^ 
bMM<»aBM«aflaBiiaMiaiW*»«aaMM » i i; i» *> i ri i <» »« t»N « i 
With 104 Illustrations. Crown Svo, 4^. bd. 
TIONS. With 134 Figures in the Text. 
Crown Svo, 6j. net. (Text-Books of Physical 
OSMOTIC PRESSURE. Svo, is. td. net. 
(Monographs on Inorganic and Physical 
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in 2007 witin funding from 
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iPhoto : Emery Walkery Ltd. 
ROBERT BOYLE, 1626-1691. 
{^From the painting afttr F. Kcrseboom in the National Portrait Gallery.) 
M.A.. D.Sc., F.I.C. 
All right t rturved 
In the year which has passed since this book was first 
published, signs have not been wanting that interest in 
physical science, and more particularly in chemical science, 
has become more deep and widespread, and that the 
country has awakened to a fuller consciousness of the 
need of promoting and encouraging the study of chemistry 
and its advancement by research. Most clearly, perhaps, 
is this increase of interest shown in the sphere of education. 
Throughout all sections of the community, the demand is 
being made with increasing insistence, that the study of 
science shall form an integral part in all our schemes for a 
liberal education, both in School and University ; and this 
demand is based, and rightly based, not so much on the 
utilitarian as on the cultural value of science. For the 
majority of our people, who will not be actively engaged 
in chemical pursuits, it is, as the author believes, not so 
much a knowledge of a wide range of facts that is required 
— although some of the facts are so important that they 
should be known by all — but rather the gaining of the 
scientific spirit, and of an understanding of the theoretic 
basis of science. As the late Professor Meldola once 
wrote : " If the progress of a nation is dependent — as we 
are now beginning to realise — upon its general appreciation 
of Science, that appreciation must be of the highest and 
broadest character — it is Science in the abstract, and not 
purely utilitarian concrete knowledge, which must be raised 
to the level of one of the most exalted branches of human 
culture." And it was in this belief that the author 
attempted, in writing the present book, to blend the more 
philosophic with the more practical side of chemical science, 
hoping thereby not only to arouse the interest of the 
general reader, but also to appeal to his imagination and 
his intellect. That this aim has only been very partially 
achieved, the author is very conscious, but he offers the 
work, such as it is, as a small contribution towards repair- 
ing the failure, to which the President of the Board of 
Education (Mr. H. A. L. Fisher) has recently alluded, " to 
find a form of scientific instruction which might appeal to 
the imagination and interest of the general mass of the 
population in the schools who are not destined for a 
specifically scientific career," 
In the industrial applications of chemistry, also, progress 
is undoubtedly being made, and in one most important 
industry, the utilisation of atmospheric nitrogen for the 
production of fertilisers and nitric acid, the author is glad 
to think that active steps are already being taken to remove 
the stigma of neglect which rested for so long on this 
The faith in science which the people of this country 
have begun to gain during the years of war must be con- 
firmed and stablished in the equally testing times of 
peace ; and it can be kept alive only if it is based on a 
knowledge and understanding of the aims of science, and 
of what has been achieved in the past. 
In the present edition the book remains essentially 
unchanged, but a certain amount of new matter, more 
especially a chapter on " Fermentation and Enzyme 
Action," has been added. 
A. F. 
Y Glyn, 
May^ 1917. 
When the writer was invited to deliver the Thomson 
Lectures before the United Free Church College, Aber- 
deen, at the end ot the year 1915, he felt that, as a 
teacher of chemistry, he could attempt no higher task than 
that of giving to his hearers, who made no claim to 
chemical knowledge, some account of what the science of 
chemistry, both in its general principles and in its industrial 
applications, has accomplished for the material well-being 
and uplifting of mankind ; and the lectures which were 
then delivered form the basis of the present work. 
The reasons which prompted the choice of subject are, 
of course, not far to seek. The crisis through which this 
and other European countries are now passing, has brought 
heme to us how greatly we, as a nation, have hitherto failed 
to recognise the intimate and vital dependence of our social 
and national prosperity on a knowledge and appreciation 
of the facts and principles of 'science, and not least of 
chemistry, and on their application in industry. All the 
industries of the country on which not only the comfort 
but even the life of the people depend — the great manu- 
facturing industries and agriculture, the greatest industry 
of all — claim tribute of chemistry. And yet we, as a nation, 
have done much less than the responsibilities of our civilisa- 
tion demanded, to promote and encourage the development 
of chemical knowledge ; we have even, indeed, largely 
failed to avail ourselves of that tribute which science is so 
willing to pay. To the work of laying the foundation of 
pure science, on which the superstructure of successful 
industrial achievement must be raised, British chemists 
have, according to the measure of their numbers, con- 
tributed an honourable share ; but the people as a whole, 
being ignorant of science, have mistrusted and looked 
askance at those who alone could enlarge the scope of 
their industries and increase the efficiency of their labours. 
And so we have witnessed in the past an appalling and 
needless waste of our national resources, and in too many 
cases industries have languished and succumbed, or, even 
when born under conditions of great promise, have remained 
dwarfed and stunted in growth. In 1862, the German 
chemist, Hofmann, at that time a Professor of Chemistry in 
London, could utter the prophecy : " England will, beyond 
question, at no distant day, become herself the greatest 
colour-producing country in the world, nay, by the strangest 
of revolutions, she may, ere long, send her coal-derived 
blues to indigo-growing India, her tar-distilled crimsons 
to cochineal-producing Mexico, and her fossil substitutes 
for quercitron and safflower to China, Japan, and the 
other countries whence these articles are now derived." 
But, alas ! that prophecy has not yet been fulfilled, and 
the industry of synthetic dyes, an industry which above 
all others depends on the fostering and encouragement 
of chemical research and on the highest scientific effici- 
ency, has found a home elsewhere amid more congenial 
But there are now welcome signs that the country is 
awakening to a sense of past deficiencies, and already the 
Government has taken a first short step in the direction 
of encouraging and assisting scientific and industrial 
research. But if the national effort is really to become 
effective and to exert a lasting influence, something more 
is necessary, something which is, perhaps, more difficult 
of achievement than Governmental aid. The mental out- 
look and the attitude of the people as a whole towards 
science must be changed, and the scientific habit, and a 
spirit of trust in science must be cultivated ; and we must 
also attract in much larger numbers into the ranks of 
scientific workers, men of equal mental calibre to, and 
capable of taking the same wide outlook as those who 
are at present attracted into the higher ranks of the legal 
profession or into the Civil Services. Science stands for 
efficiency in all tlie activities of life, and the neglect of 
science spells waste and industrial decay. It is for the 
country to choose the path which it will follow, but in 
making their choice let the people bear in mind the words 
spoken by the King when Prince of Wales : " Does not 
experience warn us that the rule of thumb is dead, and 
the rule of science has taken its place ; that to-day we 
cannot be satisfied with the crude methods which were 
sufficient for our forefathers, and that those great industries 
which do not keep abreast of the advance of science must 
surely and rapidly decline } " 
But we must learn to appreciate science not merely on 
account of its utilitarian value as a means of increasing 
wealth and material prosperity. From the material point 
of view, doubtless, " science is the knowledge most worth," 
and in the case of most people, perhaps, interest in science 
centres round its industrial or economic utility. Nisi utile 
est quod facias, stulta est gloria {" All useless science is an 
empty boast ") is a sentiment which will find a wide if not 
an universal acceptance, but we must beware of interpreting 
the usefulness of science in too narrow a spirit. The 
study of science possesses a cultural value which is quite 
independent of the utility of its applications ; and as an 
instrument of culture, as a means of coming into closer 
relations with Nature and the Infinite, science claims a 
fuller and more widespread recognition. 
At a time of awakening interest in science, the author 
hopes that the present attempt to give a readily intelligible 
account of some of the more important general principles 
and theories of chemical science and of their applications, 
may afford to the general reader some idea of the world's 
indebtedness to the chemist, and may also stimulate the 
interest of, at least, the younger students of chemical 
science by presenting to them a picture of that land into 
a fuller possession of which they one day hope to enter. 
My thanks are due to the publishers, Messrs. Long- 
mans, Green & Co., for permission to use Figures i, 2, 9, 
and 10, taken from works published by them ; and I 
desire, also, to express my indebtedness to my wife for 
her assistance not only in preparing the manuscript for 
publication, but also in reading the proof-sheets. 
A. F. 
Y Glyn, 
Nr. Aberystwythi 
AfartAf 1916. 
Definition and scope of chemistry. Constitution of matter. Views of 
Aristotle. The alchemists. Elements and compounds. Compo- 
sition of the earth. Atomic hypothesis. Dalton's atomic theory. 
Symbols and formulae . I 
Explanation of combustion in air. Phlogiston theory. Laroisier's 
explanation. Ignition point. Safety lamp. Slow combustion. 
Combustion in the living organism. Spontaneous combustion. 
Combustion by means of combined oxygen. Production of 
chromium. Thermit. Matches 1 5 
Candles. Snuffing of candles rendered unnecessary. Shale oil. 
Saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons. Petroleum. Flash 
point. Coal-gas. Luminosity of flames. Water-gas. Bunsen 
burner. Oxy-coal-gas flame. Lime light. Production of rubies 
and sapphires. Incandescent gas mantle. Acetylene .... 3a 
Energy of chemical reactions. Production of coal. Calorific value 
of coal. Conservation of the coal reserves. Producer gas. 
Mond ga& Exothermic and endothermic reactions. Ozone. 
Explosives 57 
Carbohydrates. Cotton. Wood pulp. Paper. Artificial silk. 
Mercerised cotton. Xylonite or celluloid. Cellon and non- 
inflammable celluloid. Glucose from cellulose 78 
Chemical affinity. Influence of concentration. Influence of tempera* 
tare. Reversible reactions. Catalysis. Surface combustion. 
Enzymes. Manufacture of sulphuric acid. Hardening of fats. 
Margarine . . . t 88 
Importance of nitrogen in the economy of nature. Sources of supply 
of combined nitrogen. Fixation of atmospheric nitrogen. Direct 
combination of nitrogen and oxygen. Fixation of nitrogen by 
means of carbides. Catalytic oxidation of ammonia. Synthetic 
production of ammonia. Combination of nitrogen with metals. 
Liquefaction of air. Thermos flasks 
Discovery of glass. States of matter. Crystalline and amorphous 
solids. Crystallisation of liquids. Supercooled liquids. Devitri- 
fication. Fused quartz or silica glass. Water glass. Window 
glass. "Patent plate." Annealing of glass. Hardened glass. 
Crystal glass. Strass or paste. Coloured glass. Silvering of 
glass. Manufacture of soda by tlie Leblanc process. Hydrochloric 
acid. Chlorine. Bleaching powder. Manufacture of soda by the 
Solvay process. Saponification of fats. Manufacture of soap. 
Soft soap. Hard soap. Cleansing power of soap. Hard water. 
Softening of bard water. Permutit 
GalvanL Volta. Voltaic cell. Sodium and potassium. Electro- 
plating. Conduction of electricity by solutions. Electrolytes and 
non-electrolvtes. Electrolysis. Ions. Movement of Ions. 
Daniell cell. Leclanche cell. Lead accumulator. Edison cell. 
Refining of copper. Manufacture of chlorine and of caustic soda. 
Aluminium. Alloys of aluminium. Magnesium. Carborundum. 
Alundum. Artificial graphite l6i 
Analogy between solutions and gases. Diffusion. Colloids and 
crystalloids. The colloidal state. Tyndall phenomenon. The 
ultramicroscope. Size of colloid particles. Emulsoids and 
suspensoids. Protective action of emulsoids. Photographic plates. 
Sedimentation in rivers. Plasticity of clay. " Egyptianised clay." 
Aquadag. Oildag. Adsorption. Decolorising of liquids by 
charcoal. Cataphoresis. Drying of peat. Process of dyeing. 
Mordants. Colloids in agriculture. Purification of water and 
sewage. Brownian movement 185 
Organic chemistry. Isomerism. Molecular constitution. Valency. 
Formulae of Kekule. Optical activity. Stereo-chemistry. Theory 
of van't Hoff and Le Bel. Resolution of the racemic into the 
optically active forms. Stereo-chemistry and vitalism 206 
Chief constituents of coal-tar. The coal-tar dyes. Synthesis of 
alizarin. Synthesis of indigo. Synthetic drugs : chloroform, 
iodoform, chloral, veronal, sulphonal, trional, tetronal, suprarenine, 
antifebrin, phenacetin, aspirin. Synthetic perfumes : couraarin, 
oil of wintergreen, oil of bitter almonds, lily of the valley, haw- 
thorn blossom, ambergris. lonone {artificial violet). Artificial 
musk. Oil of mirbane. Synthetic camphor. Bakelite .... 229 
Explanation of fermentation. Enzymes. Manufacture of alcohol. 
Proof spirit. Methylated spirit. Fusel oils. Artificial fruit essences. 
Alcoholic beverages. Whisky, gin, brandy, rum. Wines. Beers. 
Vinegar. Acetic acid. Acetone. Curdling of milk. Cheese. 
Casein. Distempers. Plasmon. Sanatogen. Erinoid .... 249 
Index 265 
ROBEkT Boyle, i 626-1 691 Frontispiece 
From the painting after P. Kerseboom in the National 
Portrait Gallery. (Photo: Emery Walker, Ltd.) 
John Dalton, 1766-1844 To face p. \o 
Louis Pasteur, i 822-1 895 „ 215 
From a Photograph by Pierre Petit. 
Chemistry is a branch of science which deals with 
matter ; with the material universe which is revealed to us 
by our senses. It studies the different kinds of substances 
found in the world, whether in the living animal and 
vegetable organisms, or in the non-living mineral matter of 
the universe. Chemistry investigates the composition of 
these substances, the methods of their preparation and 
their behaviour not only in relation to what are called 
physical forces but also in relation to other substances ; and 
it endeavours to " manipulate " the different substances so 
as to obtain from them new materials, either useful or 
ornamental. Through a knowledge of chemistry one may 
learn how to prepare, artificially, substances which are 
normally the products of the vital activity of animal and 
vegetable organisms, or how to prepare substitutes for 
these naturally occurring substances. Chemistry, further, 
occupies itself with the question of how things already 
manufactured, can be manufactured more economically, or 
be replaced by more suitable materials ; and it helps us to 
understand how the natural and, it may be, irreplaceable 
resources of the world, can be economised. on the 
science of chemistry, indeed, more than on any other 
branch of organised knowledge, depend the material well- 
being and comfort of man. 
But the end and aim of chemistry is not merely 
material. Chemistry offers its contribution also to the 
deeper interests of the human mind. Occupied as he is 
with the study of material substances and of the marvellous 
transformations which he is able to bring about in them, 
the thinking chemist is forced to look below the surface 
of things and to seek an answer to the fundamental 
questions relating to the ultimate constitution and structure 
of matter, and to the forces which govern the changes and 
transformations which he observes in his laboratory, or 
which are wrought out in the larger laboratory of Nature, 
The study, not merely of the products but also of the 
principles and laws underlying the processes of chemical 
change, forms the work of the modem chemist In its 
wider sweep, chemistry ignores the conventional and 
artificial frontiers which mark it off from the other 
branches of science, more especially physics ; and in the 
last quarter of a century there has been no more fruitful 
region of experimental and speculative activity than that 
common territory where the sciences of chemistry and 
physics overlap. 
In attempting a brief and necessarily incomplete survey 
of chemistry in the service of man, I shall endeavour not 
merely to recount some of the manifold ways in which 
chemistry has revolutionised life and has contributed, on the 
material side, to a civilised existence ; but I shall try, also, 
to indicate, if I cannot do more, some of the principles 
which underlie chemical change, and some part of the 
contribution which chemistry has made to our knowledge 
of the constitution of matter. 
I say here constitution, not nature, of matter. The 
question of what matter, in its ultimate analysis, may be, 
whether it consists, as some suggest, of " empty cracks in a 
stagnant sea of ether," or whether it is, as others suppose, 
" a persistent strain-form flitting through an universal sea 
of ether," cannot be discussed here. The explanation of 
matter, that is, the description of matter in terms of some- 
thing simpler, something more fundamental, lies outside the 
domain of the chemist. We must be content to accept 
matter as itself a fundamental reality, as itself an ultimate, 
beyond which chemistry, at least, does not go. 
The question of the constitution of matter is one which 
has occupied the minds of thinking and reasoning men from 
the earliest beginnings of philosophic enquiry, more 
especially as developed among the ancient Greeks. Many 
and varied were the views which were held, and although 
the study of these will always prove interesting, it must be 
borne in mind that the considerations which governed the 
speculations of many of the ancient philosophers were quite 
different from those by which the modern scientist feels 
himself bound. To many of the Greek philosophers, the 
fact that our eyes make things manifest to us, was no 
proof that those things exist. By them, intuition, a very 
valuable gift indeed, and reason were made the all- 
sufficient grounds of knowledge ; and they sought to explain 
the universe merely by the exercise of a vigorous imagina- 
tion and a rigorous logic. one cannot therefore wonder 
that they sometimes lost touch with reality. As has been 
said: "The intellectual vigour of the philosophers of 
antiquity, indeed, was capable of the grandest and most 
comprehensive views of nature, and often conducted them 
to the most sublime truths, but in attempting perpetually 
to soar above the vulgar paths of observation and 
experience, they speedily became confounded in the 
mists of error and conceit." 
To two only of those ancient views special reference 
need be made on account of the important part which they 
played in the evolution of the science of chemistry. 
In the philosophy of Aristotle, based on that of Empe- 
docles, we find the conception of one primordial matter 
which acted as the carrier of certain essential qualities 
which were taken to be hotness, coldness, wetness, dryness. 
The elements were regarded not as material things but 
rather as the combinations of these qualities ; and by the 
union of these in different proportions the different sub- 
stances were formed. 
This conception of the constitution of matter dominated 
science until the time of Robert Boyle in the seventeenth 
century ; and the idea of the existence of four " elements " 
(fire, air, earth, water) lingers on, in popular thought, even 
to the present day. Moreover, so long as the view was 
held that matter has no reality in itself, but is merely the 
carrier or embodiment of certain qualities, it is clear that 
the conversion of one form of matter into another by 
altering the proportions of the elemental qualities, would 
appear to be quite feasible ; and the aim of the ancient and 
mediaeval alchemists to effect such a transmutation (to wit, 
a transmutation of the base metals into gold), would seem 
to be neither hopeless nor absurd. 
Fruitless as their efforts in this direction proved, the 
alchemists, like the Arabian Geber, the Spaniard Raymund 
Lully, the German Albertus Magnus, and the English 
Roger Bacon, added much of the highest value to our 
knowledge of substances ; and some of the materials which 
they were the first to obtain, like aqua fortis or nitric acid, 
and oil of vitriol or sulphuric acid, are among the most 
important in the whole of modern chemistry. Wrapping 
itself up in a cloak of mystery and making pretence of a 
knowledge which it did not possess, alchemy, doubtless, in 
many cases, exercised a baneful influence by its appeal to 
the cupidity and baser passions of men, but it acquired 
at last a nobler aim and ideal under the influence of 
Paracelsus, in the sixteenth century. Not the curing of 
" diseased " metals, as the Arabians called the base metalsi 
but, as the handmaid of medicine, the curing of diseased 
men, was the true avocation of alchemy ; and the study 
and preparation of drugs became the main object of the 
chemist. And it is of interest, in this connection, to note 
that in our older Universities, the predecessors of the 
present professors of chemistry were professors of medi- 
cine ; and the makers and sellers of drugs, our pharmacists 
and apothecaries, are those to whom in the common and 
legal language of the present day we apply the name of 
Powerful as was the influence exerted by the philosophy 
of Aristotle, there arose, in time, men who refused to accept 
the doctrine of the four elements ; and the overthrow of 
this philosophy was completed in the seventeenth century 
by Robert Boyle, of whom it has been said that " he was 
the father of chemistry and the uncle of the Earl of Cork." 
Pure substances, as Boyle pointed out, can be divided 
into two classes. In the one class are those which have, so 
far, resisted all attempts to decompose them, or to break 
them down into substances simpler than themselves. These 
substances, according to Boyle, are the true elements, and 
this definition of an element is still retained. The defini- 
tion, it should be noted, does not postulate the impossibility 
of decomposition, but insists merely on the fact that the 
possibility, if it exists, has not so far been realized. 
In the second class of pure substances are placed 
those which, by one means or another, can be resolved 
into simpler substances. These more complex substances 
are called compounds. Thus, for example, if we heat in a 
glass tube the red substance known as red precipitate or 
oxide of mercury, we find that a gas is given off which has 
the property that it will cause a glowing splint of wood 
to re-ignite ; and, at the same time, metallic mercury is 
deposited in shining droplets on the cooler portions of the 
tube. We have thus decomposed the red substance into 
metallic mercury and a gaseous substance, to which the 
name of oxygen has been given. This red substance, there- 
fore, is a compound, a compound of mercury and oxygen. 
In spite of most laborious and prolonged efforts, 
chemists have not succeeded in reducing the number of 
the elements to less than about eighty. Of these eighty 
odd elements, a list of which for convenience of future 
reference we give below, all the substances in the known 
universe are built up. 
List of the Elements. 
Aluminium AI 27*1 
ADtimony Sb 120*2 
Argon A 39'^^ 
Arsenic... .As 74*96 
Barium Ba 137*37 
Bismuth Bi 3oS*o 
Boron B iro 
Bromine Br 79'92 
Cadmium... Cd 112*40 
Caesium Cs 132*81 
Calcium Ca 40*07 
Carbon C l2*oo 
Cerium Ce 140*25 
Chlorine CI 35*46 
Chromium Cr 52*0 
Cobalt Co 58*97 
Columbium Cb 93*5 
Copper Cu 63*57 
Dysprosium Dy 162*5 
Erbium Er 167*7 
Europium Eu 152*0 
Fluorine F 19*0 
Gadolinium Gd 157*3 
Gallium Ga 69*9 
Germanium Ge 72*5 
Glucinum Gl 9*1 
Gold Au 197*2 
Helium He 3*99 
Holmium Ho 163*5 
Hydrogen H 1008 
Indium In 114*8 
Iodine I 126*92 
Iridium Ir I93'i 
Iron Fe 5584 
Krypton Kr 82*92 
Lanthanum La 139*0 
Lead Pb 207*10 
Lithium Li 6*94 
Lutecium Lu 174*0 
Magnesium Mg 24*33 
Manganese Mn 54*93 
Mercury Hg 200*6 
Molybdenum Mo 96*0 
Neodymium Nd 144*3 
Neon Ne 20-3 
Nickel Nl 5868 
Niton (radium emanation) Nt 222*4 
Nitrogen N 14*01 
Osmium Os 190*9 
Oxygen O i6'oo 
Palladium Pd 106*7 
Phosphorus P 31*04 
Platinum Pt 195*3 
Potassium K 39*10 
Praseodymium Pr 140*6 
Radium Ra 226*4 
Rhodium Rh 102*9 
Rubidium Rb 8545 
Ruthenium Ru lor? 
Samarium Sa 150*4 
Scandium Sc 44*1 
Selenium Se 79*3 
Silicon Si 28*3 
Silver Ag 107*88 
Sodium Na 23*00 
Strontium Sr 87*63 
Sulphur S 32*07 
Tantalum Ta 181*5 
Tellurium Te 127*5 
Terbium Tb 159*3 
Thallium Tl 204*0 
Thorium Th 233*4 
Thulium Tm 168*5 
Tin Sn 119*0 
Titanium Ti 48*1 
Tungsten W 184*0 
Uranium U 238*5 
Vanadium V 51*0 
Xenon.... Xe 130*2 
Ytterbium (Neoytterbium)Yb 172*0 
Yttrium Yt 89*0 
Zinc Zn 65*37 
Zirconiam Zi 90*6 

only about twenty of the elements occur free or un- 
combined in nature ; and the amounts in which the 
different elements exist vary very greatly. Of all the 
elements found in the earth, the seas, and the air, oxygen 
and silicon are by far the most abundant, as the following 
analysis shows : — 
Chemical Composition of the Earth. 
Per cent. 
Oxygen 4985 
Silicon 26*03 
Aluminium 7*28 
Iron 4*12 
Calcium 3*18 
Per cent. 
Sodium 2*33 
Potassium 2'33 
Magnesium 2*11 
Hydrogen 0*97 
Other elements i'8o 
In other words, the two elements, oxygen and silicon, 
constitute together three-quarters of the whole of terrestrial 
Underlying the philosophy of Aristotle was the idea 
that matter is continuous, that it is capable of infinite 
sub-division ; but with the overthrow of the doctrine of 
the four elements of Aristotle there was revived another 
ancient hypothesis which had been put forward by the 
Greek philosophers Leucippus and Democritus, an hypo- 
thesis which has been preserved and expounded for us, 
with a wealth of poetic imagery, by the Roman poet 
Lucretius. According to this hypothesis, the ultimate con- 
stituents of matter are indivisible particles — the "atoms" 
or " first beginnings of things " — eternal and immutable, 
in which, as explained by Aristotle, " the common primitive 
matter, differing in size and form of its parts, is the principle 
of them all." By the coming together of these atoms the 
substances constituting the material world were regarded 
as being formed ; and the diversity of substances was held 
to be due to differences in the size and shape of the atoms 
composing the substances. " Now mark and next in order 
apprehend of what kind and how widely differing in their 
forms are the beginnings of things, how varied by manifold 
diversities of shape, . . . The things which are able to 
affect the senses pleasantly, consist of smooth and round 
elements ; while all those, on the other hand, which are 
found to be bitter and harsh, are held in connection by 
particles that are more hooked, and for this reason are 
wont to tear open passages into our senses." (Lucretius.) 
These views must seem crude to the modern mind, and 
even Newton, at the end of the seventeenth century, could 
not greatly refine them. Thus he expressed the view : " It 
seems probable to me that God, in the beginning, formed 
matter in solid, massy, hard, impenetrable, moveable 
particles, of such sizes and figures, and with such other 
properties, and in such proportion to space, as most con- 
duced to the end for which He formed them ; and that 
those primitive particles, being solids, are incomparably 
harder than any porous bodies compounded of them ; even 
so very hard as never to wear or break in pieces ; no 
ordinary power being able to divide what God himself 
made one in the first creation." 
The great authority of Newton was a powerful support 
to the atomic conception of matter, but it was not till the 
beginning of the nineteenth century that this fundamental 
hypothesis was developed into a theory by which the 
observed phenomena and the laws of chemical combination 
could be quantitatively explained or co-ordinated. It was 
only after this had been done, however, that the general 
hypothesis of the atomic constitution of matter could 
become of any real value in science, and nothing has in- 
fluenced the progress of chemistry so much as the achieve- 
ment of this by the Manchester schoolmaster, John Dalton. 
To the older philosophers, the atoms or indivisible 
particles into which matter could be divided, all consisted 
of the same primordial material, although differing in size 
and shape. The atoms of Dalton, however, differed in 
their nature. In the case of any particular element, the 
definition of which we have already learned, the atoms 
were assumed to be all exactly alike in their properties, 
including, of course, their mass ; but they differed from the 
atoms of any other element. 
Further, according to Dalton, a compound is formed 
by the coming together or combination of atoms of different 
kinds ; and since the nature of the compound will neces- 
sarily depend on the number and kind of the atoms 
present, the composition of the compound must be definite. 
This is the first fundamental law of chemistry, the law of 
constant or definite proportions. 
And still further. Since the fundamental assumption 
of the atomic theory is that atoms are indivisible, that they 
cannot be broken up into anything smaller, it follows that 
if one particular element A combines with another element 
B to form compounds containing different proportions of A 
and B, the higher proportions of the elements must be 
whole multiples of the lowest proportion. That is to say, 
we can have the compounds A 4- B, A + 2B, 2A + B, 
2 A + 3B, etc., where A and B represent atoms of the 
elements A and B. Here, then, we have the explanation 
of the second fundamental law of chemistry, the law of 
multiple proportions. 
JOHN DALTON, 1766-1844. 
To face p. lo. 
At first Dalton made no distinction between the 
smallest particle of an element and the smallest particle 
of a compound. Both were called atoms. But it is 
clear that this must cause difficulty, because although the 
atom of an element may be regarded as indivisible, the 
atom of a compound must still be capable of being split 
up into smaller particles, namely the atoms of the com- 
ponent elements. A new name was therefore introduced 
by the Italian chemist, Avogadro, who called the smallest 
particle of a compound a molecule ; and a molecule of a 
compound, therefore, consists of a number of elementary 
atoms. We have, then, the definition that an atom is the 
smallest particle of an element which can enter into the 
composition of a molecule, or which can take part in 
chemical exchange. It is, so to speak, the smallest coin 
in chemical currency. A molecule, on the other hand, 
is the smallest particle of a substance which can exist in 
the free state. 
But it does not follow that the atoms and molecules of 
an element mean the same thing. In some cases they do, 
and the atoms of such elements as argon and helium, for 
example, can exist in the free state, by reason of the fact 
that they possess no power of combination. But in very 
many cases the free atoms of an element combine together 
to form aggregates of like atoms, so that the molecule of 
an element, or the smallest particle of the element capable 
of free existence, may consist of two or three or even of 
four atoms combined together. 
In the table given on p. 7, we see that opposite each 
element is a letter or group of letters, by means of which 
we can represent shortly the particular element. Each of 
those symbols^ as they are called, represents an atom or 
one atomic proportion of the particular element ; and since 
a compound is regarded as being formed by the combina- 
tion of atoms, we can conveniently represent the molecule 
of a compound by writing the symbols of the constituent 
atoms side by side. Thus, NaCl represents a compound 
of sodium and chlorine, the molecule of which contains one 
atom of sodium and one atom of chlorine ; CO, similarly, 
represents a compound of carbon and oxygen ; and so on. 
But, frequently, the molecule of a compound is formed by 
the combination of elements in more than one atomic pro- 
portion, and so we write, for example, H3O, which is the 
formula (as it is called) for water ; a formula which 
indicates that the molecule of water contains two atoms 
of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. The formula NH3, 
similarly, which is the formula for ammonia, indicates 
that the molecule of this compound contains three atoms 
of hydrogen united with one atom of nitrogen. 
The use of these symbols and formulae is a great 
convenience and renders much assistance to the chemist 
in understanding chemical changes ; and we shall make 
use of them to some extent in our future discussions. 
To one point more we must refer. According to the 
' These symbols were introduced early last century by the Swedish 
chemist Berzelius, who ased the initial letter of the Latin name to represent 
the element. Where the name of more than one element began with the 
same letter, a second letter was added as a distinguishing mark. By using 
the Latin names of the elements, the symbols were rendered international ; 
and we can thus understand why, in certain cases, the symbols are not 
obvious abbreviations of the English name of the element. Thus, we have, 
Sb a antimony (stibium) ; Cu « copper (cuprum) ; Au ■■ gold (aurum) ; 
Fe «■ iron (ferrum) ; Pb ■■ lead (plumbum) ; Hg =■ mercury (hydrargyrum) j 
' K ■> potassium (kalium) ; Ag — silver (argentum) ; Na «■ sodium (natiium) ; 
ba =a tin (st:>anum). 
atomic theory of Dalton, the atoms of a particular element 
are all exactly alike, and different from the atoms of other 
elements. If the atoms have definite properties, however, 
they must also have a definite mass or weight. Although 
shrewd estimates of the absolute weights of atoms have 
been made, it is clear that we cannot handle these infini- 
tesimally small particles of which many millions are con- 
tained in the tiniest piece of matter which can be seen by 
the eye ; we cannot place these atoms on the scale pan 
of our balance and ascertain their weight. But we can 
determine the relative weights of the atoms, and such 
determinations constitute one of the greatest achievements 
of science which followed in the train of Dalton's atomic 
theory. These relative weights are what are called the 
atomic weights of the elements, and their values are given 
in the table on p. 7. By the introduction of these 
atomic weights, a new and extended meaning is given 
to our formulae. NaCl then becomes not merely a con- 
venient shorthand symbol for the compound sodium 
chloride (rvhich is the chemical name for common salt), 
but it tells us that this compound consists of one atomic 
proportion or 23 parts by weight of sodium, and one 
atomic proportion or 3 5 "46 parts by weight of chlorine, 
the numbers 23 and 35*46 being the relative weights of 
the sodium and the chlorine atom respectively. 

one of the greatest of scientists. Lord Kelvin, said : 
•' I often say that if you can measure that of which you 
speak, and can express it by a number, you know some- 
thing of your subject ; but if you cannot measure it, 
your knowledge is meagre and unsatisfactory." And it 
is because Dalton's theory is a quantitative theory, or 
capable of quantitative expression, that it was possible for 
the hypothesis of the discontinuous or atomic constitution 
of matter to become the foundation stone of all modem 
physical science ; and it is by the introduction of mathe- 
matics and by the quantitative treatment of chemical 
phenomena, that modern chemistry is mainly distinguished 
from the chemistry of fifty years ago. 

one of the most typical, most familiar, and most important 
cases of chemical action is that which is observed in the 
process of combustion or the burning of substances in air. 
The manner in which the first visible combustion, or fire, 
was brought about on the earth, whether by some lightning 
flash, or by the sparks struck from the flints of primitive 
man ; by the rubbing together of dried wood, or by the 
self-heating of combustible material, will doubtless always 
remain unknown. But in whatever way fire was first 
produced, its importance and value were early recognised, 
as we can understand from the sanctity with which all 
primitive peoples have endowed the hearth ; from the 
Promethean legend of a boon stolen from, not granted 
by the gods ; as ivell as from the later belief of the 
followers of Zoroaster, that fire is the special abode of 
And even in modem times, although the feeling of 
reverence or of awe is no longer inspired by a process 
which can be explained in terms of chemical action, and 
can be produced at will by the striking of a match, we 
are not likely to underrate the importance of combustion 
when we remember that our present-day civilisation, in 
all its manifold forms of expression, in manufactures, 
in railway and steamship transport, in artificial illumina- 
tion, etc., is based on a process of combustion. 
What then is the explanation of this process of com- 
bustion } Not so very long ago, the view was held that the 
property of combustibility was due to the presence in the 
combustible substance, of a fiery principle, phlogiston ; and 
that when a substance burns, the phlogiston escapes, 
leaving behind the ash, or calx, as it was called in the case 
of a metal. Charcoal, which burns leaving practically no 
ash, was therefore regarded as being almost pure phlo- 
giston. This was the explanation of combustion given, 
more especially, by Stahl, towards the end of the seven- 
teenth century ; and it was not till a hundred years later 
that the "phlogiston theory" was finally overthrown by 
the French chemist Lavoisier, who died in 1794, a victim 
of the guillotine, in the troublous times of the French 
The long life of such an erroneous theory as that due to 
Stahl may be attributed to the fact that chemistry was, at 
that time, still largely a qualitative or descriptive science, 
and it was considered that form rather than weight was the 
characteristic property of substances. The balance, of 
course, was known and used, but its importance was not 
fully appreciated ; so that when it was found that the 
products of a combustion weigh more than the original com- 
bustible substance, the upholders of the phlogiston theory 
sought to defend their position by identifying phlogiston 
with the principle of levity. The escape of the principle of 
levity from the body, left the body heavier. 
Much as we may be inclined to smile at such an expla- 
nation, we must remember that the phlogiston theory served 
usefully its day and generation, and satisfied even the 
modern requirements of a theory, in that it gave an expla- 
nation of combustion which satisfied men's minds at the 
time, and also inspired a large amount of fruitful investi- 
gation. Who can say that even some of our most cherished 
theories may not be considered by the unthinking a hundred 
years hence, to be equally worthy of derision ? The phlo- 
giston theory, however, long outlived its usefulness, and the 
tenacity with which it maintained itself is an instructive 
illustration of the difficulty which most minds have of 
freeing themselves from the authority of a long-held 
theory ; and it conveys a lesson, which is not unnecessary 
even at the present day, that a theory from being a helpful 
guide may readily become an oppressive tyrant. As 
Liebig wrote many years ago, after having himself been a 
victim of the misfortune to which he refers : " No greater 
misfortune could befall a chemist than that of being unable 
to shake himself free from the power of preconceived ideas, 
and, yielding to the bias of his mind, of seeking to account 
for all phenomena which do not fit in with these ideas by 
explanations which have no basis in experiment." 
But the irresistible force of facts was gradually 
increasing, and after the discovery of the gas oxygen by 
Priestley and by Scheele, in the year 1774, Lavoisier was 
able to put forward a new interpretation of the process of 
combustion of substances in air; and with that interpre- 
tation, modern chemistry was born. 
Air is, essentially, a mixture (not a compound), of the 
two invisible gases, oxygen and nitrogen.* The former of 
1 Air contains also, quite norraally, small quantities of carbon dioxide 
(carbonic acid gas) and water rapour, both of which play an important part 
these, constituting about one-fifth of the air by volume, not 
only allows combustion to take place, but promotes it to such 
an extent that a glowing splint of wood, when immersed 
in the gas, bursts into flame, and the substance phosphorus 
burns with dazzling brilliancy. Oxygen is very " active," 
and combines with practically every other element, the 
process of combination being known as oxidation. Nitro- 
gen is, however, an inert gas, and even the most brightly 
burning phosphorus is extinguished when introduced into 
it The explanation of combustion is thus not far to seek, 
and is to be found, as Lavoisier proved by the actual 
weighing of the substances, in the chemical combination of 
the burning substance with the oxygen of the air.^ The 
process of combustion, in other words, is a chemical re- 
action, a process of oxidation of the combustible substance 
by the oxygen of the air, which is accompanied by the 
emission of heat and light ; but a flame is formed only 
when the burning substance is a gas at the temperature 
of the combustion. The nitrogen of the air takes no 
part in the process, but acts merely as a diluent which 
moderates the vigour of the combustion. 
But if combustion in air is a chemical reaction between 
in the economy of nature ; as well also as the rare gases argon, helium, neon, 
krypton, and xenon. 
' It may, perhaps, also be remarked in passing, that it was Lavoisier, who, 
owing to the constant use which he made of the balance and the importance 
which he attached to its indications, established the fundamental law of 
miaterial science, the law of the conservation of matter, which states that in no 
chemical action is matter either created or destroyed ; the sum of the masses of 
the reacting substances is equal to the sum of the masses of the products 
formed. The matter can be changed in form ; it cannot be altered in quantity. 
All later experimental investigation, even the most recent, carried out with all 
the care and refinement of accuracy of which the modern balance is capable, 
has served only to confirm this law discovered by Lavoisier. 
the combustible substance and the oxygen of the air, why 
does the former not take fire when exposed to the air ? 
We may allow the coal gas to escape from the burner, or 
a candle or piece of wood or coal may be left exposed lo 
the air, or even to pure oxygen, without any apparent 
change taking place ; and in order that they shall exhibit 
the phenomenon of combustion, that is, in order that they 
shall undergo the process of oxidation, or combination with 
oxygen, with production of heat and light, it is necessary to 
heat the materials up to a certain temperature, called the 
ignition point of the substance. Combustion then goes on 
of itself. The explanation of this fact is that the velocity 
or vigour of every chemical change is increased by eleva- 
tion of the temperature. At the ordinary temperature, the 
oxidation of the candle or the coal takes place so slowly 
that no change is apparent even over long periods of time. 
If, however, the temperature of the combustible material is 
raised, the rate at which it reacts with the oxygen of the 
air rapidly increases, and consequently the production of 
heat which accompanies the reaction also rapidly increases, 
until, at a certain point, the ignition point, the reaction 
takes place with such rapidity that the heat which is pro- 
duced by the process of oxidation is sufficient to raise 
the substances to incandescence and also to maintain the 
burning substance at a temperature above the ignition 
point. The process of combustion is thus enabled to 
proceed continuously. 

on the other hand, if the burning substance is cooled 
sufficiently, the temperature is lowered to below the igni- 
tion point, and so the combustion ceases. A simple 
experiment which can be carried out by any one will 
serve to demonstrate this important truth. If we hold a 
piece of metal wire gauze at a distance of half an inch or 
an inch above a burner from which coal gas is issuing, and 
if we then apply a light to the gas above tJte gauze, we shall 
find that the flame of burning gas is arrested by the gauze 
and does not pass through to the burner (Fig. i) ; for the 
wire gauze conducts the heat of the flame away so rapidly 
that the temperature is lowered to below the ignition point 
of the gas. only after tlie gauze has become quite hot 
does the gas below the gauze become ignited. Similarly, 
Fig. I. 
if the gauze is brought down on a flame of burning gas, 
the flame is extinguished at the gauze. The gas itself, 
however, passes through, as can be shown by bringing a 
light to the upper surface of the gauze, when the gas will 
take fire. 
The cooling power of wire gauze received, early last 
century, an application of the highest importance in the 
miner's safety lamp invented by Sir Humphry Davy. 
This lamp has undergone a striking change and marked 
improvement since the time of its first invention, and the 
modern safety lamp (Fig. 2) shows little sign of the means 
whereby safety is secured. But on careful examination it 
is seen that all the holes through which air can pass to the 
fiame, or the hot air and products of combustion can pass 
out, are protected by fine wire gauze. Although, therefore, 
the combustible gas, the " fire-damp," can pass through this 
gauze and can burn inside the lamp, the flame cannot pass 
through the gauze and be communicated to the explosive 
mixture of fire-damp and air in the mine. 
Warning of the presence of the dangerous fire-damp is 
given to the miner through the luminous flame of the lamp 
lYirt SMoza. 
-Miner's Safety Lamp. 
In the old form of lamp, the flame was surrounded by a closed cylinder 
of wire gauze which considerably diminished the light emitted by the lamp ; 
but in the modern type, a cylinder of glass is inserted, whereby the efficiency 
of the lamp is greatly increased. 
becoming crowned by a "cap" of pale blue flame. The 
greater the amount of fire-damp the larger is the cap. 
The process of combination with oxygen which, as we 
have seen, is the essential feature of the combustion process 
in air, may, however, go on appreciably even at tempera- 
tures below the ignition point. Thus, when metallic iron 
is exposed to moist air, it rusts. This rust is oxide of iron, 
a compound of iron and oxygen ; and the process of 
rusting is therefore a process of oxidation, a process of 
combustion, against which it is necessary to protect, by 
paint or other means, all iron structures exposed to the 
air, if we would have them last. This slow combustion, as 
it is termed, can be demonstrated more strikingly with the 
metal aluminium, which has a greater affinity for oxygen 
than iron has. When finely divided aluminium is heated 
in the air, as, for example, when aluminium powder is 
blown through a flame, it burns with a very bright light ; 
but when exposed to the air at the ordinary temperature, 
the metal remains apparently unchanged. As a matter of 
fact it rapidly combines with the oxygen of the air, but the 
coherent film of oxide which is formed on the surface, pro- 
tects the metal from further attack, and therefore no change 
is apparent. But let us now coat the surface of the metal 
with mercury. By this means a liquid amalgam or alloy of 
mercury and aluminium is produced, and the formation of 
a coherent film of aluminium oxide is thereby prevented. 
The aluminium is consequently no longer protected from 
the continued action of the oxygen of the air. In this case 
we observe that the aluminium undergoes oxidation quite 
rapidly, the oxide forming a moss-like growth on the sur- 
face of the metal. The heat which is produced by the 
oxidation, although quite marked, is dissipated so quickly 
that the temperature does not rise to the point of incan- 
descence, and so no light is seen. 
Processes of slow combustion, or combustion unaccom- 
panied by the emission of light, are going on continually 
within our bodies, and are the source of the heat by means 
of which the temperature of the body necessary for health, 
is maintained. When air is drawn into the lungs, the 
oxygen passes or diffuses through the thin walls of the 
blood vessels, and is absorbed by the blood, whereas carbon 
dioxide passes from the blood into the air-spaces of the 
lungs and is expelled in the expired air. The oxygen is 
carried by the blood to all parts of the body, and oxidises 
or burns the tissues and assimilated food materials with 
production of carbon dioxide and water, the former being 
then conveyed by the blood back to the lungs and so 
got rid of. 
The presence of carbon dioxide in expired air is readily 
shown by blowing through a tube into clear lime water 
(a solution of slaked lime in water). The liquid very 
speedily becomes turbid owing to the separation of 
insoluble carbonate of lime, formed by the combination 
of carbon dioxide with the slaked lime. The production 
of a turbidity with lime water is used as a test for, or 
method of, detecting the presence of carbon dioxide. 
In the processes of putrefaction and decay, also, we 
have examples of slow combustion, in which animal and 
vegetable material is oxidised by the oxygen of the air, 
with the co-operation of various micro-organisms ; and 
efficient aeration, as in a rushing and tumbling stream, is 
an excellent means of purifying water from all kinds of 
organic and bacterial contamination. 
Under favourable conditions, the process of slow com- 
bustion may pass into rapid combustion with production of 
light. For, if the heat which is produced by the com- 
bination of the oxygen with the combustible material is 
prevented from being dissipated, the temperature will go 
on rising gradually, and as the temperature rises, the 
vigour of the combustion increases. More and more heat, 
therefore, is produced in a given time, the temperature 
rises more and more rapidly until, finally, it reaches the 
point at which light is emitted. The slow combustion 
passes into rapid combustion, and the combustible material 
takes fire without the application of external heat ; in 
other words, it undergoes spontaneous combustion. In this 
way arise, for example, the so-called " gob " fires, in spaces 
from which coal has been removed, and where coal-dust 
and fine coal remain behind ; so also may fire break 
out in coal bunkers and in other confined spaces in 
which combustible matter, like oily cotton waste, is 
stored without proper ventilation. Such spontaneous 
combustion will, of course, take place with special readi- 
ness in the case of readily inflammable substances, or 
substances which have a low ignition point, such as 
phosphorus. Thus if this substance is dissolved in the 
liquid known as carbon disulphide, and if the solution is 
then poured on a sheet of filtering paper, or thin blotting- 
paper, the carbon disulphide soon evaporates and leaves 
the phosphorus on the paper in a finely divided state. The 
oxygen of the air rapidly unites with the phosphorus, and 
the heat which is thereby developed soon raises the 
temperature to the ignition point of the phosphorus, and 
rapid combustion sets in. 
Although the most familiar examples of combustion 
are those which take place in air, the term combustion 
must not be restricted only to such cases. Combustion, 
in its widest meaning, is a process of chemical action in 
which so much heat is generated that the burning substance 
becomes incandescent and emits light ; and such a process 
may occur even when no air or oxygen is present. Thus, 
for example, the gas hydrogen will bum not only in air, 
with production of the substance water, but it will also 
burn in the gas chlorine with formation of the compound 
known as hydrogen chloride or hydrochloric acid gas. And 
similarly, other cases of combustion are known which do 
not depend on the presence of oxygen, and are not 
processes of oxidation. 
Even when the combustion is due to the combination 
of the combustible material with oxygen, to a process of 
oxidation as we have called it, the oxygen need not be 
present in the gaseous form, but may be yielded up by some 
compound containing it. Various well-known substances, 
such as chlorate of potash and saltpetre (potassium 
nitrate), can act as suppliers of oxygen in this way, and 
the use of such substances for promoting combustion has 
long been known. Touchpaper^ for example, the slowly 
burning paper which is so familiar in connection with fire- 
works, is prepared by soaking paper in a solution of salt- 
petre, and allowing it to dry. The saltpetre is in this way 
deposited in the fibres of the paper, and renders the latter 
more readily combustible. Such paper does not require 
the presence of gaseous oxygen for its combustion, but 
will burn in an atmosphere of nitrogen or other inert gas. 
In the case of gunpowder, also, which we shall discuss at 
a later point (p. 70), saltpetre is similarly made use of as 
a reservoir of oxygen. 
In recent years, the process of combustion by means 
of combined oxygen has been turned to very good account 
for the purpose of obtaining economically and with ease, 
the metals chromium, manganese and titanium, which 
could formerly be obtained only with considerable difficulty. 
The metal aluminium, we have seen, has a great affinity 
for oxygen, and it combines with great vigour not only with 
gaseous oxygen but also with the oxygen contained in 
compounds. If, then, we mix the oxide of chromium with 
aluminium powder, and strongly heat the mass at one 
point by means of a special ignition mixture, the aluminium 
combines with the oxygen of the chromium oxide, and so 
much heat is thereby generated that the combustion rapidly 
spreads throughout the whole mass. Oxide of aluminium 
is formed, and the metallic chromium, which is set free, is 
fused and collects at the bottom of the vessel. In this way 
large quantities of chromium are now produced for use, 
more especially, in the manufacture of a " stainless steel " 
which does not tarnish in contact with food or acids ; and 
also of a very hard steel known as chrome steel. By the 
introduction of this process, known as the Goldschmidt pro- 
cess, chromium, which twenty years ago cost as much as 
;^25 a pound, can now be obtained for I2s. 6d. a pound. 
A modification of the above process has become familiar 
in recent years through its application to the welding of 
tramway rails, and to the repair, in situ, of broken castings, 
shafting, etc., by the so-called thermit process. For this 
process, oxide of iron is employed instead of oxide of 
chromium, and the molten iron which is produced, and 
which has been raised to a temperature of about 5400"* F., 
by the vigour of the reaction, is run into a mould formed 
round the ends of the rails or fractured metal. The rails 
are thus raised to such a high temperature that they can 
be readily welded by pressure, or the fracture is filled with 
fresh iron and a solid joint effected 
The very high temperature produced by the combustion 
has also led to the use of thermit mi.xture in incendiary 
bombs designed to be dropped from airships, the bombs 
being furnished with a special mechanism by means of 
which the thermit mixture can be ignited automatically. 
In order to bring about the various cases of combustion 
which we have been discussing, it is necessary, as we have 
seen, to raise the temperature to a certain point, the ignition 
point. Nowadays this causes no difficulty ; and it may be 
regarded as not the least of the services which chemistry 
has rendered to man, that it has put it within his power to 
obtain fire at will, with a minimum both of trouble and 
expense. From the primitive method of rubbing two dried 
sticks together to the use of the flint and steel ; and from 
the latter to the modern safety match, is indeed an advance 
the importance of which for our modem civilisation it 
would be difficult to estimate and impossible to over- 

one of the characteristics of chemical action, as we 
have seen it exemplified in the process of combustion, is 
the production of heat, but it was not till early in the nine- 
teenth century that practical suggestions were made for the 
employment of such a means of producing fire. one of the 
earliest of these suggestions which had a certain measure of 
success was made by a Frenchman named Chancel, who 
tipped strips of wood with a mixture of potassium chlorate 
and sugar, bound together by means of gum. When this 
composition was dipped into concentrated sulphuric acid 
(oil of vitriol), the sugar took fire and burned at the ex- 
pense of the oxygen contained in the potassium chlorate ; 
and this combustion was then communicated to the wood 
splint. These matches were sold as late as the middle of 
last century. About 1827, John Walker, an Englishman, 
patented a match the tip of which consisted of a mixture 
of potassium chlorate and sulphide of antimony, and this 
mixture could be ignited by being drawn between folds of 
glass paper. These matches, known as lucifers, were the 
first friction matches used. 
But there is a substance the use of which for matches is 
at once suggested both by its name and by its properties, 
the readily inflammable substance phosphorus, which was 
discovered as long ago as 1669, and is prepared at the 
present day from calcium phosphate. From the readiness 
with which this substance ignites, it was only natural that 
attempts should be made to utilise it as a convenient fire- 
producer. Such attempts were at last successful, and 
phosphorus-tipped matches, known as Congreves, were in 
almost universal use until a comparatively recent time. 
The tips of these matches consisted, essentially, of a 
mixture of phosphorus and some substance rich in oxygen, 
such as potassium chlorate, or red lead (oxide of lead), 
bound together with gum or glue, and coloured with 
various pigments. We can all recollect these matches, 
which had such a fascination for us in our younger days 
through the glow of phosphorescent light which they 
emitted when slightly warmed by rubbing on the hand. 
As fire-producers these matches were a great advance on 
those which had gone before. But for every advance a 
certain price has to be paid, and for the phosphorus match 
mankind has found the price too heavy. The accidental 
fires due to the ready inflammability of the phosphorus, and 
the general danger of its unrestricted use ; the number of 
deaths, accidental or intentional, produced by phosphorus 
poisoning ; and the terrible disease, known its " phossy 
jaw," or necrosis of the jaw-bone, which attacked the 
workers in the match factories, led to a ban being placed 
on what had been hailed as a boon ; and the use of 
ordinary white or yellow phosphorus ^ has, in most civilised 
countries, been forbidden by law. 
But the element phosphorus occurs not only in the 
readily inflammable and poisonous white variety, but also 
in a totally distinct form, that of a dark red powder which 
is much less readily inflammable and is non-poisonous. 
It is produced by heating ordinary phosphorus in closed 
vessels to a temperature of about 480" F. Attempts were 
therefore made to utilise this form of phosphorus, and the 
difficulties which were at first encountered, were ultimately 
overcome by a German chemist about the middle of last 
century ; and his invention, first taken up in Sweden, led 
to the introduction of the so-called Swedish or safety 
match. In these matches the red phosphorus is not 
incorporated in the match head, but is used in the com- 
position with which the rubbing surface is coated. The 
match tip consists of a mixture of sulphide of antimony 
and an oxidising substance such as potassium chlorate, 
red lead, or potassium bichromate ; and sulphur and char- 
coal are sometimes added. This mixture will not take 
fire when rubbed on a rough surface, but only when rubbed 
on the specially prepared surface coated with a paste of 
red phosphorus mixed, sometimes, with sulphide of anti- 
mony and powdered glass. Moreover, in order to diminish 
the risk of accidental fire through the glowing wood of a 
' Pure phosphorus is a white, translucent, wax-like substance which can be 
cut with a knife. When exposed to sunlight it becomes yellow or even red io 
colour owing to its conversion into the so-called red phosphorus. 
used match, safety matches are soaked in a solution of 
alum, sodium phosphate, ammonium phosphate, or some 
other salt. The charred wood of the match is thereby 
strengthened, and the match ceases to glow almost imme- 
diately after being blown out. 
When the use of white phosphorus was forbidden, the 
attention of chemists was directed to the discovery of other 
materials which might be used instead, and a non-poisonous 
match was produced which possessed the advantage of the 
old phosphorus match, of striking on any rough surface. 
In the case of this "strike anywhere" match, the tipping 
composition consists of a mixture of sulphide of phosphorus 
and potassium chlorate, or other oxidising material, bound 
together with glue, and powdered glass is also sometimes 
added to increase the friction and so facilitate the inflam- 
mation of the match head. 
To render the wood of the match more readily inflam- 
mable and so allow of the combustion passing on from 
the tip to the wood, the latter is impregnated with paraffin 
wax, although, sometimes, as in the case of some Con- 
tinental matches, sulphur is employed instead. 
In the case of vesuvians, the match head consists of 
a mixture of 'powdered charcoal and nitre, to which some 
scenting material, such as gum benzoin or sandal wood, 
is added. This head is then tipped with a striking mixture 
such as has already been described. 
The making of matches, once a " dangerous occupa- 
tion," has now passed from the handworker to the machine, 
which not only cuts the blocks of wood into splints of 
proper size and shape, but tips them with the inflammable 
mixture and packs them into boxes, which it also makes 
and labels. A single machine can thus turn out over 
5,000,000 matches in a day. only by such means could the 
almost incredible number of matches be produced which are 
turned out annually by the match factories of the world. 
The firm of Bryant and May, the largest British manu- 
facturers, can alone produce, in the course of a year, as 
many as 90,000,000,000 matches, not to mention wax 
vestas and tapers, and it has been estimated that the 
annual consumption of matches in Great Britain amounts 
to about nine matches per head of population per day. 
Although the ordinary match forms by far the most 
usual means of obtaining fire and light, one must not fail 
to mention the recently introduced briqiiets, or " cigar 
lighters." When an alloy of iron and the metal cerium 
is rubbed against a piece of steel, small particles of the 
alloy are rubbed off and take fire in the air. If the 
sparks so produced are allowed to come into contact with 
a piece of tinder or with the vapour of petrol, or similar 
volatile liquid, the latter takes fire and we thus obtain a 
flame. In this apparatus we have, in a refined form, the 
old flint and steel of our fathers. 
Ceria, or oxide of cerium, is now produced in large 
quantity as a by-product of the manufacture of incandescent 
gas mantles {p. 53), and is derived mainly from monazite 
sand, valuable deposits of which are found in Brazil and 
also in Travancore, India. It was while investigating how 
the accumulations of ceria might be utilised that Auer 
von Welsbach discovered, early in the present century, the 
peculiar property of the iron-cerium alloy which led to the 
above application. 
At the present time when, by the mere touch of the 
finger on a button, we can instantly obtain a flood of 
brilliant light, it is difficult to realise what must have been 
the conditions of life when man had to be content with 
the smoky flame of the pine torch or of the rush dipped in 
olive oil which burned with but a feeble light even in its 
vase of finest workmanship. Think also of the old gutter- 
ing candle, with its constant need of "snuffing," and you 
will understand how great has been the advance in the 
direction of artificial illumination ; and practically the 
whole of this advance has taken place since the beginning 
of the nineteenth century. 
The production of light depends in all cases, with 
the exception of electric light, on the process of com- 
bustion in air, and it is therefore only what one would 
expect, that man first made use of those naturally occurring 
substances and materials which can be burned without 
requiring previous special treatment. Thus, the vegetable 
oils, such as olive oil and rape-seed oil, furnished, from a 
very early period, the main light-giving material ; and at 
a later date, the need of a vessel to contain the oil was 
done away with by using the solid animal fats, in the 
form of candles. 
For the earliest candles a solid animal fat was em- 
ployed, such as ox-fat or tallow, and the candle was 
made by repeatedly dipping the wick, which was first made 
from the pith of the rush and later of cotton fibres, into 
the melted tallow. From the manner in which they were 
made, these candles were called dips. 
But early in the nineteenth century, the advance of 
chemical knowledge enabled man to improve upon nature ; 
the natural was superseded by the artificial, and the task 
of the careful housewife, who used to save the superfluous 
kitchen lard for the purpose of candle making, became 
the business of the manufacturer. This development of 
the modern candle- making industry we owe to the eluci- 
dation by a French chemist, Chevreul, of the chemical 
nature of fats and oils. 
The animal and vegetable fats and oils, so different 
in outward appearance, are all of the same chemical 
nature ; all are compounds of the familiar substance glyce- 
rine (CsHgOs), with various acids, such as palmitic acid 
(C16H32O2), stearic acid (CigHggOa), and oleic acid 
{CigH3402). The first two acids are solids and give rise 
to solid fats ; but oleic acid is a liquid, and the glycerine 
compound derived from it is also a liquid, and the main 
constituent of olive oil. When, therefore, animal fat or 
tallow was used in making the old-fashioned dip, the soft 
material, the glycerine compound of oleic acid, present 
in varying amounts in the different fats, ran from the 
burning candle and so caused a wasteful guttering ; while 
the glycerine present in the fat also gave rise, on burning, 
to an unpleasantly smelling product. 
In the making of the modern candle, the fat or tallow is 
first boiled with acidified water in order to separate the 
fibrous matter from the fat, and the latter is then subjected 
to the action of superheated steam in presence of a little 
slaked lime, whereby the fat is decomposed into glycerine 
and the acids with which it was combined — stearic, palmitic 
and oleic acids. After purification, the mixture of acids is 
distilled, and the solid acids separated from the liquid oleic 
acid by pressing. The solid thus obtained consists mainly 
of stearic acid or stearin, and forms, generally with the 
addition of a small quantity of paraffin wax, the material of 
the ordinary stearin candle of the present day. This 
candle has the advantage over the old tallow dip, in being 
harder and cleaner to handle, in having a better appearance 
— white and opaque — in showing no tendency to bend or 
to gutter, and in burning with a bright and smokeless 
The paraffin wax, to which we have just referred, is 
itself also largely used for making candles. It is a white 
material which was formerly chiefly obtained by heating in 
retorts, or distilling, the oil shale found in the Lothians, 
Scotland. It is now also produced in large quantities 
in Germany by distilling brown coal or lignite, and is 
obtained from American and Galician petroleum. It 
consists of a mixture of compounds which contain only 
hydrogen and carbon, and are therefore called hydrocarbons ; 
it thus belongs to an entirely different class of compounds 
from the fats or the fatty acids, all of which contain 
oxygen. Before being employed for the making of 
candles, the crude paraffin is subjected to a refining process 
for the purpose of obtaining a wax of higher melting point 
and free from coloured impurities. The material so 
obtained is valued for its slightly translucent appearance, 
but it has the disadvantage, as compared with stearic acid 
or stearin, that when exposed to a warm atmosphere, it is 
h'able to bend under its own weight. 
The wax candles formerly so highly prized, were made 
of beeswax, a substance related in its composition to the 
fats and oils, and consisting mainly of a compound of 
palmitic acid with an alcohol known as melissyl alcohol. 
Lastly, spermaceti, a similar compound obtained from the 
oil of the sperm whale {physeter -macrocephalus), is another 
excellent but expensive material used in the manufacture 
of candles. Candles made of this material have long 
been used as a standard measure of artificial light, on 
account of the large and regular flame with which they 
Although the materials of which candles are made are, 
of course, combustible, it should be remembered that they 
do not burn unless the temperature is raised to a point 
sufficiently high to cause them to pass into vapour ; and it 
is the vapour which burns and so gives rise to the flame. 
When a match is applied to the wick of a candle, the small 
amount of stearin or paraffin which remains in the wick 
from previous use, is vaporised and ignited, and a bright 
flame is at once produced. But as the amount of combus- 
tible material in the wick is very small, the flame quickly 
subsides, and it increases again to its normal size only when 
the heat of the flame has melted a quantity of the solid 
candle. This liquid then rises up the wick by what is 
known as capillary action — just as one can mop up water 
with a piece of blotting paper — and is then vaporised and 
ignited by the heat of the flame. Moreover, the upward 
current of air produced by the flame, cools the surface of 
the candle so that the upper edge remains solid and so 
forms a cup in which the liquid produced by the heat of 
the flame, collects. If the candle is placed in a draught, or 
if for any other reason the flame does not burn symmetri- 
cally, the rim of the cup gets melted away, and the candle 
" gutters." This is the reason why the ornamental candles 
with fluted or otherwise moulded surface, however 
beautiful, while unburnt, they may appear to the eye, do 
not fulfil the proper function of a candle so well as the 
plain and unadorned variety. 
In the old tallow candles, the wick required to be 
snuffed from time to time ; that is, the unburnt end of the 
wick had to be removed with a pair of special scissors. 
The reason for this is as follows. Immediately surrounding 
the wick of the candle there is the unburnt vapour of the 
candle material, and this vapour cuts the wick off" from 
contact with the atmospheric oxygen. Consequently, 
although the wick becomes charred by the heat of the flame, 
it is not consumed, because the oxygen of the air is not 
allowed access to it. The charred wick, therefore, con- 
tinues to increase in length and there is conducted up into 
the flame more of the liquid fuel than can properly be 
consumed. The flame then burns dim and emits a large 
amount of smoke. one can readily understand how all the 
trouble and inconvenience of the constant snuffing could 
lead a Goethe to declare, in words which may be rendered 
thus — 
There could be no greater discovery made, 
Than of candles to burn without snuffers' aid. 
And this discovery was made by the Frenchman <^ 
Cambac^res in 1825, the necessity for snuffing being 
obviated by the use of twisted or flat plaited wicks. As 
the candle burns, the end of the wick, as everyone may see 
by looking at a burning candle, curls or bends outwards to 
the edge of the flame, and coming, in this way, into con- 
tact with the oxygen of the air, it burns away, and so no 
snuffing is required. But if the best results are to be 
obtained, the manufacturer must pay great attention 
to the proper selection of the wick as regards its size and 
texture in relation to the material of the candle ; and care 
also must be given to the proper treatment or " pickling " 
of the wick with saltpetre or other chemicals, in order 
to prevent smoking and the formation of an ash. 
In its fight with other illuminants, the candle dies hard ; 
indeed, it does not die at all, for the consumption of 
candles goes on increasing. Convenience in use, especially 
in mines ; poetic sentiment and an age-long tradition which 
have made the candle the type of all light-bearers ; as well 
also as aesthetic and economic considerations, all conspire 
in favour of the candle. In Great Britain alone, between 
40,000 and 50,000 tons of candles are consumed annually, 
by far the greatest proportion of these being paraffin candles. 
In the southern districts of Scotland there occur deposits 
of shale which, when heated in retorts out of contact with 
the air, yields the white paraffin wax to which we have 
already referred. But besides this, large quantities of 
h'quid oil are also produced which, in the early days of the 
industry, was a by-product of comparatively little value. 
But the oil was bought, bought indeed at a low price, and 
shipped to Germany; and when its use there was investigated, 
it was found that a special lamp had been invented in 
which the oil was used as an illuminant. So commenced 
the use of mineral oil for the production of light. Soon, 
however, this Scottish industry was seriously threatened 
by the discovery and exploitation of oil deposits in 
America, Russia and other parts of the world; but it 
fought for its life, fought with the only weapons which were 
of any avail, the weapons of science, and it prevailed. 
And we have in Scotland, in the life of the oil shale 
industry, a striking testimony to the power of science in its 
practical applications. 
When one stirs the mud of decaying vegetation at the 
bottom of a stagnant pool, bubbles of a gas rise up, and 
on holding a light near the surface of the water the gas 
takes fire. This inflammable gas, from its occurrence in 
marshy districts, has long been known as marsh gas. It 
is this gas, also, which, escaping from the coal beds 
during mining, mixes witli the air of the colliery and 
constitutes the explosive mixture fire-damp. Marsh gas, 
or methane as it is called in chemistry, is also the main 
constituent of the combustible gas which escapes from the 
earth in various oil-bearing regions in America, and in the 
region of Baku on the Caspian Sea, where the Holy Fire 
of the burning gas was for long a place of pilgrimage of 
the Persian Guebers, or fire-worshippers. To-day all this 
is changed. "The worship of the Eternal Fire in the 
Surakhani temple is dead ; the priest has left behind no 
followers ; but the oil that dimly lit a shrine now illumi- 
nates an empire, and bids, ere long, to give light and 
heat to an entire hemisphere." ^ 
» Matvin, •• The Region of the Eternal Fire." 1884, 
Methane, or marsh gas, is the lowest member of a 
long series of hydrocarbons (the name given to compounds 
composed entirely of hydrogen and carbon), all of which 
have similar chemical properties and composition. The 
molecule of methane consists of one atom of carbon to 
which four atoms of hydrogen are united ; and since an 
atom of carbon is never found to combine with more than 
four atoms of hydrogen, the carbon is said to be saturated, 
and methane is spoken of as a saturated hydrocarbon. 
Diagrammatically, we can represent the molecule of 
methane thus : 
H— C— H 
But the element carbon is remarkable among all the 
elements in its property of combining also with other atoms 
of carbon, and so forming " chains " of carbon atoms, so 
that a series of compounds is obtained which may be 
represented by the diagrams : 
H H H H H 
H— C— C— H ; H— C-C— C— H ; etc 
H H H H H 
C,H, (Ethane). C,H, (Propane). 
A large number of such compounds are known, and 
it will be observed that we can represent the composition 
of each of them by the formula Q^^^n + 2. 
It may also be mentioned here that other hydrocarbons 
are known which contain a lower proportion of hydrogen, 
aiid are therefore said to be unsaturated. Thus, if we 
take away two hydrogen atoms from each of the com- 
pounds of the methane series, we obtain hydrocarbons 
which we can represent by the formulae : 
H H 
n. /H H. I I 
>C=C<: ; >C=C— C~H; etc. 
H/ \H IV I 
CjH^ (Ethylene). C,TI, (Propylene). 
These constitute another series of hydrocarbons, known 
by the name of the first member ethylene. As we shall 
see, this gas plays an important part in coal gas. 
Hydrocarbons are also known which contain a still 
lower proportion of hydrogen, or higher proportion of 
carbon, for example acetylene, C2HJ or HC^CH, the 
first of a series having the general formula C^Hj^ _ 2- 
American petroleum consists mainly of a number of 
hydrocarbons belonging to the methane series, from CH4 
up to C30 He2 ; but the petroleum obtained in Southern 
Russia contains also a number of hydrocarbons belonging 
to a different series with a lower proportion of hydrogen, 
and more akin to the substance benzene. These naturally 
occurring mineral oils, then, formed by the gradual de- 
composition of marine animal and vegetable matter under 
the age-long action of heat and pressure, are not single 
substances but mixtures of a large number of different 
compounds, the lowest members of which are gases which 
escape from the earth as " natural gas." As the proportion 
of carbon in the compounds increases, the hydrocarbons 
become less and less volatile, and boil, therefore, at higher 
and higher temperatures ; and when the number of carbon 
atoms in the molecule is greater than sixteen, the com- 
pounds are solid at the ordinary temperature. 
When the crude petroleum is distilled (Fig. 3), the lower 
and more volatile hydrocarbons pass over first ; and by 
collecting the liquid which distils over at different tem- 
peratures, a series of " fractions," as they are called, is 
obtained. The liquid which distils over between the 
temperatures of 120** and 140" F., is called petroleum ether, 
and is largely used as a solvent ; the fraction distilling 
over between 160* and 190" F., is called gasoline or petrol. 
Fig. 3. — Apparatus used fob Distilling Liquids. 
A, a vessel in which the liquid is boiled and so converted into vapour 
which passes through the long neck, B, to a spiral " worm," or condenser, C, 
kept cold by means of flowing water. The condensed vapour issues at D and 
can be collected. E, tube through which cold water enters ; F, exit for warm 
condenser water ; T, thermometer to indicate the temperature of the vapour. 
and finds extensive use in the engines of motor cars, and 
also for illuminating purposes (petrol-air gas) ; while the 
fraction distilling between 250° and 300° F. is called 
benzine (not benzene) or benzoline, and is used as a " dry 
cleaning " agent, for the removal of oil and grease stains 
from leather, cloth, etc. 
As the temperature of distillation rises, the hydro- 
carbons of higher boiling-point distil over. The fraction 
distilling between 300** and 570** F., constitutes burning oil 
or kerosene, while from the higher fractions one obtains 
lubricating oils, vaseline, and in some cases, solid paraffin, 
which is used for making candles, waterproofing paper, 
and other purposes. 
Since paraffin oil, or kerosene, contains a relatively 
large proportion of carbon, it burns with a smoky flame, 
owing to incomplete combustion, unless there is a liberal 
supply of air. When this oil is used as an illuminant, 
therefore, the flame is surrounded by a chimney whereby 
a draught of air is created and oxygen thus brought in 
larger amount to the flame ; and in the case of lamps 
with a circular wick, a tube must also be provided through 
which air can pass to the inner surface of the flame. 
In the early days after the introduction of mineral oil 
as an illuminant, explosions and fires were not infrequent, 
and these led to the introduction of special legislation to 
regulate the use of such oil. The accidents which occurred 
were due mainly to the insufficient removal of the more 
volatile constituents of the petroleum, and these, mixing 
with the air in the oil reservoir of the lamp, formed an 
explosive mixture which became ignited by the flame. 
To obviate such risks, it has been enacted that only such 
oil shall be used as does not give off an inflammable 
vapour below a certain temperature. This is tested by 
heating the oil in a special apparatus under specified con- 
ditions, and determining the temperature at which, on 
passing a light over the mouth of the vessel containing 
the oil, a flash of flame is seen. This is known as the 
flash-point of the oil, and in Great Britain it has been 
enacted that the flash-point must not be below 73° F., 
when determined by what is known as the "closed" test 
By far the most important illuminant at the present 
day is the gas obtained by heating coal in a closed vessel 
or "retort," out of contact with the air. That a com- 
bustible gas can be produced in this way has long 
been known, but it is to a Scotsman, William Murdoch, 
that belongs the credit of having developed the process 
for the production of an illuminating gas for general 
use.* That was towards the end of the eighteenth century, 
but it was only after the lapse of ten or twelve years 
that the gas began to be publicly and generally used. 
The great change which was thereby effected in the 
appearance of the towns and in the comfort of the people, 
is described by a writer in the early nineteenth century: 
"We all remember the dismal appearance of our most 
public streets previous to the year 18 10; before that time, 
the light afforded by the street lamps hardly enabled the 
passenger to distinguish a watchman from a thief, or the 
pavement from the gutter. The case is now different, 
for the gas-lamps afford a light little inferior to daylight 
and the streets are consequently divested of many terrors 
and disagreeables, formerly borne with because they were 
When we recall what street illumination was like in 
our own times, before the introduction of the incandescent 
mantle and electric light, the fact that the writer just 
quoted could regard the light afforded by the gas-lamps 
of the early nineteenth century as being little inferior to 
daylight, must certainly convince us that " the appear- 
ance of our most public streets previous to the year 1810" 
* William Murdoch was associated with the engineering firm of Messrs. 
Boulton and Watt, Birmingham, and it was in their works at Sobo that coal 
gas was first used (in 179S) on a large scale as an illuminant. 
must have been very dismal indeed. And yet the cry is 
for light and still more light 
Coal is not a definite chemical substance, but a complex 
mixture of substances, the nature of which is not yet 
definitely known. The essential elementary constituents of 
coal are carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, but the elements 
nitrogen and sulphur also occur in small amounts ; and 
when coal is heated in closed retorts, or " distilled " as one 
says, there is obtained not only the gas which is used for 
illuminating purposes, but also considerable quantities of 
ammonia and of tar, and there remains in the retort a 
residue of coke. Half a century ago, the ammonia and the 
tar were regarded as by-products of little value, but, as we 
shall learn more fully later, they have more recently 
acquired an importance but little inferior to the illuminating 
gas itself;^ while, owing to the great developments of the 
iron and steel industry, the demand for coke has, in recent 
times, become so great, that many millions of tons of coal 
are now distilled annually for the production, primarily, not 
of gas but of coke. 
Although the nature of the products as well as their 
relative amounts depend on the kind of coal distilled and 
on the temperature at which the process is carried out, we 
may say that, under the general conditions met with in 
gas works, the main products obtained and their relative 
amounts are as follows : — 
Approximate quantity formed 
from I ton of coal. 
1. Illuminating gas 1 1 ,000 cubic feet. 
2. Coal tar 120 lbs. 
3. Ammonium sulphate 25 „ 
4. Coke 1500 „ 
I In some cases the value of the ammonium sulphate recovered as a by> 
prodnct may equal or even exceed the cost of the coal distilled. 
In the manufacture of illuminating gas, the coal is 
heated in large fire-clay retorts at a temperature of about 
1800° F., and the products of decomposition are led away by 
a pipe the mouth of which dips under the surface of water 
contained in what is known as the hydraulic main (Fig. 4). 
Here, part of the water and of the coal tar condense, while 
the gaseous products pass away to a series of cooling pipes, 
exposed to the air, in which a further condensation of 
water vapour and of tar takes place. The ammonia present 
in the gas dissolves for the most part in the water 
produced, and the remainder is removed by passing the gas 
through "scrubbers." The gas still contains a number of 
substances the presence of which would be deleterious, the 
more important of these being sulphuretted hydrogen and 
carbon dioxide. The sulphuretted hydrogen is harmful 
because it gives rise, in the burning gas, to sulphur 
dioxide (the pungent gas formed when sulphur burns in 
air), which exercises a destructive action on plants, 
furniture, etc. ; and the presence of carbon dioxide is 
objectionable because it lowers the illuminating power 
of the gas. To free the gas from these impurities, 
therefore, it is passed, first of all, through a series of boxes 
containing trays covered with slaked lime which combines 
with and so removes the carbon dioxide ; and then through 
another series of boxes containing oxide of iron, which 
removes the sulphuretted hydrogen, by forming with it the 
compound sulphide of iron. When conversion of the oxide 
into sulphide is complete, the material is incapable of 
removing any more sulphuretted hydrogen, but it can be 
revivified by exposure to the air. Through this exposure, 
the oxygen of the air reconverts the sulphide of iron into 
oxide of iron, and the sulphur is set free. In this way the 
oxide of iron may be used repeatedly, until at length 
the accumulation of sulphur renders it inefficient The 
material, however, still has its uses, for it is sold to the 
manufacturer of sulphuric acid who utilises it in the 
manner we shall learn later. 
After undergoing the various processes of purification, 
the illuminating gas passes to the gasometer, and is then 
ready for distribution to the consumers. Although the 
composition of the gas supplied by different works is by no 
means the same, nor invariable even in the case of the 
same works, the following numbers may be taken as 
representing an average composition of illuminating gas. 
Composition of Coal-Gas 
Hydrogen 49 pcr cent, by volume 
Methane 35 
Unsaturated hydrocarbons (Ethylene, etc.) 4 
Carbon monoxide 5 
Carbon dioxide * . 0*5 
Nitrogen 6 
Oxygen O'S 
Coal-gas, then, as we see, is a mixture of a number of 
gases, and of these carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and oxygen 
represent what we may call impurities ; they act merely as 
diluents and lower the illuminating power of the gas. 
Of the combustible gases present in coal-gas, hydrogen 
burns with a non-luminous, scarcely visible flame ; carbon 
monoxide, with a non-luminous flame of a bright blue 
colour ; ^ and methane, with a flame which has only a slight 
illuminating power. Ethylene, however, burns with a 
' The lambent blue flame seen on the top of a clear-burning fire, is due to 
the combustion of carbon monoxide. 
strongly luminous flame, and it is to this gas, and to the 
other unsaturated hydrocarbons present in small amounts, 
that the luminosity of a coal-gas flame is mainly due. 
Among the unsaturated hydrocarbons present, there may 
be mentioned benzene (or benzol, to give it the name by 
which it is known in commerce), the vapour of which 
burns with a luminous flame and with the production of 
a large amount of soot. 
What, then, is the explanation of the luminosity of the 
flame of burning coal-gas, or of a candle, or petroleum ? 
The answer is that which was given long ago by Sir 
Humphry Davy : The luminosity depends on the de- 
composition of the hydrocarbons with liberation of particles 
of carbon which are then raised to incandescence by the 
heat of the burning gases. The presence of this finely 
divided carbon can, indeed, be readily shown by bringing 
a cold object into the luminous part of the flame ; it 
becomes coated with soot These carbon particles, how- 
ever, do not escape into the air, but on reaching the edge 
of the flame where they come into contact with the oxygen 
of the air, they are completely burned to the invisible gas 
carbon dioxide. And so, on examination, we see in these 
flames three zones : an inner non-luminous zone of un- 
burnt gas or vapour ; a luminous zone in which the carbon 
particles are raised to incandescence ; and a very faint outer 
zone surrounding the flame, in which complete combustion 
of the carbon particles takes place. 
From the explanation which has just been given, it will 
readily be understood that the luminosity of a flame will 
be increased by increasing the proportion of carbon-yield- 
ing substances in the burning gas ; and hydrocarbons, and 
more especially unsaturated hydrocarbons, which contain 
a relatively large proportion of carbon, will be the most 
effective substances to use. By such additions it is possible 
to " enrich " a poorly luminous gas, a fact which is made 
use of at the present day in many of the larger gas works. 
Not only can a combustible gas be manufactured by 
the distillation of coal, but when steam is passed over red- 
hot coke, a gas is obtained which is a mixture of hydrogen 
and carbon monoxide : 
C + H2O = CO + H2 
Carbon (coke) and water give carbon monoxide and hydrogen, v 
Although this gas mixture, known as water gas, has no 
illuminating power, it can be manufactured at a small cost, 
and after being enriched by the addition of unsaturated 
hydrocarbons, obtained by the decomposition or "crack- 
ing " of oil at a high temperature, it is added (as carburetted 
water gas) to the gas obtained by the distillation of coal. 
If the coal-gas, before being burned, is mixed with a 
suitable amount of air, the molecules of the combustible 
gas find oxygen with which they can combine, ready at 
hand, so to say, and combustion takes place rapidly and 
completely without the separation of carbon particles ; the 
flame is therefore non-luminous, but much hotter than the 
ordinary luminous flame. This principle was made use of 
by the German chemist Bunsen in the burner which goes 
by his name, and is applied in gas fires, gas cookers, etc 
(Figs. 5 and 6). In the Bunsen burner, the gas issues 
from a jet which is surrounded by a wider tube, near 
the foot of which holes are pierced through which air is 
drawn into the burner by the uprush of gas. The gas 
thereby becomes mixed with air, the amount of which 
necessary to ensure complete combustion can be regu- 
lated by enlarging or diminishing the size of the air 
openings. If too much air is admitted to the gas, the 
mixture becomes explosive, and the flame strikes back 
to the jet where the gas enters the 
burner. If this occurs, the gas must 
be at once turned out, as incomplete 
combustion takes place and products 
of a very poisonous character are 
formed. These, fortunately, betray 
their presence by a powerful and 
unpleasant odour. 
If, instead of supplying the lumi- 
nous coal-gas flame with air, we 
Fig. 5.— Bunskn Burner. 
A, air-hole by which air 
can pass into the tube and 
mix with the gas which 
enters at the small jet seen 
through the opening. The 
supply of air can be regu- 
lated by means of the 
movable ring R. 
Fig. 6. — Gas Cooker, constructed 
on the principle of the bunsen 
supply it with oxygen, a still better result, that is, a 
greater production of heat, and therefore a higher tempera- 
ture, can be obtained ; for the nitrogen of the air acts 
merely as a diluent and so cools down the flame. We 
cannot, however, in this case make use of the ordinary 
burner, for the mixture of oxygen and coal-gas would be 
explosive, and the flame would at once " strike back." A 
burner of special construction is therefore employed which 
allows of a jet of oxygen being blown into the geis as it 
burns at the mouth of the burner, and we thus obtain what 
is known as the oxy-coal-gas blowpipe flame (Fig. 7). If 
this flame is allowed to impinge on a highly refractory 
material like quicklime, the latter is raised to a brilliant 
incandescence, producing the well-known lime-light (Now- 
adays, the oxide of the rare metal zirconium is largely 
used in place of lime.) 
The high tempera- 
ture produced by 
means of the oxy-coal- 
gas flame ^ has recently 
found an interesting 
and important applica- 
tion in the manufacture 
of artificial gems, such 
as rubies and sapphires. 
These gems consist Air 
.' 11 r -J r Fig. 7. — Blowpipb. 
essentially of oxide of . , . , 
When the gas is burning at the mouth of 
aluminium (alumina), the wider tube, air or oxygen is blown into the 
, , . , flame through the inner tube. 
a substance which oc- 
curs naturally as corundum, and, in an impure state, as 
emery. It is a very refractory substance, but it can be 
melted in the oxy-coal-gas blowpipe flame. When a 
mixture of 975 per cent, of alumina and 25 per cent, of 
oxide of chromium is heated in the blowpipe flame, it is 
fused, and, on cooling, solidifies in the crystalline form of 
the ruby. It ts a ruby, identical in physical and chemical 
properties with the natural gem ; and it differs from the 
latter solely in minute irregularities of internal structure 
detectable only by the eye of the expert. In the manner 
' If hydrogen is used in place of coal-gas, a still higher temperature, up to 
about 3600° F., can be obtained. 
described, artificial rubies weighing as much as eighty 
carats, or over half an ounce avoirdupois, have been 
obtained ; and they can be purchased uncut at about 8d. 
per carat, and at 5j. per carat cut as a gem. These artificial 
rubies, on account of their great hardness, are now manu- 
factured in large quantities for use in the bearings of 
watches and for other purposes. 
Sapphires can be obtained in a similar manner by fusing 
a mixture consisting of alumina and small quantities of the 
oxides of titanium and iron. 
For a number of years the position of coal-gas as an 
illuminant has been persistently assailed by electricity ; and 
it is very doubtful if the industry could have maintained 
itself but for the invention of the now familiar incandescent 
It is a proverbial saying that necessity is the mother of 
invention, but we should miss the real lesson which the 
incandescent mantle should convey to us, if we allowed 
ourselves to think that it was invented under the pressure 
or the stimulus of necessity or out of the conscious desire 
to improve the illuminating efficiency of gas. Some, indeed, 
had laboured with that end in view, but they laboured in 
vain, and we owe the incandescent mantle, with all its 
enormous economic and industrial consequences, to a 
purely scientific investigation of the oxides of the rare 
metals which was carried out by Auer von Welsbach in the 
laboratory of Bunscn at Heidelberg, in 1884. 
In the course of his investigations, von Welsbach was 
struck by the fact that some of the oxides of the rare metals 
emitted an exceptionally brilliant light when incandescent ; 
and at once his mind grasped the potentialities of 
the fact A scientific discovery, however, is one thing ; to 
make that discovery of practical utility is quite another ; 
and in the present case, as in all cases, a large amount of 
patient and careful investigation had to be carried out 
before the incandescent mantle could be made a com- 
mercial success and be brought to its present state of 
perfection. How great has been its success, into what 
an enormous industry a single observation may develop, 
although made in the course of an investigation having 
apparently no practical importance, is clearly seen from 
the fact that the world's annual consumption of incan- 
descent mantles has been placed at about 300,000,000. 
Let us take the lesson of that discovery and of its 
application to heart. 
To make the discovery of practical utility, " mantles ** or 
" stockings " of woven cotton or, as is now generally used, 
ramie fibre (fibre produced from a plant of the nettle class), 
are soaked in a solution containing the nitrates of thorium 
and cerium * in the proper proportions. These mantles are 
then dried and incinerated, whereby the fibre is burned 
away and the nitrates are converted into a mixture of 
the oxides of the metals, which form a skeleton work pre- 
serving the shape of the mantle. on suspending this in 
the hot, non-luminous flame of a special burner constructed 
on the principle of the Bunsen burner, the mantle is raised 
to incandescence and emits a brilliant white light, about four 
times brighter than is given by the old flat flame consum- 
ing the same amount of gas. From a careful investigation 
' The chief source of these elements is a mineral known as monazite, 
which is found in various parts of the world, but more especially in Brazil. 
it was found that the best results are obtained when 
the oxides are present in the proportion of 99 per cent, 
of thoria (thorium oxide) to i per cent, of ceria (cerium 
oxide). Neither thoria itself nor ceria itself has much 
light-giving power ; and any variation in the proportions 
of the two oxides from those given, is accompanied by a 
diminution in the light-giving power of the mantle. The 
part played by the small quantity of ceria in the mantle 
is, therefore, a very important one, for which, however, 
no completely satisfactory explanation has yet been 
The most plausible explanation so far advanced is that 
the particles of ceria are embedded in a badly conducting 
mass of thoria, which allows of the ceria being heated up to 
a point of brilliant incandescence ; and further, the ceria 
possesses the property of accelerating the combustion of 
the gas, so that the combustion is concentrated or focussed 
on the small particles of ceria. As a consequence, the 
temperature of these particles rises above the average 
temperature of the mantle, and the brightness of the in- 
candescence is thereby increased. This action of the ceria 
is spoken of as a catalytic action, about which we shall have 
more to say later on. Ceria, however, is a substance which 
radiates heat rapidly, and if present in the mantle in larger 
amounts, the loss of heat by radiation is so great that the 
catalytic action is more than counterbalanced, and the 
illuminating power of the mantle is diminished. 
The invention of the incandescent mantle completely 
revolutionised the gas industr>'. Not only could a very 
bright light, rivalling that of the electric incandescent 
lamp, be obtained, but the cost of production of the gas 
was lowered because it was found that equally good results 
could be obtained with a gas of poorer quality, that is, of 
lower illuminating power. Gas manufacturers, therefore, 
were able to use cheaper coal, and, by carrying out the 
distillation at a higher temperature, were able to obtain a 
larger volume of gas from the coal. Although the illumi- 
nating power of this gas when burned in a flat flame is 
lower than formerly, the temperature produced in the flame, 
and therefore the incandescence of the mantle, are not 
greatly affected. 

one other illuminant must be mentioned, th6 use of 
which depends on the process of combustion in air, namely, 
acetylene, a gas which is readily obtained by the action 
of water on a compound of calcium and carbon, known as 
calcium carbide. This substance is obtained by heating to 
a high temperature a mixture of quicklime (calcium oxide) 
and carbon in the form of anthracite coal or coke. The 
preparation is carried out in a special type of furnace 
in which the high temperature necessary is obtained by 
means of the electric arc,^ and owing to its use for the 
production of acetylene and for other purposes, carbide 
is now manufactured in large quantities in most civilised 
Acetylene is an unsaturated hydrocarbon, having a 
relatively large proportion (over 92 per cent.) of carbon, 
as is shown by its formula C2H2 (cf. p. 13). Under 
ordinary conditions the gas burns with a luminous and 
very smoky flame, but by using a special burner which 
* A temperature estimated at between 5000° and 6000° F. can in this way 
be obtained. 
ensures the admixture with the gas of a small amount of 
air, a white, intensely luminous flame is obtained. 
By injecting oxygen into a flame of acetylene, a 
temperature of over 5000° F. can be obtained, and this 
fact has received important applications. If, for example, 
the oxy-acetylene flame is allowed to impinge on a piece of 
iron, the metal is heated locally to redness, and if a fine 
jet of oxygen is then directed against the red-hot metal, 
the iron is oxidised to oxide of iron which melts in the 
intensely hot blowpipe flame, and flows away like water. 
By this means one can cut through even large rods, shafts, 
or girders as easily as a knife will cut through cheese, and 
with a cut almost as fine. The oxy-acetylene blowpipe 
flame was, in fact, used in this way with great effect to 
cut through the dense tangle of iron girders formed by 
the collapse of the buildings in the fire at the Brussels 
Exhibition of 19 10. 
The consideration of the process of combustion, con- 
trolled and utilised for the production of light, leads 
us to the realisation of the fact that in the chemical 
reactions and transformations which take place, we are 
not dealing merely with material things. In the case of 
the burning candle, oil, or coal-gas, it is not the material 
substances — the stearin, paraffin, hydrogen, methane, 
etc. — which interest us primarily, nor the products of 
combustion, the carbon dioxide and the water vapour, 
but the immaterial light, the ethereal vibrations to which 
the process of combustion gives rise. So also, passing on 
to the consideration of combustible substances as fuels, 
and of the process of combustion as a source of heat, we 
again recognise that our interest is focussed not on the 
material nature of the combustibles, but on their efficiency 
as heat-producers. Heat, however, is a form of energy, 
and can be converted into other forms of energy, such 
as mechanical energy, and can perform what we call work ; 
and so it is really in their power of doing work that we 
see the value of combustibles. The combustible sub- 
stances together with the oxygen of the air, represent so 
much potential energy, and the process of combustion is 
like the downward rush of the waterfall in being a process 
by which potential energy becomes available for doing 
work. In the recognition of the supreme importance of 
energy, in the establishment of the law of the conservation 
of energy and of the laws governing the mutual transfor- 
mation of the different forms of energy, we see the crowning 
achievement of nineteenth century physical science ; and 
if one would grasp the spirit of modern chemistry, one 
must learn to regard a chemical change or reaction not 
merely as involving some material transformation but as 
representing a flow of energy out of or into the substances 
undergoing the change. " Real gain," as Sir William 
Ramsay said some years ago in his presidential address 
to the British Association, "real gain, real progress con- 
sists in learning how better to employ energy — how better 
to effect its transformation " ; and it is by the utilisation 
of energy and by the methods of applying and transform- 
ing energy, that the nineteenth and twentieth centuries 
are so strongly marked off from the centuries which pre- 
ceded them. 
At the present day by far the greatest part of the 
energy necessary for the continuance of vital activity, as 
well as for carrying on the industrial life of the world, 
is derived from the energy of combustion of carbon, and 
of its compounds. Through the oxidation of carbonaceous 
food by means of the oxygen taken in through the lungs, 
the vital activity of the animal organism is maintained, 
and the inert carbon dioxide produced in the process is 
sent into the atmosphere in the expired air. But the 
carbon does not thereby cease to be available, for the 
green plants, absorbing the radiant energy of sunlight, 
transform and utilise the carbon dioxide for the purpose 
of building up their own structures and producing com- 
pounds like starch and sugar, which again become the 
food and the source of energy of animals. In the case, 
therefore, of the element carbon which constitutes the 
basic element of all life, we find a continual circulation 
in nature, whereby the mutual preservation of the animal 
and vegetable worlds is secured. The green plants act 
as transformers of the radiant energy of sunlight into the 
potential energy of combustible substances. 
Until comparatively recent times, down, say, to the 
thirteenth century, wood was the almost universal fuel ; but 
since coal first began to be mined, it has become, in an 
ever-increasing degree, the immediate source of the energy 
on the utilisation and transformation of which our present- 
day civilisation depends, and it now occupies a position 
of unquestioned pre-eminence. 
Coal consists of the fossil remains of early, luxuriant 
vegetations. Through an age-long process the cellulose 
of which the woody fibre essentially consists, has become 
converted into more highly carbonised compounds, the 
proportion of hydrogen and oxygen becoming diminished 
owing to the formation of gaseous substances such as 
carbon dioxide and marsh gas. From the figures given 
in the following table, we can recognise the gradual 
carbonisation of cellulose, the materials peat, lignite or 
brown coal, bituminous coal, and anthracite representing 
progressive stages in the natural process.* 
' It must be noted that wood, peat, and coal are not definite chemical 
compounds, and that the composition of the different kinds of coal may vary 
considerably. The numbers given in the table, therefore, are only approxi- 
mate values representing, as it were, the composition and calorific value of 
Carbon. Hydrogen. Oxygen. Calorific value 
B. Th. U. per lb. 
Cellulose (C,H„0») . 44*5 62 49*3 7500 
Wood 50*0 6*o 44*o 7400 
Peat (Irish). . . . 600 $'9 34' » 99«> 
Lignite . 
Bituminous coal 
Welsh steam coal 
Anthracite . 
670 5-2 278 11,700 
884 5-6 6-0 14,950 
92s 47 27j 
. 94- » 3'4 2*5^ 
The process of carbonisation is accompanied by a 
diminution of the amount of gaseous and volatile matter 
which the fuel can yield on being heated, and this 
markedly affects the manner in which the different 
materials burn. Dry wood, we know, burns readily and 
with a bright and cheerful flame, whereas anthracite, which 
represents the most advanced stage in the natural process 
of carbonisation of woody fibre, is ignited only with diffi- 
culty, and burns with a very small and not strongly lumi- 
nous flame. 
But it is not with the cheerfulness with which the 
fuel burns that we are concerned here, but with the all- 
important question of how much heat, how much energy 
is given out in the process of combustion. It is the 
" calorific value " of the fuel that claims our attention 
just now. 
When we examine the different solid fuels from this 
point of view we find, as the figures in the last column of 
the table given above show, that with the progressive 
carbonisation, the heat-producing power of the fuel in- 
creases, so that among all the solid fuels, anthracite stands 
an average member of the different classes. Moreover, other substances, 
more especially nitrogen, are present, besides carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, 
and although, under certain conditions, these substances may give rise to 
important by-products, their influence on the fuel value of the combustible 
materials is very small. 
pre-eminent. A British thermal unit represents the amount 
of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of 
water through i° F., and the numbers in the table show 
that whereas one pound of wood will give out, on burning, 
about 7400 units, an equal weight of bituminous or house- 
hold coal will yield about 14,900, while Welsh steam coal 
and anthracite will give 15,700, units. Hence the im- 
portance which we attach to our supplies of Welsh steam 
coal and anthracite. 
A consideration of these calorific values will, perhaps, 
also help to convince us how unscientific, how irrational it 
is to buy coal, as we do, merely by the weight without 
regard to the amount of heat which the coal can give out. 
It is true that the existence of different kinds of coal having 
varying quality or calorific value, is recognised to some 
extent by a variation in the price charged ; but what is, 
perhaps, not sufficiently recognised is that there may be 
considerable variation in the heat value of even the same 
kind of coal, or of coal drawn at different times from the 
same mine. If we could only realise more thoroughly 
that when we buy coal we do so not for the sake of the 
material itself, but for the energy which can be obtained 
from it, we should soon, I hope, everywhere adopt the 
practice, which is common in the United States and 
on the Continent, of purchasing our coal not merely by 
weight, but with some consideration of its heat-producing 
value, a certificate of which the sellers of the fuel might 
be made to provide. 
During the past fifty years there has taken place thiough- 
out the world an enormous increase in industrial production, 
and the great river of energy which has thus flowed through 
the channel of industry, has had its source mainly in coal. 
The control and direction of such a flow of energy is a 
matter on which man may legitimately congratulate him- 
self. But is there not also some cause for anxiety ? What 
of the future ? The world's supply of coal, this " bottled-up 
sunshine," on which the whole of our boasted civilisation 
depends, is being used up with an almost appalling rapidity ; 
and although, no doubt, the storing up of the sun's energy 
is going on now as in the past, the rate at which coal is 
being formed is so incomparably slower than that at 
which it is being consumed, that it can only be a question 
of time when the coal supply will become exhausted. 
In this country the natural stock of coal is being 
depleted at the rate of nearly 290,000,000 tons per annum, 
and the rate increases rather than diminishes. How long 
can this go on ? With regard to this point, there must in- 
evitably be some uncertainty, and authorities are divided 
in their opinion. But even if we double the estimate of 175 
years, the period — 350 years — is not a very long one in the 
history of the nation. At the end of that time our reserves 
of coal will be exhausted and the industries on which our 
national life and civilisation so largely depend, will be 
imperilled or destroyed. It is therefore of the highest 
national importance that everything possible should be 
done to avoid waste of our irreplaceable supplies of coal, 
and to seek for and develop all other available sources 
of energy. 
How then can we delay the exhaustion of our coal 
supply, and so preserve this life-blood of our industries ? 
Can we, by altering the manner in which we burn our coal, 
procure a better utilisation of the energy and thereby effect 
a saving of the fuel ? The problem is a very complex one 
and a detailed consideration of it would carry us far 
beyond the limits of our present discussion. Anything in 
the nature of a violent revolution is scarcely possible, and 
perhaps not advisable ; but that the public mind should 
become alive to the call for a reform, is imperative in the 
interests of the country as a whole. That a check should be 
placed on the wasteful use of the irreplaceable reserves of 
energy, of which we are the stewards, is a matter which 
should appeal, if not to the moral sense of the nation, then 
surely to that scientific conscience which the stress of the 
times is slowly awakening into life. 
When we consider merely the case of domestic heating, 
in which about forty million tons of coal are consumed 
annually in Great Britain, we have to confess that the 
British open fire is a most wasteful method of heating. 
When fresh coal is put on a fire, a process of distillation 
takes place with production of gas and tarry products 
which, undergoing a partial decomposition with separation 
of carbon, give rise to clouds of smoke. Thereby, it has 
been shown, as much as a third of the heating value of the 
coal is lost. 
But if the open fire is wasteful we shall not willingly 
consent to give it up, and we may place against its waste- 
fulness, its efficiency in promoting ventilation and the 
hygienically advantageous manner of heating by radiation. 
Moreover, its comfortable appearance, " the wee bit ingle 
blinkin' bonnily," is something which has a value of its 
own, not recognised perhaps by science, but which doubt- 
less reacts powerfully on the temperament and character of 
the people. Attempts therefore have been made to produce 
a fuel which can be burned in the open fire and which, by 
avoiding the waste accompanying the production of smoke, 
would not only effect an economy but would also do much 
to abate the " smoke nuisance." By carrying out the dis- 
tillation of coal in retorts one can avoid the most wasteful 
part of the process of burning coal in the open fire, for the 
illuminating gas and the very valuable ammonia and tar 
are collected, and the coke which is left behind can be used 
as a smokeless fuel. Although the ordinary coke of the 
gas-works is such that it cannot be burned readily in the 
open fire, it has been found that by carrying out the distil- 
lation of the coal at a lower temperature, the residual coke 
still contains sufficient volatile matter to enable it to burn 
readily and without smoke in the ordinary grate. Coalite, 
for example, of which much was recently heard, and of 
which, or of similar material, much will doubtless be heard 
in the future, is a smokeless fuel of this description. 
But another way in which economy can be effected, 
especially in towns, is by the use of gas for heating and 
cooking purposes, and recent years have, indeed, seen a 
very great development in this direction. Many improve- 
ments, also, have been effected in the construction of gas 
fires so that their ventilating efficiency and their emission 
of radiant heat have been greatly improved, and they have 
now lost practically all their former unhygienic properties. 
Moreover, owing to the introduction to a greater extent 
of the chemist into gas-works, improvements have been 
brought about not only in the actual methods of gas 
manufacture, but also in the recovery and use of the by- 
products, so that gas can in some cases effectually compete 
with coal even when used for continuous heating. The 
more general use of gaseous fuel would doubtless be 
greatly encouraged by an alteration of the municipal 
regulations. In most cases these prescribe a certain 
standard of illuminating power, but at the present time, 
when incandescent mantles are in almost universal use 
for gas lighting, and when gas is so much employed for 
heating and cooking purposes, it is not the illuminating 
power but the heating power of the gas that is of import- 
ance. And since the cost of producing a gas of high 
illuminating power is greater than that of manufacturing 
a gas of almost equal heat value but lower illuminating 
power, the present regulations, by increasing the cost of 
production, exercise a certain restraint on the increased 
use of gas for heating purposes. 
In the industrial use of coal, also, there is room for 
very considerable improvement. Great economies can be 
and have been effected by the installation of more efficient 
furnaces, and by the more careful control of the air supply ; 
and a still greater saving can in many cases be effected by 
replacing the very inefficient steam engine by the far more 
efficient gas engine. For driving such engines one can 
employ not only the ordinary illuminating gas obtained by 
the distillation of coal, but also other combustible gases 
which can be produced more cheaply. Thus water gas, 
obtained by passing steam over red-hot coke, and consisting 
essentially of carbon monoxide and hydrogen ; producer 
gaSt obtained by passing air over red-hot coke, and consist- 
ing of carbon monoxide and nitrogen ; Mond gas, obtained 
by passing both air and steam over heated coal, and con- 
sisting of a mixture of carbon monoxide, hydrogen and 
nitrogen ; as well as the waste gases formed in many 
industrial processes, are now largely used for the production 
of power. By adopting such methods of fuel economy to 
a greater and greater extent, and by recovering in all cases 
the by-products (ammonia and tar), produced from the 
twenty million tons of coal annually distilled in Great 
Britain for the production of the coke required in metal- 
lurgical processes, savings would be effected which could 
be estimated only in millions of pounds sterling. 
But we can also make use of other combustible 
materials, other fuels, and so reduce the rate at which our 
stock of coal is being depleted. Of these fuels, oil ranks 
first in importance. Not only does petrol, the more 
volatile portion of crude petroleum, constitute a fuel for 
which the demand threatens to exceed the supply, but the 
higher boiling portions of petroleum, which distil over after 
the kerosene or illuminating oil, form a fuel which can be 
burned in boilers, and used for raising steam. At present, 
the world's production of crude petroleum amounts to 
between fifty million and sixty million tons, and this 
therefore constitutes a very valuable supplementary source 
of energy. In recent years the use of oil has greatly 
increased, and so great is its heat-producing power — it is 
one and a half times greater even than anthracite — that it 
would almost seem as if oil were marked out to take the 
place of coal, and to become the fuel of the future. But 
alas ! even at the present rate of consumption, it is esti- 
mated that the world's reserves of oil would last only a 
hundred years ; and there seems, therefore, no hope that 
the dream of an age of oil succeeding an age of coal, will 
ever be realised. 
In some of the great timber-producing countries, wood 
is still used to some extent as a fuel, but on account of its 
price and low heat-producing power (about half that of 
ordinary coal), it cannot find general adoption. Moreover, 
owing to the great demand for timber not only for con- 
structional purposes, but also for use in many manufactures, 
of which the manufacture of paper may be taken as an 
example, the world's reserves of timber are becoming 
greatly depleted ; and the need for the preservation of our 
timber supplies and for the extension of afforestation, is 
more urgent even than the saving of coal which would be 
effected by the greater use of wood as fuel. 
But there is one other source of heat energy whith, we 
may hope, will prove capable of more abundant use and so 
postpone for centuries a world-bankruptcy in fuel. Peat 
occurs in great abundance and widely distributed, and it 
has been estimated that the amount of combustible matter 
in the peat deposits already existing, is greater than in all 
the known coal-fields.^ But the removal of the large 
amount of water which peat contains, is a difficulty which 
lies in the way of the utilisation of this material as a fuel ; 
and when peat is dried in what was formerly the only 
economically successful way, namely, by natural drying in 
air, a bulky fuel with only a low calorific value is obtained. 
The invention, however, of what is called the " \yet carbpn- 
isatiop " process, inspires the hope that a way out of the 
difficulty has already been found. In this process, the wet 
peat is heated under pressure to a temperature of about 
400° F., and the resulting material, which can be dehydrated 
' The area of peat moors in Europe has been estimated at 140,000,000 
acres ; and in Ireland alone the available peat has been estimated as equal to 
2,500,000,000 tons of coal. 
by pressure, is formed into hard briquettes of " peat coal." 
This material bums readily and has a calorific value not 
greatly inferior to that of bituminous coal. Or the de- 
hydrated peat can be employed for the manufacture of 
producer gas which can be used for power purposes, while 
the valuable by-products ammonia, tar, and acetic acid, can 
be recovered. 
The utilisation of water-power is, as we shall see later 
(Chap. IX), a matter in which the chemist can play an 
important part, and we may be sure that future years and 
future ages will witness the utilisation, to an ever greater 
extent, of the energy of flowing and falling water in which, 
at the present time, such enormous amounts of energy 
are running to waste. 
Although the association of energy with chemical change 
has been made very obvious to us in con nection with the 
process of combustion, it is also found in connection with all 
chemical changes. Every chemical system, every collection 
of substances which can spontaneously undergo chemical 
change, represents a certain amount of potential energy, 
and the material change which we observe, and which 
constitutes what we call a chemical reaction, is merely 
the outward sign of the conversion of so much potential 
energy into active energy — heat energy, or some other form 
of energy. Moreover, whenever a chemical change or re- 
action occurs, the heat which is given out, the so-called heat 
of reaction, is, for a given weight of the reacting materials 
and under specified conditions, constant and definite in 
But it must not be thought that all chemical change is 
accompanied by an evolution of heat. In some cases, the 
initial substances possess less energy than the final pro- 
ducts, and the chemical change therefore takes place with 
absorption of heat. Energy, that is to say, must be sup- 
plied to the initial substances in order that they may pass 
into the final products of change. We distinguish, there- 
fore, between exothermal reactions or reactions accompanied 
by evolution of heat, and endo thermal reactions or re- 
actions accompanied by absorption or taking in of heat 
This way of regarding chemical change as being the 
outward and visible sign of energy change is a very in- 
structive one ; for it is clear that if we can make a sub- 
stance take up energy — if we can, as it were, pump 
energy into a substance — we can thereby alter the amount 
of energy of which that substance is the carrier, and so 
change its nature. This fact is clearly illustrated by the 
behaviour of the familiar substance, oxygen. 
The molecule of oxygen consists of two atoms, but 
when the gas is subjected to the action of an electric dis- 
charge under particular conditions, it takes up or absorbs 
some of the energy of the discharge and passes into a gas 
which, on account of its powerful and characteristic smell 
received the name of ozone (Greek o^tu, I smell). The 
material change, the chemical change, which accompanies 
the absorption of energy, is the addition of a third atom of 
oxygen to the molecule of that gas, so that the molecule 
of ozone consists of three atoms of oxygen. Since ozone 
contains more energy than ordinary oxygen, it is a more 
active oxidising agent, and for this reason it is sometimes 
used for the sterilization of drinking water, the ozone 
oxidizing and so destroying the bacterial impurities 
present. Ozone is also used for the purification of air in 
confined spaces and in underground " tubes," but opinion 
is divided with regard to the desirability and efiicacy of 
such treatment. 
At Niagara Falls, large quantities of ozone are used in 
the production of vanillin, the sweet-smelling constituent 
of the vanilla bean pod, by the oxidation of oil of cloves. 
In the case of white phosphorus and red phosphorus, 
and in the case of the three forms of carbon — charcoal, 
graphite, and diamond — we have further examples of 
elements existing in different, so-called allotropic^ forms 
containing different amounts of energy. 
Perhaps the most vivid idea of the large amount of 
potential energy stored up in substances can be gained 
from a consideration of the materials known as explosives. 
In the case of the explosives actually in use, the chemical 
process which occurs is essentially one of very rapid com- 
bustion, with production of gaseous substances occupying 
a volume which, at the temperature of the explosion, is 
much greater, perhaps io,ocx) to i5,cxx> times as great as 
that of the explosive itself. 
As early as the seventh century, we read, a rapidly burning 
mixture, known as Greek Fire, which " came flying through 
the air like a winged long-tailed dragon, about the thickness 
of an hogshead, with the report of thunder and the velocity 
of lightning," was used by the inhabitants of Constanti- 
nople in their defence of the city against the Saracens. 
The discovery of the first real explosive, ^««/t7Wdfer, is, how- 
ever, attributed to Roger Bacon in the thirteenth century ; 
and since that time man has striven to discover new ex- 
plosives of greater and greater power, to learn how better 
to utilise and control the transformation of the enormous 
stores of potential energy contained in explosives, and to 
make them work for him both in peace and in war. Some 
idea of the advance which has been made is gained when 
we compare the artillery used by the English at the battle 
of Crecy in 1346, when the guns "threw little balls of iron 
to frighten the horses," with the modem large gun which 
can hurl a projectile of nearly a ton in weight to a distance 
of thirty miles. 
Gunpowder is a mixture of potassium nitrate or salt- 
petre, charcoal, and sulphur, and its action as an explosive 
depends on the rapid combustion of the sulphur and char- 
coal at the expense of the oxygen contained in the salt- 
petre ; and although great improvements have been made 
in gunpowder in recent times, these improvements have 
been of a physical or mechanical and not of a chemical 
nature. While still largely used in connection with the 
beneficent operations of mining and also for pyrotechnic 
displays, gunpowder is no longer employed as a propellant 
for military or naval purposes. Its use has been given up 
not only on account of the large volume of smoke produced 
in the explosion, which, by speedily hiding everything from 
view prevents the effective use of quickfiring guns, but also 
because explosives of very much greater power and 
efficiency have been discovered. 
The first great advance in the chemistry of explosives 
took place with the discovery in 1846 of gun-cotton or 
" nitro-cotton." Cotton consists, essentially, of the chemical 
substance cellulose, which is, as we have seen (p. 60), a 
compound of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. When this 
is acted on by a mixture of nitric and sulphuric acids, 
various compounds of cellulose with nitric acid (nitrates) 
are formed which are generally known as " nitro-cellulose." 
Since not only cotton, but also purified wood fibre or wood 
pulp (p. 80), and other vegetable fibres consist essentially 
of cellulose, it might be thought that such materials could 
also be used for the manufacture of "nitro-cellulose." 
And this indeed can be done. But in none of these cases 
are we really dealing with a chemical substance possessing 
entirely uniform properties, and the explosive qualities of 
the " nitro-cellulose " prepared from the cellulose derived 
from different sources are not identical. Consequently, 
although the " nitro-cellulose " from wood pulp could be 
used as the basis of propulsive ammunition, guns which 
had been designed for use with a *' nitro-cotton " propellant 
would have to be re-adjusted as regards size of explosion 
chamber and sighting before they could be used with the 
different ammunition. Hitherto cotton waste has always 
been employed for the preparation of gun-cotton, and in 
order to obtain a reliable explosive with uniform properties, 
great care must be exercised in the preparation and sub- 
sequent purification of the gun-cotton as well as in the 
selection and treatment of the material used. 
When ignited, loose gun-cotton burns with great 
rapidity, but not so rapidly as to constitute an explosion. 
The molecule of gun-cotton, however, which, as we might 
say, is almost bursting with energy, is in a very unstable 
condition, and when subjected to a shock, as, for example, 
when a little fulminate of mercury is caused to detonate 
near it, it suddenly decomposes and gives rise to a large 
volume of gaseous substances, nitrogen, oxides of carbon, 
and water vapour. Since these gases are all colourless, 
and as no solid materials are formed, gun-cotton explodes 
without smoke. 
As an explosive, gun-cotton possesses the very im- 
portant property that it can be used wet This wet gun- 
cotton will not take fire when a light is applied to it, but 
when subjected to the shock of a fulminate of mercury 
detonator, it explodes just as readily as when it is dry. 
Thus, torpedoes and sea- mines are charged with rolls of 
moist gun-cotton which have been subjected to a high 
pressure (six tons per square inch) and so compressed into 
hard blocks. 
The explosive or disruptive effect of gun-cotton is very 
great by reason of the rapidity with which the decomposi- 
tion of the substance takes place. Thus, whereas a couple 
of pounds of gunpowder require about a hundredth of a 
second for complete combustion, the same weight of gun- 
cotton undergoes decomposition in about one fifty-thousandth 
part of a second. It is on this fact that the shattering or 
disruptive effect, the " brisance," depends. It is this fact 
also, which makes gun-cotton, which is very valuable as a 
" high " or " disruptive " explosive, unsuitable for use as 
a " low " or " propulsive " explosive in guns. It would 
simply burst the gun. 
The difference in the action of a " low " and of a " high " 
explosive can be illustrated by a well-known experiment. 
A piece of thin sewing cotton is attached to a fairly heavy 
weight suspended so that it can swing freely. If the thread 
be now pulled very gently, the weight can be caused to 
assume a vigorous motion. This corresponds with the 
action of a " low " explosive, in which the explosion takes 
place relatively slowly. If, on the other hand, a sharp 
sudden pull be given, the thread snaps. This corresponds 
with the action of a " high " explosive. 
Although gun-cotton cannot be employed as a pro- 
pellant, the advantages attaching to a smokeless explosive 
are so obvious, that attempts were made to overcome the 
difficulties due to the rapid rate of explosion. These 
attempts to "tame" the gun-cotton, have been entirely 
successful. Nitro-cotton dissolves in various liquids, such 
as acetone or a mixture of alcohol and ether, and when 
these solvents are evaporated off, the nitro-cotton is obtained 
as a gelatin-like material, which is familiar to everyone 
under the name of collodion. In this gelatinised material 
the disruptive properties of the gun-cotton are greatly 
modified. Such gelatinised gun-cotton was the first 
smokeless powder to be used. 
A further advance in the chemistry of explosives was 
made by the Swedish chemist, Alfred Nobel. When 
glycerine, which, as we have seen (p. 34), is readily ob- 
tained from animal or vegetable fats and oils, is treated 
with a mixture of nitric and sulphuric acids, it behaves 
similarly to cotton and yields a substance " nitro-glycerine," 
which is a liquid and very powerful explosive. This sub- 
stance, discovered by Nobel, was difficult to handle on 
account of its great sensitiveness to shock, and was the 
cause of many fatal accidents ; but it was found that 
if the liquid nitro-glycerine was mixed with kiesel- 
guhr, a fine earth composed of the siliceous skeletons 
of marine diatoms, the explosive could be trans- 
ported and handled with comparative freedom from 
danger.* In this form nitro-glycerine has been largely used 
under the name oi dynamite, its explosion being brought 
about by means of a fulminate of mercury detonator. 
When nitro-cotton is added to nitro-glycerine a tough 
jelly-like mass is formed known as blasting gelatin. That 
this explosive is more powerful than dynamite, that it is, 
indeed, one of the most powerful blasting explosives known, 
will cause no wonder, since the nitro-glycerine is not mixed 
with an inactive material like kieselguhr, but with a sub- 
stance which is itself an explosive. 
The British service powder, cordite, is prepared by 
mixing a " paste " of gun-cotton (65 per cent.) and nitro- 
glycerine (30 per cent), with acetone, and adding a quantity 
of vaseline (5 per cent.). The mixture is then forced by 
hydraulic pressure through a die into the form of a thread 
or cord. Hence the name cordite. After evaporating off 
the acetone, the cordite forms a horn-like material which is 
very insensitive to shock and safe to handle. This 
" taming " action of gelatinisation on two of the most 
powerful explosives, is one of the most important and 
remarkable discoveries in this branch of science ; and nitro- 
cotton, gelatinised in one way or another, is now the basis 
of all propulsive ammunition. 
Although nitro-cotton or gun-cotton is extensively em- 
ployed as a high explosive, more especially in torpedoes, 
for use in shells other explosives derived from the products 
of distillation of coal are employed. Of these explosives 
the two most important and most used are picric acid and 
' Wood-flour or wood-meal, burnt cork, charcoal aad other materials are 
also used as absorbents in place of kieselguhr. 
When carbolic acid or phenol, to give it its scientific 
name, is treated with a mixture of nitric and sulphuric acids, 
there is formed trinitrophenol or picric acid. As ordinarily 
obtained, it is a faintly yellow crystalline substance, which 
has long been used as a yellow dye for silk. It melts to a 
liquid at a temperature of 252° F., and in this state it is 
run into the shell. on account of the honey-yellow colour 
of the molten picric acid, this substance received from the 
French the name of melinite ; while in this country it is 
called lyddite, on account of the fact that it was at Lydd, in 
Kent, that its use as a high explosive was first tested. In 
other countries it receives still other names, such as pertite, 
ecrasite, and shimose. Although picric acid can be handled 
with perfect safety, its destructive power, when exploded by 
means of a suitable detonator, exceeds that of gun-cotton 
or dynamite. Some idea of the enormous amount of 
potential energy contained in picric, acid can be gained from 
the fact that when a pound of the substance is exploded, it 
liberates an amount of energy equal to that required to 
raise a weight of over a ton more than one hundred yards 
into the air. Unfortunately picric acid has the property of 
forming with metals compounds which are much more 
sensitive than itself, and so may give rise to untoward 
accidents. Another explosive, therefore, has come into 
favour in recent years, a substance derived from the hydro- 
carbon toluene, and called trinitrotoluene, or T.N.T. This 
substance also is a solid, and can be subjected with impunity 
to very rough usage ; a bullet, even, may be fired into the 
mass without producing any effect. When detonated, 
however, trinitrotoluene explodes with a violence not much 
inferior to picric acid, but as the oxidation of the carbon in 
the compound is by no means complete, dense black clouds 
of carbonaceous matter are produced, and this has led to 
the nicknames of " Coal boxes " and " Jack Johnsons " 
being applied to the shells filled with this explosive. For 
use as a high explosive, trinitrotoluene is also frequently 
mixed with ammonium nitrate. 
But it is not merely for the purpose of strengthening 
man's arm in war that explosives have found an appli- 
cation ; they have also, by rendering possible such great 
engineering works as the Suez Canal and the Panama 
Canal and the boring of tunnels through the mountains 
of the earth, through their use in mining, and in many 
other ways, played an important part in the peaceful 
progress of civilisation. Even in the piping times of 
peace, high explosives are produced, in the United 
Kingdom alone, and chiefly at Nobel's factory at Ardeer 
in Ayrshire, the largest explosives factory in the world, to 
the amount of 17,000 to 18,000 tons per annum. Enormous 
as is now the power wielded by man by means of these 
explosives, it may confidently be anticipated that chemistry 
will yet give him control of still more concentrated forms 
of energy, and will put into his hands still more powerful 
weapons for the advance of civilisation — or, if he will, for 
its destruction. 
We have seen in the previous chapter how the woody 
material of plants has, by the age-long action of natural 
forces, become converted into the most valuable of all 
fuels, coal ; and we have also seen how cotton can, by 
the action of nitric acid, be transformed into one of the 
most powerful of explosives. We must now consider 
very briefly how the chemist has, in other ways, succeeded 
in changing the aspect and nature of the cellulose, of which 
cotton and wood fibre essentially consist, so as to produce 
other materials which can be fashioned into articles of 
utility and of beauty, which minister to the wants, the 
comfort, and even the luxury of man. 
The chemical substance cellulose belongs to a group 
of compounds consisting of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, 
in which the hydrogen and oxygen are present in the 
proportion of two atoms of the former to one of the latter. 
Since this is the proportion in which these two elements 
combine to form water, it was thought that cellulose and 
the other compounds belonging to that group, were 
compounds of carbon with water, and so the name 
carbohydrate was applied to them. The different sugars, 
such as grape sugar, fruit sugar, cane sugar, and also 
starch and a number of other substances, belong to the 
class of the carbohydrates. In cellulose the carbon, 
hydrogen and oxygen are united in the proportions of 
six atoms of carbon, ten atoms of hydrogen, and five 
atoms of oxygen (C^HjoOs), although we do not know 
how many atoms of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen are 
really contained in the molecule. We therefore repre- 
sent cellulose by the formula (CoHiQOf^n where « is an 
unknown whole number. 
The purest naturally occurring form of cellulose is 
cotton, the hairy material which covers the seeds of various 
species of the cotton plant {Gossypium). When this has 
been chemically treated with alkalies and bleaching 
agents, and with acids, in order to remove various 
organic and mineral impurities, the product constitutes 
what is called cellulose. This is one of the most important 
and valuable substances in present-day civilisation, being 
employed in the manufacture not only of cotton and linen 
textile materials, but also of explosives, of paper, and of 
other substances to some of which we shall refer below. 
Its great value for the manufacture of paper depends 
mainly on the fibrous character of naturally occurring 
cellulose, and also on the fact that it is a very stable 
substance and is not acted on by the atmosphere nor by 
most of the other substances with which it ordinarily comes 
into contact 
Less than a hundred years ago, when the production 
of paper was hampered by a Government duty, and before 
a penny postage had stimulated the growth of private 
and business correspondence, or education had created 
the present demand for cheap newspapers and cheap books, 
paper was manufactured entirely from cotton and linen 
rags. But nowadays the supply of these is quite inadequate 
to meet the demand, and recourse is had to the less pure 
forms of cellulose which constitute the skeletal frame-work 
of all vegetable structures ; and large quantities of more 
or less pure cellulose are produced at the present day, 
from straw, various grasses (especially esparto grass), and 
from wood, for use in the different industries of which 
cellulose is the basis. 
Of these different sources of cellulose, wood constitutes 
by far the most important. Wood fibre consists mainly 
of a compound of cellulose with lignone, encrusted fre- 
quently with resinous matter, and in order to isolate 
the cellulose, this compound must be decomposed. 
Formerly this was done by boiling the wood, in the 
form of shavings or chips, with caustic soda (giving rise 
to "soda pulp"), but the latter substance has now been 
very largely replaced by calcium bisulphite (or acid 
sulphite of lime),^ the wood being boiled with the liquor 
under a pressure of several atmospheres. Not only is 
the wood fibre thereby chemically broken up with produc- 
tion of cellulose, but the latter is also bleached to some 
extent by the sulphite. The cellulose is now separated 
from the sulphite liquor, washed and beaten with water 
so as to break down the fibres into small shreds, in which 
form it constitutes wood pulp (" sulphite pulp "). A 
solution of sulphate of soda is also employed to a certain 
extent for the disintegration of the wood-fibre and the 
production of cellulose, the pulp so obtained being known 
as " sulphate pulp." 
' This substance is formed by the action of sulphurous acid (solution of 
sulphur dioxide in water) on limestone. 
Pulp is produced, however, not only by chemical but 
also by mechanical means, the wood being ground to 
powder on rapidly revolving, wet grindstones. In this 
"mechanical pulp," however, the cellulose has not been 
separated from the lignone and the resins in the wood ; 
it is not of a strictly fibrous nature and does not felt 
together readily. It is suitable, however, for mixing 
with other paper-making, fibrous material, especially 
Of the paper manufactured in Great Britain, by far 
the largest proportion is made from wood pulp. 
For the manufacture of paper, the fine cellulose fibres 
obtained from the disintegrated cotton rags, grass, or 
wood pulp, are bleached, washed, and mixed with colouring 
matters if desired. They are then suspended in water 
and run over an endless band of wire gauze, through 
which the water drains away, and the fibres are caused 
to felt together by giving a vibratory motion to the band 
of gauze. The web of felted pulp is now carried between 
heated rollers whereby the paper is dried. 
The paper so obtained is loose in texture and of the 
nature of blotting paper ; and to make it suitable for 
writing or printing it must be sized. For this purpose it 
is passed through solutions of alum and of rosin soap (p. 1 56), 
whereby a compound of rosin and aluminium is formed 
which binds the fibres together and prevents the ink from 
running. The addition of the sizing materials may also be 
made to the pulp before making into paper. Sometimes, 
also, powdered gypsum, white clay, or similar substances 
are added to the paper pulp in order to " load " or give 
body to the paper, fill up its pores, and allow of a more 
highly glazed surface being obtained by calendering, or 
rolling with hot rollers. 
By immersing paper for a short time in a fairly concen- 
trated solution of sulphuric acid, the cellulose is converted 
into a gelatinous mass which fills up the pores of the paper, 
and on being thoroughly washed, the paper is found to be 
parchmentised, or converted into a non-porous material 
resembling parchment (prepared skin of the sheep or she- 
goat). Such parchment paper can also be prepared by 
immersing paper in a solution of zinc chloride ; and by 
compressing together a number of sheets of such parch- 
ment paper, the compressed fibre, or " hard fibre," so largely 
used in the manufacture of travelling cases and trunks and 
as an insulating material for electricity, is obtained. 
When one adds ammonia to a solution of bluestone or 
copper sulphate, a pale blue solid, copper hydroxide, is 
formed ; and if this solid is dissolved in ammonia, a clear 
deep blue coloured liquid (a solution of cuprammonium 
hydroxide) is produced. This liquid has the important 
property that it can dissolve cellulose, and by coating 
paper with the solution obtained and then immersing it in 
acid, the cellulose is thrown out of solution as a gelatinous 
mass which coats the paper and renders it waterproof. In 
this way Willesden paper is prepared. 
As far back as 1889, there was exhibited in Paris a 
material which, in its general appearance, imitated in a 
remarkable manner the fibre spun from the glands of the 
silkworm. This material, however, invented by the French 
chemist Count Hilaire de Chardonnet, was not silk, nor 
was it derived from any animal source whatever, but from 
the vegetable material cellulose.* Nitro-cellulose, or nitro- 
cotton, as we have seen, can be dissolved in certain liquids, 
such as a mixture of alcohol and ether, and when the 
somewhat viscous liquid which is thus obtained is squirted 
through fine openings, and the jet of liquid allowed to pass 
through water, thin threads or filaments are obtained. By 
treating these threads with certain solutions, e.g. a solution 
of sulphide of ammonium, the "nitro-groups," (NO2), to 
the presence of which the gun-cotton owes its explosive 
properties, are removed, and there is again obtained what 
is practically cellulose, the natural structure of which has, 
however, been destroyed by the treatment to which it has 
been subjected. The threads and fibres so produced have 
all the superficial appearance and lustre of silk, and it was 
by this process that the fibre produced by the silkworm was 
first imitated and counterfeited in a commercially success- 
ful manner. 
But it was not long before other and better methods of 
transforming cellulose into fibres and threads resembling 
silk were invented. We have already seen that cellulose 
dissolves in a solution of blue cuprammonium hydroxide, 
and when the viscous mass which is thus obtained is 
squirted into a suitable hardening liquid, threads of a silk- 
like lustre are obtained. 
The method, however, by which most of the artificial 
or imitation silk is made at the present day, the so-called 
viscose process, was invented by two English chemists, 
C. F. Cross and E. J. Bevan. As the basis of this process 
there is used wood pulp, prepared by the maceration and 
* True silk belongs to a class of substances known as proteins, and 
contains nitrogen as well as carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. 
chemical treatment of wood. This pulp is treated with a 
solution of caustic soda and then with the liquid called 
carbon disulphide, whereby a thick syrup-like mass 
is obtained. By forcing this viscous material through 
minute apertures into a suitable liquid, silky filaments are 
produced which can be spun into threads suitable for 
knitting or weaving. The artificial silk, the transformed 
and transfigured wood fibre, obtained by this process is 
superior in lustre, in strength, and in the uniformity with 
which it can be dyed, to that obtained by the processes 
previously described. Although more lustrous than silk 
and costing only half the price, artificial silk has not been 
found to enter into direct competition with the natural 
product ; but for use in the production of articles of 
apparel, whether woven or knitted, of embroideries and 
laces, imitation furs and tapestries, it has developed for 
itself and by reason of its own distinctive properties, a field 
of usefulness already great and rapidly expanding. At 
the present day the world's production of artificial silk is 
estimated at about 7000 tons. And when we admire the 
beauty of this material, do not let us altogether withhold 
our appreciation of the work of the chemists by whose 
ability the woody fibre of the tree has been increased in 
value not merely a hundred but almost even a thousand- 
When the syrup-like viscose is kept for some days it 
undergoes spontaneous decomposition with production of a 
hard horn-like material which may for many purposes 
replace the material celluloid. Transparent and non- 
inflammable films can also be obtained by spreading 
viscose on glass at a temperature of about 175° F. 
The artificial silk to which we have just referred, must 
not be confused with the lustrous material known as 
mercerised cotton, so called after the discoverer of the 
process, John Mercer. Cotton, in its natural state, consists 
of flat, twisted fibres, but when these fibres, tightly 
stretched, are immersed in a solution of caustic soda or 
soda lye, the fibres swell up, become untwisted, and assume 
a nearly straight, rod-like form. The surface of these 
fibres is covered with a number of smooth ridges which, 
reflecting the light falling on them at different angles, give 
rise to a lustrous appearance or sheen. 
To one more application of cellulose, familiar to all, a 
brief reference must be made. In 1869 it was found that 
if camphor is added to a mixture of nitro-cotton and 
alcohol, a hard, horn-like material is obtained, which can 
readily be fashioned, while hot, into articles of various 
shapes and form. This material has received the name of 
xylonite or celluloid, the trade-mark name by which it is 
registered in the United States, the country in which it 
is chiefly manufactured. Although naturally of a clear 
gelatin-like appearance, celluloid can easily be dyed of 
various colours, can be rendered opaque by the addition of 
different substances, and can, by special treatment, be 
made to imitate not only such materials as bone and ivory, 
but also tortoise-shell, marble, and agate. Light in 
weight and not readily breakable, celluloid is used in 
imitating amber, and for the manufacture of photographic 
films, combs, knife-handles, soap-boxes, and other articles 
of common use too numerous to mention. But it is a 
material the use of which is not altogether free from danger. 
The basis of celluloid, we must remember, is a form of gun- 
cotton, and although the more violent activities of the 
latter are considerably subdued by the camphor and other 
substances with which it is mixed, the material is, never- 
theless, very readily inflammable and has, in consequence, 
given rise to many disastrous conflagrations. To start the 
combustion of the celluloid, it is not necessary to bring it 
into contact with a naked flame. Contact for a short time 
with an incandescent electric light bulb may be sufficient to 
start the combustion, and fires have even been caused by 
the accidental focussing of the sun's rays on articles of 
celluloid exhibited in shop windows. 
Although the dangerous inflammability of celluloid can 
be reduced by the addition of various salts, dextrin, and 
similar substances, the discovery of a material having the 
many good qualities of celluloid, but free from the dangers 
attending its ready inflammability, is clearly one of great 
importance. The acetate of cellulose, known commercially 
as cellite, when mixed with camphor or suitable substitutes, 
yields a material called cellon or sicoid (as it is called in 
France), which resembles, and is even superior to, celluloid 
in its general properties, and is not inflammable. It is 
more elastic than celluloid and is used as a substitute for 
guttapercha, vulcanite, etc. It is used for making the 
bristles of hair brushes, for the production of the imitation 
horse-hair of which ladies' hats are frequently made, and for 
the manufacture of cinematograph films. In the form 
of a thick viscous solution it is employed as a flexible 
varnish for wood, paper, and metal, for enamelling 
aeroplanes, and as an insulating covering for electrical 
But we have not yet exhausted the uses to which the 
most valuable substance cellulose can be put through the 
ingenuity of the chemist. If instead of mixing the nitro- 
cellulose with camphor so as to produce celluloid, it is 
mixed with a drying oil, like linseed oil, and with colouring 
matters, and is then spread on a fabric, a sort of 
" oil-cloth " is obtained ; and on passing this between 
suitably cut rollers, the material is grained and a very 
good imitation leather is produced. Such imitation 
leathers, like Rexine for example, are now very largely 
used for the upholstering of furniture and for other 
When cellulose is heated under pressure with dilute 
acid, it is decomposed by the water, or hydrolysed as it is 
said, with production of the sugar, glucose ; and in recent 
years this process has found successful industrial application 
in the production of alcohol from saw-dust and other wood- 
waste. The wood-waste, moistened with dilute sulphuric 
acid, is placed in a closed digester, and steam is passed in 
until the pressure rises to 6 or 7 atmospheres. The cellulose 
is rapidly hydrolysed, and the glucose formed passes into 
solution. The sugar solution so obtained, after removal of 
the acid, is subjected to fermentation (see Chap. XIIL), 
and alcohol is formed. The production of alcohol from 
wood is already being carried out, on a limited scale, in 
America, where enormous quantities of wood-waste are 
available ; and in view of the vast economic value of 
alcohol, the process promises to become of increasing 
importance in the future. 
The overthrow of the phlogiston theory by Lavoisier 
towards the end of the eighteenth, and the enunciation of 
the atomic theory by Dalton early in the nineteenth century, 
mark the beginning of a new era in chemical science, when 
the activities of chemists were directed in an increasing 
degree to the preparation and quantitative determination of 
the composition of new substances and naturally occurring 
materials, as well also as to the determination of the atomic 
weights of the elements. Moreover, the study of the 
compounds of carbon, a branch of science to which the name 
of Organic Chemistry is applied, began to be developed 
with an ever-increasing energy ; and in this domain, the 
problems connected with the constitution of the molecule, 
that is, with the arrangement of the atoms within the 
molecule, were so important for the proper understanding of 
the enormous array of substances which chemists were able 
to prepare, that such questions exercised, and very properly 
exercised, a powerful fascination over the workers in that 
branch of chemistry. The quite wonderful results which 
were thereby obtained had their value, also, not merely in 
the domain of theoretical chemistry, but led to some of the 
most brilliant achievements of practical chemical science — 
to the preparation of dyes, drugs, perfumes, and many 
other materials of the greatest industrial and, one may say, 
human value — so that one need not hesitate to regard such 
work as amongst the most important in the whole history 
of the science. By the workers who achieved such splendid 
successes, chemical reactions were regarded entirely or 
mainly from the materialistic point of view, from the point 
of view of the substances undergoing change and of the 
substances produced by the change. But there is clearly 
another aspect of the subject which demands attention. 
Just as we have already recognised that substances are 
carriers of energy, and that a chemical reaction or chemical 
change is a mode of transforming chemical energy into 
other forms of energy, so also in modern chemistry, one is 
concerned not merely with the material /r^^«f/j of chemical 
change, but also with the process of chemical change itself. 
Why does a chemical reaction take place, and what are 
the laws governing the rate at which and the extent to 
which a chemical reaction proceeds .'' These are the ques- 
tions which chemical dynamics, one of the most important 
branches of modern chemistry, seeks to answer. 
Although it is not possible to discuss the subject fully 
here, the attempt must be made to give some indication of 
the more general principles in order that we may gain a 
better appreciation of present-day chemistry and a more 
intelligent understanding of some of the most recent 
and economically most important industrial processes, the 
development and success of which depend on dynamical 
When, in the thirteenth century, the great Dominican 
monk and Bishop of Regensburg, Albertus Magnus — 
viagnus in magia naturally malor in phllosophla, viaximus in 
theologia — used the word " affinitas," he merely summed up 
the views current at that time, that chemical reaction is due 
to a similarity or kinship between the reacting substances. 
But although this term affinity or chemical affinity is still in 
use, it must now be regarded not as signifying any natural 
resemblance or family relationship, but rather as a force, of 
the nature of which we have as yet no certain knowledge, 
which acts between different kinds of matter and which, 
under certain conditions, brings about a chemical action 
between them. The existence of this force is postulated in 
order to account for the fact that chemical change or 
reaction will take place between substances when thereby 
potential energy can be converted into work. 

one of the most important factors in the process of 
chemical change is the speed with which it takes place, 
the velocity of the reaction. That there is a great varia- 
tion in the rate at which chemical change takes place is 
so obvious as almost to render its emphasis unnecessary. 
The rusting of iron, the oxidation of aluminium, the 
burning of wood, the explosion of gun-cotton, are chemical 
changes which take place with markedly different 
velocities. This great difference in the rate of reaction we 
shall be inclined to attribute to differences in the chemical 
affinity, and in so doing we shall be right, but only partly 
right ; for when one studies the process of chemical change 
more fully, it is found that the rate of a reaction does not 
depend merely on chemical affinity, but also on a number 
of other factors. Of these factors, one of the most im- 
portant is the concentration of the reacting substances, that 
is, the amount of the substances in a given volume. We 
shall be able to understand this more readily, if we fix 
our attention, for the present, on reactions between gaseous 
substances. When a substance is in the state of a gas, its 
molecules are supposed, according to the kinetic theory of 
matter, to be moving about with great velocity in all 
directions, and combination or reaction between two 
substances, A and B, can take place only when molecules 
of A and B collide or come within each other's sphere of 
influence. If, then, we have a certain number of mole- 
cules of the substance A and a certain number of molecules 
of B moving about in a given space, an A molecule will 
collide with a B molecule a certain number of times per 
second, and the rate of reaction, therefore, will have a 
certain value. But suppose that the number of B mole- 
cules is now doubled. It is clear that in the same unit of 
time, an A molecule will now have double the number of 
chances of colliding with a B molecule and of entering into 
reaction with it, and the rate of reaction will therefore be 
doubled. Similarly, if we double not only the concen- 
tration of the B molecules, but also that of the A mole- 
cules, then it is clear that the rate of reaction will again be 
doubled ; that is, the reaction now takes place four times 
as fast as it would have done with the original concen- 
trations of the two substances. The speed of a reaction, in 
fact, is proportional to the product of concentrations of the 
reacting substances. This law of the dependence of 
the speed of a chemical change on the concentrations of 
the reacting substances, was discovered by two Norwegian 
scientists, Guldberg and Waage, and is generally known as 
the law of mass action. 
But the velocity of chemical change is also very greatly 
influenced by the temperature, a fact to which we have 
already alluded in Chapter II. Although the speed of 
different reactions is affected in a different degree by 
temperature, we can take it as a convenient approxima- 
tion that the speed of a reaction is doubled by raising the 
temperature i8° F. A simple calculation will show what 
the magnitude of this effect may be. Suppose that a reaction 
requires one second for its completion at the freezing-point 
of water, that is .at 32° F. At 212" F., the boiling-point 
of water, the same change would take place in about one- 
thousandth of a second ; and if we raise the temperature 
but a little more, say to 400**, the time required for the 
change will now be only about one-millionth of a second. 
on the other hand, a change which would require one 
second to take place at 400", would need, at 32°, a period 
of a million seconds, that is, about eleven and a half days. 
This influence of temperature is of the greatest importance, 
and on its recognition may depend the success of an 
industrial process. 
But there is another important result which has followed 
from the dynamical study of chemical reactions, the re- 
cognition, namely, of the fact that chemical changes are 
reversible, and that the direction in which reaction between 
different substances takes place depends not merely on 
chemical affinity but on the relative concentrations of the 
different substances. When steam (oxide of hydrogen) is 
passed over heated iron, oxide of iron and hydrogen are 
produced. on the other hand, when hydrogen is passed 
over heated oxide of iron, steam (oxide of hydrogen) and 
metallic iron are formed. 
Iron Iron oxide 
Oxide of hydrogen Hydrogen 
In the former case, the steam is present in large abundance 
whereas the hydrogen which is formed is swept away and 
cannot, therefore, react with the oxide of iron. In the 
latter case, the hydrogen is present in abundance, while 
the water vapour is carried away in the stream of gas and 
so is prevented from reacting with the metallic iron. By 
altering the relative concentrations of the steam and the 
hydrogen, therefore, we can cause reaction to take place in 
whichever direction we please. But let us now arrange 
matters so as to prevent the removal of the hydrogen or of 
the steam, by heating the substances together in a closed 
vessel, then we shall find that both reactions will take 
place ; steam will react with iron, and hydrogen will react 
with oxide of iron, so that finally a state of balance or 
equilibrium will be produced, at which there will be a 
certain definite relationship between the concentration 
of the steam and the concentration of the hydrogen. 
So long as the temperature is kept constant, the same 
state of balance or equilibrium will be reached, no matter 
what may be the initial amounts of hydrogen and of steam, 
but if the temperature is altered, the state of equilibrium 
will also be altered. By raising or lowering the temperature 
the one or the other reaction can be caused to take place 
to a greater and greater extent, and the direction in which 
the equilibrium is thereby altered is found to be intimately 
associated with the heat effects which accompany the 
chemical change.* 
' The law which is found to obtain here can be stated in a simple form. It 
will be clear that if one reaction is accompanied by an evolution of heat, then 
the reverse reaction must be accom-panied by an absorption of heat. IVhen 
the temperature is raised, the latter reaction, the reaction accompanied by absorp^ 
ttJH of heat, u favoured, whereas lowering the temperature favours the reaction 
The discovery of the laws of chemical change, and the 
recognition that, theoretically at least, all reactions are 
reversible, mark one of the most important advances in our 
knowledge of chemical processes and of the action of 
chemical affinity. Some of the consequences which flow 
from this will be discussed in the sequel. 
Although, as we have said, the progress of a chemical 
reaction and the rate at which a chemical change proceeds, 
are influenced both by the concentration of the substances 
and by the temperature, it is found that the velocity of a 
chemical reaction may also be profoundly affected in 
another way which, on account of its very great importance 
both in the laboratory and in the factory, demands a fuller 
In the early decades of last century, a number of 
phenomena were observed which, although isolated and 
apparently unconnected, all possessed one common 
characteristic, namely that of a reaction the speed of which 
was markedly increased by the addition of certain sub- 
stances in minute, sometimes in almost infinitely minute 
amount. Owing to such additions, it was found, substances 
which seemed, under the particular conditions, to be with- 
out action on each other, reacted with appreciable, some- 
times even with great readiness. From the magnitude of 
the result produced, it was evident that the foreign sub- 
stance could not enter into the reaction in the ordinary 
way ; but, as the Swedish chemist, Berzelius, pointed out, 
the substance which was added appeared to act merely by 
which takts plact with tvolution of heat. Ooly when no beat effect accompanies 
chemical change is the equilibrium unaffected by change of temperature. 
its presence and by " arousing the slumbering affinities of 
the substances," and so allowing them to react. How 
these slumbering affinities were aroused, Berzelius did 
not hazard a guess, but in order to give a name under 
which such phenomena could be classed, he introduced the 
term " catalysis " (a word which signifies a loosening) ; and 
a substance which brings about catalysis is called a 
" catalytic agent " or a " catalyst." For long the pheno- 
menon of catalysis, of which the number of cases observed 
rapidly increased during the nineteenth century, was re- 
garded by chemists as Gulliver was regarded by the learned 
men of Brobdingnag, as a lusus natures ; it was relegated 
to the realm of the mysterious, and chemists became only 
too prone to think that the label of catalysis was at the 
same time an explanation of the phenomenon. It was, 
indeed, only towards the end of last century and owing 
to the development of the experimental methods of measur- 
ing the rate of chemical change, that the phenomenon of 
catalysis and the behaviour of catalysts began to form the 
subject of systematic investigation. During the past thirty 
years, the energy of many workers has been directed along 
this line of investigation, and much valuable information 
has been accumulated regarding the main characteristics of 
catalysis and the behaviour of different catalysts. With 
some of these we must now become acquainted. 
As we have already indicated, one of the most striking 
features of catalysis is the magnitude of the effect pro- 
duced, compared with the small amount of the substance 
producing it. An excellent illustration of this is seen 
in the influence which moisture exercises on the rate of 
combination of gaseous substances. When hydrogen and 
oxygen, the two gaseous substances by whose combina- 
tion water is formed, are heated together, they combine, 
and if the temperature is sufficiently high, say about 
1 1 00° F., the combination takes place with explosive 
violence. But this occurs only when a trace of moisture 
is present in the gases. If the last traces of moisture 
are removed from the gases by allowing them to remain 
for more than a week in contact with the substance 
known as phosphorus pentoxide (obtained by burning 
phosphorus in air), which combines with the greatest 
avidity with water, the mixture of hydrogen and oxygen 
can then be heated even to a temperature of nearly 
1800° F. without explosion occurring. Not only in the 
case of hydrogen and oxygen, but in the case also 
of many other gases, combination is found to depend on 
the presence of moisture, of which, however, the merest 
trace suffices. 
This action of moisture, and, indeed, the action of 
catalysts generally, has been likened to the action of 
oil in the bearings of a machine ; a catalyst diminishes, as 
it were, the hindrances to change of whatever nature these 
may be without itself being used up in the process. 
No less interesting or important is the extraordinary 
influence exerted by many solid substances on the rate 
at which combination between gases takes place. Thus, 
if we again consider the case of hydrogen and oxygen, it 
is found that although combination of the two gases takes 
place at high temperatures with great and explosive 
velocity, at the ordinary temperature no trace of com- 
bination can be detected. In fact, from the influence 
which temperature has been found to exercise on the 
rate of combination, it has been estimated that no appre- 
ciable amount of combination would occur at the ordinary 
temperature even in a period of a billion years. But if 
a little metallic platinum be brought into contact with 
the mixture of the two gases, combination proceeds with 
appreciable velocity ; indeed, if the platinum is used in a 
finely divided form, known as platinum sponge or platinum 
black, the rate of combination may be so great that an 
explosion results. This action of platinum, one of the 
first cases of catalytic action to be observed, brings out 
very clearly two of the main characteristics of the pheno- 
menon, namely, the great change produced in the speed 
of the reaction, and the fact that the catalyst remains 
unchanged in amount. The same piece of platinum can 
be used to bring about the combination of unlimited 
quantities of hydrogen and oxygen. 
This remarkable behaviour of finely divided platinum 
which greatly impressed, as well it might, the minds of 
the early observers, was not long in receiving a practical 
application. In 1823 it was observed by Dobereiner that 
if a jet of hydrogen was allowed to impinge on a piece 
of spongy platinum exposed to the air, the heat of com- 
bustion of the hydrogen raised the platinum to incan- 
descence, and the hydrogen became ignited. Dobereiner 
constructed an apparatus in which hydrogen was produced 
by the action of sulphuric acid on zinc ; and when a tap 
was opened the gas escaped in a fine jet which impinged 
on a piece of spongy platinum. In this way fire could 
be obtained, and, as a matter of fact, this Dobereiner 
lamp was largely used for that purpose before the days 
of matches. 
Although platinum is by no means an universal catalyst 
for all reactions — no such universal catalyst is known — it 
has nevertheless been found that platinum acts very 
generally as a catalytic accelerator of oxidation reactions, 
or reactions in which gaseous oxygen takes part. Oxide 
of cerium, which forms a small part of the Welsbach 
incandescent gas mantle, also acts as a catalyst and 
accelerates the combustion of the coal-gas. 
The attempt made in recent years to apply spongy 
platinum for the purpose of automatically lighting a jet 
of coal-gas did not meet with success, by reason of the 
fact that after a time the platinum was found to lose its 
effectiveness. This destruction of the catalytic activity, 
this "poisoning" of the catalyst, as it has been called, 
is a phenomenon of the greatest importance, the recog- 
nition of which has been, as we shall learn more fully 
presently, not only of purely scientific interest, but also of 
the greatest industrial importance. 
The acceleration of the combustion of hydrogen by 
platinum can be regarded as a particular case of " surface 
action," the reacting gases, hydrogen and oxygen, being 
"condensed" on the surface of the platinum and so brought 
into more intimate contact. But all solids, and not merely 
platinum, exhibit this surface action and accelerate the 
combustion of gases at temperatures below their ignition 
point, although with an efficiency which varies greatly with 
the nature of the substance and the fineness of its sub- 
division. The difference between the catalytic activity of 
the different substances tends, however, to disappear as the 
temperature is raised, and when the solid substances are 
raised to incandescence they are all found to possess the 
property of accelerating gaseous combustion in about 
the same degree. This fact has recently received, in 
this country and in America, important applications in 
the process known as " surface combustion." 
If a mixture of, say, coal-gas and air is forced through 
the walls of a porous tube of fire-resisting material, and 
the issuing gas is ignited, combustion takes place, without 
flame, in the surface layers of the tube which is soon raised 
to incandescence and becomes a 
powerful radiator of heat ; or, one 
may pass the gas mixture through a 
mass of small granules of refractory 
material — fireclay, alundum (oxide of 
aluminium), etc. — forming for ex- 
ample the hearth of the furnace, and 
so obtain "surface combustion" on 
each granule (Fig. 8), By these 
means the efficiency of gaseous 
heating, either for industrial or for 
domestic purposes, can be greatly 
We have already seen (p. 19) that when a burning 
gas is cooled to below its ignition temperature, it is 
extinguished. And so, when using a gas flame to heat 
a cold object, the flame in contact with the object to be 
heated is extinguished, and heating takes place only by 
radiation from the hot gas. By means of " surface com- 
bustion," however, the whole of the combustible gas can be 
burned and its heat value therefore completely utilised, 
while the radiation from the incandescent solid surface is 
greatly superior to that from the gas. With the increased 
Fig. 8.— Surface Com- 
bustion Gas Cookbr 
The gas, passing op 
through the narrow chan- 
nels in the body of the 
cooker, burns on the sur- 
face of the granules of 
refractory material, which 
are thereby raised to in- 
candescence and radiate 
use of gas for heating purposes, the surface combustion 
process promises, therefore, to be of the highest importance 
in increasing the efficiency and diminishing the cost of 
By chemists the importance of catalysis is now fully 
recognised, and the systematic search for the most suit- 
able and effective catalyst for a given reaction, is a well- 
established part of chemical investigation. But it is part of 
the romance of science that discoveries of value are made 
not only as the result of consciously directed effort, but 
also by the aid of "that power which erring men call 
Chance." And in this connection the following tale may 
be re-told, for it illustrates not only the special action of a 
catalyst, but also the important rdle which catalysis may 
play in industry. 
For the preparation of a certain dye — it was a dye 
called sky-blue alizarin, but the name does not matter — 
the necessary ingredients were heated for some time in a 
vessel made of iron. But in the course of time fresh 
apparatus had to be installed ; and with this apparatus no 
sky-blue alizarin was obtained, but something entirely 
different. What could be the reason of the failure ? The 
process was carried out in the same way as before, and the 
workmen were the same, or were under the same direction. 
The apparatus, certainly, was new, but it was exactly the 
same as the old apparatus. And yet, no ; it was not 
exactly the same. The new apparatus, instead of being 
entirely of iron, had a copper lid. But surely that could 
not be the cause of the different behaviour. Yet so it was, 
for the small trace of copper derived from the lid exerted, 
it was found, a powerful catalytic influence on the course of 
the reaction, and instead of the substances reacting so as to 
form sky-blue alizarin, a further reaction took place which 
gave rise to a totally different substance. 
It might perhaps seem as if the tracing of the trouble 
to its source would finish the story, but this is by no 
means the case. Accident had thrown a catalyst for a 
new reaction in the way of the chemist, who, by careful 
investigation, found that a trace of copper enabled the 
ingredients used, as well as a number of other similar 
substances, to react in a particular manner, and in this 
way a nezv and important series of dyes was discovered. It 
all seems very simple ; all a matter of " happy accident." 
But was it by a happy accident that the cause of the 
trouble in the first instance was discovered ? Or was it a 
happy accident that converted a source of trouble in one 
process into a source of gain in another ? How would the 
matter have stood without the trained intelligence of the 
chemist with his knowledge of the importance of little 
things, with his trained faculty of observation and his 
ability to make use of the facts which he observed } 
In astronomy one deals with magnitudes so vast as to 
be beyond the grasp of our minds ; in the domain of 
catalysis the magnitudes are, in some cases, so small that 
it becomes almost equally impossible to form a true con- 
ception of them. But in order that the reader may have 
some knowledge of the very minute amounts of substance 
which will yet suffice to affect appreciably the speed of a 
reaction, let me give one example out of the many which 
might be chosen. When one dissolves sulphite of soda in 
water, the oxygen of the air slowly oxidises the sulphite 
of soda to sulphate of soda. By the addition of certain 
catalysts, the speed with which this process takes place can 
be greatly increased, and in this connection copper has 
been found to be very efficient. In fact, if only one grain 
of blue-stone or copper sulphate is dissolved in 1,400,000 
gallons of water, or one grain in about 250,000 cubic feet 
of water, the presence of the copper can be detected by its 
action in accelerating the oxidation of the sulphite of soda ! 
But we are so accustomed to judge of the importance of d 
thing by the amount of space it occupies, that in asking 
the reader to recognise the infinite importance of the 
infinitely small, and to accept the illustration I have 
given, sober fact of science as it is, I am almost afraid 
that I shall be considered as putting too great a strain 
on his credulity. 
But, indeed, we need not go far in order to have im- 
pressed upon us the importance of these catalytic actions. 
The human organism itself is like a laboratory in which 
numerous reactions and marvellous transformations take 
place unceasingly ; the transformation of the food con- 
sumed into the bone, and flesh, and blood of the body, 
and the slow combustion of the tissues to yield the energy 
and heat necessary for vital activity. And so it is also 
with the vegetable organism in which we have the building 
up or synthesis^ not only of the complex materials which 
serve as foodstuffs for the animal creation, but also of those 
sweet-smelling essences and the compounds which give to 
flowers their varied odours and colours. Many of these 
substances, the products of Nature's laboratory, can also be 
made in the laboratory of the chemist, and their synthesis 
from simple inorganic materials constitutes the crowning 
achievement of chemical science. But how different are 
the methods of the chemist from those of Nature. In his 
laboratory the chemist makes use of high temperatures and 
the action of powerful and corrosive reagents ; but in the 
laboratory of Nature, the building up of even the most 
complex compounds takes place quietly and smoothly at 
the ordinary temperature. All this the animal or vegetable 
organism accomplishes by utilising appropriate catalysts, 
accelerators of reactions, the so-called enzymes, which are 
themselves produced within the living cell of the plant or 
animal. The ptyalin of the saliva, the pepsin of the gastric 
juice, the trypsin of the pancreas, the diastase of the sprout- 
ing barley-corn, the zymase of the yeast, which has from 
time immemorial been used by man for the conversion 
of sugars into alcohol — these are some of the numerous 
catalytic agents which Nature produces and of which she 
makes use in her marvellous achievements in chemical 
But substances exist which can destroy the efficiency 
of these catalysts, and thereby retard the life processes in 
the plant or animal. These substances we call poisons. 
And it is a noteworthy fact that this behaviour, so 
familiar in the case of living organisms, has its analogy, 
as has been pointed out, in the case of non-living 
catalysts. The recognition of this fact has proved to be 
of the greatest importance in the application of catalysis 
to industrial processes. 
In the manufacturing industries it may truly be said 
that time is money ; and to produce an article of manu- 
facture at a more rapid rate is the same as saving time. 
And this is just exactly what a catalyst enables one to do. 
It is, therefore, not surprising that in almost all branches 
of chemical industry the value of catalysts has become 
increasingly recognised. By their introduction, new 
industries of the highest importance have been established, 
and older industries have been revolutionised ; and at 
the conclusion of this chapter we may appropriately 
devote a little space to the discussion of some of the 
more important cases in which catalysis has found an 
application in industrial chemistry. In succeeding chapters 
other applications of catalysis will be met with. 
Manufacture of Sulphuric Acid. 
Sulphuric acid, or oil of vitriol, the discovery of which 
dates from the fifteenth century, is one of the most 
important substances in our modern civilisation. Not 
only is it used in the older process of manufacture of 
soda and of hydrochloric acid, but also in the production 
of nitric acid and of explosives, in the manufacture of dyes, 
fertilisers, glucose, and alum, and in most chemical and 
metallurgical industries. Owing to the great development 
last century of the soap and cotton industries, with their 
great demand for soda and bleaching powder, England 
became the chief producer of sulphuric acid, and supplied 
most of the world with this indispensable chemical. But 
this has now been changed. Owing to the march of 
science and the development of chemical industries in other 
countries, the position has completely altered, and Great 
Britain now ranks only third in the list of producers of 
sulphuric acid, the total annual consumption of which 
throughout the world amounts to about 5,000,000 tons. 
The reaction on which the production of sulphuric acid 
depends is the oxidation of the gas sulphur dioxide to 
form the compound sulphur trioxide, which combines 
readily with water to give the compound known as 
sulphuric acid. The difficulty is, however, met with that 
combination between sulphur dioxide and oxygen does 
not take place appreciably at the ordinary temperature ; 
and when one seeks to hasten on the combination by 
raising the temperature, another difficulty is encountered. 
As the temperature is raised the rate at which the sulphur 
dioxide and the oxygen combine certainly increases, as we 
have already learned to be universally the case, but as the 
temperature rises the extent to which combination takes 
place becomes less and less, by reason of the fact that at 
high temperatures the sulphur trioxide decomposes again 
into sulphur dioxide and oxygen. The result, therefore, is 
that at a temperature at which the combination of sulphur 
dioxide and oxygen would take place sufficiently rapidly, 
the amount of sulphur trioxide formed is too small to 
allow of the process being commercially successful. We 
now know, however, the direction in which to look for a way 
out of the difficulty. We must find a catalyst which will 
so accelerate the rate of oxidation of the sulphur dioxide 
that the process may be carried out with sufficient rapidity 
at a temperature so low that the decomposition of the 
sulphur trioxide is negligible. Such a catalyst was found 
at an early date in the oxides of nitrogen, and since the 
year 1746 the manufacture of sulphuric acid has been 
carried on in this country by a process depending on the 
use of these oxides. This method of manufacturing 
sulphuric acid consists, essentially, in passing sulphur 
dioxide, obtained by burning sulphur, or by heating iron 
pyrites (sulphide of iron) or the spent oxide of iron from 
gas-works, etc., together with air, oxides of nitrogen, and 
steam, into a series of large leaden chambers. Here the 
sulphur dioxide combines with the oxygen of the air 
under the catalytic influence of the oxides of nitrogen, 
and the sulphur trioxide formed combines with the steam 
to form sulphuric acid. The acid produced in this " leaden 
chamber process," as it is called, is a rather impure aqueous 
solution of sulphuric acid (known as brown oil of vitriol), 
and must be subjected to processes of purification and 
concentration before the pure acid is obtained. 
At the beginning of the present century, however, a 
revolution began to take place in the process of manu- 
facture. This was due mainly to the successful develop- 
ment of the process of manufacture of synthetic indigo, 
which necessitated the use of the very powerful reagent 
obtained by the addition of sulphur trioxide to pure 
sulphuric acid, and known as fuming sulphuric acid. 
It had been observed as far back as the year 183 1 by 
a vinegar manufacturer of Bristol, Peregrine Phillips by 
name, that the oxidation of sulphur dioxide by oxygen is 
greatly accelerated by the presence of platinum, just as 
we have seen that this metal also accelerates the combina- 
tion of hydrogen and oxygen ; and this observation gave 
rise to many hopes of an improved method of manu- 
facturing sulphuric acid. Even in 1835 a well-known 
French chemist, Clement-Desormes, gave expression to 
the conviction that in ten years at most it would be 
possible to manufacture sulphuric acid directly from its 
constituents, without the use of leaden chambers and 
nitric acid. But the unwisdom of prophecy is proverbial, 
and the period of ten years lengthened out to one of 
nearly seventy, before the ability and persistence of the 
technical chemists in one of Germany's greatest chemical 
works succeeded in developing the discovery of Peregrine 
Phillips into a successful industrial process. 
When the attempt was made to utilise the "contact 
process," as it is called, for the commercial production of 
sulphuric acid, a difficulty was met with which delayed 
success and threatened complete failure. The production 
of sulphur trioxide which at first took place with great 
readiness soon began to diminish, and after some time 
ceased altogether. The platinum lost its catalytic activity. 
on investigation, this loss of activity was found to be due 
to a "poisoning" of the platinum— a phenomenon to 
which we have already referred — and the substance which 
was found to be chiefly responsible for this was arsenic. 
This arsenic was derived from a small amount of impurity 
contained in the iron pyrites, a naturally occurring sulphide 
of iron used as the source of the sulphur dioxide, and it 
was only after much labour that a means was found of 
ridding the gas of all traces of this poison. When this had 
been done, the contact process could be carried out with 
For the production of sulphuric acid by the contact 
process, the enormous leaden chambers, with a capacity 
sometimes of i5o,cxxD cubic feet, are replaced by com- 
paratively small, cylindrical vessels containing a number of 
tubes filled with platinised asbestos * ; that is, asbestos 
on which finely divided platinum has been deposited. 
Through these tubes, which are maintained at the proper 
^ Oxide of iron can also be used as a catalyst. 
temperature by the heat given out in the reaction, the 
mixture of sulphur dioxide and oxygen (or air) is passed. 
The oxidation of the sulphur dioxide takes place rapidly 
and practically completely, and the sulphur trioxide issues 
from the apparatus as a white mist, which is then passed 
into a solution of sulphuric acid containing about 98 per 
cent, of acid. In this way a pure sulphuric acid, as well 
also as the powerful fuming sulphuric acid to which we 
have referred, can readily be obtained. 
Whether the contact process will eventually succeed in 
entirely superseding the older leaden-chamber process, it is 
impossible to say ; for, under the stimulus of competition, 
improvements have been effected in the latter process 
which will in any case retard, if they do not altogether 
prevent, its complete disappearance. 
Hardening of Fats. 
Another industry of recent but rapidly increasing 
growth, which depends on the application of catalysis, is 
that of the conversion of liquid oils into solid fats ; a 
process generally, if erroneously, referred to as the harden- 
ing of fats. 
It has already been pointed out (p. 33), that the animal 
and vegetable fats and oils are, essentially, compounds of 
glycerine with acids, such as palmitic, stearic, and oleic 
acids. The glycerine compounds of the saturated palmitic 
and stearic acids (p. 33), are solid, and constitute the main 
portion of the hard fat, beef suet The glycerine compound 
of the unsaturated oleic acid is, however, a liquid, and is 
the chief constituent of olive oil ; and the other natural 
animal and vegetable oils are also mainly compounds of 
glycerine with unsaturated acids. For these different fats 
and oils there are, at the present day, two main uses ; 
namely, as foodstufifs, to supply the body with the neces- 
sary amounts of carbonaceous matter, and for the purpose 
of making soap. So far as foodstuffs are concerned, 
butter, or the fat of milk, constitutes a large part of the 
fatty material consumed. Owing, however, to the increase 
of population and to the rising price of butter, the problem 
of obtaining some substitute for this very important 
article of food became of increasing importance. The 
solution of the problem we owe to French ingenuity, and 
the industrial production of butter substitutes, e.g. marga- 
rine, which dates from 1870, has now attained to very great 
dimensions, Beef-fat or hog's lard, after being melted and 
clarified, is separated from the oil which it contains, and 
mixed in churning machines with various vegetable oils, 
such as cotton-seed oil, soya-bean oil, cocoa-nut oil, palm- 
kernel oil, and also with milk, and in this way a material 
is obtained which can be used as an efficient substitute for 
butter. But since these butter substitutes are derived 
mainly from animal fats, the supply of solid fats necessary 
for the manufacture of soap has been seriously diminished ; 
and it became, therefore, a matter of great importance to 
discover a method by means of which liquid oils could be 
converted into solid fats. Theoretically, the process is a 
simple one. Oleic acid, for example, differs from stearic 
acid only in the fact that it contains less hydrogen. It is 
what we have called an unsaturated compound, and if we 
add the proper amount of hydrogen to the oleic acid, we 
shall convert it into the solid stearic acid ; or, on the other 
hand, if we add the hydrogen to the liquid glycerine oleate 
we shall convert it into the solid fat glycerine stearate ; and 
similarly with the other unsaturated compounds present in 
other oils. Although it was not difficult to carry out such 
a conversion in the laboratory, no commercially successful 
process was discovered until it was found that finely 
divided nickel acts as an efficient catalyst In the presence 
of this metal, the liquid oils, olive oil, linseed oil, fish oil, 
etc., combine readily with gaseous hydrogen and become 
converted into solid fats suitable for use in the manufacture 
of soap. 
Not only does the introduction of this process offer to 
the soap boiler a fresh source of the material which he 
requires, but it also permits of the profitable employ- 
ment of substances for which formerly comparatively 
little use could be found. Thus, for example, whale 
oil, which on account of its unprepossessing taste 
and smell found formerly but little application, is now 
converted in large amount, by the above process, into 
a solid, odourless material suitable for the making of 
This recent discovery of chemical science, which is 
chiefly worked in England by the firm of Messrs. Crosfield 
and Son, promises to be one of far-reaching importance. 
Not only does it secure a fresh source of raw material for 
the manufacture of an article of such importance in our 
modern civilisation as is soap, and thereby prevent a rapid 
rise in the cost of its production, but by stimulating the 
cultivation of oil-producing plants, it will exercise a pro- 
found influence on the economic development of those 
countries which are suitable for such cultivation. Of the 
importance in the service of man of this modern industrial 
process, founded as so many industrial processes are on 
investigations of apparently purely scientific interest, it is 
impossible to form an estimate. 
Of all the chemical elements of which our text-books 
describe the properties, none, perhaps, was, until a few 
years ago, so uninteresting as nitrogen. From the time 
of its discovery by the botanist Rutherford in 1772, down 
almost to the present day, scarcely a property or character 
of a positive nature was ascribed to the element Its 
properties were negative properties, and were described 
in negative terms. Useless when alone, it stubbornly 
resisted almost all attempts to make it associate with its 
fellow-elements ; and it played, at best, the rdle — again 
negative in character — of acting as a drag on the too 
vigorous activity of the atmospheric oxygen. 
That an important part in the economy of nature had, 
nevertheless, been assigned to this element, was abundantly 
clear from the fact that it is an essential constituent of the 
most important animal and vegetable materials, a con- 
stituent without which life itself is impossible. With few 
exceptions, however, plants are unable to absorb and 
utilise elementary nitrogen, which exists abundantly in 
the air ; and they must therefore be supplied with com- 
bined nitrogen in such forms as they can assimilate. 
Animals are equally incapable of assimilating elementary 
nitrogen, and are dependent on plant food for their supply 
of nitrogen compounds. 
Owing to the apparent impossibility of coaxing the 
enormous store of elementary nitrogen contained in the 
air into suitable combination with other elements, mankind 
contented itself, resignedly if not complacently, with the 
natural sources of supply of useful nitrogen compounds ; 
and this position was all the easier to adopt as the natural 
supply was sufficient for the needs of the day. In 1898, 
however, Sir William Crookes, as President of the British 
Association, delivered the solemn warning that the years 
of plenty were quickly passing. The supply of wheat, the 
staple foodstuff of Western peoples, from all the land 
available for cultivation, would soon be insufficient to 
provide for the needs of the growing population unless 
the yield of the soil could be greatly increased by inten- 
sive cultivation, which in its turn would, in a few years, 
exhaust all the known sources of combined nitrogen. 
Famine, therefore, stared them in the face, and there 
would be no Egypt from whose granaries supplies could 
be obtained. 
It is unnecessary to discuss whether the warning given 
by Sir William Crookes was too alarmist or not ; there 
was undoubtedly need for the warning to be given. If 
the produce of the wheat-bearing Idnds was to keep pace 
with the increase in the population, more intensive cultiva- 
tion must be resorted to, and ever-increasing quantities of 
nitrogen compounds must therefore be applied to the soil. 
But the world's demands for compounds of nitrogen were 
rapidly increasing, not only for purposes of agriculture, 
but in other directions also. For the manufacture of 
dynamite, gun-cotton, and other explosives, as well as for 
the production of dyes, the demand for nitric acid goes on 
increasing ; for the manufacture of sodium carbonate or 
soda there is an ever-growing demand for ammonia ; and 
so it is also with regard to the cyanides, used in con- 
nection with the extraction of gold from its ores, and the 
plating of metals. 
But while the demand for nitrogen compounds was 
increasing rapidly, the sources of supply showed no 
such elasticity. The main sources of supply were the 
following : — 
(i) Matter of vegetable origin : Vegetable refuse, 
nitrogen compounds in the humus of the soil, etc. 
(2) Matter of animal origin : Animal manures, fish 
meal, guano, coprolites, etc. 
(3) Ammonium compounds from coal, lignite, peat, 
(4) Mineral deposits : Saltpetre (from the Indian nitre 
plantations), Chile saltpetre. 
(5) Combined nitrogen in rocks. 
(6) Absorption of free nitrogen by nodules on the roots 
of leguminous plants, through the agency of bacteria. 
Of the above sources of supply it may be said that 
the waste animal and vegetable materials, although of 
great local importance, do very little to relieve the general 
situation ; the supply of fish meal is strictly limited, and 
the guano deposits are nearing the point of exhaustion. 
Of very considerable importance is the supply of 
ammonium compounds from coal, peat, etc. The following 
table gives the total amount of ammonium sulphate 
obtained annually from the distillation of coal : — 
World's Production of Ammonium Sulphate. 
1902 S43.000 
igo8 852,000 
1909 978,000 
1910 i,iii,8oo 
1911 1,181,000 
The maximnm amount obtainable if all the coal mined were distilled or 
coked would be 11,800,000 tons. 
In coal, therefore, we have a very valuable source of 
supply of combined nitrogen, a fact which adds weight 
to the arguments put forward on the ground of economy 
in a previous chapter, in favour of the preliminary carbo- 
nisation or coking of coal, with recovery of the ammonia 
as by-product. But, on the other hand, it must be 
remembered that the coal supply itself is not inexhaustible, 
and the recovery of ammonia from coal, therefore, while 
it might postpone could not avert the danger of which 
Sir William Crookes gave warning. 

on the other hand, there are two very valuable sources 
of ammonia which have not yet been exploited as they 
might be. When peat is carbonised, the nitrogen present 
can be recovered to a large extent as ammonia, and in 
view of the enormous peat moors which exist in the world 
(in Russia there are no fewer than 95,000,000 acres, and 
in Finland, 18,500,000 acres), the reserve stock of nitrogen 
is very great. It seems certain, therefore, that the process 
of carbonisation of peat, with production of a power gas 
and recovery of the nitrogen present, as ammonia, might 
be developed in many regions as it has already been 
developed in some, into a profitable industry. All attempts 
made in this direction should certainly be welcomed and 
Another important source of ammonia is the blast 
furnace. At the present time, over 12,000 tons of ammo- 
nium sulphate are obtained from blast furnaces in Great 
Britain alone ; and it seems that this amount might be 
largely increased. 
But by far the most important natural source of com- 
bined nitrogen at the present time is found in the deposits 
of sodium nitrate or Chile saltpetre, which occur in the 
rainless districts of South America. These deposits have 
not only been the main source of supply of the nitrogen 
compounds used in agriculture, but they have also furnished 
practically the whole of the material used for the manu- 
facture of nitric acid and of potassium nitrate. As a con- 
sequence, the demands made on these deposits have gone 
on increasing, as is evident from the following table : — 
Export of Chile Saltpetre. 
1830 ..... 1000 
1850 25.000 
1890 i,ooo,coo 
1900 1,454,000 
1902 1,379,000 
1904 i,497,cxx) 
1906 1,732,000 
1908 2,052,000 
1910 2,324,000 
191 1 2,449,000 
The valae of the annual production now amounts to over jf 24,000,000. 
But the nitrate beds although enormous are not in- 
exhaustible, and whether the time of exhaustion lies 
distant fifty years, as some have estimated, or a hundred 
and fifty years, it is obvious that the situation in 1898 was 
one which might well cause grave concern. Sir William 
Crookes, therefore, was surely only doing his duty in 
calling the attention of his countrymen and of the world 
to the inevitable disaster which threatened unless some 
fresh means were found of obtaining combined nitrogen. 
As the discovery of any considerable new supplies of 
naturally occurring nitrogen compounds was scarcely to be 
relied on, there was an imperative demand laid on chemists 
to discover some means of forcing the inexhaustible store 
of elementary nitrogen into such a state of combination 
that its assimilation by plants is rendered possible. As 
Sir William Crookes said : " The fixation of atmospheric 
nitrogen is one of the greatest discoveries awaiting the 
ingenuity of chemists." And the ingenuity of chemists, 
assisted by the engineers, has proved itself equal to the 
task. During the past eight or nine years not one but 
several methods have been discovered by means of which 
the atmospheric nitrogen can, on a large scale and in a 
commercially successful manner, be forced into useful com- 
bination with other elements. Indeed, so far as nitrogenous 
fertilisers are concerned, the prospect of a wheat famine 
has now been removed to an indefinitely remote future. 
i» Direct Combination of Nitrogen and Oxygen. 
Since the atmosphere consists essentially of a mixture 
of nitrogen and oxygen, it is obviously most natural that 
attempts should be made to bring about the combination 
of these two gases. That this combination does actually 
occur under suitable conditions, was shown as long ago as 
1784 by Cavendish and by Priestley. Cavendish, for 
example, had shown that when electric sparks are passed 
through air, oxides of nitrogen are formed ; and by absorb- 
ing these oxides in water or in alkalies, nitric acid or 
nitrates could be obtained. The possibility of obtaining 
nitric acid from the air was therefore proved, and the 
difficulty which faced the chemist and engineer was that 
of applying the scientific fact and of developing it into a 
commercially successful process. Into the history of the 
attempts to overcome this difficulty, it is not possible to 
enter here, and I must restrict myself to a very brief 
description of the processes which are in successful 
operation at the present day. 
Before we enter on a discussion of these processes, 
however, a few words are necessary on the theory of the 
chemical reactions involved, on the recognition of which the 
success of the processes depends. 
In the first place one must note an important respect in 
which the combustion of nitrogen, or the combination of 
nitrogen with oxygen, differs from the combustion, say, 
of hydrogen. When hydrogen bums, a large amount of 
heat is given out, and consequently, when a mixture of 
hydrogen and oxygen is ignited at any point, the tempera- 
ture of the surrounding gas is raised to the ignition point 
and the flame spreads throughout the whole mixture. 
But in the case of nitrogen and oxygen, combination takes 
place with absorption of heat — the reaction is an endo- 
thermic one — and heat must therefore be continually 
added to the mixture in order to allow the process of 
combustion or combination to proceed. Indeed, if it were 
not so, a flash of lightning would set the whole atmosphere 
ablaze, and "deluge the world in a sea of nitric and 
nitrous acids." 
Further, the reaction between nitrogen and oxygen 
whereby the compound nitric oxide is formed, is a re- 
versible reaction (p, 92), represented by the expression — 
N + O ^ NO 
and at a given temperature, therefore, only a certain pro- 
portion of the gases combines. But it is a general rule that 
in such a case, the reaction which takes place with absorp- 
tion of heat is favoured by raising the temperature ; and it 
is therefore to be expected that as the temperature is raised, 
the proportion of nitric oxide produced will become greater 
and greater. This prediction from theory was confirmed 
by experiment, as the following numbers show : — 
Volumes of nitric oxide to 
Temperature. loo volumes of gas. 
2800° F. 0-37 
2919° F. 0*42 
3200° F. 0*64 
4185° F. 2-05 
4356° F. 223 
5301" F. 5 
It is clear, therefore, that in order to obtain as large a 
proportion of nitric oxide as possible, it is necessary to con- 
duct the reaction at as high a temperature as possible. 
And this carries with it another advantage, for the higher 
the temperature, the more rapidly does the combination of 
oxygen and nitrogen occur ; the sooner, therefore, is the 
equilibrium concentration of nitric oxide reached. This is 
seen from the following figures : — 
required for the pro* 
duction of equilibrium. 
1832° F. 
82 days 
2732° F. 
125 „ 
3812° F. 
5 seconds 
4533" F. 
o'oi second 
But there is one important point to bear in mind. 
Since the reaction is a reversible one, decomposition of 
the nitric oxide will take place as the temperature is 
lowered ; and just as high temperature increases the 
velocity of combination, so also it will increase the 
velocity of decomposition. It is, therefore, of the greatest 
importance that the mixture of gases, after equilibrium 
has been established at a high temperature, shall be 
cooled down as rapidly as possible to a temperature at 
which the velocity of decomposition is comparatively slow, 
to a temperature, say, of about 2000° F. 
Let us now see how these different requirements which 
theory and laboratory experiments show to be necessary, 
are realised in industrial practice. 
The first successfully to solve the problem of the com- 
bination of nitrogen and oxygen on a commercial scale, 
were two Norwegians, Birkeland and Eyde. For the 
production of the high temperature required, they made 
use of the electric arc, the only means whereby a temper- 
ature of from 5000® to 6000" F. can be satisfactorily and 
economically obtained ; and the arc, produced by an 
alternating current, was caused to expand out into a 
circular sheet of flame by the action of a powerful electro- 
magnet. The arc, expanded in this way into a sheet of 
flame about two yards in diameter, is formed in a furnace 
of circular shape, a section through which is shown in 
Fig. 9. The flame chamber is of fire-brick, pierced by 
channels through which air can be fed into the flame, and 
the fire-clay is cased in iron. From the flame-chamber, 
the temperature of which may rise from 5000° to 6000** F., 
the hot gases are led away through channels in the 
periphery of the furnace, and are cooled rapidly to a 
temperature of about 1800° to 1900** F., the heat which 
is given up by the gases being used in boilers for the 
production of steam. When sufficiently cooled, the gases 
Fig. 9.— Birkeland and Eyde Furnace. 
Air, entering at I, passes as shown by the arrows to the centre of the 
furnace in which the electric arc, formed at A, is spread out into a disc of 
flame by means of the electro-magnet M M. The gas then passes out at E. 
C C are the coils of wire through which the electric current passes in order to 
actuate the electro-magnet. 
are passed into chambers lined with acid-proof stone, 
where time is given to the nitric oxide to combine with 
the free oxygen present in the mixture of gases and 
so to form a higher oxide called nitrogen peroxide, NOj. 
From the oxidation chambers, the gases pass on through 
a series of absorption towers, the first of which contains 
broken quartz over which a fine stream of water is allowed 
to trickle. The greater portion of the nitrogen peroxide 
is absorbed by the water and gives rise to nitric acid. 
For the purpose of removing the last traces of the oxides 
of nitrogen, the gases are caused to pass through a 
second series of absorption towers, down which trickles 
a solution of sodium hydroxide (caustic soda), and in 
these towers sodium nitrite is produced. The nitric acid 
obtained from the first series of towers is neutralised by 
means of limestone (carbonate of lime), and the solution 
of nitrate of lime (calcium nitrate) is concentrated by 
evaporation under reduced pressure. When sufficiently 
concentrated, it is pumped on to cold revolving cylinders 
on which the liquid rapidly solidifies, and from which it 
can then be scraped ofif in flakes. This nitrate of lime is 
known as Norwegian saltpetre, or air saltpetre, and it can 
be used directly, like Chile saltpetre, as a fertiliser. A 
certain amount of the nitric acid is also used for making 
nitrate of ammonia (ammonium nitrate), the richest of 
all nitrogen fertilisers. For this purpose the ammonia, 
in solution, is imported from England, converted into 
ammonium nitrate by the addition of nitric acid, and 
exported again in this form to England. 
The sodium nitrite obtained from the second series of 
absorption towers is used in large quantities, more especi- 
ally in Germany, in the manufacture of dyes. 
Besides the one invented by Birkeland and Eyde, 
other types of furnace have also been introduced, such as 
the Schonherr furnace in which a long cylindrical flame 
is produced in a tubular furnace, and the Pauling furnace, 
in which a flame of burning gas is obtained by blowing 
a stream of air through an electric arc formed between 
AZ_-shaped terminals. 
The production of nitric acid and nitrates by the 
direct combination of atmospheric nitrogen and oxygen, 
is carried out mainly, though not entirely, at Notodden 
and other parts of the Telemark district in Southern 
Norway, where an abundant and very cheap water-power 
is available. At Notodden there are two power stations 
capable of supplying 60,000 h.p., but at Vemork, near the 
Rjukan waterfall, some distance away, two other power- 
stations, capable of supplying 250,000 h.p., have recently 
beerv constructed. To ensure a constant water supply for 
these two power-stations, a dam was constructed a short 
distance below Lake Mos, whereby a reservoir was created 
with a storage capacity of about 190 thousand million 
gallons, an amount nearly equal to that retained by the 
great barrage at Assouan. 
With the advantages which Southern Norway pos- 
sesses, it is possible to produce synthetic nitrates at a 
cost considerably lower than that of Chile saltpetre. At 
present the annual output is about 160,000 tons ; a large 
amount, certainly, although only a small proportion of 
the world's annual consumption. 
2. Fixation of Nitrogen by means of Carbides. 
The process of direct combination of nitrogen and 
oxygen demands for its success a very cheap electric 
power, and it can therefore be carried out only at a few 
places where an abundant water-power can be made avail- 
able at a low cost. But other processes for the fixation 
of atmospheric nitrogen have been discovered since the 
beginning of the present century in which the cost of 
electricity is not such an important factor, and which can 
therefore be carried out with commercial success even 
when the electrical power is somewhat expensive. 
In one of these processes, the starting-point is the 
compound calcium carbide which, as we have seen, is now 
manufactured in large quantities for the production of 
acetylene. When nitrogen is passed over this carbide, 
suitably heated in retorts, a reaction takes place with 
formation of a compound known as calcium cyanamide, 
and the production at the same time of a quantity of 
carbon. The dark grey coloured mixture which is thus 
obtained, and which contains about 60 per cent, of calcium 
cyanamide, is put on the market under the name of 
nitrolim^ or lime nitrogen^ as it is called in America. 
For this compound, calcium cyanamide, quite a number 
of uses have been developed, but the most important is 
that as a source of nitrogen in agriculture. When properly 
applied to the soil, calcium cyanamide has been found to 
have a fertilising value for cereals nearly equal to that of 
ammonium salts. But the physical qualities of the com- 
mercial nitrolim, its dustiness and dirtiness, were prejudicial 
to its use, and although the former defect has been largely 
removed, much of the cyanamide is used, not directly as 
a fertiliser but for conversion into ammonium salts, 
ammonia being readily obtained by passing superheated 
steam over the cyanamide. 
In the previous chapter I endeavoured to emphasise 
how man had learnt to avail himself of the catalytic 
activity of certain substances and to make them work 
for him at no expense, and here, in connection with the 
economic utilisation of Nature's boundless stores of 
nitrogen, catalysts have again been made to play an 
important part. 
Just as we have seen (p. 97) that hydrogen burns 
to water with great vigour, even at the ordinary tempera- 
ture, in the presence of platinum, so also it was found 
that when a mixture of ammonia and air (or oxygen) 
is passed over platinum, the ammonia burns and forms 
nitric acid. By a proper regulation of the process, it is 
possible to effect the combustion of only half of the 
ammonia, the other half then combining with the nitric 
acid produced to form nitrate of ammonia. It is in this 
direction that the manufacturers of cyanamide are 
apparently now turning their attention. 
It is perhaps worth while to emphasise here the 
importance of this application of catalysis. Not only can 
it be used as a convenient method of obtaining the 
valuable fertiliser nitrate of ammonia, but it can be used 
also for the purpose of obtaining nitric acid. For the 
most part this acid, the indispensable necessity of which 
in the manufacture of explosives has already been pointed 
out, is prepared from Chile saltpetre, and it is therefore 
clear that a country whose supplies of this salt might be 
cut off, would, in time of war, be rendered powerless. It 
was, indeed, under the stimulus of the apprehension that 
such might be the fate of his country, that the German 
chemist, Professor Ostwald, addressed himself to the 
successful development of the process of burning ammonia 
to nitric acid, to which we have just referred. The 
necessary ammonia can be obtained by the distillation 
of coal, by the decomposition of calcium cyanamide, and 
also, as we shall see, by the direct combination of nitrogen 
and hydrogen. This synthesis of ammonia, indeed, is 
perhaps the most valuable method of utilising the 
atmospheric nitrogen, and to its consideration we must 
now turn our attention. 
3. Synthetic Production of Ammonia. 
However important the processes to which we have 
referred may be, and however great the contribution which 
they have made towards a solution of the "nitrogen 
problem," they could scarcely, on account of their greater 
or less dependence on cheap electric power, furnish a 
complete solution of the problem. Something more was 
needed, and the announcement some years ago that the 
direct combination of nitrogen and hydrogen to form 
ammonia had been developed into a commercially suc- 
cessful process, was recognised as of the highest significance 
and importance. 
The problem of successfully bringing about the direct 
combination of nitrogen and hydrogen is one which has 
taxed the ingenuity of chemists for many years. Inert 
as the two gases are towards each other at the ordinary 
temperature, it was well known that by the passage of 
electric sparks through a mixture of the two gases, 
ammonia was produced, but only in very minute amount. 
It was, moreover, also known that when electric sparks 
are passed through gaseous ammonia, decomposition, 
almost but not quite complete, into nitrogen and hydrogen 
takes place. In other words, it was known that the 
reaction between nitrogen and hydrogen is a reversible 
one, and leads therefore to a state of equilibrium ; but the 
concentration of ammonia present was exceedingly small 
and all attempts to obtain an appreciable amount of the 
compound by direct combination of nitrogen and hydrogen 
ended in failure. But new weapons were being forged, 
the weapons of chemical dynamics, and with these the 
problem was again attacked, and only within the past 
few years, as the result of ably-directed and painstaking 
endeavour, the problem has been solved. 
Experiment has shown that when nitrogen and 
hydrogen combine, the volume of the ammonia produced 
is less than that of the mixed hydrogen and nitrogen ; and 
therefore, according to the laws of chemical dynamics, the 
relative amount of ammonia produced will be increased 
by bringing the gases together under a high pressure. 
Moreover, contrary to what was found to be the case in 
the combination of nitrogen and oxygen (p. 118), com- 
bination of nitrogen and hydrogen takes place with 
evolution of heat ; and therefore (p. 93, footnote), the 
formation of ammonia will be favoured by keeping the 
temperature low. The following table will show how 
the predictions of theory were borne out by experiment : — 
Percentage amonnt ot ammonia in the equilibrium 
mixture when the pressure was 
I atmosphere lOQ atmospheres 
o'02i a*i 
0-048 4'5 
0*13 io*8 
In order, therefore, to attain success in the industrial 
synthesis of ammonia from its elements, the rule must be 
borne in mind: Maintain the gases under as high a 
pressure and at as low a temperature as possible. 
But here again we meet with that factor which so 
sharply distinguishes success in the scientific laboratory 
from success in the factory, the factor of time. At about 
900*, it is true, quite an appreciable amount of ammonia 
is formed by the direct combination of hydrogen and 
nitrogen, but the rate at which this amount is produced 
is so slow that the process would be industrially useless. 
Again, therefore, the first immediate requirement is the 
discovery of a suitable catalyst, and such a catalyst was 
found in osmium, in uranium, in iron, and in certain other 
substances, some of which previous investigators had also 
employed, but without achieving success. And here 
again, as in other cases to which reference has been made, 
failure was due to a non-recognition of the fact that 
catalysts can be "poisoned." Through the presence of 
minute traces of different impurities in the nitrogen or 
hydrogen, the efficiency of the catalyst can be destroyed, 
and it was only by laborious and careful investigation 
of the behaviour of different catalysts and of the behaviour 
of other substances towards these catalysts, that success 
was made possible. Nor indeed were the engineering 
difficulties much less than the chemical, but they have 
been overcome, and the synthetic production of ammonia 
has now been added to the industries of the world. 
In the manufacturing process, a mixture of nitrogen, 
and hydrogen, under a pressure of 1 50-200 atmospheres, is 
circulated, by means of a pump, over the catalyst contained 
in a tube heated electrically to a temperature of about 
930° F. After passing over the catalyst, the gases, which 
now contain a certain proportion of ammonia, are passed 
through a tube immersed in a freezing mixture, so as to 
liquefy the ammonia, while the unchanged nitrogen and 
hydrogen are made to circulate again over the catalyst. 
The importance of this synthetic process for preparing 
ammonia lies in the fact that its success is not dependent 
on a cheap supply of electrical power, and that it can 
therefore be carried out in countries which are unfavour- 
ably situated for the production of the electricity required 
in the previous methods of " fixing " the atmospheric 
nitrogen. By this process one is enabled not only to 
produce the nitrogenous fertiliser, sulphate of ammonia, 
which is so valuable in agriculture, but, by the catalytic 
oxidation of the ammonia, one can obtain nitric acid, and 
the nitrates, which are so esserttial for the manufacture of 
explosives. From the last mentioned compounds, also, is 
prepared the nitrite of soda, of which enormous quantities 
are consumed in the manufacture of dyes. 
4. Combination of Nitrogen with Metals. 
But there is one other process for the fixation of 
atmospheric nitrogen which promises to have much success, 
especially in France, where the process is already being 
worked, and in the other countries where the necessary 
ores of aluminium exist. According to what is known as 
the Serpek process, nitrogen is passed over a heated 
mixture of bauxite (naturally occurring aluminium oxide), 
and coal. Combination takes place between the nitrogen 
and the aluminium with formation of a compound known 
as aluminium nitride, and when this is boiled with water, 
almost the whole of the nitrogen present is liberated as 
ammonia, while the aluminium is obtained in the form 
of pure oxide, suitable for use in the production of the 
metal. Although by this process sulphate of ammonia 
can be produced at a low cost, the successful development 
of the process is intimately bound up with the demand for 
pure oxide of aluminium ; and this, in turn, depends on 
the demand for the metal. 
From what has now been said, it may be agreed that 
the outlook with regard to the supply of nitrogen com- 
pounds for agricultural and industrial operations is full of 
hope ; and although the atmospheric nitrogen has, as yet, 
only been made to satisfy a small part of the world's 
demands, no difficulties stand in the way of a greatly 
increased supply by one or all of the processes which I have 
attempted to describe. And chemists surely may justifi- 
ably feel some pride and satisfaction, and may even 
reasonably look for some sign of appreciation on the part 
of their fellow men, in the fact that in the solution of the 
great problem of the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen, 
their ingenuity has not altogether been found wanting. 
To make two ears of corn to grow where only one grew 
before, is an achievement which should surely win for 
science some larger measure of popular recognition and 
But when we contemplate the position which our own 
country occupies in this matter, we must confess to a 
feeling of great disappointment. Norway, Germany, 
Austria, Italy, France, the United States, Canada, India, 
Japan, in fact, practically every civilised country but our 
own, is actively engaged in developing the nitrogen 
industries. It is true that we produce a considerable 
quantity of ammonia in our gas-works, and other works, 
and we are also, on a very small scale, producing ammonia 
from peat. But we are thereby merely using up resources 
which cannot be replaced, and we are doing nothing to 
create further supplies of the vitally necessary compounds 
of nitrogen. We export our coal to Odda and buy it back 
again, at an enhanced price, as calcium cyanamide ; we 
export our ammonia to Notodden, and buy it back as 
ammonium nitrate. It is often stated that we are at a 
disadvantage in this country in not having at our disposal 
the cheap water-power which is available in some other 
countries at least. But it has also been pointed out by 
competent authorities that electrical power could be 
developed in this country at a price which would allow of 
the successful working more especially of the cyanamide 
process. Moreover, we must bear in mind that the 
synthetic production of ammonia which has only within 
the past few years been developed in Germany, is not 
dependent on specially cheap power at all. Surely the 
time is more than come for some effort to be made to 
produce within our own borders those substances which are 
of such vital importance in the life of our people. 
Even the simplest process of chemical manufacture 
involves, as a rule, the working together of several 
processes, each of which forms a detail in the complete 
series of operations ; and the success of the process as a 
whole depends on the efficiency with which the preliminary 
and detail processes can be carried out. Thus, in the 
nitrogen industries, for example, it is essential for success 
that a cheap source of pure nitrogen and also, in the case 
of the synthetic production of ammonia, a cheap source 
of hydrogen should be available. 
For the purpose of obtaining nitrogen the method 
which is most frequently employed on the manufacturing 
scale is the distillation of liquid air. Liquid air, of course, 
consists of a mixture of liquid nitrogen and liquid oxygen, 
which boil at —319° and — 296*5° F. respectively. Just as 
we saw that the different hydrocarbons in crude petroleum 
can be separated by fractional distillation, so also in the 
case of liquid air, we can separate the nitrogen from 
the oxygen. As the nitrogen has the lower boiling-point, 
it distils off first, and by suitable arrangements can 
be obtained free from oxygen. 
The production of liquid air is now a very simple 
matter, and has already developed into an industry of 
very considerable proportions. At Niagara Falls, for 
example, two million cubic feet of nitrogen are prepared 
from the air daily, by the distillation of liquid air ; and 
the scale on which the liquefaction of air is carried out 
may be gathered from the fact that this liquid is thrown 
to waste at the rate of thirty gallons an hour, merely 
to keep the apparatus flushed out and in good order. The 
principle on which the process of liquefaction depends 
is that when highly compressed air is allowed to expand 
rapidly its temperature falls ; and the amount by which 
the temperature is lowered on expansion is all the greater 
the lower the temperature of the compressed gas previous 
to the expansion. 
The industrial application of this principle is due 
mainly to a German and 
an English engineer, 
Linde and Hampson, 
and their method will 
be understood from Fig. 
10. Air under a pres- 
sure of about 1 50 atmo- 
spheres, and free from 
moisture and carbon 
dioxide, enters the ap- 
paratus at A, and passes, 
as shown by the arrows, 
to the central tube, where 
it sub-divides into a 
series of three or four 
tubes, B, of thin copper 
wound spirally round 
the central rod D. At 
the lower end, these 
tubes pass together into 
a valve C, at which the 
compressed air rapidly 
expands. A lowering 
of temperature is thereby 
produced. The cool air 
now passes upwards over 
Fig. 10. — Hampson Apparatus for Liquefying Air. 
A, tube by which air enters ; B, section through spirals of copper tubing ; 
C, expansion valve ; D, central spindle ; E, wheel for opening and closing 
expansion valve ; G, tank in which liquid air collects ; H, gauge to indicate 
amount of liquid air in G ; J, tube connecting tank with gauge ; O, prc'^sure 
gauge to indicate pressure at which the air enters the apparatus ; P, valve 
closing tube R, through which the liquid air is withdrawn ; T, wlieel for 
opening the valve P. 
the layers of copper tubing, and so cools down the com- 
pressed air \yhich is passing through these towards the 
expansion valve. In this way the air expanding at the 
valve gets progressively colder and colder, until at last a 
point is reached when the lowering of temperature on 
expansion is so great that the air liquefies. It collects in 
the tank E, from which it can be drawn off from time to 
time through the tube R. 
This apparatus can also be made use of for the cheap 
production of hydrogen on a commercial scale, use being 
made of water gas (a mixture of carbon monoxide and 
hydrogen), as the source of the hydrogen. By liquefying 
this mixture of gases in the Linde apparatus, a practically 
complete separation of the two gases can be effected by 
distillation, as in the case of nitrogen and oxygen, and 
the last traces of carbon monoxide can be readily removed 
by suitable chemical absorbents. 
A large amount of hydrogen is also prepared by 
passing a current of electricity through a solution of 
caustic potash or of potassium carbonate. In this process 
oxygen is also produced, and the process can be economi- 
cally carried out at places where there is a demand for 
the two gases. 
The ease with which liquid air can now be produced 
is not only of great industrial importance, but is also of 
much value in the furtherance of scientific knowledge. 
By means of liquid air, one is enabled to extend the scope 
of scientific investigation to temperatures which other- 
wise would be inaccessible ; and the increase of knowledge 
which has accrued therefrom is of the highest scientific 
interest and practical value. The utilisation of this new 
aid to scientific research was greatly facilitated by the 
introduction of the well-known Dewar " vacuum vessels." 
These " vacuum vessels," which are now so familiar under 
the name of " thermos " flasks, consist of 
double-walled glass vessels (Fig. 11), the air 
being removed as completely as possible from 
the space between the two walls. The " vacuum " 
by which the vessel containing the liquid air is 
thus surrounded, acts as a very efficient heat 
insulator, so that although the liquid air is 
several hundred degrees colder than the sur- 
rounding atmosphere, the heat from the latter 
is conducted only very slowly to the liquid air, 
which may thus be preserved for hours without any 
considerable loss. 
Fig, II.— 
In the previous chapter we discussed one of the youngest 
of the chemical industries, an industry which has been 
developed at the call of necessity to contribute to the 
well-being of man and the advance of civilisation. In 
the present chapter we shall turn our attention, in the 
first place, to one of the oldest industries, which by reason 
of the unique and valuable properties of the product, is 
still one of the foremost industries of civilised countries, 
the industry of glass making. 
Many, doubtless, are familiar with the legend reported 
by the Roman writer Pliny in the first century of our 
era, which ascribed the discovery of glass to a party 
of Phoenician sailors who were forced by stress of weather 
to land on the sandy shore under Mount Carmel. Here, 
standing their cooking-pots on lumps of soda, with which 
their ship was laden, they observed the soda and the 
sand to fuse together under the heat of the fire, and so 
to form a glass. But we can be sure that it was not 
thus that glass was discovered, and although the Phoenician 
towns of Tyre and Sidon were, at an early period, almost 
as celebrated for their glass as for the famous purple 
dye which coloured the robes of kings, it is to Egypt 
that we must lcx)k for the first knowledge of glass or 
glass-like material ; to that country which, as Herodotus 
wrote, " contains more wonders than any other land, and 
is pre-eminent above all countries of the world for works 
which almost baffle description." The representation of 
the art of glass-blowing on the walls of the tomb of Tih 
(about 3800 B.C.), with which every visitor to Egypt is 
familiar, and the discovery of glass beads and ornaments 
among the ruins of the ancient city of Memphis, bear 
testimony to a knowledge of this material at a very early 
period in Egyptian civilisation. What mankind owes to 
the first discoverer of the process of making glass, it is 
scarcely possible to describe. That first artificer in glass, 
as Dr. Johnson wrote, "was facilitating and prolonging 
the enjoyment of light, enlarging the avenues of science, 
and conferring the highest and most lasting pleasures ; 
he was enabling the student to contemplate nature and 
the beauty to behold herself" And in recent years glass 
has undergone a wonderful evolution through the work 
and labours of chemists, who have shown how, by variation 
of the composition, the properties of glass may be altered 
in a most marvellous degree ; and they have thereby 
made possible the construction of apparatus for the most 
diverse uses, prisms and lenses for lighthouses, microscopes, 
telescopes and other instruments, and so have contributed 
to the service of man and a knowledge of the universe. 
But before we consider more fully the nature and 
properties of glass, there are one or two points of general 
importance to which it is necessary to direct attention. 
We are all familiar with the statement that matter can 
exist in three states — the solid, liquid, and gaseous ; and this 
statement is familiarly illustrated by the substance water, 
which is well known in the three forms of ice, water, and 
steam. By elevation of the temperature, solid is made to 
pass into liquid, and liquid into gas, whereas by lowering 
the temperature the reverse series of changes is brought 
At the present moment it is the change from solid to 
liquid, and more especially from liquid to solid, that de- 
mands our interest ; and in using the term solid, I mean 
crystalline solid, and not amorphous solid. In a crystalline 
solid the particles are arranged in a definite geometrical 
form bounded by plane faces or surfaces, such as we see 
in the naturally occurring rock crystal, amethyst, etc. ; 
whereas an amorphous solid does not naturally assume any 
definite shape, although it may, of course, be cut into 
definite forms in imitation of crystals. When a crystalline 
solid is heated it is found that it passes, at a definite 
temperature, known as its melting-point, from the solid to 
the liquid state, whereas an amorphous solid, like sealing 
wax for example, gradually loses its rigidity and possesses, 
therefore, no definite melting-point. 
When a crystalline solid substance is heated, it is found 
that melting or liquefaction occurs as soon as the melting 
point is reached, and it has never yet been found possible 
to heat a crystalline solid to a temperature above its 
melting-point without such a change occurring. If, how- 
ever, a liquid is cooled down, it is found quite generally 
that the temperature can be lowered below the normal 
freezing-point, or below the melting-point of the solid 
without any of the solid form being produced. We can, 
for example, with care, cool water to a temperature much 
below 32° F. without any ice being formed, and liquids 
which are in this way cooled to below the normal freezing- 
point, are said to be supercooled. Such supercooled liquids 
appear to be quite stable — they can, apparently, be kept 
for any length of time unchanged — provided that all traces 
of the solid form are rigidly excluded. If, however, even 
a minute trace, even the ten thousand millionth part of a 
grain, of the solid substance — a particle which might dance 
as a mote in the sunbeam — is brought into contact with the 
supercooled liquid, the state of apparent equilibrium is 
upset, separation of the crystalline solid form begins, and 
the process goes on until all the liquid has passed into 
solid.* The process of crystallisation, however, does not 
take place at once throughout the whole mass of the liquid, 
but only those portions of liquid which are in contact with 
the solid crystallise out, and so we find the process of 
crystallisation gradually extending throughout the whole 
of the supercooled liquid. Moreover, the rate at which 
crystallisation takes place in a supercooled liquid depends 
on several factors ; it depends on the nature of the sub- 
stance itself, for it is found that different substances crystal- 
lise at different rates, and also on the purity of the substance, 
the rate of crystallisation being lowered by the presence of 
foreign substances. The velocity of crystallisation depends 
also on the degree of supercooling, and that is the factor 
on which I desire to lay most stress at present. The more 
a liquid is cooled below the normal freezing-point, the 
• When the cooling is carried out slowly, it is found that substances differ 
greatly in the readiness with which they remain supercooled, but, in general, 
when a substance has been supercooled to a certain extent, crystallisation or 
separation of the solid in the crystalline form, takes place spontaneously, that 
is, without the previous addition of the solid form. 
faster will solidification occur once it has been started. 
But this law, which is a perfectly general one, is subject to 
modification through the operation of another factor. We 
have already seen that the speed with which a chemical 
change takes place, depends on the temperature, the speed 
being all the greater the higher the temperature, and 
becoming less as the temperature is lowered. Similarly 
with the process of crystallisation. When crystallisation is 
started in a supercooled liquid, two opposing factors 
operate to affect the speed of crystallisation. At first 
the effect of supercooling is predominant, and so as the 
degree of supercooling is increased the rate of crystal- 
lisation also increases. But after a point, the effect of 
the lowering of temperature counterbalances the effect of 
the supercooling, the rate of crystallisation ceases to in- 
crease as the temperature is lowered, and in fact begins 
now to decrease. There is, therefore, a certain tempera- 
ture, a certain degree of supercooling, at which the velocity 
of crystallisation is a maximum, and below which it 
becomes less and less ; and, ultimately, it becomes practi- 
cally equal to zero. The supercooled liquid no longer 
crystallises even when brought into contact with the 
crystalline solid. 
But we know that as we cool down a liquid, it becomes 
more and more viscous, and at last it becomes so viscous 
that it does not " run " at all so far as ordinary observation 
can detect, and so we call it a solid. An amorphous solid 
is just such a supercooled liquid, a liquid cooled so far 
below its crystallising point that the rate of crystallisation 
is infinitely slow. In this way are formed, for example, 
the glassy lavas, or obsidians, by the rapid cooling of 
molten lava, as well as ordinary glass with which we are so 
When a supercooled liquid or " glass " is maintained at 
a temperature in the neighbourhood of the softening point, 
spontaneous crystallisation may set in, and thereby cause 
the glass to lose its transparent, vitreous character ; the 
glass, it is said, devitrifies. Under certain circumstances, 
this may prove a source of much annoyance. 
A substance which affords an excellent illustration of 
the behaviour which has just been discussed, is quartz or 
silica (an oxide of the element silicon), a substance which 
is very familiar to everyone. It occurs as the clear, glassy 
particles which form sea-sand, and which can also be 
readily distinguished in granite ; coloured by certain im- 
purities it forms the well-known ornamental stones, the 
Cairngorm and the amethyst, while in the pure colourless 
form it is known as rock crystal, which ordinarily crystal- 
lises in six-sided prisms ending in six-sided pyramids. 
It is largely employed for making spectacle glasses and 
optical instruments. 
When this crystalline quartz is heated in the oxy- 
hydrogen blowpipe flame, or in a specially constructed 
electric furnace, to a temperature of about 3000" F., it 
melts to a colourless liquid ; and when this liquid is cooled 
fairly rapidly, the quartz can be obtained as a clear, colour- 
less, glassy mass — a supercooled liquid — which looks just 
like ordinary glass. This fused quartz, or quartz glass, 
possesses the exceedingly valuable property that it ex- 
pands and contracts only very slightly with alteration of 
the temperature (its coefficient of expansion is less than 

one-tenth that of glass), and for this reason it can, unlike 
ordinary glass, be rapidly heated or rapidly cooled without 
cracking. It can, for example, be heated red hot and 
ithen plunged into cold water, or when cold, it can be 
suddenly introduced into the blowpipe flame, or a wire 
enclosed within a tube of quartz glass may be heated to 
a bright red heat by means of an electric current while the 
tube is immersed in cold water, and the quartz glass 
remains in all cases uncracked. By reason of this property, 
quartz glass, formed into apparatus of various kinds, has 
come increasingly into use in recent years, more especially 
in cases where rapid changes of temperature are en- 
countered. Although readily attacked by alkalies, it is 
very resistant to acids, except hydrofluoric acid. 
When heated for some time to a temperature of about 
2280** F., a temperature considerably below the melting- 
point of quartz, the glassy quartz passes into the crystalline 
form, it " devitrifies," and can then no longer withstand, 
as before, sudden changes of temperature. 
Unlike fused quartz or silica glass, ordinary glass is not a 
single substance but a homogeneous mixture of substances. 
When quartz or silica, which occurs in great abundance 
as sea-sand — the grains of this consist of almost pure 
silica — is heated together with soda (sodium carbonate), 
the silica displaces the carbonic acid from the carbonate 
and a compound is obtained known as sodium silicate. 
When this is allowed to cool, it solidifies to a glassy 
material familiar to every one as water-glass, so called 
because of its solubility in water. A similar substance is 
obtained by fusing quartz with potash. If, instead of 
heating sand or quartz with soda (or potash), only, one also 
adds other metallic oxides or carbonates, such as lime, 
or alumina, or oxide of lead, mixtures of silicates are 
obtained which solidify to glasses that do not dissolve 
in water, and constitute what we ordinarily call glass. 
Glass has, therefore, no definite composition, and by 
varying not only the constituents but also their relative 
amounts, glasses of various kinds and possessing very 
different properties can be prepared. All glasses, however, 
contain soda or potash. 
Ordinary window glass, glass for table-ware and for 
general use, consists essentially of a mixture of the silicates 
of soda and of lime, although aluminium is also very 
frequently present in very small amount The quality 
and appearance of the glass depend largely on the purity 
of the materials employed in its manufacture, and the 
principal source of the silica is a fine white sand found 
in various parts of England, but the purer sands of France 
and of Belgium are also laid under contribution. Such 
sand, mixed thoroughly with sodium carbonate ^ and pure 
white chalk or limestone, is melted in large fire-clay pots, 
placed in furnaces which are now generally heated by 
means of gas. At first the molten mass is almost opaque 
owing to the multitude of bubbles of carbonic acid gas 
which permeate it, but after a time these bubbles gradu- 
ally escape, and a clear liquid is obtained. The desired 
articles can then be formed either by pouring the molten 
glass into moulds or by blowing. In the latter case, 
a quantity of molten glass is taken up on the end of a 
long metal tube, and by blowing through the tube, hollow 
' Sulphate of soda is also largely employed in place of the carbonate. 
articles of varied shape can, by the expert skill of the 
glass blower, be obtained. For the production of " sheet 
glass," used for windows, the molten glass is first blown 
into the form of a hollow cylinder, the ends of which 
are then cut off. By means of a diamond, this cylinder 
is then cut along its entire length and placed in a furnace 
heated to the softening point of the glass. The cylinder 
begins to unroll, and it is then flattened out into a sheet 
by means of a special instrument. 
The surface of this glass is not quite plane, but is 
covered with slight depressions and bulgings, and in 
consequence of this, objects viewed through such glass 
are more or less distorted. To get rid of this defect, the 
sheet glass is sometimes ground and polished, as in the 
case of plate glass, and in this way one obtains what is 
known as "patent plate." Such glass is largely used 
for the framing of pictures. 
After the sheet of glass or other article has been 
formed, it must be again heated to near its softening point 
and then placed in an " annealing " chamber where it can 
cool very slowly. The purpose of this is to get rid of 
the stresses which are set up in the rapidly cooled glass 
and which render the glass very liable to fall to pieces 
when scratched. This can be illustrated by what are 
known as Rupert's drops, obtained by dropping molten 
glass into hot oil, so that the glass is suddenly cooled. 
This glass is very hard, and can withstand even heavy 
blows with a hammer, but if the " tail " attached to the 
drop is broken, or if the glass be scratched with a file, 
the whole drop falls to a powder. Such hardened or 
toughened glass, produced by annealing glass in oil, 
appears to have been known at least as early as the 
first century A.D., as the following incident, related by 
Fetronius in that excellent satire, "Cena Trimalchionis," 
shows : " There was an artist who made glass vessels so 
tough and hard that they were no more to be broken 
than gold and silver ones : It so happen'd that the same 
person having made a very fine glass mug, fit for no 
man, as he thought, less than Caesar himself, he went 
with his present to the Emperor, and had admittance ; 
both the gift and the hand of the workman were com- 
mended, and the design of the giver accepted. This 
artist, that he might turn the admiration of the beholders 
into astonishment, and work himself the more into the 
Emperor's favour, begged the glass out of Caesar's hand ; 
and having received it, threw it with such a force against 
a paved floor, that the most solid and most firmest metal 
could not but have received some hurt thereby. Caesar 
also was equally amazed and troubled at the action ; but 
the other took up the mug from the ground, not broken 
but only a little bulg'd, as if the substance of metal had 
put on the likeness of glass ; and therewith taking a 
hammer out of his pocket he hammer'd it as if it had 
been a brass kettle, and beat out the bruise : and now 
the fellow thought himself in heaven, in having, as he 
fancied, gotten the acquaintance of Caesar, and the 
admiration of all mankind ; but it fell out quite contrary 
to his expectation : Caesar asking him if any one knew 
how to make this malleable glass but himself, and 
he answering in the negative, the emperor commanded 
his head to be struck off; 'For,' said he, 'if this art 
were once known, gold and silver will be of no more 
esteem than dirt' " In such fashion did Nero encourage 
and foster science. 
By a systematic study of the influence of a large 
number of substances on the properties of glass, hundreds 
of different glasses have been produced and their physical 
and optical properties examined. Some of these glasses 
have proved themselves to be of the highest value and 
have made possible the construction of apparatus by 
which scientific knowledge and material well-being have 
been greatly promoted. Moreover, glasses possessing 
very different expansibilities with heat have also been 
produced, and by welding together combinations of these, 
glasses have been obtained which undergo little change 
of volume on heating and can withstand even considerable 
and sudden alterations of temperature without cracking. 
The green colour so well known in the case of cheap 
bottle glass, and seen in practically all old window glass, 
is due to the presence of small amounts of iron derived 
from the impure materials, especially the sand, used in 
the manufacture of the glass. This green colour can be 
" corrected " by the addition of black oxide of manganese. 
The amethyst colour which is thereby produced neutralises 
the green due to the iron, and a white glass is obtained. 
The amethyst or purple colour due to the manganese 
becomes evident when such glass is exposed for a 
lengthened period to bright sunlight. 
By fusing silica with a mixture of potash and red 
lead (oxide of lead), a lustrous glass with a high refrac- 
tivity is obtained, and is known as "crystal." When 
cast in suitable moulds or, preferably, cut with a wheel 
and polished, it is much prized for vases and ornamental 
dishes of different kinds. A still more lustrous glass 
can be obtained by replacing part of the silica in the 
crystal glass mixture by boric acid, and so giving rise 
to what is called generally a boro-silicate glass. By 
reason of its brilliant lustre and high refractive power, 
such a glass, when suitably cut, sparkles and flashes in 
a myriad colours. It is, therefore, largely employed under 
the name of "strass," or "paste," for counterfeiting 
diamonds, and, when suitably coloured, other gems as 
The production of coloured or stained glass is easily 
effected by adding small quantities of suitable substances 
to the molten mixture of silicates. Thus, as we have 
already mentioned, addition of iron imparts a green 
colour to the glass, whereas the addition of manganese 
oxide colours the glass of an amethyst or purple shade. 
Salts of the metal uranium give to glass a yellowish- 
green fluorescence, and are much used in the production 
of fancy glass. With cobalt oxide the colour is deep 
blue, while with gold, a ruby red is obtained. Paste 
coloured blue with cobalt, or red with gold, is used to 
counterfeit the sapphire and the ruby. These counterfeit 
gems must not be confused with the artificially prepared 
sapphires and rubies to which reference was made pre- 
viously (p. 51). They can readily be distinguished from 
the latter or from the naturally occurring gems by their 
much greater softness. 
In most cases the colour in glass is due to the forma- 
tion of coloured silicates, silicate of manganese, silicate 
of cobalt, etc. ; but in the case of ruby glass, the colour 
is due to the presence of excessively minute particles of 
metallic gold. When a small quantity of gold is added 
to molten glass it dissolves, much as sugar dissolves in 
water, and if the glass is rapidly cooled it is found to 
be white or to have only a very faint yellow tinge. If, 
however, this glass is re-heated, or if the molten glass is 
allowed to cool slowly, metallic gold begins to separate 
out in very minute particles. As the particles increase 
in size, the colour deepens more and more to a dark 
ruby red, and different shades can be obtained by careful 
regulation of the heating and cooling. The particles, how- 
ever, are so minute that they are quite invisible not only 
to the naked eye, but even under a powerful microscope, 
and the gold is said to be in the colloidal state (Chap. X). 
If, however, too much gold is added, the metal may 
separate out in visible particles and so render the glass 
Glass is also used in large quantities for the pro- 
duction of mirrors, which constitute a great advance on 
the polished metal mirrors of our forefathers. In order 
to avoid distortion, plate glass, the surface of which has 
been polished quite plane and smooth, must be used, and 
one side of this is " silvered." Formerly, this was effected 
by coating the glass with an amalgam of tin and mercury, 
but mercury is a very expensive metal and its use also 
involves the danger to the workman of mercurial poisoning. 
For the production of mirrors, therefore, this metal has 
been superseded by silver, the use of which is not only 
free from danger but allows also of a whiter reflecting 
surface being obtained. By adding caustic soda and 
ammonia to the solution of a silver salt, e.g. silver nitrate, 
a solution is obtained from which metallic silver can 
readily be caused to separate out by the addition of certain 
substances, such as glucose. The surface of the mirror 
glass, previously well cleaned, is laid on the silver solution, 
and if the conditions are properly arranged, the silver 
separates out very slowly and forms a coherent and highly 
reflecting coating on the surface of the glass. Although 
silver is a fairly expensive metal, the amount used is so 
small that the silver required to coat even a large mirror 
would not cost more than a few pence. The silvering of 
the well-known " thermos " flasks is carried out in a similar 
When glass is heated for some time to a temperature 
just below the softening point, it devitrifies and becomes 
opaque owing to the crystallisation of the silicates present 
in the glass. 
The use of carbonate of soda in the manufacture of 
glass brings that industry into the closest relations with 
a series of chemical industries in which this country was 
for long predominant, namely, the manufacture not only 
of soda itself but also of sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, 
chlorine, and bleaching powder. 
Previous to the nineteenth century, the carbonate of 
soda required, more especially, for the manufacture of 
glass and of soap, to which we shall refer presently, was 
obtained mainly from the ash of marine plants which was 
prepared chiefly in Spain and sold under the name of 
barilla} But the supply was scanty, and barely sufl[icient 
' Sodium carboiute or soda has been known from remotest ages as 
forming a deposit on the shores of the soda-lakes of Eg)'pt, and is obtained 
from that source at the present day. Formerly it was called "nitre," and 
to meet the demand. There was, therefore, great need for 
an abundant source of cheap soda, and the Academy of 
Paris in 1775 offered a prize for a process of converting 
common salt, or chloride of sodium, of which there are 
such abundant supplies occurring naturally, into the car- 
bonate of sodium or soda. This problem was solved by 
the French chemist Leblanc, in 179 1. A factory for the 
manufacture of soda by the Leblanc process was started 
in 1793, but was confiscated by the Committee of Public 
Safety, and in 1806, filled with despair, the inventor of 
a process which has contributed so much to the comfort 
and well-being of the people by giving to them cheap 
glass and cheap soap, ended his days by his own hand. 
It was an inauspicious start for a great industry, but one, 
perhaps, not altogether out of keeping with the many 
vicissitudes through which it had afterwards to pass. 
The process invented by Leblanc consists of several 
stages. Salt, first of all, is heated with sulphuric acid, 
whereby the chloride of sodium is converted into sulphate 
of sodium or "salt-cake," as it is called commercially. 
At the same time there are produced large quantities of 
hydrochloric acid gas. The salt-cake is then heated with 
a mixture of limestone (calcium carbonate), and coal, 
whereby the sulphate of soda is converted into carbonate 
of soda, which can then be extracted by means of water. 
A residue, consisting mainly of sulphide of lime, and 
known as alkali waste or soda waste, is left For long, 
by this name it is referred to in the Bible : " As he that taketh away a 
garment in cold weather, and as vinegar upon nitre, so is he that singeth 
songs to an heavy heart " (Proverbs xxv. 20). Soda, when acted on by 
vinegar (acetic acid), is decomposed with brisk eflervescence due to the 
production of carbonic acid gas. 
the accumulations of this soda waste were a source of 
much annoyance to the community (by reason of the 
evil-smelling gas, sulphuretted hydrogen, which they 
evolved), as well as a loss to the manufacturers. After 
many failures, however, a process was discovered whereby 
the sulphur present in the waste could be recovered, and 
the economy which was thereby effected enabled the 
Leblanc process to maintain itself, at least for a time, 
against the formidable rival by which, as we shall learn, 
it was assailed during the latter half of the century. 
It was in England that the Leblanc process was 
chiefly worked, and there, together with the manufacture 
of sulphuric acid, the industry assumed very large pro- 
portions. But its history has been a checkered one. 
At first the hydrochloric acid gas which was evolved in 
the process was discharged into the air and became an 
intolerable nuisance, by reason of the fact that it destroyed 
all the vegetation in the neighbourhood of the works and 
rapidly corroded all ironwork. To still the outcry which 
was raised, more or less successful attempts were made 
to absorb the gas in water, in which it dissolves with 
great readiness. But if one trouble was thereby removed, 
a fresh one arose, and the soda manufacturers found 
themselves with large quantities of hydrochloric acid, for 
which there was scarcely any use, and which could not 
be run into the rivers as it would kill the fish. A way 
out of the difficulty, however, was at length discovered, 
and the hydrochloric acid which had been a source of 
annoyance to the community and of worry to the manu- 
facturers, became a source of considerable profit. By 
heating the hydrochloric acid with black oxide of 
manganese, and in other ways, chlorine is obtained, and 
this chlorine is a valuable bleaching and disinfecting agent. 
For convenience of transport and use, the chlorine is 
generally passed over slaked lime, which absorbs it and 
so gives rise to bleaching powder, or chloride of lime as 
it is popularly called. For this bleaching powder a great 
demand sprang up in the middle of last century, due to 
the development not only of the cotton but also of the 
paper industry, the raw materials for which required to 
be bleached before use. The production of hydrochloric 
acid played henceforward an important part in the success 
of the Leblanc process. 
During the past fifty years, however, the Leblanc soda 
process has been faced with a competition before which 
it has almost entirely succumbed. In 1863 the Belgian 
chemist, Ernest Solvay, developed a process, the Solvay or 
ammonia-soda process, based on a reaction discovered by 
two English chemists, whereby soda can be produced more 
economically and in a purer form than by the Leblanc pro- 
cess. The process depends on the fact that when carbon 
dioxide is passed into a solution of common salt saturated 
with ammonia, bicarbonate of soda (used in the prepara- 
tion of baking powder), is deposited. By heating the 
bicarbonate, carbon dioxide is driven off and the ordinary 
carbonate of soda is obtained. For a time the older pro- 
cess was able to maintain itself against its new rival, but 
although a quantity of soda is still manufactured by the 
Leblanc process, it is chiefly for the sake of the hydro- 
chloric acid and the chlorine obtainable from it, that the 
manufacture is continued. The continuation of the process 
is also made more easy from the fact that the sulphate of 
soda formed can be used, instead of the carbonate, for glass 
making. But yet " the old order changeth giving place to 
new," and the introduction of the electrolytic methods of 
making chlorine (owing, more especially, to the require- 
ments of the dye industry), and caustic soda, which was 
formerly prepared entirely from the carbonate, seems 
seriously to menace the existence of the Leblanc process. 
But whatever may be the final result, the introduction of 
the Solvay process for the manufacture of soda, and of the 
" contact process" for the manufacture of sulphuric acid, has 
deprived this country of the predominance which she once 
possessed in the manufacture of these chemicals, and has 
enabled the other countries to become independent of us 
for their supplies. Of the 2,I50,CXX) tons of soda produced 
in 19 10, only 820,CXX3 tons were produced in this country. 
Another very large industry which is dependent on the 
use of soda is that of soap-making. Even at an early 
period, about the beginning of the Christian era, a material 
resembling our soft soap, and used largely as an ointment, 
was prepared by boiling fat with potashes ; and although 
in later times the manufacture of soap developed consider- 
ably, it was not till early last century that it passed from 
being a handicraft carried on by rule of thumb, to an 
industry controlled by an exact knowledge of the proper- 
ties of the materials used. 
It has already been pointed out that the animal and 
vegetable fats and oils were shown by the French chemist, 
Chevreul, to be compounds of glycerine with different acids' 
which could be obtained by boiling the fats and oils with 
dilute sulphuric acid, or by treating them with superheated 
steam. This process of hydrolysis^ as it is called, or 
decomposition by water, can also be facilitated by caustic 
soda (sodium hydroxide), or caustic potash (potassium 
hydroxide), and the acid of the fat or oil then combines 
with the soda or the potash to form a sodium or potassium 
salt of the acid. This sodium or potassium salt of the fat 
or oil acid constitutes soap ; and hence the process of 
decomposing a fat or oil by means of alkali is known as 
For the manufacture of soap one cannot employ the 
carbonate of soda or of potash, but must first convert these 
into caustic soda or caustic potash. on adding slaked lime 
(calcium hydroxide), to the solution of the carbonate of 
soda or potash, a mutual decomposition takes place with 
formation of sodium or potassium hydroxide and calcium 
carbonate, and the latter, being insoluble, separates out. 
In this way the caustic lye of the soap-maker is 
generally prepared. The electrolytic preparation of caustic 
alkali is, however, assuming ever greater proportions, and 
may soon largely supersede the method which has just 
been described. 
Although soap can be obtained by using either caustic 
soda or caustic potash, the nature of the product obtained 
in the two cases is different, the potash soaps being soft, 
the soda soaps hard. 
The fats and oils used in soap-making are very varied 
in character. Formerly, animal tallow and olive oil were 
the chief raw materials employed, but, as has already 
been pointed out, the increased demand for margarine and 
other butter substitutes has driven the soap-maker to seek 
other sources of supply, and a number of different animal 
and vegetable oils have now been forced into his service ; 
these are either used as such, for the manufacture of soft 
soap, or are first " hardened " by the catalytic process 
referred to previously, for use in the manufacture of hard 
soap. By the admixture of different raw materials in 
varying proportions, soaps of different kinds and quality 
can be obtained ; and in the proper blending of the raw 
materials lies the art of the soap-maker, an art which is 
now guided by careful scientific investigation. 
In the manufacture of soft soap or potash soap, different 
animal or vegetable oils, e.g. linseed oil, cotton seed oil, 
soya-bean oil, are boiled with caustic potash. The oils are 
thereby decomposed with formation of glycerine and the oil 
acid, which combines with the potash to form soap. A 
thick paste is thus obtained which, owing to the presence 
of glycerine derived from the oil, does not dry up. Addi- 
tions of water-glass and other "loading" materials are 
frequently made. 
In the manufacture of hard soaps or soda soaps, caustic 
soda is gradually added to the fat or hardened oil, which is 
melted and kept stirred by means of steam. After the fat 
has become saponified, common salt is added, and this 
causes the paste of soap to separate out as a curdy mass 
on the surface of the liquid which contains not only the 
added salt and excess of alkali and various impurities, but 
also the glycerine of the fat Although, at one time, this 
liquid used to be run to waste, it is now subjected to a 
process of distillation in special vacuum stills in order to 
recover the glycerine, for which there now exists a large 
demand for the manufacture of dynamite and other ex- 
plosives. So valuable, indeed, is the glycerine that it 
has been stated that the profit from the recovery of the 
glycerine is sometimes greater than that from the soap 
With the soap curd, after it has been suitably freed 
from the impurities present, there is incorporated any 
colouring matter or perfume which it may be desired to 
add. The soap is then placed in frames, allowed to dry 
and harden, cut into bars, and moulded into tablets. 
Not infrequently this "genuine soap" is "filled" by 
the addition of other substances, such as carbonate of 
soda and water-glass. It is asserted that the soap is 
thereby hardened and its detergent power increased. 
The familiar transparent soaps are obtained by dis- 
solving pure soap in alcohol and then evaporating off the 
In the case of the cheaper varieties of soap, such as 
common yellow soap, the fat used is mixed with a quantity 
of rosin, which also undergoes a process of saponification 
to form a soap ; and in this way a mixed fat and rosin soap 
is obtained. 
Almost endless is the list of modern commercial soaps 
now offered for sale for special purposes, in which, with the 
genuine soap, there are incorporated disinfectants, medica- 
ments of various kinds, scouring materials such as infusorial 
earth, bleaching materials such as perborates, etc. 
The cleansing power of soap depends on its physical 
as well as on its chemical properties ; and in this connec- 
tion, its most important property is that it lowers the 
surface tension of water. What do we mean by this ? 
Every one knows that when water is brushed over a greasy 
surface, it does not form a continuous film wetting the 
surface, but breaks up into a number of separate drops, for 
all the world as if each little drop were surrounded by a 
thin elastic skin ; and the force which keeps the water in 
the form of a drop is called the surface tension. If we 
reduce the surface tension sufficiently, if we reduce the 
strength of the imaginary elastic skin surrounding the drop, 
then the water will spread out over the greasy surface and 
wet it ; and this lowering of the surface tension can be 
effected by dissolving a little soap in the water.^ This 
property of soap of lowering the surface tension of water, 
is an important factor in its cleansing power, because it 
enables the water to wet and so to come into close contact 
with even a greasy surface. But there is another property 
of soap solutions which plays perhaps the most important 
part of all in the cleansing process. This is the property of 
emulsifying oils and fats. on shaking up any oil, pure 
olive oil, paraffin oil, etc., vigorously with water, it is found 
that a milky liquid is obtained owing to the oil being broken 
up into a large number of droplets. But this milky appear- 
ance is not permanent ; in the course of a few minutes the 
droplets of oil run together to form larger drops, which 
then collect as a separate layer on the surface of the water. 
The milkiness thus disappears. If, however, the oil is 
shaken not with pure water but with water containing a 
little soap, the droplets into which the oil breaks up are 
much smaller (the emulsion appearing, in consequence, 
* The efiect described here will be familiar to every one who has interested 
himself in water-colour painting. To make the water-colour '* take," a little 
ox-gall is added, when necessary, in order to reduce the surface tension of the 
much whiter than before), and they do not run together 
and form a separate layer on standing. The oil is per- 
manently emulsified. And this is what happens when 
soap is used in cleansing a greasy surface to which 
dust and other dirt so readily adhere ; the film of grease 
is broken up owing to the emulsifying action of the 
soap solution, and the grease and dirt are then readily 
washed away. The removal of dirt is also facilitated in 
a purely mechanical way by the lather or foam which the 
soap-water forms, the production of lather being another 
result of the lowering of the surface tension of water. 
Although the salts of the fat acids with soda and 
potash, the ordinary soaps, are soluble in water, the salts 
with lime and magnesia are insoluble. Consequently, when 
soap is brought into water containing salts of lime or 
magnesia, the soap is decomposed with production of the 
insoluble calcium or magnesium salt of the fat acid, which 
separates out as a scum. Thus — 
Soluble soap (sodium stearate, etc.), and calcium 
bicarbonate (sulphate, etc.) 
Sodium bicarbonate (sulphate, etc.), and insoluble soap 
(calcium stearate, etc.). 
From its " feel " in washing such water is called " hard," 
and as the soap is decomposed, no lather can be obtained 
until sufficient soap has been added to combine with all 
the calcium and magnesium salts present. Since the 
bicarbonate or other salt of sodium which is formed, 
does not lower the surface tension of water and has no 
power of emulsifying oils, the soap cannot exercise its 
proper cleansing function until after the removal of the 
calcium and magnesium salts. 
Not only is hard water most wasteful of soap, but it 
may also be a source of annoyance, both domestic and 
industrial, owing to the separation out, in hot-water and 
steam boilers, of the salts of lime and magnesia. It is 
of importance, therefore, to get rid of or reduce the 
When the hardness of water is due to the presence of 
bicarbonate of lime (formed by the action, on limestone or 
carbonate of lime, of the carbonic acid gas dissolved in rain 
water), it can be got rid of by boiling, and is therefore 
known as temporary hardness. on a large scale, the 
" softening " of the water can be effected by the addition 
of slaked lime in proper amount. The soluble bicarbonate 
is thereby converted into the carbonate which, being 
insoluble, separates out and is removed by filtration. 
Hardness which is due to the presence of sulphate of 
lime or magnesia, cannot be removed by boiling, and is 
known as permanent hardness. It can be got rid of by 
the addition of carbonate of soda, or " washing soda," 
the lime or magnesia being thereby thrown out of 
solution as insoluble carbonates. Hence the use of 
washing soda in the laundry. 
For industrial purposes, another process for softening 
hard water has recently been introduced, known as the 
permutit process. Permutit is an artificially prepared 
material formed by fusing together quartz, alumina and 
carbonate of soda. When hard water is filtered through 
a layer of this material, the lime and magnesia are removed 
and the water is thereby rendered soft. When the per- 
mutit ceases to be efifective, its activity can be restored 
by allowing it to remain in contact for some time with a 
solution of common salt 
In a previous chapter it was sought to point out and to 
emphasise that a chemical reaction must no longer be con- 
sidered as involving merely a transformation of material, 
but also a flow of energy ; and it was also claimed that 
one of the chief characteristics of the scientific advance 
during the past hundred years has been the manner in 
which and the extent to which the different forms of 
energy have been transformed and utilised. In our 
study of the subject of combustion we had a glimpse into 
that branch of science, thermo-chemistry, which deals with 
the relations which exist between chemical energy and heat 
energy ; and from the present chapter, it is hoped, the 
reader will gain some insight into the relationships which 
obtain between chemical energy and that other form of 
energy, the utilisation of which is so notable a feature of 
the past fifty years, electrical energy. 
The birth of electro-chemistry, as this twin branch of 
science which deals with the relations between electricity 
and chemistry is called, may be dated from the time when, 
in 1791, the Italian physiologist, Galvani, observed the 
convulsive twitching of the muscle of a freshly dissected 
frog, each time the muscle and nerve were connected by 
two different metals. It was a humble birth, surely, for a 
science which has revolutionised the world, which has made 
practicable the telegraph and telephone, and has supplied 
mankind with many materials both of ornament and 
of use. 
If it is to Galvani that we owe the observation in 
which electro-chemistry found its birth, it is to his fellow- 
countryman, Alessandro Volta,* Professor of Physics in the 
University of Pavia, that the science owes its further 
development. Rightly interpreting the muscular con- 
traction of the frog's leg as being due to the current of 
electricity which is produced whenever contact is made 
between two different metals separated from each other 
by a liquid conductor, Volta constructed an apparatus 
whereby a continuous current of electricity could be 
obtained through the transformation of chemical energy 
into electrical energy. When a strip of copper and a strip 
of zinc are partially immersed in a solution of sulphuric 
acid, Volta found that on connecting the free ends of the 
metals by means of a conducting wire, a current of 
electricity is obtained. By connecting a number of such 
cells together, so that the copper plate of one was joined 
to the zinc plate of the next, Volta built up a battery — 
the famous couronne de tasses, or crown of cups — with 
which eflfects of the most notable character were obtained ; 
and the voltaic cell, as it was called, was the scientific 
sensation and curiosity of the end of the eighteenth and 
the beginning of the nineteenth century. Cells of a 
similar but more efficient character were constructed by 
' The intimate connection of Volta with electricity is held in remembrance 
by the use of the term volt as the unit of pressure (or voltage) of an electric 
others, and the effect of the electric current was tried on 
a great variety of substances, with the result that, under 
the guiding genius of Sir Humphry Davy, the alkali 
metals, sodium and potassium, were isolated for the first 
time in 1807, by passing a current of electricity through 
molten caustic soda and molten caustic potash. 
These two metals, which are doubtless unfamiliar to 
most people, are silvery-white in colour, and very lustrous. 
When exposed to the air, however, they tarnish immedi- 
ately, owing to the readiness with which they combine with 
the oxygen of the air. They are soft and of a cheese-like 
consistency, so that they can be readily cut with a knife. 
So great is their affinity for oxygen, that when brought 
into contact with water, they decompose it with great 
vigour, with production of hydrogen and formation of 
caustic soda and caustic potash. Such, in fact, is the 
vigour of the reaction that the hydrogen which is liberated, 
may become ignited and burn, with a yellow flame in 
the case of sodium, and a violet flame in the case of 
potassium. These metals find no application in ordinary 
life, but are used in considerable quantities in chemical 
Such was the beginning of man's triumphant success 
in transforming chemical into electrical, and electrical 
into chemical energy. Important as were the results 
obtained by the use of the voltaic cells, when regarded 
from the purely scientific point of view, the cost of 
working the cells was very considerable, and it was 
not, therefore, until the introduction of the dynamo 
(made possible by the scientific researches of Faraday), 
that the industrial application of electricity became 
practicable. With the aid of the engineer and by means 
of the dynamo it has now become possible to obtain a 
cheap supply of electrical energy, more especially by 
harnessing the great waterfalls of the world and by the 
use of gas engines. The couronne de iasses of Volta has 
been replaced by the rows of humming dynamos which 
one sees, in our own country, for example, at the works 
of 'the British Aluminium Company at Kinlochleven in 
Argyllshire, at Niagara Falls, and in many other parts 
of the world ; and in place of the few globules of metallic 
sodium which Sir Humphry Davy succeeded, with much 
difficulty, in isolating, that and many other substances 
are now produced by hundreds and thousands of tons in 
the electro-chemical factories of the world. 

one of the earliest industrial uses to which electricity 
was put, was to the coating of cheaper with more 
expensive or more resistant metals, by a process known 
as electro-platings a process which has been largely used 
from before the middle of last century. At the present 
day the process is largely applied to the plating of metals 
not only with silver and gold, but also with nickel, a metal 
much used on account of its white colour and its power 
of resisting atmospheric conditions without tarnishing. 
In practice the process is comparatively simple, and 
consists in passing a current of electricity through a 
solution of a salt of the metal with which the article is 
to be plated ; but in order that we may understand the 
process better, I would ask the reader to consider with 
me for a short time what is the nature of the liquids 
which conduct the electric current 
When one places in a vessel containing pure distilled 
water, the ends of two wires which are connected with 
an electric h'ghting circuit and lamp (Fig. 12), the lamp 
remains dark. The electrical circuit is broken by the 
water which is a non-conductor of electricity. If to the 
water one adds cane sugar, glycerine, or alcohol, the lamp 
still gives forth no light, for the solutions of these sub- 
stances do not conduct the electric current. But if one 
dissolves in the water even a very little common salt, or 
washing-soda, or hydrochloric acid (spirit of salt as it is 
frequently called), the lamp at once lights up, showing that 
Fig. 12. 
the flow of electricity is no longer interrupted by the liquid. 
In the same way other substances soluble in water may be 
tested, and it will be found that all substances can be 
divided into two classes, those that yield solutions which 
conduct electricity, and those that yield solutions which do 
not conduct electricity. Substances belonging to the former 
class are called electrolytes^ substances belonging to the 
latter class, non-electrolytes. Sugar is a non-electrolyte ; 
salt is an electrolyte. Similarly, all the substances known 
as acidsy which have a sour taste and the property of 
turning red a blue solution of the vegetable colouring 
matter called litmus ; all the substances, also, known as 
alkalies, which have the opposite property of restoring 
the blue colour to solutions of litmus which have been 
reddened by acids ; and lastly, all the substances known 
as salts, which are formed by the combination of acids 
and alkalies ; all these substances, acids, alkalies, and 
salts, are electrolytes, and yield solutions which conduct 
the electric current. 
When an electric current passes through the solution 
of an electrolyte, even the most superficial observation 
will teach us that a liquid conductor differs from a 
metallic one. In the latter case, no apparent change 
may take place, but in the former there is a very 
obvious decomposition of the conducting solution. This 
process of decomposition by an electric current is known 
as electrolysis. If one dips into a solution of copper 
sulphate, for example, two bright wires or plates of 
platinum which are connected with the poles of a battery, 
the solution of copper sulphate is decomposed and one 
sees that the surface of one of the electrodes (as the 
portions of the metallic conductor dipping into the solu- 
tion are called), immediately becomes coated with a 
bright rose-coloured deposit of copper. This is the 
process used in electro-plating. In the case of solu- 
tions of sodium chloride, the sodium liberated at one 
of the electrodes decomposes the water with production 
of hydrogen gas, which can be seen rising in bubbles 
from the electrode, and the solution acquires an alkaline 
reaction, as is shown by the fact that it turns reddened 
litmus blue. At the other electrode, chlorine is set free 
and, dissolving in the water, yields a solution having 
bleaching properties, as is shown by the fact that it 
discharges the colour of a litmus solution. Whenever, 
therefore, an electric current passes through a conducting 
solution, there is a movement of electrically charged 
matter through the liquid — charged particles of copper, 
or sodium, or chlorine, for example — and some of these 
particles move towards the one electrode, others towards 
the other electrode. 
This conclusion was reached early last century by that 
great chemist, Michael Faraday, who called the electrically 
charged moving particles which thus conveyed the elec- 
tricity through the solution, by the happily chosen Greek 
term ions {i.e. wanderers) ; and this term is still retained. 
During a great part of last century there was much 
discussion as to the way in which the electric current was 
conveyed through a solution, and it was only in 1886 that 
a satisfactory explanation of the constitution of electrolytic 
solutions and of the mechanism of electrolysis was given 
by the Swedish physicist, Svante Arrhenius. Instead of 
assuming, as Faraday did, that the molecules of an 
electrolyte are broken up by the electric current — a view 
which has since been shown to be incorrect — Arrhenius 
assumed that the molecules of an electrolyte when dis- 
solved in water, break tip or ionise of their own accord^ 
and the part-molecules which are formed are the electri- 
cally charged ions, some of these ions being charged 
positively, the others being charged negatively. These 
ions lead an independent existence in the solution and 
exhibit their own properties. Thus, sodium chloride, 
for example, when dissolved in water, ionises, not into 
ordinary sodium and chlorine, but into positively charged 
sodium ions and negatively charged chlorine ions; and 
these ions lead an independent existence in the solu- 
tion. Similarly, other salts, as well as acids and alkalies, 
undergo this process of ionisation or dissociation into ions, 
the metal part of the salt forming the positively charged 
ion, or cation as it is called, and the acid part forming the 
negatively charged ion, or anion. In the case of acids, 
hydrogen forms the cation, so that hydrochloric acid (HCl), 
for example, ionises into positively charged hydrogen 
ions, and negatively charged chlorine ions. It is, in fact, 
to the presence of hydrogen ions that the so-called acid 
properties are to be ascribed. In the case of alkalies, 
e.g. caustic soda or sodium hydroxide (NaOH), the anion 
is formed by the group of atoms OH, known as the 
hydroxyl group, so that sodium hydroxide ionises into 
positively charged sodium ions and negatively charged 
hydroxyl ions. It is to the presence of these hydroxyl 
ions that the general properties of alkalies are due. 
In the light of the hypothesis of Arrhenius, the fact 
that addition of sodium chloride, or of any other salt, acid, 
or alkali to water, yields a solution which conducts the 
electric current, becomes readily intelligible. These solu- 
tions, according to the hypothesis, contain free, positively 
charged cations, and free, negatively charged anions. 
When, therefore, two electrodes are placed in the solution 
of an electrolyte and connected with an electric battery, 
the positively charged electrode (the anode) attracts the 
negatively charged ions, the anions ; and the negatively 
charged electrode (the cathode) attracts the positively 
charged ions, the cations. These anions and cations move 
in opposite directions through the solution, and give up 
their charges at the electrodes ; they transport or convey 
the electricity through the solution, and it is this move- 
ment or procession of electrically charged particles that 
constitutes what we call the electric current in the solution. 
This explanation of the passage of a current through 
a solution is not a mere specu- 
lation, not a mere phantasy, for 
it is easy to demonstrate not 
only that there is a movement 
of the ions through the solu- 
tion, but also that the ions move 
with different velocities. There 
is a pretty experiment by which 
one can make this clear. Into 
the bend of a tube bent into 
the form of the letter U (Fig. 13), 
is placed a solution of potassium 
chloride to which sufficient 
gelatin has been added to make 
the liquid set to a jelly ; and 
the solution is also coloured red 
by the addition of a substance 
called phenolphthalein and a 
little alkali. (Phenolphthalein 
is a colourless substance which 
yields a deep-red colour with 
alkalies, or solutions containing hydroxyl ions ; and the 
red colour is again destroyed by addition of acids, or 
solutions containing hydrogen ions.) After the solution 
in the bend of the tube has set, a further quantity of the 
same coloured solution is poured into one limb of the 
Fig. 13.— Migration of 
tube (D), while into the other limb (E) is poured the same 
solution after it has been decolorised by the addition of 
the requisite amount of acid. 
Above this colourless layer of gelatin is placed a 
quantity of a mixed solution of caustic potash (potassium 
hydroxide), and potassium chloride (G), while in the other 
limb of the tube is placed a mixed solution of hydrochloric 
acid and copper chloride (A). An electric current is now 
passed through the solutions in the tube, by placing a 
wire connected with the positive pole of a battery in the 
solution of hydrochloric acid and copper chloride ; and a 
wire connected with the negative pole of the battery in the 
solution of caustic potash and potassium chloride. After 
the current has passed for some time it is found that the 
hydrogen ions (from the hydrochloric acid), moving from 
the positive towards the negative electrode, have decolor- 
ised the reddened phenolphthalein, and have produced, 
therefore, a colourless band (C) of a certain depth. The 
blue-coloured copper ions (from the copper chloride), which 
move in the same direction as the hydrogen ions but with 
a slower speed, follow on into the colourless band produced 
by the hydrogen ions, and give a blue colour to the 
gelatin (B). In the other limb of the tube, the hydroxyl 
ions (from the caustic potash), moving from the negative 
to the positive electrode, pass into the colourless gelatin 
and produce with the phenolphthalein there a band of 
red (F). This band is deeper than the blue band produced 
by the copper ions, but not so deep as that produced by 
the hydrogen ions, from which we conclude that the 
hydrogen ions move faster than the hydroxyl ions, and 
the latter faster than the copper ions. 
But it IS not only when in a state of solution that an 
electrolyte conducts the electric current ; it conducts also 
when fused, or converted into the liquid state by heat. 
We conclude, therefore, that when fused an electrolyte 
dissociates into ions, and that the mechanism of electro- 
lysis is essentially the same in the case of a fused 
electrolyte as in the case of an electrolyte in solution. 
This fact, as we shall see presently, is of the greatest im- 
portance for the practical applications of electricity to 
preparative chemistry. 
Not only does the theory of Arrhenius afford an 
explanation of the process of electrolysis whereby electrical 
energy is transformed into 
chemical energy, or the poten- 
tial energy of chemically reac- 
tive substances, but it helps us 
also to understand the reverse 
process of the transformation 
of chemical energy into elec- 
trical energy, as we see it 
occurring in the different voltaic 

one of the simplest of the 
voltaic cells is that known 
the Daniell cell, which 
Fig. 14.— Daniell Cell. 
consists of an electrode of 
copper immersed in a solution of copper sulphate, and an 
electrode of zinc immersed in a solution of zinc sulphate. 
The latter solution is contained in a porous pot which 
prevents the mixing of the two solutions (Fig. 14). 
When the copper electrode and the zinc electrode are 
connected by means of a conductor, an electric current 
flows through this conductor from the copper to the zinc. 
If an electric motor, for example, is inserted in the circuit, 
it will be caused to rotate, and so mechanical work can 
be done. What, then, is the source of this supply of 
energy which, either in the form of electrical energy, or 
in the form of the mechanical energy into which it is 
transformed, is given out by the Daniell cell ? 
When a strip of zinc is immersed in a solution of 
copper sulphate, copper is deposited on the zinc, and at 
the same time a corresponding amount of zinc passes 
into solution. The chemical change which takes place 
is therefore represented by the equation : 
Zinc -f- copper sulphate = zinc sulphate + copper. 
This is a reaction which takes place spontaneously ; 
zinc and copper sulphate represent a system with a certain 
amount of potential energy, and it is capable, therefore, 
of doing work, of yielding energy. When the zinc is im- 
mersed in the solution of copper sulphate, the chemical 
energy is transformed into heat energy. How, then, can 
we obtain the transformation of the chemical energy into 
electrical energy .? The answer is : by so arranging 
matters that the change represented by the above equation 
takes place by means of the electrically charged particles, 
the ions, which are formed when a salt is dissolved in 
water. In the Daniell cell, the solution of copper sulphate 
contains copper ions and sulphate ions, whereas the zinc 
sulphate solution contains zinc ions and sulphate ions. 
When the poles of the Daniell cell are connected by means 
of a conductor, a movement of the ions in the solution 
takes place. The copper ions move towards the copper 
electrode, and the sulphate ions move in the opposite 
direction towards the zinc electrode. This movement of 
ions constitutes, as we have seen, the electric current in the 
cell. When the copper ions reach the copper electrode, 
they lose their positive charge, and are deposited as 
metallic copper on the electrode, while the positive elec- 
tricity, to put it somewhat crudely, flows along the metallic 
conductor towards the zinc electrode. on the other hand, 
the negatively charged sulphate ions move towards the 
zinc electrode, where they give up their charge of negative 
electricity which neutralises the positive electricity flowing 
from the copper electrode. At the same time the zinc 
combines with the discharged sulphate ions to form zinc 
sulphate, which dissolves and again ionises into zinc ions 
and sulphate ions. The total result, therefore, is that 
copper ions pass into metallic copper at one electrode, 
while metallic zinc passes into zinc ions at the other 
electrode. In other words, instead of the reaction between 
zinc and copper sulphate taking place at one point by 
direct contact, whereby the chemical energy is converted 
into heat, the reaction in the Daniell cell takes place in 
two parts, at the two electrodes, and the chemical energy 
now appears in the form of electrical energy. 
A better-known cell, widely employed for working tele- 
phones and electric bells, is the Leclanche cell. This very 
simple cell consists of a pot containing a solution of sal- 
ammoniac (ammonium chloride), in which are immersed 
a plate of graphite, packed in a porous pot with granules 
of graphite and black oxide of manganese (manganese 
dioxide), and a zinc rod. The porous pot also contains a 
solution of sal-ammoniac When the cell is in use, zinc 
passes into solution, while the hydrogen which is produced 
at the graphite plate is oxidised to water by the oxide of 
manganese, and so is prevented from forming a non-con- 
ducting layer on the electrode, and thereby stopping the 
current.^ When the cell becomes exhausted, its activity 
can be renewed by replacing the spent liquid by a fresh 
solution of sal-ammoniac. 
Although, as has been said, the much more efficient 
dynamo has superseded the voltaic cell as a source of 
electricity for industrial purposes, there is one cell which 
occupies an important place as an auxiliary to the dynamo. 
This is the lead accumulator, or storage cell. This cell 
consists of plates of lead and of brown oxide of lead, 
lead peroxide as it is called, immersed in a solution of 
sulphuric acid. on joining these two plates by means of 
a conductor, a current of electricity flows through the con- 
ductor from the lead peroxide plate to the lead plate. 
The chemical reaction which, in this case, yields the energy 
which is transformed into electricity, is the conversion of 
the lead and lead peroxide into lead sulphate ; and when 
this change has taken place, no more electricity is given 
out ; the cell is " run down " or " discharged." But this 
cell has the great advantage that it can be readily brought 
* The ammonium chloride in solution gives rise to ammoninm ions (con* 
sisting of the positively charged group of atoms NH^), and to chloride ions 
or negatively charged chlorine atoms. When the cell is in action, the chloride 
ions move to the zinc pole and, on discharge, combine with the zinc to form 
zinc chloride which passes into solution ; and the ammonium ions move to 
the graphite pole and there give up their positive charge. The discharged 
ammonium ions then react with the water with production of hydrogen. 
back to its former condition, can be readily re-charged, 
by sending a current of electricity — obtained, say, from a 
dynamo — through the cell in the opposite direction to that 
of the current which the cell itself gives. In this way we 
convert electrical energy into potential, chemical energy ; 
and in this form the energy is stored, and is available for 
use just when and where it is required. This lead storage 
cell is one which has now a multitude of uses, such as 
giving current for electric lighting on a large scale (as an 
auxiliary to the dynamo), or in portable hand-lamps ; for 
driving motor cars or motor-boats ; and in many other 
cases where a readily transported supply of energy is 
desired. As a competitor with the lead storage cell, much 
has, in recent years, been heard of what is generally known 
as the Edison cell. This cell consists of plates of iron and 
nickel hydroxide immersed in a solution of caustic potash, 
and has the advantage over the lead cell of less weight, 
and of being less harmed by careless or rough handling. 
The application of electricity to chemical manufactures 
has produced an industrial revolution. Not only have 
electro-chemical processes more or less completely dis- 
placed the older chemical methods employed for the 
manufacture of such substances as caustic soda and of 
chlorine, or for the isolation of such metals as sodium, 
potassium, calcium, magnesium, and aluminium, but they 
have made possible also the discovery and economic pro- 
duction of many new substances of great value. one of the 
earliest applications of electricity we have seen was to the 
electro-plating of metals by a process of electrolysis. By 
this process metals can be obtained in a state of great 
purity, and the method is now used for the refining of 
certain metals, more especially of copper. The crude 
copper, obtained by smelting its ores, contains a number 
of impurities, among which are silver and gold, sometimes 
in not inconsiderable quantities. This crude copper, cast 
into plates, is made the anode in a bath of copper sulphate 
solution, while a thin plate of pure copper is made the 
cathode. When the electric current is passed, copper is 
deposited in a pure state on the cathode, from which it 
can afterwards be readily stripped, whereas the copper of 
the anode passes into solution by combining with the 
sulphate ions which are discharged at the anode. Some 
of the impurities present in the copper may also dissolve 
and accumulate in the solution ; other impurities, however, 
such as silver and gold, do not dissolve, but fall to the 
bottom of the bath as a slime or mud, known as the 
" anode mud," from which the valuable metals are extracted 
by suitable methods. 
By this simple process, the purest commercial copper, 
so-called "electrolytic copper," is obtained, and is used 
largely for electrical purposes. The importance of pure 
copper in this connection is due to the fact that the 
conductivity of copper for electricity is greatly diminished 
even by small traces of impurity. 
The electrolytic preparation of caustic soda and of 
chlorine, to which reference has already been made (p. 153), 
depends on the electrolysis of a solution of sodium chloride 
or common salt. As we have seen, chlorine is evolved at 
the positive electrode or anode, while the sodium ions, dis- 
charged at the cathode, decompose the water and yield 
hydrogen and a solution of caustic soda. By this process, 
not only caustic soda but also chlorine and hydrogen can 
be economically produced on a large scale, and it might 
seem as if this electro-chemical process would speedily 
prove an irresistible competitor with the purely chemical 
method of manufacturing caustic soda (p. 1 54). And so it 
doubtless would, if it were not for the fact that the demand 
for chlorine and for hydrogen is at present rather limited. 
It is true that this electrolytic chlorine, generally liquefied 
and transported in iron cylinders, is used, in Germany 
alone, to the extent of some thousands of tons annually 
for the production of bromine as well as in connection 
with the manufacture of synthetic indigo ; and for hydrogen, 
also, various uses can be found (e.g. in connection with the 
production of synthetic ammonia), but before any great 
development and extension of this electro-chemical process 
can take place, new fields of usefulness must be found for 
the chlorine and the hydrogen which are formed at the 
same time as the caustic soda. 
Of the different substances produced with the aid of 
electricity, the best known is probably the metal aluminium. 
This is the most abundant of all the metallic elements in 
the world, but it occurs only in the form of compounds, in 
combination with other elements. So difficult is it to 
isolate the metal from its compounds by purely chemical 
methods, that it was not till 1845 that the metal was 
obtained in the compact form. And it was then merely a 
chemical curiosity ; for any general or industrial application, 
its cost was prohibitive. It is, in fact, only during the 
past thirty years, that it has become possible, by the 
application of an electrolytic method, to produce the metal 
at a reasonable price. The isolation of the metal is 
effected by the electrolysis of a solution of purified bauxite 
or oxide of aluminium in molten cryolite (a naturally 
occurring compound of aluminium with fluorine and sodium, 
mainly obtained from Greenland), and the entire world's 
production of the metal is now obtained by this means 
For the electrolysis, an iron bath, lined with carbon, is used, 
and forms the cathode, while large carbon rods dipping into 
the molten mixture form the anode. As the current of 
electricity passes through the molten mass, aluminium 
separates out at the cathode and collects in the liquid 
form at the bottom of the bath, whence it can be run off 
from time to time. At the anode, the oxygen which is 
liberated combines with the carbon electrode, producing 
the poisonous gas carbon monoxide, which may either 
escape as such or burn to form carbon dioxide. 
The production of aluminium is now carried on in a 
number of countries, more especially in those where an 
abundant water-power is available. In this country the 
isolation of the metal is carried out by the British 
Aluminium Company at Kinlochleven, in the north of 
Argyllshire. To obtain the power necessary to drive the 
dynamos for the generation of the electricity required, a 
great storage reservoir has been created, high up among 
the mountains, by building a great barrage across the 
valley of the River Leven.^ From this reservoir the water 
is led through an aqueduct, three and a half miles in 
length, to a penstock, situated on a shoulder of the 
mountain, 900 feet above the factory and more than a 
* The dam is over 1000 yards in length, with a maximum height of about 
86 feet, and is capable of impounding twenty thousand million gallons of 
mile distant from it ; and from this point the water rushes 
down to the turbines, through pipes of more than a yard 
in diameter. 
Although the great expectations which were at one 
time entertained with regard to this metal have not been 
entirely fulfilled, aluminium, nevertheless, now occupies a 
permanent and ever-growing place in our modern life. 
Not only is it largely employed for articles of ornament 
and of domestic use, and where lightness and portability 
are of importance, but it is being increasingly used as a 
conductor of electricity and, as we have seen, for the 
production, by the " thermit " process, of high temperatures 
and for the isolation of certain metals. Moreover, some of 
the defects which militated against a more widespread use 
of the metal, its low tensile strength and softness for 
example, can be partly removed by admixture with other 
metals, some of the alloys formed possessing properties of 
great value. With copper, aluminium yields a bronze, 
aluminium bronze^ of great hardness and high tensile 
strength, which is practically not corrodible by sea-water ; 
and when added to brass, aluminium greatly increases the 
tenacity of that alloy. With the metal magnesium, 
aluminium forms a valuable alloy called magnalium (con- 
taining from 1-2 per cent of magnesium), which is even 
lighter than aluminium itself and is equal to brass in 
strength. The metal magnesium, used in the production of 
this alloy, is a grey-coloured metal, which burns with a 
very bright and photographically active light, and is 
consequently used in the preparation of "flash-lights." 
It is obtained by the electrolysis of fused chloride of 
But it is not only of the decomposing action of elec- 
tricity, in the process of electrolysis, that use is made. 
From the everyday use of electricity for heating and 
lighting purposes, all are familiar with the fact that heat 
is produced by the passage of electricity through a 
conductor which offers a certain amount of resistance to 
the current ; and by increasing the strength of the 
current, the temperature may be raised to any point we 
please, limited only by the melting or vaporising of the 
conducting material. We have already seen, also, that 
by means of the electric arc, electrical energy is trans- 
formed into heat energy, and that the very high tempera- 
ture of 50O0°-6ooo° F. can in that way be obtained. A 
most powerful instrument has, therefore, been put into the 
hands of the chemist, and by its means he has been 
enabled not only to advance to a fuller knowledge of 
substances and materials already known, but also to 
prepare others which were hitherto unknown. 
Of the utility of electricity applied to the production of 
high temperatures, we have already had some examples 
in the direct combination of atmospheric nitrogen and 
oxygen, and in the manufacture of calcium carbide and 
calcium cyanamide. Fused quartz or silica glass, with the 
valuable properties of which we have also become 
acquainted, is also produced by the fusion of quartz sand 
in specially constructed, electrically heated furnaces ; and 
the high temperatures which can now be produced 
economically by means of electricity, are made use of in 
the preparation of the substance phosphorus, which is so 
largely used in connection, for example, with the manu- 
facture of matches. 
As a direct result of the successful application of 
electricity to the production of high temperatures, we owe 
the very valuable material known as carborundum, a 
compound of carbon and silicon, discovered by the 
American chemist, Dr. Edward G. Acheson, in 1891. 
By heating a mixture of coke (carbon) and sand (oxide 
of silicon) to a high temperature in an electric furnace 
(Fig- I5)> oxygen is removed by the carbon from its 
T — r 
Fig. 15. — Carborundum Furnace. 
A core of granular graphite is raised to a white heat by a powerful current 
of electricity which passes between the graphite terminals A and B. At the 
high temperature which is thereby produced, the carbon and sand of the 
f uriounding mixture, C, react with formation of carborundum. 
combination with silicon, and the latter then combines 
with the excess carbon to form the crystalline substance, 
carborundum, the hardness of which approaches that of 
the diamond. This material is now produced in large 
quantities and used as a grinding or abrasive material, 
as well as for incorporating in the surface flayer of 
concrete pavements, stairs, etc. By reason of its very 
refractory character (it will withstand a temperature of 
4000° F. without undergoing change), it is also used 
for the protection of furnace walls, and for other heat- 
resisting purposes. 
Another very valuable abrasive and refractory material 
of which mention may be made, is alundum (alumina or 
aluminium oxide), obtained by fusing purified bauxite in 
an electric furnace. 
From the manufacture of carborundum there resulted 
still another discovery of much importance, the discovery 
of a method of making artificial graphite. Until about 
twenty years ago, graphite, a crystalline form of carbon 
familiar under the names of plumbago and black lead 
(although it contains no lead at all), was known only as 
a naturally occurring mineral. But during the process of 
manufacture of carborundum it was found that the ends 
of the rods of gas carbon (a very dense amorphous variety 
of carbon formed in gas retorts), by which the electric 
current was carried into the furnace, were converted, by 
the high temperature to which they were exposed, into 
graphite ; and, moreover, carborundum itself, when heated 
to a sufficiently high temperature, decomposes with pro- 
duction of graphite. In this way there was initiated a new 
industry, the manufacture of artificial graphite, which has 
undergone so great a development that artificial graphite 
is now produced at Niagara Falls at the rate of 15,000,000 
lbs. annually. 
For the production of Acheson graphite, amorphous 
carbon (anthracite coal, coke, etc.), mixed with a small 
amount of oxide of iron, alumina, or silica, is heated to 
a high temperature (5ooo°-6ooo° F.) in an electric furnace 
of the same type as the carborundum furnace. At this 
high temperature the iron, alumina, or silica which was 
added, is converted into vapour, and the amorphous carbon 
passes into graphite. The silica and metal oxides added 
to the coke act as catalysts and accelerate the conversion 
of amorphous carbon into crystalline graphite ; in their 
absence the change takes place only with difficulty. 
To obtain graphite rods, plates, etc., finely-ground coke> 
to which a small quantity of oxide of iron is added, is 
mixed into a thick paste with pitch or tar. After this 
paste has been moulded under high pressure it is heated in 
the electric furnace, and the amorphous carbon thereby 
converted into graphite. 
This artificial graphite, which is superior to the natural 
mineral by reason of its greater purity and uniformity, is 
employed in a variety of ways. For electrical purposes, 
whether for use in the construction of dry cells or as 
electrodes in electro-chemical processes, it is greatly 
superior to the dense gas carbon formerly employed, on 
account of its greater electrical conductivity and its 
mechanical properties ; and to another very important 
use to which artificial graphite is put, reference will be 
made in the following chapter. 
Some one has said, "Nature's storehouse is man's 
benefactor, and no gift from it renders greater service 
than the waters of the earth " ; and in the recent develop- 
ments of electro-chemistry we have seen how Nature's gift 
has proved of service to man. Although the harnessing 
of the great rivers and waterfalls of the world is due to 
the engineer, and was made possible only by the advances 
in mechanical and electrical engineering of last century, 
the utilisation of the enormous amounts of energy contained 
in the flowing waters of the earth, the rendering avail- 
able of which represents so much real gain, so much real 
progress for the benefit of mankind, is due chiefly to 
the labours of the chemist. The combined achievement 
is one that may well fill the mind with wonder ; and even 
the most careless tourist cannot but be profoundly im- 
pressed if, after gazing, shall we say, on the majestic, 
down-leaping of the mighty waters of Niagara, he passes 
into the power stations near by, where the turbines and 
humming dynamos, working in obedience to the will of 
man, without the smoke and dirt and clatter of the ordi- 
nary factory, are transforming the energy of the rushing 
river into the energy of electricity which, in the adjacent 
factories, is then made to contribute to the material well- 
being of man and the advance of civilisatioo. 
When one brings sugar, salt, washing-soda, and many 
other common and famiUar substances into contact with 
water, the solid substance, if present in not too large 
amount, disappears ; it dissolves, and a clear liquid is 
obtained which we call a solution. For long chemists 
and physicists have puzzled over this process, and they 
puzzle even yet ; for while some consider the production 
of a solution to be due to the chemical combination of 
the dissolved substance, or solute, with the solvent, others 
see in the process nothing more than the mechanical 
intermingling of the molecules of the constituents of the 
solution. Doubtless there is truth in both these views, 
but even if combination does take place we must not 
regard the solution as a whole as being a compound of 
water with the sugar, salt, or whichever other substance 
is taken. A compound is characterised, as we have already 
seen, by the fact that its composition is perfectly definite 
and constant, and cannot be altered by adding more or 
less of one of the constituents. The composition of a 
solution, however, can be altered as we please ; the pro- 
portions in which the solid and the liquid are present in 
the solution may be varied, in some cases varied very 
greatly, so that we obtain solutions of different strength 
or concentration. Even if chemical combination does 
take place, it appears to do so only to a limited 
extent, and is accompanied by a mechanical intermingling 
of the molecules. We may, therefore, regard a solution as 
being merely a homogeneous mixture in which the mole- 
cules of the dissolved substance or solute, combined, it 
may be, with a limited number of solvent molecules, are 
uniformly distributed throughout and among the molecules 
of the water, or other liquid which acts as the solvent It 
is a homogeneous mixture of variable composition. 
If, however, we leave on one side the question of the 
nature of the solution process, and consider merely the pro- 
perties of the solution produced, one of the most remark- 
able facts established by the modern investigation of solu- 
tions is the very close analogy which exists between a 
substance in solution and a gas. For our present purpose 
it is sufficient to refer to only one feature of the analogy, 
the property of diffusion. 
To account for the properties of gases there was 
developed, about the middle of last century, a theory 
known as the kinetic theory of gases, which was based 
on the hypothesis that the molecules of a gas are in 
perpetual and rapid motion, darting about in straight 
lines with the speed of sometliing like a mile a second, 
colliding ever and anon, some eighteen tliousand million 
times a second, with other molecules, and pursuing, there- 
fore, as the result of these collisions, a very zigzag course. 
It is by virtue of this motion inherent in the molecules 
that a gas can distribute itself or diffuse rapidly throughout 
a room, or can fill completely the space, howso large that 
space may be, which is offered to it. In the case of h'quids 
the same inherent motion of the molecules, and therefore 
the same power of diffusion, exists ; but the process now 
takes place more slowly, for the molecules of the liquid 
are packed more closely together, and the mutual collisions 
are therefore more frequent. The forward progress of a 
molecule is therefore very slow, like that of a man who 
might try to pass through a dense and jostling crowd. 
But still diffusion does take place, as we can easily satisfy 
ourselves by gently pouring a layer of pure water on to a 
solution of some strongly coloured substance, such as blue- 
stone (copper sulphate) or bichromate of potash. After 
some time we shall find that the coloured substance has 
diffused upwards some distance into the water. The 
experiment may be made more easily by dissolving in 
the water sufficient gelatin to make a firm jelly, and then 
placing a piece of this jelly in the coloured solution. After 
a few hours it will be found that the coloured substance 
has penetrated some distance into the jelly. 
Even when the solution is separated from the pure 
water by a membrane of parchment paper or by an animal 
membrane {e.g. pig's bladder), diffusion takes place just the 
same, as we can show by enclosing the solution of copper 
sulphate in a tube of parchment paper which we then 
immerse in water. Very soon we shall be able to detect 
the presence of the copper sulphate in the water outside 
the membrane. 
During the sixties of last century this diffusion of dis- 
solved substances through a parchment or animal membrane 
was studied more fully by Thomas Graham, a native of 
Glasgow, who later became a Professor of Chemistry in 
London, and Master of the Mint. As a result of his in- 
vestigation, Graham found that although certain substances 
pass through a membrane of parchment paper, other sub- 
stances do not do so. Since the substances, e.g. sugar or 
salt, which could pass through this membrane, were such 
as generally crystallise well, whereas those which would 
not pass through, e.g. starch, gelatin, glue, were amorphous 
and non-crystallisable, Graham divided substances into the 
two classes, crystalloids and colloids (from the Greek KoXXa, 
glue), and this distinction was one which was long main- 
tained. From a practical point of view, in any case, this 
distinction was of importance, for, as Graham showed, if a 
mixture of crystalloids and colloids is placed in a parch- 
ment cell and immersed in water, the crystalloids, but not 
the colloids, diffuse out into the water. In this way a 
separation of crystalloid from colloid can be effected by 
a process to which Graham gave the name of dialysis^ a 
process used universally at the present day for the prepara- 
tion of colloids free from crystalloids. 
Appropriate as Graham's classification of substances 
appeared at the time, recent investigation has shown that 
it cannot any longer be retained. The terms colloid and 
crystalloid can now no longer be employed to connote 
definite and different kinds of substances, but only different 
states of matter ; for not only have substances such as 
albumin and gelatin, which Graham regarded as dis- 
tinctively colloid, been obtained in the crystalline form, 
but even such definitely crystalloid substances as common 
salt have been obtained in the colloidal state. But 
language changes slowly, and although, through the 
advance of knowledge, a term may acquire a different 
signification, the term itself persists. And so one still 
speaks of colloid substances, but means thereby substances 
in the colloidal state, which may be defined as a state in 
which one substance forms with another mixtures which 
although they may appear homogeneous to the eye, even 
when aided by the microscope, are nevertheless hetero- 
geneous, the diverse colloid particles having a magnitude 
greater than molecular. These apparently homogeneous, 
but in reality heterogeneous mixtures, are called colloidal 
solutions, or simply colloidal sols. 
But it may be asked, how can we assert that these 
colloidal sols are heterogeneous mixtures when we cannot 
detect any want of uniformity even with the aid of the 
microscope ? The answer is, that even if we cannot see 
the particles themselves we can detect their presence, 
and the manner in which this can be done was shown 
long ago by Tyndall. Regard the air of a room bathed 
in a uniform light. Can you see any particles there ? No. 
But darken the room and let a ray of sunlight pass 
through a hole or chink in the shutters, and what do you 
see ? A diffused light, the sunbeam made visible, in which 
the larger dust particles are seen to dance and swirl ; the 
diffused light also being due to particles which are large 
enough to reflect and scatter the waves of light, although 
too small to be seen as separate individuals by the eye. 
So also, by means of this " Tyndall phenomenon," as it is 
called, the presence of particles in a colloidal sol can be 
detected. Pass a beam of light through pure water or 
through a solution of salt, the path of the beam is in- 
visible ; the liquid is " optically empty." ' But pass the 
• Owing to the presence of floating particles even in filtered water, the 
beam through a colloidal sol, and the path of the beam 
is traced by a diffused light, like the sunbeam in a 
darkened room. 
From this " Tyndall phenomenon," then, we learn that 
particles which may be too small to be seen in the ordinary 
way, may be detected if only the light reflected or dis- 
persed by the particles, and not the direct rays from the 
source of light, are allowed to enter the eye. And it is 
clear that if, instead of the unaided eye, we employ a 
microscope to examine the scattered light, we shall still 
further extend our range of vision, and be able to detect, 
although not actually to see in their own shape and colour, 
particles which are much smaller than can be seen when 
the microscope is used in the ordinary way. Through the 
recognition of this principle there has been devised, in 
recent years, an arrangement known as the ultra- 
mkroscopey by means of which not only the heterogeneity 
can be detected, but also the number of particles in a given 
volume of the sol determined. A powerful beam of light, 
instead of being directed into the microscope through the 
liquid to be examined, is sent horizontally into the liquid, 
at right angles to the line of vision through the microscope 
(Fig. 1 6). If the liquid under examination is optically 
empty, the field of view in the microscope will appear quite 
dark ; but if particles are present in the liquid, the light 
will be reflected and dispersed, and the minute points of 
light thus produced will stand out, against a dark back- 
ground, in the field of view of the microscope. 
And how large are those particles which are thus 
" Tyndall phenomenon " will be observed with ordinary pure water. Special 
precautions most be adopted to free the water from all suspended particles. 
detected in the apparently homogeneous colloidal sols ? 
With the aid of even the most powerful microscope, the 
smallest particle that can be seen by the ordinary method, 
must have a diameter of not less than about one sixty- 
thousandth part of an inch ; but by means of the ultra- 
microscope, particles one-eightieth of this size, with a 
diameter of about one five-millionth of an inch, can be 
Fig. 16. — Ultra-microscope. 
detected. This, however, is still about thirty times greater 
than the diameter of the hydrogen molecule. 
From the investigations carried out by means of the 
ultra-microscope, it is found that colloidal sols may contain 
particles of very different size, even in the case of the 
same substance, and there is every reason to believe that 
there exist in some at least of the sols particles which 
are smaller than can be detected by the ultra-microscope, 
although they are of greater than molecular dimensions. 
In short, there appears to be no sharp division between 
colloidal sols and true solutions, and it is possible to pass 
gradually and without break from one to the other. 
And now let us see what are the main properties of 
this colloidal state. 
If we dissolve, say, two or three parts of gelatin in 
a hundred parts of water,* we obtain a rather viscous 
liquid which, on being cooled down, "sets" to a firm 
jelly ; and this jelly, on being heated, melts again to a 
viscous liquid. In this case, therefore, which is familiar 
to every one, a reversible change from the liquid or sol 
state to the state of a more or less rigid jelly, known 
as a geU can be effected. If we add small quantities of 
salts to this gelatin sol, there will be no apparent change, 
but it will be found that the temperature at which gelation, 
or the change from the liquid sol to the rigid gel takes 
place, is altered ; it is raised or lowered according to the 
salt taken. 
But a very different behaviour is found in the case, 
say, of the colloidal sol of sulphide of arsenic (arsenious 
sulphide), obtained by passing sulphuretted hydrogen into 
a solution of white arsenic (oxide of arsenic). This is a 
clear, yellow-coloured liquid which can be passed un- 
changed through filtering paper (a finely porous, unglazed 
paper) ; it is as mobile as water itself, not viscous like 
the gelatin sol ; and it does not set to a gel when 
cooled down. The water, indeed, may be frozen to ice, 
but, on thawing the ice, the sol of arsenic sulphide is 
obtained as before. The arsenic sulphide sol, also, differs 
very markedly from the gelatin sol in its behaviour 
towards salts. By the addition even of small amounts 
* The gelatin is first allowed to remain in contact with cold water until 
it has swelled up and become soft. It is then warmed up with water, or 
is placed in hot water. 
of different salts, the sulphide of arsenic is caused to 
separate out as an insoluble yellow solid. 
This marked difference in the behaviour of colloidal 
solutions of gelatin and of sulphide of arsenic, which may 
be taken as typical of two classes of colloids, is traceable 
to a distinct difference in the nature of the two sols. In 
the case of the gelatin sol, we have a mixture of two 
liquids ; it is comparable, therefore, with an emulsion, say, 
of oil and water, and is, for that reason, called an 
emulsoid. When jelly formation takes place, a honey- 
comb structure is produced due to the separation of the 
sol into two parts. one part, forming the walls of the 
"honey-comb," consists chiefly of the colloid (gelatin) 
with a little water ; the other part, filling the cells of the 
"honey-comb," consists chiefly of water with a little of 
the colloid. When such an emulsoid colloid is examined 
by means of the ultra-microscope, no definite particles are 
seen, but only a general diffused light. 
In the case of the colloidal solution of sulphide of 
arsenic, however, we have a mixture, not of two liquids, 
but of a solid (arsenic sulphide) and a liquid (water) ; 
and examination with the ultra-microscope shows that the 
arsenic sulphide is present in the form of minute particles, 
too small to be seen by the eye. Such a colloidal sol 
is therefore comparable with an ordinary suspension, such 
as muddy water, and is therefore called a suspensoid 

one of the most marked characteristics of suspensoid 
colloids, and one which we have already seen demonstrated 
in the case of sulphide of arsenic, is found in the fact 
that addition of salts, or, speaking generally, of electrolytes, 
brings about, with varying degrees of effectiveness, the 
separation or precipitation of the colloid in an insoluble 
form. A similar behaviour is found in the case of ordi- 
nary fine suspensions, e.g. of clay in water, and this 
is sometimes of considerable geological or geographical 
importance. Thus, the sedimentation of finely divided, 
water-borne clay is markedly influenced by the purity of 
the water transporting it, taking place more rapidly when 
salts are present than when they are absent. This, indeed, 
is one reason for the rapid deposition of river mud on 
mixing with sea-water, and for the consequent silting up 
of river mouths and the formation of deltas, such as has 
taken place at the mouth of the Nile. 
But this precipitation of suspensoid colloids and the 
sedimentation of fine suspensions by electrolytes, is counter- 
acted more or less effectively by the presence of emulsoid 
colloids, e.g. gelatin or albumin, so that, in their presence, 
a much larger amount of electrolyte is necessary to pro- 
duce precipitation or sedimentation. The emulsoid colloids 
exert a "protective" action, and the suspension or the 
suspensoid colloid is rendered much more stable. Indeed, 
so stable may the colloid become that the colloidal sol 
may even be evaporated to dryness without destroying 
the colloidal state ; on treating the dried solid with water, 
it passes back again into the state of a colloidal sol. 
Such colloid sols, e.g. colloid silver or collargol, now find 
important uses in medical practice as powerful bactericides. 
In the manufacture of photographic plates, prepared by 
coating plates with gelatin containing a fine suspension 
of silver bromide, we have an important industrial appli- 
cation of the. protective action of emulsoid colloids. If a 
solution of potassium bromide is added to a solution of 
silver nitrate, silver bromide is formed and separates out 
as an insoluble curd, quite unsuitable, on account of its 
coarseness, for photographic purposes. But if gelatin is 
first dissolved in the solutions of potassium bromide and 
of silver nitrate, no curdy precipitate but only a uniform 
colloidal suspension of very fine particles of silver bromide 
is obtained on mixing the solutions. 
The protective action of emulsoid colloids and the 
precipitating action of salts, are excellently illustrated, also, 
on a large scale in nature. Some of the great rivers of the 
world, like the Mississippi and the storied Nile, whose 
turbid waters have from time immemorial carried in their 
bosom the promise of bountiful harvests, are always 
muddy, whereas other rivers which are even more swiftly 
flowing, like the Ohio, are, except in times of flood, 
perfectly clear. In the case of the first two rivers there is 
much colloidal organic matter washed into them by which 
the clay and soil are retained in a state of fine suspension ; 
and it is only when the rivers reach the salt waters 
of the sea that the suspended matter is precipitated with 
the production of river bars and deltas. In the case of 
the River Ohio, however, the water remains clear owing 
to the absence of colloidal organic matter and the presence 
of lime and other salts. 
Even when a colloid has separated out from solution 
in the solid form, it can, in many cases, be brought back 
into colloidal solution again, or be " peptised," as it is 
said, by small quantities of various substances. A 
very interesting illustration of this behaviour, and one 
which is of the greatest importance in our everyday 
life, is seen in the plastic properties of clay. Clay is a 
hydrated silicate of alumina which possesses the property, 
in its normal condition, of forming, more or less readily, 
with water, a fine suspension or suspensoid colloid. on this 
property depends what is called the plasticity of clay, and 
just as the presence of certain substances renders the clay 
suspension more stable, so also certain substances facilitate 
the passage of the precipitated clay into the state of 
colloidal suspension ; they render the clay more plastic. 
Everyone is familiar with the story of how Pharaoh 
commanded his taskmasters to increase the burdens laid on 
the Israelites by withholding from them straw wherewith to 
make bricks ; and doubtless many have wondered wherein 
the hardship lay. By most people, probably, the view has 
been held that the straw was added as a binding material, 
much as hair is used in mortar ; but such an explanation is 
scarcely satisfying when it is remembered that the straw 
fibre is a very weak one, and when we read, moreover, that 
when straw could not be obtained, stubble was used. 
Another explanation may therefore be offered. 
About fourteen years ago it was found by Dr. E. G. 
Acheson, to whom we owe the discovery of carborundum 
and the process of making artificial graphite, that when 
clay is mixed with a dilute solution of tannin, it becomes 
much more plastic, and the strength of the dried brick is, 
moreover, greatly increased. Although straw does not 
contain tannin, it was found that when straw is treated 
with water, the extract obtained has the same action on 
clay as tannin has, the plasticity of the clay and the 
hardness of the brick being greatly increased. It seems 
therefore a plausible view that the straw was used, not for 
the purpose of binding the clay, but for the purpose of 
rendering the clay more plastic ; and the particular burden 
imposed on the Israelites would therefore consist in their 
having to make bricks with a less plastic and, consequently, 
more difficultly worked material. In allusion to this Dr. 
Acheson gave to the clay which had been rendered more 
plastic by the addition of tannin, the name of " Egyptian- 
ised clay." 
The property of tannin of facilitating the production of 
an ultra-microscopic or colloidal suspension, has also been 
applied to the production of a colloidal suspension of 
graphite for use as a lubricant. By means of the very 
high temperature which can be obtained in the electric 
furnace. Dr. Acheson was able to prepare from anthracite 
coal a form of graphite which could be ground to a fine 
powder. Such graphite, however, when shaken with 
water or oil, yields a suspension from which the graphite 
soon settles out ; but if the graphite is first treated with a 
solution of tannin, it becomes " deflocculated," as it was 
said, and forms a colloidal suspension which can be kept 
indefinitely without showing any tendency to separate out. 
The colloidal suspension of " Deflocculated Acheson 
Graphite " in water is known as aquadag} or water-dag^ 
and is used as a lubricant for metal-cutting tools. By 
filtering the aquadag under pressure through thin films of 
rubber, the colloidal graphite can be obtained as a paste. 
When this is mixed with oil, a colloidal suspension known 
as oildag is obtained which is much more efficient as a 
lubricant than oil alone. 
1 The termiDation dag is derived from the initial letters of Deflocculated 
Acheson Giapbite. 
These colloidal suspensions of graphite are so fine that 
the graphite particles will pass through the finest filter 
paper. on adding salts, however, the graphite is floccu- 
lated, as we have seen is the case witl> colloidal suspensions 
of sulphide of arsenic and of clay, and the graphite is now 
retained by filter paper, and separates as a sediment on 
Although we have seen that various differences exist 
in the nature and behaviour of the two classes of colloidal 
solutions, the emulsoid and the suspensoid, there is one 
respect in which the two classes resemble each other, 
namely, in the relatively large extent of surface exposed 
by a given amount of colloid. This large development of 
surface is due, in the one case, to the honey-comb or 
sponge-like structure of the colloid sol ; and, in the other 
case, to the minute size of the particles, for the more a 
given mass of matter is subdivided, the greater becomes 
the extent of surface exposed. To the existence of this 
highly developed surface, one of the most characteristic 
and important actions of colloids, namely, the removal of 
substances from solution, is due. When, for example, a 
colloidal solution of ferric hydroxide, the so-called dialysed 
iron of the pharmacist, is shaken with a dilute solution of 
white arsenic, a large proportion, it may be practically 
the whole, of the arsenic is removed from solution and 
collected or adsorbed on the surface of the colloid, and it 
is to this property of colloids that the use of dialysed iron 
as an antidote in arsenical poisoning is due. 
This adsorbing action of a large surface depends on 
the fact that the concentration of a dissolved substance in 
the surface layer of a solution is different from, and 
frequently greater than, what it is in the body of the 
solution. When the concentration of the dissolved sub- 
stance in the boundary layer is greater than in the body of 
the solution, the dissolved substance becomes concentrated 
in the layer of solution in contact with the solid, and this 
film of concentrated solution remains adhering to the 
surface of the solid when the rest of the liquid is poured 
off. Herein we find, also, the explanation of the action 
of the very porous material, charcoal, in removing dissolved 
colouring matter from solution, a property which finds a 
very important application for the removal of the colour 
from molasses in sugar refining. 
But the special and peculiar behaviour of colloids 
depends not only on their power of surface adsorption, 
but also on the fact that the colloid particles are electri- 
cally charged. In some cases, e.g. ferric hydroxide and 
aluminium hydroxide, the colloid is positively charged, 
but in most cases, it is negatively charged. 
The existence of such an electric charge can readily 
be demonstrated with a colloidal solution of sulphide of 
arsenic. If this is placed in a U-shaped tube, and if we 
then insert in the liquid wires connected with the terminals 
of a high voltage battery or dynamo (the ordinary electric 
lighting circuit can conveniently be employed), one in 
either limb of the tube, we shall find that the sulphide of 
arsenic migrates towards and collects around the positive 
terminal. The particles of arsenic sulphide, therefore, carry 
a negative charge of electricity. Even with fine sus- 
pensions, such as a suspension of fine clay or a slime of 
peat, the same phenomenon is observed ; the clay particles 
or the peat fibres collect around the positive terminal in a 
firm mass. Since the effect depends primarily on the 
voltage of the current, while only an insignificant amount 
of electricity is used, this process of cataphoresis, or 
electric transport of suspended particles, constitutes a very 
economical means of freeing a fine suspension of slime from 
water; and it has, in fact, found industrial application in 
Germany to the partial drying of very wet peat or peat 
slime. The high cost of fuel required to evaporate off the 
water from such very wet peat is thereby saved, so that it 
becomes possible to utilise peat-bogs which are so wet 
that they could not otherwise be worked with commercial 
When a positively charged and a negatively charged 
colloid, such as ferric hydroxide and arsenic sulphide, are 
brought together, the oppositely charged particles attract 
one another, and this leads to a mutual flocculation and 
precipitation of the colloids. 
The property of adsorbing and removing substances 
from solution which colloids possess in virtue of the large 
surface which they expose, together with the fact that the 
colloids are electrically charged, plays an important part 
in the processes of dyeing, in agriculture, in the purification 
of water and of sewage, in the life processes of animals and 
plants, and in many other domains. 
The process of dyeing is by no means a simple one, 
and no single explanation can be given of the way in 
which dyes are, in all cases, fixed on the fibre of the 
material dyed. But in recent years the general advance 
in our knowledge of the peculiar behaviour of the 
substances in the colloidal state, has led to the recognition 
of the important role which colloids may play in the 
dyeing process. Not only are the fibres of silk, wool, 
and cotton similar, in many respects, to colloids, more 
especially in possessing a structure exhibiting a largely 
developed surface, but many of the dye-stuffs are also 
colloids. In some cases the dye may be fixed on the 
fibre by the addition of salts, the colloidal dye being 
thereby precipitated in the fibre just as addition of salts 
produces a precipitation of colloidal sulphide of arsenic. 
But in other cases the process of dyeing is probably one 
which depends largely on a mutual precipitation of colloids 
having opposite electric charges, the negatively charged 
fibres attracting and fixing on themselves positively 
charged dye-stuffs. 
Whilst it is found that, in very many cases, silk and 
wool have the power of taking up and fixing the dye-stuff 
directly, it is frequently found that in the case of cotton 
the fixation of the dye has to be assisted by a mordant, 
which is either a colloid itself or can give rise to a colloid. 
The colloid so formed is deposited on and within the fibre 
to be dyed, and attracts and fixes oppositely charged 
colloidal dyes. According to the nature of the dye, so 
must be the nature of the mordant employed, salts of 
aluminium, chromium, etc., which give rise to the 
hydroxides of the metals, being used when the dye has a 
negative charge or has acid properties {e.g. alizarin) ; 
while tannic acid and similar substances are employed for 
dyes with a positive charge or with basic properties. 
Chemical actions, however, also play an important part in 
the dyeing processes. 
In agriculture, also, the colloidal state is of the greatest 
importance. In the soil there exist various colloidal sub- 
stances, such as the humus, colloidal ferric hydroxide and 
aluminium hydroxide, clay, etc. Owing to the presence of 
these, soluble substances, such as the salts of potassium, 
phosphates, and other substances necessary for the life of 
the plant, are adsorbed and retained in the soil, and so 
kept available for the support and nourishment of vegeta- 
tion instead of being washed away into the rivers and sea. 
The humus, moreover, being a colloid similar to albumin 
and gelatin, has the property of imbibing water and so 
helps to maintain the soil in a moist condition, while it 
also acts as a substrate for the bacteria concerned in the 
conversion of nitrogenous organic matter into such a form 
as can be taken up by the plants, as well as for the other 
bacteria always present in the soil. 
Owing to the presence of such colloids as ferric 
hydroxide and aluminium hydroxide, filtration through 
soil acts as a very efficient means of purifying sewage 
and other waste water, from organic impurities. These 
impurities in sewage, for example, have been found to 
be, to a large extent, negatively charged colloids which 
are therefore precipitated and retained by the positively 
charged colloids, ferric hydroxide and aluminium hydroxide. 
By such filtration through the soil, therefore, even the highly 
impure water which drains from cultivated and manured 
land is rendered comparatively sweet and harmless. In 
the same way, the purification of drinking-water by 
filtration through beds of sand or through charcoal, de- 
pends on the removal of impurities by adsorption on the 
large filtering surface exposed, and on the retention of 
positively charged colloidal matter, bacteria, etc., by the 
negatively charged sand or charcoal particles. 
An important application of the behaviour just described, 
is found in sewage farms, where the drainage of towns is 
pumped on to the land and the liquid allowed to drain 
through the porous soil. Here, the waste organic matter 
is retained and affords a rich nutriment for the growing 
crops, while the liquid effluent which drains away is such 
that it might be drunk with safety. By such means can, in 
suitable surroundings, a source of annoyance and loss be 
turned to profit. 
Although, in recent years, the importance of the col- 
loidal state in its bearing on many of the activities of 
daily life, has become more clearly recognised and more 
fully appreciated, it is in connection with our conceptions 
of the constitution of matter that the investigations of 
microscopic and ultra-microscopic suspensions have gained 
some of their most brilliant triumphs. For more than two 
thousand years there has existed in men's minds the idea 
of matter as made up of separate, discrete particles ; and 
in the nineteenth century, as we have seen, this idea was 
given a more definite form at the hands of Dalton and 
of Avogadro. But the particles, the molecules, which 
make up matter as our eyes reveal it to us, are not in a 
state of rest. In the case of a gas, these molecules are 
in a state of almost inconceivable tumult and commotion, 
which even the restraint imposed by the condensation and 
the congealing of the gas to the liquid and the solid state, 
is not able wholly to subdue. Such, at least, is the picture 
of matter which the genius of a Clerk Maxwell and a 
Clausius revealed to us in what is known as the kinetic 
theory of matter. But although this theory has been found 
to give a satisfactory explanation of the behaviour, more 
especially of gases, and has enabled one to calculate not 
only the size of the molecules (roughly, one hundred 
millionth of an inch in diameter), but also the speed of 
their flight, there were not wanting some who refused to 
believe in the objective reality of molecules and of the 
picture presented by the kinetic theory. And yet, 'even 
as early as 1827, these molecules, although by their minute 
size removed far beyond the range of human vision, had, 
all unknown to their observers, made their presence mani- 
fest by their actions. In that year, the botanist Robert 
Brown, while examining suspensions of pollen grains under 
the microscope, observed that the particles were never at 
rest, but were in rapid motion, vibrating, rotating, moving 
irregularly along a zigzag path, sinking, rising, — perpetu- 
ally in motion. In this Brownian movement, as it is 
called, the full significance of which has only recently 
been grasped — it had, indeed, been observed long ago by 
the French naturalist, Buffon, who saw in it a manifesta- 
tion of life — we have an actual picture of that tumult and 
commotion of the molecules which were revealed to the 
mental vision of mathematical physicists. But it is not, 
of course, the motions of the molecules themselves that 
we see in the Brownian movement, but only the effect of 
the incessant bombardment of the coarser, visible particles 
of the suspension, by the molecules of the liquid. 
Over a lengthened period of time, the number of blows 
which a suspended particle of sufficient size, say such as 
is visible to the naked eye, would receive from the 
molecules of the liquid in which it is suspended, would 
be the same in the different directions. The suspended 
particle, therefore, would show no sign of motion. But if 
we imagine the period of time made sufficiently short, the 
number of impacts of the liquid molecules will no longer 
be equal in different directions, the impacts will no longer 
balance one another, and if the suspended particle is small 
enough it will, at each blow, be caused to move, first in 
one direction and then in another, and all the faster the 
smaller the particle ; and it is this motion of a particle of 
a suspension under the blows which are rained upon it by 
the molecules of the liquid, that constitutes the Brownian 
movement. With particles of ultra-microscopic dimensions 
the phenomenon is exhibited with extraordinary vividness, 
and it is to this Brownian movement that the stability of 
colloidal suspensions is largely due. From the careful 
quantitative investigations of this phenomenon which have 
been carried out in recent years, the various molecular 
magnitudes — the kinetic energy of the particles and their 
velocity of diffusion, for example — have been computed ; 
and such is the closeness of agreement between the results 
so obtained and the values which the kinetic theory would 
lead us to expect, that we cannot any longer hesitate to 
believe that in the rapid, darting motions of the ultra- 
microscopic particles we have made manifest to us some- 
thing of the turbulent stir and bustle which is going on 
unceasingly in that under-world of molecules which lies 
beyond the reach of our senses. 
Of all the known elements, the element carbon, familiar 
to us in the three physically distinct forms, charcoal, 
graphite, diamond, stands out pre-eminent in its power 
of forming compounds with other elements. So numerous, 
indeed, are its compounds — their number at the present day 
exceeding 150,000 — that their study has developed into a 
special branch of chemistry, organic chemistry. This name 
is but the survival from an older period when chemists drew 
a distinction between the compounds occurring in the non- 
living, mineral world, and those occurring in the living animal 
and vegetable organisms, and which were thought to be 
producible only with the help of a special form of energy, 
the so-called vital force, inherent in the living cell. That 
any essential difference exists between the two classes of 
compounds, that the chemical laws which obtain within the 
domain of living nature are different from those which are 
found in inanimate nature, can no longer be held. For not 
only can many, very many, of the compxjunds which were 
formerly regarded as typical products of animal and vege- 
table metabolism, typical organic compounds in the older 
sense, be prepared in the laboratory from purely mineral 
materials, but the synthetic production of not a few of these 
compounds has even developed into industries of enormous 
magnitude. The term, " organic chemistry," is still retained, 
not with its old signification, but merely as denoting the 
chemistry of carbon and its compounds ; for, indeed, the 
vast majority of these " organic " compounds are found in 
no animal or vegetable organism, but have been prepared 
by the intelligent combining together of substances by the 
But if I have referred particularly to the compounds of 
carbon, it is not for the purpose of describing either the 
methods of preparation or the specific properties of any of 
these substances, but rather for the purpose of discussing 
very briefly a phenomenon which, although met with in 
the case of the compounds of other elements, is found with 
extraordinary frequency in the case of the compounds of 
carbon. This is the phenomenon to which the name of 
isomerism has been given. 
When Dalton introduced his atomic theory, the basis on 
which all modem chemistry has been built, he showed, as 
we have seen, that a compound could be regarded as being 
formed by the combination or uniting of the atoms of the 
constituent elements in certain constant and definite propor- 
tions. But whilst the law, " one compound, one composition," 
has remained unshaken, the progress, more especially of 
organic chemistry, soon showed that the converse statement, 
" one composition, one compound," which, to the earlier 
chemists, was equally an article of faith with the former, is 
very far removed from the truth. As the number of com- 
pounds became multiplied, it began to be more and more fre- 
quently observed, that the same elements might be united 
in the same proportions and yet yield compounds with 
entirely different properties. More than a hundred different 
compounds, for example, can be produced by the combining 
together of nine atoms of carbon, ten atoms of hydrogen, 
and three atoms of oxygen. To this phenomenon, that 
different compounds may have the same composition, the 
term isomerism has been applied. Just as the same set of 
bricks can, by varying their arrangement, be formed into 
structures of totally different kinds, so also the same atoms 
can, by varying their arrangement within the molecule, give 
rise to different atomic structures, or different compounds. 
In other words, the discovery of isomerism, so entirely 
unforeseen by Dalton and by the earlier organic chemists, 
led to the recognition of the fact that the properties of a 
compound depend not merely on its composition, but also 
on its internal structure or the arrangement of the atoms 
within the molecule ; and our knowledge of a substance is 
not complete until we know what is this internal structure 
or constitution of the molecule. 
A knowledge of the constitution is essential for the 
successful building up or synthesis of a compound from 
simpler materials, which we shall discuss more fully in the 
following chapter. To elucidate the constitution of the 
different compounds, is one of the main aims of the organic 
chemist, and in the case of the more complex compounds, 
the problem becomes one of the greatest difficulty. only 
this much can be said here. Through the laborious efforts 
of numberless chemists, a knowledge has been gradually 
accumulated of the internal structure or constitution of a 
very large number of substances, and also of the relations 
between these different structures and the physical and 
chemical properties of the compound. In order to deter- 
mine the constitution of an unknown compound, therefore. 
the substance is, by various chemical actions, broken down 
into bits, as it were, and one then seeks to identify the 
fragments, the simpler substances, so obtained, with sub- 
stances of which the constitution is already known. From 
the knowledge gained in this way, one then attempts to 
piece the fragments together again, and so to build up or 
synthesise the original substance. 
But the task of elucidating the constitution of organic 
compounds would be a hopeless one without the aid of 
some guiding principle and some method by which the 
molecular constitution can be represented. It was, there- 
fore, a great step in advance when Kekule, in 1858, showed 
how molecular constitutions could be represented diagram- 
matically, using as a guiding principle what is known as 
the doctrine of valency. 
This doctrine of valency, the introduction of which we 
owe mainly to the late Sir Edward Frankland, is merely a 
recognition of the fact that the elementary atoms do not 
possess an unlimited power of combination. Hydrogen 
and chlorine, for example, can combine together only atom 
for atom ; an atom of hydrogen cannot combine with more 
than one atom of chlorine, and an atom of chlorine cannot 
combine with more than one atom of hydrogen. No 
element is known having a lower combining power than 
hydrogen, and this is therefore taken as the standard of 
reference. Chlorine, an atom of which can combine with 
only one atom of hydrogen is said to have unit com- 
bining power, or unit valency ; it is univalent. Oxygen, 
an atom of which can combine with two atoms of hydrogen 
(as in water, HjO), is said to be bivalent ; nitrogen, an 
atom of which can combine with three atoms of hydrogen, 
is said to be tervalent; carbon, an atom of which can 
combine with four atoms of hydrogen, is said to be quadri- 
valent ; and so on. 
Although there is, of course, no material link or bond 
between the atoms, we can nevertheless represent union 
between atoms as if it were material, by means of a line, 
or lines, according to the valency of the atom. Thus, as 
we have already seen, we can represent the compound 
marsh-gas by the diagrammatic formula H — C — H, and 
the higher hydrocarbons of that series by such a chain 
H H H 
I I I 
of carbon and hydrogen atoms as H — C — C — C — H ; 
I I i 
H H H 
a formula which we can also write in the simpler form, 
CH3 — CHj — CH3. By the extension of this idea, it became 
possible not only to represent the molecular constitution 
of known compounds, but also to foresee the possible 
existence of isomeric compounds. Thus, for example, if 
we have the compound CH3 . CH2. CH3, (the bond between 
the carbon atoms being now represented by a dot), it is 
clear that we can replace one atom of hydrogen in this 
compound by an atom, say, of chlorine, in two ways, so that 
we should obtain either the compound CH3. CHj. CH^Cl, 
or the compound CH3.CHCl.CH3, the chlorine being 
in the former case attached to a terminal carbon atom 
and in the latter case to the intermediate carbon atom. 
According to this, there should exist two and only two 
different compounds having the composition C3H7CI ; and 
as a matter of fact two compounds and only two are 
The origin of this theory of chemical structure has been 
recounted by Kekul6 himself. During a period of residence 
in London he was returning from a visit paid at Islington 
to where he stayed at Clapham. " one fine summer 
evening," he relates/ " I was returning by the last omnibus, 
* outside ' as usual, through the deserted streets of the 
metropolis, which are at other times so full of life. I fell 
into a reverie, and lo ! the atoms were gambolling before 
my eyes! Whenever, hitherto, these diminutive beings 
had appeared to me, they had always been in motion ; but 
up to that time, I had never been able to discern the 
nature of their motion. Now, however, I saw how, 
frequently, two smaller atoms united to form a pair ; how 
a larger one embraced two smaller ones ; how still larger 
ones kept hold of three or even four of the smaller ; whilst 
the whole kept whirling in a giddy dance. I saw how the 
larger ones formed a chain," . . . And then he adds : " I 
spent part of the night in putting on paper at least sketches 
of these dream-forms." From these sketches were de- 
veloped the constitutional or structural formulae, of which 
examples have just been given. 
But again he had a dream. Now he was at Ghent, 
and dozed before his fire. Again he saw the atoms 
gambolling before his eyes, the chains twining and twist- 
ing in snake-like motion. "But look! What was that? 
one of the snakes had seized hold of its own tail, and the 
» F. R, Japp, " Kekule Memorial Lecture" (Transactions of the Chemical 
Society, 1898). 
form whirled mockingly before my eyes. As if by a flash 
of lightning I awoke ; " • . . but the picture Kekule had 
seen of the snake which had seized its own tail gave him 
the clue to one of the most puzzling molecular structures, 
the structure of the benzene molecule, a ring of six carbon 
atoms to each of which a hydrogen atom is attached. 
Thus we obtain the structural formula of the benzene 
U.C^ X.H 
I I! 
H.C C.H 
the " ring " of carbon atoms being written in the form 
of a hexagon instead of in the form of a circle. " Let 
us learn to dream," said Kekule, "then perhaps we 
shall find the truth." But he wisely added : " But let us 
beware of publishing our dreams before they have been 
put to the proof by the waking understanding." 
By the introduction of the doctrine of valency and of 
Kekule's diagrammatic method of representing molecular 
constitution, a satisfactory basis seemed to have been 
obtained for the future development of organic chemistry. 
And yet, it was not long before the insufficiency of thife 
theory of chemical structure became only too apparent, 
owing to the discovery that, in some cases, the number of 
isomeric compounds is greater than can be represented 
by the structural formulae of Kekul^. A new isomerism 
was discovered, an isomerism which manifested itself in 
the property known as optical activity. 
Early last century it was discovered that whe« a ray 
of light is passed through a crystal of Iceland spar, the 
ethereal vibrations, which propagate the light, and which, 
ordinarily, take place in all directions at right angles to 
the path of the ray, are all brought into one plane. The 
light is said to be polarised. When, now, this polarised 
light is passed through certain substances, quartz, turpen- 
tine, a solution of cane sugar, etc., it is found that the plane 
of polarisation, the plane in which the 
ethereal vibrations take place, is rotated 
or twisted, this rotation or twisting 
taking place sometimes to the right, 
sometimes to the left ; an effect which 
we can illustrate by the twisting of a 
strip of stout paper into a right- 
handed or left-handed spiral, such as 
is represented in Fig. 17. Substances 
which possess this property of rotating 
the plane of polarised light, are said Fig. 17. 
to be " optically active." 
This property ot optical activity can also be de- 
monstrated by a modification of a very interesting ex- 
periment due to the late Sir George Stokes. When a 
beam of light from a projection lantern (Fig. 1 8), is reflected 
vertically downwards by means of a mirror, through a 
column of water rendered slightly turbid by the addition 
of a few drops of an alcoholic solution of rosin, the path 
of the beam is rendered visible by the fine suspension of 
rosin particles (Tyndall phenomenon, p. 189) j and the 
beam of light appears equally bright all round. But if 
the light from the lantern is first polarised by passage 
through a prism of Iceland spar, and then reflected down- 
wards through the column of water, the appearance obtained 
is that of a band which is light only on two opposed sides, 
and dark on the other two opposed sides. on rotating 
the prism of Iceland spar, the band also rotates and turns 
alternately its light and dark sides to the eye. The effect 
Fig. i8.— Demonstration of thji Pouuiisation of Light. 
Light from a lantern is polarised by passage through the polarising prism P, 
and the beam of light is then directed by the lens L on to a mirror M, by which 
the light is directed vertically downwards through water contained in the cylinder 
C, and rendered turbid by a fine suspension of rosin. A vertical, polarised 
band of light is obtained. If the cylinder C is replaced by D, which contains 
a concentrated solution of cane sugar, the band of light is twisted into the 
form of a spiral. 
produced is as if the beam of light on passing through the 
prism of Iceland spar, were given a flat form, like a book, 
from the two opposite edges of which light is emitted, 
while the sides remain dark. Thus we have illustrated 
the phenomenon of polarisation of light. If, now, the 
cylinder of water is replaced by a cylinder containing a 
solution of cane sugar, the band of light is twisted into a 
spiral form, and on rotating the prism of Iceland-spar, 
this spiral band of light will appear to move with a 
LOUIS PASTEUR, 1822-1895. 
(From a Photograph by Pierre Pdil.) 
To /ace p. 215. 
screw-like motion. From the fact that the different rays of 
coloured h'ght which together constitute white light, are 
twisted or rotated to different extents (the blue rays being 
rotated more than the red), the spiral band of light shows 
the colours of the rainbow. 
What then is the explanation to be given of this re- 
markable property of substances, the study of which, start- 
ing with the brilliant discoveries of Pasteur in 1848, has 
occupied the attention of many of our foremost chemists 
down to the present day ? 
When Pasteur commenced the investigations which were 
to initiate a revolution in the current ideas regarding the 
molecular structure of organic compounds, two isomeric acids 
were known having the same composition, namely, tartaric 
acid and paratartaric acid. The former, which is found 
occurring in grape juice, is optically active ; the latter is 
inactive. on examining the crystals of these two acids, and 
of a number of their salts, Pasteur found that whereas the 
crystalline faces of the inactive paratartaric acid and its 
salts, were all fully developed, and the crystals symmetrical 
(Fig. 19) ; in the case of the active tartaric acid, the full 
development of the crystalline faces was interrupted by the 
occurrence of so-called hemihedral faces (Fig. 20). The 
occurrence of these hemihedral faces was regarded by 
Pasteur as the outward and visible manifestation of the 
property of optical activity, in accordance with a view which 
had been suggested by Sir John Herschell in the case of 
crystalline quartz, which is also optically active. But 
whereas quartz is optically active only in the crystalline 
state, tartaric acid retains the property even when dis- 
solved. In the former case, the property depends on the 
crystalline structure, in the latter, it depends on the internal 
molecular structure. 
But a further discovery was made by Pasteur. 
During his investigation of one of the salts of tartaric 
and paratartaric acid (namely, sodium ammonium tartrate 
and sodium ammonium paratartrate), Pasteur found, as 
was to be expected, that the crystals of the tartrate 
resembled those of the other tartrates he had examined 
in possessing hemihedral faces, arranged in a similar 
manner. The crystals obtained from the solution of the 
Fig. 19. — HoLOHEDRAL Crystal 
OF Paratartaric Acid. 
Fig. 20, — Crystal showing 
Hemihedral Facks. 
paratartrate, however, instead of being holohedral, with 
the crystalline faces fully developed, were found also to 
have hemihedral faces ; but these hemihedral faces, instead 
of, as in the tartrates, all being turned the same way, 
were inclined, sometimes to the right and sometimes to 
the left (Fig. 21). This result was quite unexpected; 
and Pasteur, on carefully separating the two sets of 
crystals and examining their solutions, discovered, with 
no less surprise than pleasure, that one set of crystals 
rotated the plane of polarised light to the right, while 
the other set rotated the plane by an equal amount to 
the left. on dissolving together equal amounts of the 
two sets of crystals, a solution was obtained which was 
quite inactive. 
Here, thea* we have the discovery of that new kind 
of isomerism to which reference has just been made, and 
which showed the insufficiency of the structural formulae 
of Kekule. The two salts into which the paratartrate 
had been separated were identical in all their chemical 
and physical properties, save only in the disposition, to the 
right or to the left, of the small hemihedral faces occur- 
Fig. 21.— Enantiomorphic Crystals of Optically Activb 
ring on their crystals, and in the property of rotating the 
plane of polarised light to an equal extent but in opposite 
directions. From these two salts, Pasteur obtained two 
different tartaric acids ; one having the power of rotating 
the plane of polarised light to the right and identical with 
the acid occurring in grape juice, the other, hitherto 
unknown, and having the power of rotating the plane of 
polarised light to the left. Moreover, on mixing together 
in solution equal quantities of these two optically active 
acids, there separate from the solution crystals of the 
inactive paratartaric acid, which is thus shown to be a 
compound of the two active acids in equal proportion. 
The discovery of the two optically active tartaric acids 
was a momentous one, effecting a revolution in the views 
of chemists regarding molecular structure ; and we can 
well understand the feeling of happiness and the nervous 
excitement by which Pasteur was overcome on making 
the discovery. Rushing from his laboratory and meeting 
a curator, he embraced him, exclaiming : " I have just 
made a great discovery! I have separated the sodium 
ammonium paratartrate into two salts of opposite action 
on the plane of polarisation of light The dextro-salt is 
in all respects identical with the dextro-tartrate. I am 
so happy and overcome by such nervous excitement that 
I am unable to place my eye again to the polarisation 
apparatus." But the question now arose as to how the 
existence of the two optically active tartaric acids could 
be accounted for. 
All material things belong to one or other of two 
classes, according as the image which is formed of the 
object in a mirror, is such that it could or could not be 
superposed on the object. In the case of a cube, for 
example, the image formed in a mirror is identical with 
the object, and we can imagine the image superposed on 
the original cube. A cube is a symmetrical object. But 
if a right hand is held in front of a mirror, the image 
which is obtained represents a left hand, and this cannot 
be superposed on the right hand ; a right hand will not 
fit into a left-hand glove. In the case oi a hand, there- 
fore, we have an asymmetrical object, which can exist in 
two distinct, so-called enantiomorphic forms, similar in all 
respects, but not superposable, not identical. And when 
we examine the crystals of the two optically active 
tartaric acids (or of their salts), it is seen that they also 
are related to each other as the right hand is to the 
left hand; each represents the non-superposable mirror 
image of the other (Fig. 21), and the two crystals, 
although in all points similar, are not identical. If, 
however, the crystalline form is to be regarded, as Pasteur 
regarded it, as a visible manifestation of the internal 
structure, we are led to the conclusion that the molecular 
structures of the two active tartaric acids are asymmetric 
and enantiomorphously related to each other as object 
to non-superposable mirror image. "Are the atoms," 
Pasteur asked, " are the atoms of the dextro-acid grouped 
in the form of a right-handed helix, or do they stand 
at the comers of an irregular tetrahedron, or are they 
arranged in some other asymmetrical manner?" And 
he replied, "We are not yet in a position to answer 
these questions. But it cannot be a subject ot doubt 
that there exists an arrangement of the atoms in an 
asymmetric order, having a non-superposable image." 
Looking back on the experimental investigations of 
Pasteur, we cannot suppress a feeling of disappointment 
that it was not vouchsafed to him, with the clear views 
he possessed regarding chemical structure, to take but 
a little step forward and to develop these views into a 
theory of chemical structure. But the time was not yet 
ripe, and it was not until after more than twenty years 
that the study of organic chemistry furnished a sufficient 
number of examples of optically active compounds, to 
make it possible to give an answer to Pasteur's questions. 
Nevertheless, Pasteur introduced into chemistry a con- 
ception of extraordinary importance and fruitfulness, the 
conception of molecular asymmetry, and he recognised 
that molecular structure is not a matter of two dimen- 
sions only, but of three. The atoms are not arranged 
in a plane, as the formulae of Kekule represent them, 
but in three-dimensional space. In this way Pasteur 
inaugurated a new chemistry, a "Chemistry in Space" 
or " Stereo-Chemistry." 
The conception of molecular asymmetry and the idea 
of the grouping of the atoms at the corners of an 
irregular tetrahedron were developed, in 1874, into a 
A A 
consistent theory of molecular structure, embracing the 
optically active isomeric compounds, by a Dutch and a 
French chemist independently, van't Hoff and Le Bel. 
If we imagine a carbon atom at the centre of a 
tetrahedron, and if the four atoms or groups, with which, 
as we have seen, a carbon atom can be united, are 
situated at the four corners of the tetrahedron, it will 
be found that so long as two, at least, of the atoms 
or groups are the same, the molecule, represented as a 
tetrahedron, will be symmetrical and its mirror image 
will be superposable on and therefore identical with the 
original. This will be clear from an inspection of Fig. 22, 
which represents such a tetrahedron and its mirror image. 
The right-hand tetrahedron, obviously, only requires to 
be turned through an angle of 90°, on the corner B as 
a pivot, to become identical in disposition with the left- 
hand tetrahedron; 
If, however, the four atoms or groups attached to the 
carbon atom are all different, the molecule, as represented 
by the tetrahedron, becomes asymmetric, and gives a 
mirror image which is no longer superposable on the 
original. Two isomeric forms are therefore possible. This 
will be understood from Fig. 23. Viewing these tetrahedra 
A A 
Fig. 23. 
from a similar position, we see that the groups BCD, 
in the one case, are arranged from left to right ; in the 
other case, from right to left. If one of these represents 
a molecule which rotates the plane of polarised light to 
the right, the other will represent a molecule which rotates 
the plane of polarised light to the left. 
The views of van't Hoff and Le Bel have received the 
amplest confirmation. Not only has it been found that 
all compounds which are optically active do contain at 
least one atom of carbon to which four different atoms 
or groups are attached — a so-called asymmetric carbon 
atom — but also, no compound has been obtained the pos- 
sible existence of which could not be predicted by means 
of the van't Hoff and Le Bel theory. So fruitful has the 
conception of molecular asymmetry and of the asymmetric 
carbon atom proved, that it has been extended also to the 
atoms of other elements than carbon, of which optically 
active isomers have been prepared. 
We have already seen that in the case of tartaric acid 
— and the same holds in all other cases of optically active 
substances — there exist, or can exist, not only the two 
optically active isomers, but also an inactive isomer, pro- 
duced by the combination of the two oppositely active 
forms in equal amounts, and separable again, by suitable 
means, into the active forms. This inactive form is known 
as the racemic form. In the case of one particular salt, 
sodium ammonium paratartrate, as we have seen, this 
breaking up of the racemic form (the paratartrate) takes 
place on crystallising from water at the ordinary tempera- 
ture. But this method is capable of only a limited appli- 
cation. Pasteur, however, introduced two other methods 
for effecting the resolution of the racemic into the active 
forms or for obtaining one of the active forms separate 
from the other, namely, by making use of some living 
organism or of some other asymmetric, optically active 
material. When, for example, the solution of the racemic 
paratartaric acid is acted on by blue mould, Peniallium 
glaucum, the fungus feeds on and destroys the dextro- 
rotatory acid, which occurs naturally in grapes, but leaves 
unchanged the laevo-acid, which is an artificial product 
of the laboratory. The solution, therefore, becomes 
laevorotatory, and the laevo-acid can be obtained by concen- 
trating the solution and allowing it to crystallise. In the 
process of fermentation, also, under the action of various 
enzymes, which are themselves asymmetric agents, pro- 
duced in the living animal and vegetable cells, we find a 
similar selective action. Thus, whereas the dextro-rotating 
glucose, the well-known grape sugar, undergoes fermenta- 
tion, the laevo-rotating glucose, a compound only obtained 
artificially, remains unchanged in the presence of yeast. 
An asymmetric agent acts only on materials of similar 
asymmetry to itself, just as a right-handed screw will only 
fit into a right-handed thread. So long as the two optically 
active isomers are brought into relations with symmetrical 
agents^ they behave identically ; but wJten they recu:t with 
an asymmetric agent, a different behaviour is exhibited by 
the two forms. 
This selective action is ot great physiological import- 
ance, since in all the life processes, such as digestion and 
assimilation, we are dealing with the action of the opti- 
cally active, asymmetric materials contained in the cells and 
tissues. We find, therefore, that although the naturally 
occurring albumins and sugars, for example, are capable 
of being digested, the isomeric compounds of opposite 
activity pass through the body without being absorbed. 
And a similar differentiation of action is met with in the 
case of many of the optically active alkaloids. " Here, 
then," said Pasteur, "the molecular asymmetry proper to 
organic substances intervenes in a phenomenon of a physio- 
logical kind, and it intervenes in the rdle of a modifier 
of chemical affinity. . . . Thus we find introduced into 
physiological principles the idea of the influence of the 
molecular asymmetry of natural organic products, of this 
great character which establishes, perhaps, the only well- 
marked line of demarcation that can at present be drawn 
between the chemistry of dead matter and the chemistry of 
living matter." 
In the investigation of molecular structure, the study 
of optically active substances has been of supreme im- 
portance, and the knowledge which has been gained has 
exercised an important influence on the understanding and 
interpretation of biological processes, opening to physio- 
logy, as Pasteur said, new horizons, distant but sure. But 
it is not merely the domain of the material sciences which 
has been enriched by the investigations of stereo-chemistry ; 
the most fundamental problems of life, our very ideas with 
regard to life itself, and the phenomena of life, receive 
Until 1828, as we have seen, the production of the 
organic substances occurring in the animal and vegetable 
organisms was considered to be the prerogative of life ; 
but the synthetic production in the laboratory of many of 
the compounds which are typical products of the animal 
and vegetable organism, led to the abandonment of that 
belief, and science began to look upon the phenomena of 
life as completely explicable in terms of physics and of 
chemistry. But the discovery and investigation of the 
optically active compounds introduced a new factor. As 
Professor F. R. Japp, in his Presidential Address to the 
Chemical Section of the British Association in 1898, so 
admirably emphasised, " the phenomena of stereo-chemistry 
support the doctrine of vitalism as revived by the younger 
physiologists, and point to the existence of a directive force 
which enters upon the scene with life itself, and which, 
whilst in no way violating the laws of the kinetics of 
atoms, determines the course of their operation within the 
living organism." 
In Nature, most asymmetric compounds are found 
occurring in one of the optically active forms only. 
Dextro-rotatory tartaric acid, for example, occurs in grape 
juice, but the laevo-rotatory tartaric acid is not found in 
Nature, and is known only as a laboratory product ; grape 
sugar likewise occurs naturally only as the dextro-rotatory 
form ; while the albumins are Isevo-rotatory. When, how- 
ever, it is attempted to prepare an asymmetric compound 
in the laboratory from symmetric substances only, from 
substances, that is to say, which are not themselves opti- 
cally active, it is always found that the product obtained 
is inactive. As Pasteur said: "Artificial products have 
no molecular asymmetry ; and I could not point out the 
existence of any more profound distinction between the 
products formed under the influence of life and all others." 
It is true that the inactive, racemic form, which is 
obtained as the result of the artificial synthesis, can be 
separated into the two optically active forms, with the 
help of asymmetric, optically active compounds ; or we 
can even, by the process of fermentation or the action of 
organisms, destroy one of the active forms and so obtain 
a single optically active compound. But these processes 
involve the use either of living organisms or of materials 
which have been produced by living organisms, and the 
production of the active form is, therefore, due directly or 
indirectly to living matter. But, as we have seen, Pasteur 
also found that, in some cases, the resolution of the racemic 
form can be effected simply by crystallisation. By allowing 
a solution of the inactive racemic sodium ammonium 
paratartrate to crystallise, crystals of the dextro- and of the 
laevo-rotatory sodium ammonium tartrate were, as we have 
already seen, deposited separately, and could, owing to the 
difference in their crystalline forms, be distinguished from 
one another and be separated by hand. Since the original 
racemic paratartrate could be prepared synthetically from 
symmetrical materials by the action of only symmetrically 
acting reagents, and since this racemic form could be 
resolved into the active forms by the symmetrically acting 
process of crystallisation, it was thought that " the barrier 
which M. Pasteur had placed between natural and artificial 
products " had been thereby broken down. And this was 
undoubtedly the view held by the majority of chemists. 
But was this view — a view still held by many — correct ? 
Pasteur certainly did not think so, and he pointed out very 
pertinently, that " to transform one inactive compound into 
another inactive compound which has the power of resolv- 
ing itself simultaneously into a right-handed compound 
and its opposite, is in no way comparable with the possi- 
bility of transforming an inactive compound into a single 
active compound. This is what no one has ever done ; it 
is, on the other hand, what living nature is doing unceas- 
ingly before our eyes." The artificial, racemic compound 
certainly, had been resolved into the two active forms by 
the symmetrical process of crystallisation, but these two 
forms had not been separated from each other ; both active 
forms were present side by side. Their separation "re- 
quires the living operator, whose intellect embraces the 
conception of opposite forms of symmetry." But, as 
Professor Crum Brown asked long ago : " Is not the 
observation and deliberate choice by which a human 
being picks out the two kinds of crystals and places each 
in a vessel by itself, the specific act of a living organism 
of a kind not altogether dissimilar to the selection made 
by Penicillium glaucum ? ", a mould which, as we saw, 
destroys one optically active form but not the other. 
While Pasteur certainly believed that all the attempts 
which had been made to synthesise a single optically active 
form, without the intervention, direct or indirect, of life, 
had been unsuccessful, he appears to have held the view 
that as science advanced, the inability to effect such a 
synthesis might be removed, for while he recognised the 
necessity for the existence of asymmetric forces "at the 
moment of the elaboration of natural organic products," 
he conceived the possibility that such asymmetric forces 
might lie outside the living organism and " reside in light, 
in electricity, in magnetism, or in heat." This view, 
certainly, is one that cannot be dismissed off-hand, and 
some see in circularly polarised light an asymmetric agent 
which might account for the production in nature of single 
optically active forms. But the suggestions and experi- 
mental evidence which have been offered in support of this 
view cannot certainly be regarded as convincing. What- 
ever of fuller knowledge and more successful achievement 
the future may hold, one thing, at least, may be said now — 
that all attempts to synthesise a single optically active 
compound under the influence of circularly polarised light 
or of magnetic or other purely physical forces, have met 
with failure. And if the evidence of stereo-chemistry is to 
be accepted, it points to the conclusion, to quote the words 
of Professor Japp, that "at the moment when life first 
arose, a directive force came into play — a force of precisely 
the same character as that which enables the intelligent 
operator, by the exercise of his will, to select one crystal- 
lised enantiomorph and reject its asymmetric opposite." 
It may, perhaps, have seemed to some that however 
interesting, as an intellectual speculation, the theories of 
molecular structure discussed in the previous chapter 
might be ; however much they might satisfy a philo- 
sophical curiosity regarding the mystery which lies at 
the heart of things, they could be of very little practical 
importance and could scarcely come at all into direct 
touch with the daily life of mankind. And yet, these 
theories form the very basis and foundation of some of 
the greatest industries of the present day ! Kekul^'s 
dreams, perhaps, were an interesting psychological 
phenomenon, but the stuff that his dreams were made 
of, the theories of molecular structure, were as important 
for the advance and development of organic chemistry, 
as a chart and compass are for a mariner. For, the purpose 
of a scientific theory is not merely to explain or co-ordinate 
knowledge already acquired, but also to be a guide to the 
exploration of the unknown ; and without the theories 
of molecular structure or constitution put forward by 
Kekul6, van't Hoff and Le Bel, there could not have been 
built up that vast structure of organic chemistry such as we 
know it at the present day, nor could we have witnessed 
that crowning achievement of organic chemistry, the 
artificial, synthetic preparation of many of Nature's own 
products, from which has developed the industrial pro- 
duction of those innumerable dyes, therapeutic agents, 
perfumes, and other materials, which are regarded as 
necessaries in our modern civilisation. 
But while the theories of molecular structure and con- 
stitution gave the guidance necessary for the altogether 
phenomenal development of organic chemistry during the 
past sixty years, that development could actually take place 
only through the genius, the energy and the persistence 
of hundreds of zealous workers who devoted themselves 
to the task of synthesising and elucidating the constitution 
of thousands of organic compounds, and it is therefore 
only natural that it is in that country — Germany — which 
amongst all other countries has been conspicuous for its 
recognition of the importance of such investigations, and 
for the encouragement which it has given to them, that 
we find the industries dependent on synthetic organic 
chemistry chiefly flourishing. 
Not only has the chemist discovered numberless com- 
pounds hitherto unknown, but he has even entered into 
competition with Nature herself, and has successfully broken 
the monopoly which heretofore she had enjoyed in the 
production of many compounds both of ornament and 
of utility. In fact, so successful has the chemist been, 
that not only can the artificial products, in a number 
of cases, compete with the natural products, but they have 
even driven these entirely out of the market. In this way 
great industries have arisen, of which the most important 
are those closely interdependent industries which find their 
raw materials mainly in coal tar, and it is to these that we 
shall first turn our attention. 
By the distillation of coal there is obtained not only 
the gaseous mixture so largely employed as an illuminant, 
but also considerable amounts of ammonia and a thick, 
dark-coloured, evil-smelling liquid, coal tar— one of the 
most valuable and important materials obtained by man. 
It is not an attractive-looking material, and yet there have 
been evolved from it, by the painstaking labours of a 
multitude of chemists, substances innumerable — dyes by 
the thousand, which rival in range and beauty of tone the 
finest products of Nature's imagining ; explosives which 
the strongest works of man are powerless to resist ; anti- 
septics and drugs ; the sweet-smelling essences of flowers ; 
and developers of the latent photographic image. This 
coal tar is, indeed, an almost inexhaustible storehouse of 
raw materials for the manufacture of products of manifold 
By subjecting the crude coal tar to a process of 
distillation, such as is done in the refining of crude 
petroleum, various substances are obtained which distil 
over at different temperatures. Of these the most im- 
portant are the following ; — 
Benzene 176° F. 
Toluene 230° F. 
Phenol (carbolic acid) 106° F. 
Naphthalene 174'' F. 
Aolbiacene 415° F. 
Benzene^ or as it is frequently called in commerce, 
benzol, forms the starting-point in the manufacture of 
aniline (which can be regarded as benzene in which one of 
the atoms of hydrogen is replaced by the group NH2) ; and 
this, in turn, is the starting-point in the preparation of 
a large number of dyes — the aniline dyes. These aniline 
dyes, which were the first synthetic dyes to be prepared, 
constitute, however, only a part of the total number of dye- 
stuffs which are now manufactured from coal-tar products. 
Toluene (commercially, toluol) is used as a raw 
material in the manufacture not only of dyes, but also 
of the powerful high explosive, trinitrotoluene, or T.N.T. 
Phenol or Carbolic Acid, is a well-known antiseptic, and 
is also the starting-point in the preparation of the explosive 
picric acid, lyddite or melinite. It is also used in the 
manufacture of dyes. 
Naphthalene is a valuable constituent of coal tar. It is 
the raw material chiefly employed in the manufacture of 
Anthracene is the raw material employed in the manu- 
facture of a large number of important dyes, the most 
familiar of which is the red dye, alizarin, or Turkey red. 
Important as these different substances are, they con- 
stitute only a small part of coal tar, the amounts in which 
they occur being, moreover, dependent not only on the 
nature of the coal used but also on the temperature at 
which the coal is distilled. Thus, the benzene and toluene 
together constitute about 3 per cent, phenol about i per 
cent., naphthalene about 5 per cent, and anthracene 
about 0"5 per cent of the coal tar formed in gas manu- 
facture. By the distillation of one ton of coal, therefore, 
we should obtain the above constituents in the following 
quantities, roughly : — 
Benzene and Toluene 3i lbs. 
Phenol . . l| lbs. 
Naphthalene 6 lbs. 
Anthracene lo ozs. 
The Coal-Tar Dyes. 
Until the middle of last century, men were dependent 
for all the dyes with which they coloured their bodies or 
their garments, on colouring matters which were chiefly 
of animal and vegetable origin : the colouring matter of 
logwood ; the animal dye, cochineal ; the blue dye, indigo 
or woad, with which our ancestors in these islands are 
said to have stained their bodies ; the red dye, alizarin, 
obtained from the root of the madder plant, once exten- 
sively cultivated in Southern Europe ; and the costliest 
of all dyes, the most famous dye of the ancient world, the 
Tyrian purple, obtained from a shell- fish {Murex brandaris) 
found on the eastern shores of the Mediterranean. 
*• Who has not heard how Tyrian shells 
Enclosed the blue, that dye of dyes 
Whereof one drop worked miracles, 
And coloured like Astarte's eyes 
Raw silk the merchant sells ? " 
(Browning : Popularity.) 
These dyes, and a few others, were all that were available 
until the year 1856. In that year the first synthetic dye, 
the once favourite mauve, was prepared by the late Sir 
W. H. Perkin, by the oxidation of crude aniline, and since 
that time colouring matters to the number ot several 
thousands have been discovered by the chemist. The 
natural dyes are mostly of a pronounced, even crude 
colour, but the products of the chemist are of an almost 
infinite variety ; and, far out-rivalling the natural dyes in 
range of colour and delicacy of tone, they have ousted 
these dyes from the dye-works. Starting from benzene, 
naphthalene, and anthracene, constituents of the dirty- 
looking liquid, coal tar, which less than a hundred years 
ago was a useless waste material and a nuisance to the 
gas manufacturer, synthetic dyes to the value of over 
;^20,ooo,ooo, are manufactured annually, more than three- 
quarters of this amount being produced in Germany. 
It is quite impossible here to enter into a discussion 
of the composition and constitution of the coal-tar dyes, 
some of which are among the most complex of the com- 
pounds of carbon ; but it may be said that the technique 
of dye manufacture has become so perfected, and our 
knowledge of the variation of colour with the constitution 
of the compound has become so well established, that the 
synthetic production of new shades is no longer a hap- 
hazard process, but one of which the conditions of success 
are clearly known. 
But it is, perhaps, in the artificial production of 
Nature's own colouring matters, more especially of alizarin 
and indigo, that organic chemistry has achieved its most 
striking successes. Through the labours of many chemists 
the composition of these natural products was determined 
and their constitution or molecular structure unravelled, 
and with the knowledge thus obtained chemists have suc- 
ceeded in preparing these compounds artificially — not 
merely substitutes for or imitations of the natural products, 
but the actual products themselves — and that more cheaply 
than Nature herself can produce them. 
Forty or fifty years ago, over the whole of Southern 
Europe, and eastwards to Asia Minor, great tracts of land 
were devoted to the growing of the madder plant ; in 
PVance alone, 50,000 acres were devoted to its culture. 
When the roots of this plant were allowed to ferment, a 
substance alizarin, so called from the name given by the 
Arabs to the madder root, was formed, which was capable 
of dyeing cotton of a bright red colour — the so-called 
Turkey red, one of the oldest of dyes and most largely 
used in the dyeing of cotton goods. But these madder 
fields have now all disappeared ; for when the composition 
and nature of this dye-stuff had once been ascertained, 
it was not long before chemists discovered a method by 
which the dye could be manufactured from what was then 
practically a waste material, anthracene, one of the 
constituents of coal tar. By a series of comparatively 
simple reactions one could pass from the hydrocarbon 
anthracene (C14H10) to anthraquinone (CnHg02), and 
from anthraquinone to dihydroxy-anthraquinone or ali- 
zarin [Ci4H802(OH)2]. In this way the madder dye 
can be manufactured much more cheaply than Nature 
can produce it, and instead of the 750 tons of alizarin 
extracted from madder roots in 1870, over 2000 tons are 
now manufactured annually in chemical works. 
The fate of the madder threatens also to be the fate 
of another dye-producing plant {isatis tinctoria) from 
which the much prized dye-stuff, indigo, has for thousands 
of years been obtained. Even as late as the seventeenth 
century, the woad was cultivated in Europe, but with the 
opening up of trade with the East, the European dye could 
not hold its own with the cheaper indigo obtained from the 
Indian plantations ; and these, until recently, controlled 
the markets of the world. But even they have not been 
able to stand against the march of science, and, in the 
production of synthetic indigo, the conquest of Nature by 
the chemist and manufacturer constitutes one of the most 
striking features of the nineteenth century. The fight 
was a long one, and I know of no other case in which 
the genius and resourcefulness of the chemist and the 
persistence and enterprise of the directors of German 
chemical industry, themselves expert chemists^ have been 
so conspicuously shown, as in the successful industrial 
production of this dye. Let me try to recount, in the 
briefest possible outline, the achievement which has already 
become historic 
As far back as 1880, the artificial production of indigo 
was first achieved by the German chemist, Adolf von 
Baeyer, using as raw material the substance toluene, which, 
as we have seen, is one of the constituents of coal tar. 
But although this laboratory production of indigo consti- 
tuted an achievement of the highest scientific importance, 
the chemical manufacturer strove in vain to use this 
discovery in his struggle to oust the natural product. 
Indigo certainly could be manufactured, and manufactured 
in quantity, but — and this is the whole essence of the 
matter — the artificial indigo cost more than the natural, 
and the raw material, toluene, was not procurable in 
sufficient amount to make the displacement of the natural 
indigo possible. For seventeen years the struggle went 
on, the chemist assisting with his brains and experience, 
the manufacturer assisting with his money, until at last, 
in October, 1897, after many attempts and many failures, 
and the expenditure of close on ;^ 1,000,000, synthetic 
indigo (indigo, that is, prepared by the skill of man from 
simpler substances), was placed on the market in compe- 
tition with the natural product from the Indian plantations. 
And what, to-day, is the result of this competition ? Hear 
how eloquently the following figures speak. In 1896 
India exported indigo to the annual value of over 
;^3»; in 191 3 her exports of this dye were worth 
about ;^6o,ooo, while the German export was valued at 
about ;^2,ooo,ooo. Moreover, in the above period, the 
price of indigo fell from about 8s. to about p. 6d. per lb. 
Since the production of indigo involves a considerable 
number of different processes, and requires the use of a 
number of different substances, of which sulphuric acid, 
ammonia, chlorine, and acetic acid are the chief, the 
success of the synthesis as a whole, depends on the success 
with which each step of the process can be carried out, 
and on the cost of the substances employed. The starting- 
point in the manufacture is the hydrocarbon naphthalene, 
a constituent of the invaluable coal tar, and familiar to all 
on account of its use in preserving furs against the attack 
of moths ; and the first step in the synthesis of indigo 
is to convert this naphthalene into a compound called 
phthalic acid. This, it was known, could be done by 
heating the naphthalene with strong sulphuric acid ; but 
when the manufacturer attempted to make use of this 
fact, he found that although the desired conversion did 
indeed take place, it did not proceed sufficiently readily, 
and the cost of carrying out this first step in the process 
was so great that it would have rendered the industrial 
production of indigo unremunerative. But here a lucky 
accident came to the assistance of the manufacturer, for, 
through the accidental breaking of a thermometer, it was 
discovered that mercury acts as an efficient catalyst in the 
conversion of naphthalene to phthalic acid, facilitating the 
process to such a degree as to allow it to be carried out 
with commercial success. 
But the commercial success of the production of indigo 
depended also on improvements being effected in the 
manufacture of the various chemicals employed. Thus 
the demand for a very concentrated sulphuric acid and 
the fact that during the process of heating with naphtha- 
lene, large quantities of sulphur dioxide are formed, led to 
the development of a new method of making the acid, 
namely, by the " contact process " to which we referred in 
Chapter VI. For the production of chlorine, also, of 
which enormous quantities are required, the old method 
of obtaining the gas from hydrochloric acid was useless, 
and a new method had to be introduced, namely, by 
passing a current of electricity through a solution of 
common salt, the chlorine being then obtained in a pure 
state by liquefaction. The ammonia is obtained, as we 
have seen, as a product of the distillation of coal and can 
now also be prepared synthetically ; and the acetic acid, 
of which 3000 tons are used annually in the manufacture 
of indigo, is obtained by the distillation of 150,000 cubic 
yards of wood. 
The industrial production of synthetic indigo, albeit 
benefiting mankind as a whole, has not only dealt a 
mortal blow at the prosperity of the Indian plantations, 
but it has revolutionised two other industries, the manu- 
facture of sulphuric acid, a staple chemical industry of 
England, and of chlorine, together with that of the 
bleaching material prepared from it, bleaching powder. 
Although it is not possible to enter into a detailed 
discussion of the practical process of dyeing, it is of interest 
to note that the process is different in the case of indigo 
and other so-called vat dyes, from what it is in the case of 
other dye-stuffs. on account of its insolubility, the indigo 
is first converted into a colourless compound, called indigo- 
white, which is soluble in alkalies. After the material 
to be dyed, which may be cotton, wool, or silk, has been 
immersed in this solution, it is removed and exposed to 
the air, whereby the oxygen of the air oxidises the 
colourless indigo-white to indigo-blue. The dye is, there- 
fore, developed in the fibre after its removal from the 
Closely related, chemically, with indigo, is that other 
ancient dye, Tyrian purple. Some years ago the nature 
of this dye was investigated by a German chemist who 
extracted it from the glands of two species of marine 
snail, the Murex brandaris and Murex truncidus, and 
ascertained that this " dye of dyes, whereof one drop 
worked miracles," was a compound of indigo with bromine, 
a compound which can be prepared synthetically with 
comparative ease. The costliness of this natural dye was 
almost proverbial, and the reason for this is not far to 
seek ; for the colouring matter obtained by the German 
chemist from the glands of I2,0(X) shell-fish, amounted to 
only about 23 grains, and the estimated cost of the dye was 
nearly £60 an ounce. 
Synthetic Drugs. 
The sixteenth and seventeenth centuries are regarded 
as marking a distinct era in chemistry, inaugurated by 
Paracelsus. During that period chemistry was looked upon 
as the handmaid of medicine, and the study of the action 
of substances on the human organism and the preparation 
of drugs, were held to be the true functions of the chemist. 
That was the period of what was called iatro-chemistry. 
While the modern chemist would resent the restriction 
of his functions within such narrow limits, the services 
which chemistry has, in modern times, rendered to medi- 
cine are greater beyond comparison than all the iatro- 
chemists were ever able to perform. Not only have 
" Nature's remedies," the juices and extracts of plants, 
the valuable alkaloids like quinine and morphia, been 
exhaustively studied and the methods of their extraction 
improved, but they have been supplemented, in some cases 
even displaced, by a large array of new drugs and 
medicinal preparations which owe their origin to the 
genius and painstaking labours of chemists. The herbalist, 
in fact, has given place to the scientific chemist, and the 
manufacture of synthetic drugs, anaesthetics, hypnotics, 
antipyretics, and drugs for the treatment of special diseases, 
has developed, in the past thirty years, into an industry of 
great importance. 
The earliest of these synthetic products dates from 1832, 
when Liebig prepared the anaesthetic chloroform, by the 
action of bleaching powder on alcohol.^ Who will dare 
' Chloroform is now prepared from acetone, a product of the distillation of 
to compute the sum of misery and suffering from which 
this one discovery has freed mankind, or place a money 
value on the service it has rendered ? But the discovery 
of chloroform has been followed by the discovery of other 
anaesthetics ; general anaesthetics like ether and ethyl 
chloride (also, like chloroform, produced from alcohol) ; 
and local anaesthetics like novocaine (a derivative of coal- 
tar benzene), used as a substitute for the vegetable alkaloid 
Side by side with chloroform we may place the closely 
related compound, iodoform, a yellow crystalline com- 
pound largely used as an antiseptic. 
Following closely on the discovery of chloroform came 
the discovery of chloral, the first hypnotic to be produced 
commercially. But the dangers attending the use of 
chloral led to the search for and discovery of other 
hypnotics which are free from the bad qualities of chloral ; 
and at the present day quite a number of synthetic 
hypnotics are known, of which perhaps the most familiar 
are veronal, and the inter-related compounds, sulphonal, 
trional, and tetronal. 
If the introduction of the anaesthetic chloroform 
marked a new era in surgery, a similar claim may perhaps 
also be made in connection with the substance adrenaline, 
the active principle of the supra-renal glands. This 
substance when injected subcutaneously even in excessively 
minute amount, produces so violent a contraction of the 
arteries that the blood is driven away from the injected 
tissues and " bloodless " surgery becomes a possibility. 
Adrenaline was isolated for the first time in 1901, 
from the supra-renal glands of sheep and oxen, close on 
looo lbs. of tissue (the glands from 20,000 oxen) being 
required to yield i lb. of adrenaline. It was not long, 
however, before the nature of the substance had been 
determined, and a process for preparing it synthetically 
on an industrial scale had been devised. It is now placed 
on the market under the name suprarenine. 
The compound adrenaline formed in the glands of 
animals is optically active and rotates the plane of polar- 
ised light to the left. It will, however, be understood 
from the previous chapter that the synthetic product is 
inactive and a compound of the two optically active 
forms. This racemic form, as it is called, is only half 
as active physiologically as the naturally occurring laevo- 
rotatory form, and it is therefore important to resolve 
the synthetic compound into its two optically active forms 
and to isolate the laevo-form. This can be done with 
the help of dextro-tartaric acid. 
The difference in the behaviour of an optically active 
substance towards the asymmetric living tissues was em- 
phasised in the previous chapter, and an excellent illus- 
tration of this property is afiforded by adrenaline ; for it 
is found that the physiological action (the increase of the 
blood pressure) is twelve to fifteen times greater in the 
case of the naturally occurring laevo-adrenaline than in 
the case of the synthetic dextro-adrenaline and about 
twice as great as in the case of the inactive racemic form. 
The great development which has taken place in recent 
times in the industrial production of synthetic drugs is due 
mainly to the discovery in 1 887 of antifebrin, the first of a 
series of synthetic antipyretics which have entered into 
competition with the natural alkaloid quinine. Strangely 
enough, the discovery of the antipyretic properties of anti- 
febrin, a compound derived from acetic acid and aniline 
and known in chemistry as acetanih'de, was due to a mis- 
take on the part of a laboratory boy who supplied this 
substance in mistake for naphthalene. During a pharma- 
cological investigation of the substance, its strongly anti- 
febrile action was detected, and from a chemical analysis, 
it was learned what the substance really was. The success 
of this first synthetic antipyretic soon led to the prepara- 
tion and systematic study of the physiological action of a 
large number of other substances, but although hundreds, 
indeed thousands, of these have been found to have a 
certain medicinal value, only a few have, by their special 
properties or effectiveness, obtained a place in actual 
practice. Among synthetic drugs, however, there exists a 
ceaseless competition, and antifebrin has been largely super- 
seded by newer and better drugs. Antifebrin, as we have 
seen, is derived from aniline, and is liable to undergo 
decomposition in the body, giving rise again to aniline 
which exerts a toxic action ; and the continued use of the 
drug is therefore dangerous. By slightly modifying the 
composition of antifebrin, however, another compound, 
the well-known phenacetin, is obtained, a substance which 
possesses the valuable antipyretic properties of antifebrin, 
but is much less toxic. 

one other synthetic drug of which special mention 
may be made is the anti-rheumatic, aspirin, a derivative 
of salicylic acid, which is itself a therapeutic agent of 
value, and is prepared from the coal-tar product, phenol 
or carbolic acid. Owing, however, to the large amounts 
of phenol used in different departments of synthetic 
chemistry, the amount obtained from coal tar is quite 
insufficient to supply the demand, so that phenol itself is 
now largely manufactured from coal-tar benzene. 
Synthetic Perfumes. 
If the synthesis of colouring matters and of drugs 
constitutes an achievement of the greatest importance, the 
significance of which is all too little realised, scarcely less 
notable are the successes of the chemist in the synthesis 
of those natural spices and perfumes, which have been 
valued by man from the earliest days. For thousands of 
years the volatile substances to which the different flowers 
and plants owe their odours have been prepared by dis- 
tillation or by extraction by means of solvents. But in 
the past thirty or forty years the secrets of nature have 
been largely unravelled, and the chemical laboratory has 
become odorous as a garden and filled with the per- 
fumes of violet and rose, heliotrope, lilac, hyacinth, and 
orange blossom ; and from the stills of the chemist there 
also flow liquids whose flavours imitate those of the apple, 
pear, pineapple, and other fruits, and which, in consequence, 
find application as artificial fruit essences. Although in a 
number of cases these perfumes and flavouring essences 
merely imitate the products of nature, in other cases the 
chemist has succeeded in preparing the identical sub- 
stances to which the flavour of the natural fruit or the 
perfume of the growing flower is due. 

one of the first of these natural substances to be pre- 
pared by the chemist was the substance coumarin, the 
odoriferous principle of the sweet woodruff {Asperula 
odorata)^ a fragrant substance used in the preparation of 
the perfumes known as Jockey Club and New-mown 
Hay. This synthetic preparation of a natural odoriferous 
principle was speedily followed by the preparation of the 
flavouring material, vanillin, the active principle occurring 
in the vanilla bean. This substance is now manufactured 
from toluene, as raw material, and is of great commercial 
importance. To these earliest synthetic products numerous 
others have since been added, so that the main odoriferous 
principles of oil of wintergreen {methyl salicylate)^ oil of 
bitter almonds {benzaldehyde), hawthorn blossom {anisic 
aldehyde), lily of the valley [terpineol], ambergris {ambrein)^ 
and others, can now be prepared artificially. In the case 
of other synthetic compounds we have substances which, 
while not identical with the natural perfumes, closely 
resemble them, and are employed in large quantities 
either as substitutes for the natural perfumes or for blend- 
ing with them. Of these the most important are ionone, 
or imitation violet, imitation musk, and imitation oil of 
bitter almonds, or " oil of mirbane " {nitro- benzene). 
The synthetic production of sweet-smelling substances, 
often at only a fraction of the cost of the natural product, 
has led to a great extension in the use of such substances, 
more especially for the perfuming of soaps, creams, and 
other toilet materials. 
We have already seen how the synthetic production 
of the colouring matters alizarin and indigo have pro- 
duced vast economic changes by the more or less com- 
plete supersession of the natural by the synthetic dyes 
In the commercial production of camphor we have another 
illustration of the successful synthesis of an important, 
natural product, without, however, the same disastrous 
consequences to the latter. 
Camphor, one of the most familiar of substances, has 
been produced for many centuries in Japan, Borneo, For- 
mosa, and other regions of the Far East It is found 
chiefly in the leaves of a species of the laurel tree, the 
Laurus camphora^ from which it is obtained by distilling 
the leaves or other parts of the tree, in a current of steam. 
The camphor, being volatile, passes over with the steam 
and can be condensed in cooled vessels. 
Camphor his for long been a highly valued substance 
on account of its therapeutic, disinfecting, and other proper- 
ties, but the demand for the compound has been very 
greatly increased in the past forty years owing to its 
employment in the manufacture of celluloid or xylonite, 
and of explosives. Japan had, therefore, a valuable source 
of revenue in her practical monopoly of the production 
of camphor through her possession of the plantations of 
the camphor-tree in Formosa, the extent of which, in the 
years following the Russo-Japanese War, she very greatly 
increased ; and the monopoly she possessed she sought 
to exploit to its utmost 
But the substance had long attracted the attention of 
chemists, and in spite of the difficulty of the problem, its 
molecular constitution was at length unravelled and the 
compound prepared synthetically in 1903. Two years 
later, synthetic camphor, identical in all respects with the 
substance produced in the camphor-tree, was placed on 
the market in competition with the natural product. 
But the Japanese camphor plantations have hitherto 
escaped the fate which befell the plantations of madder, 
and, so far as can be foreseen, they are not likely to 
suffer great disaster. The reason for this, however, lies 
outside the control of the chemist, and is to be found in 
the scarcity and cost of the raw material used in the 
manufacture. The source of the raw material is oil of 
turpentine, an essential oil which is produced in trees 
belonging to the different species of pine, and which is 
not only restricted in quantity, but is also subject to 
increase in price. The synthetic camphor, therefore, has 
not been able to displace the natural, but it has prevented 
an excessive rise in the price of the compound. 
Very different from the dyes, drugs, and other synthetic 
products just described, is a remarkable material which we 
owe to the American chemist, L. H. Baekeland, and which 
has, in recent years, acquired a very great industrial value. 
on warming together phenol (carbolic acid) and formalde- 
hyde — obtained by the oxidation of methyl alcohol or 
" wood spirit," and sold, in solution, as a disinfectant under 
the name of formalin — along with a little ammonia, which 
hastens the reaction, a thick gummy mass is produced. 
When freshly prepared this gummy material can be dis- 
solved in alcohol, acetone, and other similar solvents, but 
on being heated to a temperature of over 100° C. or 212° F., 
it changes into a hard, resin-like solid, to which the com- 
mercial name of bakelite is given. Bakelite is an infusible 
material and insoluble in all solvents; it is not affected 
by alkalies or acids, and may even be boiled with dilute 
sulphuric acid without undergoing change. It is an excellent 
insulator for electricity, and finds, in consequence, perhaps 
its most important applications in the electrical industries. 
Bakelite may be employed for a great variety of purposes 
— as a substitute for amber in pipe-stems ; for making 
billiard balls, the elasticity of bakelite being nearly equal 
to that of ivory ; and for making buttons, knobs, knife- 
handles, and many other articles for which bone, celluloid, 
ebonite, or other material is at present employed. It is 
not so flexible as celluloid, but it is more durable, is not 
inflammable, 'and is less expensive. Wood, impregnated 
with the initial liquid material, and then heated, becomes 
coated with a hard enamel-like layer, equal to the best 
Japanese lacquer ; and metal articles, similarly, can be 
covered with a hard and resistant coating. 
We have already seen (p. 103) how Nature, in carrying 
out her wonderful syntheses and decompositions within the 
animal and vegetable organism, makes use of a number of 
catalysts, the so-called enzymes, produced within the cells 
of the living plant or animal. Even in the lowliest forms 
of life, when as yet differentiation of structure and function 
has not appeared, when life with all its mystery is con- 
tained in the microcosm of a single cell, even there also 
these complex catalysts, without whose presence the great 
life-processes would slow down to the sluggishness of death, 
are produced, and exercise their quickening power. Borne 
on the breeze, carried in water, the earth teeming with 
their countless myriads, these micro-organisms — the yeasts, 
bacteria, and moulds — through the enzymes which they 
produce, carry out, unseen, the never-ceasing changes of an 
ever-changing Nature. Putrefaction and decay, by means 
of which Nature resolves the body of a life outlived into 
the elements from which new living structures can be built ; 
the souring and curdling of milk ; the production of the 
dye-stuff indigo from the compound indican contained in 
the woad ; the " puering " of hides and the curing of 
tobacco ; the development of the pungent flavour of 
mustard and the production of benzaldehyde or oil of bitter 
almonds from the amygdalin contained in the almond 
seed ; all these and many other processes — so-called 
fermentation processes — by which complex organic material 
is broken down into simpler substances, are brought about 
by the action of living organisms which secrete the enzyme 
appropriate to the process. 
This explanation of the fermentation process — a term 
at first applied to all changes which are accompanied by 
effervescence due to the escape of gas — is one which has 
been accepted by science only in comparatively recent 
years. Prior to 1857, chemists and biologists were divided 
in their views. Some favoured the physical and chemical 
explanations put forward by Berzelius, — who introduced 
the conception of "catalytic force" (p. 95), and likened 
fermentation to the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide 
under the influence of platinum, — and by Liebig, who, with 
greater apparent definiteness, regarded a ferment as being 
an unstable substance which, formed by the action of 
oxygen on the nitrogenous materials of the fermentable 
liquid, underwent a decomposition ; and the internal motion 
which thereby took place was regarded as being communi- 
cated to the fermentable medium. With these mechanical 
explanations, however, dissatisfaction became more and 
more widely expressed, and in 1857 it was shown con- 
clusively by Pasteur, to whose genius the advance of 
science in many directions is due, that all fermentative 
changes were associated with and produced by living 
organisms ; and this vitalistic explanation, summed up by 
Pasteur in the well-known phrase, " No fermentation with- 
out life," is accepted at the present day. But the growth 
of knowledge has rendered necessary a certain modification 
of the views which were put forward sixty years ago. For 
a considerable time the view was held that the fermentation 
processes are the result of Ihe direct action of the living 
organism on the fermentable material. Cases, however, 
began to accumulate of changes brought about by sub- 
stances, for example, diastase and pepsin, which are the 
product, certainly, of life, but are not themselves living ; 
and the matter was put beyond dispute in 1897 when 
E. Buchner showed that in the production of alcohol from 
sugar, the fermentation is brought about not by the direct 
action of the living organism, but by a substance, which he 
called zymase^ produced by and contained in the cell of the 
yeast.^ It is now generally accepted, therefore, that fer- 
mentation changes are produced by substances which 
although produced by living organisms are not themselves 
living ; and to these substances the name enzyme {iv, in ; 
X,\j\n\^ yeast), introduced in 1878, is applied. In proposing 
the adoption of this term, the German physiologist, W. 
Kiihne, stated: "This is not intended to imply any par- 
ticular hypothesis, but it merely states that iv Z,\}fxt\ (in 
yeast) something occurs that exerts this or that activity, 
which is considered to belong to the class called fermenta- 
tive. The name is . . . intended to imply that more com- 
plex organisms, from which the enzymes pepsin, trypsin, etc., 
can be obtained, are not so fundamentally different from the 
unicellular organisms as some people would have us believe." 
Not only do the enzymes play an indispensable rdle in 
the economy of Nature, but they play also an essential part 
in many of the most important industrial processes. Of 
the processes which depend on fermentation, none is of 
* Zymase, it has been showa, consists of at least two substances, one a 
colloid, the other a crystalloid (p. i88), and the presence of both is necessary 
for fermentation. 
greater importance than that which has been carried on 
from the earh'est days of man's history, the fermentation of 
sugar with production of alcohol. 
Manufacture of Alcohol 
Although in chemistry the term " alcohol " is a generic 
one, and is applied to a whole series of compounds in 
which the so-called hydroxy I group (OH) is present, the 
name when used without qualification is applied to the 
best known and most valuable of the alcohols, ethyl alcohol 
(C2H5.OH), or as it is frequently called, j/^W/i- of wine. 
In the fermentation industry, it is sometimes also called 
grain spirit or grain alcohol, or potato spirit, according as 
the raw material of its manufacture is derived from grain 
or from potatoes. 
Alcohol is produced by the action of a particular 
enzyme, zymase, on certain sugars, the most important 
of which is the sugar glucose or dextrose which, along with 
the isomeric sugar, fructose or laevulose, is found in sweet 
fruits and in honey. Zymase is secreted by the micro- 
organisms known as yeasts {Saccharomycetes), and when 
yeast is introduced into a solution of glucose, decomposition 
of the latter with production of alcohol and of carbon 
dioxide, is brought about through the agency of the 
zymase. Not all sugars, however, can be fermented by 
zymase. Thus, cane or beet-root sugar (known chemically 
as sucrose), and iftalt-sugar or maltose, are not fermentable 
with zymase. If, however, yeast is introduced into solutions 
of these sugars, fermentation does take place, owing to the 
fact that yeast secretes not only the enzyme zymase, but 
also the enzymes invertase and maltase. The former of 
these converts cane and beet-root sugar into the two 
simpler isomeric sugars, glucose and fructose, by a process 
of hydrolysis (p. 1 54), 
C12H22O11 -f H2O -> CeHijOg -f CqUizOq 
Sucrose Glucose Fructose 
and maltase, similarly, converts maltose into glucose. The 
production of alcohol from sugars by means of yeast is, 
therefore, to be referred, in the last instance, to a fermentation 
of glucose (sometimes also of fructose) by zymase. 
Fermentable sugars can be obtained not only from 
sucrose (which is largely employed in France in the form 
of beet-root molasses), but also from starch, which con- 
stitutes, as a matter of fact, by far the most important raw 
material for the manufacture of alcohol. The starch is of 
varied origin. In this country it is derived mainly from 
maize, rice, wheat, and barley, and in the United States, also, 
maize is largely used. In the future, cellulose, from wood- 
waste, may perhaps play a role of great importance (p. 87). 
In Germany, most of the starch is derived from potatoes. 
For the conversion of the starch into fermentable sugar, 
use is chiefly made of the enzyme diastase^ contained in 
malt ; or, the starch is converted into glucose by heating 
with dilute sulphuric acid. 
For the production of malt, barley grains are steeped for 
some days in water and then spread out, or " couched " to a 
depth of two or three feet on the floor of the malt-house. 
Soon the moist grain begins to sprout and to become hot. 
As the temperature must not be allowed to rise above 
15** C. or 60° F., the "couch" is broken down and the 
germinating barley spread out in a thin layer, only a few 
inches in depth, turned over from time to time so as to 
allow access of air to the grains, and sprinkled with watei 
when necessary. During the germination of the barley, 
diastase and other enzymes are produced, and when growth 
has proceeded sufficiently far, it is stopped by allowing the 
rootlets to wither, and then drying the malt in a kiln. The 
malt, which contains a considerable amount of starch and 
a small amount of sugar, together with the enzyme diastase, 
is crushed and mixed with hot water, and a quantity of raw 
grain or potato starch is added. By the action of the 
diastase, which is best carried out at a temperature between 
40" and 60° C. or 104° and 140° F., the starch is converted 
into maltose or malt-sugar. When this process of " mash- 
ing " is complete, the liquid is boiled to destroy the diastase, 
and the sweet liquor or " wort " is run into the fermenting 
vats and yeast is added.^ By the action of the enzyme 
maltase, which is contained in the yeast, the maltose is 
converted into glucose ; and this, in turn, is converted by 
the yeast-enzyme zymase, mainly into alcohol and carbon 
dioxide, although small quantities of other substances — 
higher alcohols, succinic acid, etc. — are also produced. 
Alcohol may also be produced by the action of yeast on 
commercial glucose, obtained by heating starch {e.g. potato 
starch), or cellulose (p. Z"])^ with dilute sulphuric acid, or on 
cane-sugar and beet-root sugar molasses (sucrose). In the 
latter case, conversion of the sucrose to the fermentable 
sugars, glucose and fructose, is effected by the yeast- 
enzyme, invertase. 
When fermentation is allowed to take place at a tem- 
perature of about 15° C. or 60° F., a turbulent effervescence 
* The necessity for using pure culture yeasts belonging to definite races, is 
now recognised. The result of the fermentation varies with different yeasts. 
is produced, and the evolution of carbon dioxide is so rapid 
that the yeast cells are carried to the surface of the liquid 
and there form a thick froth. This is known as "top 
fermentation," and is mostly used in this country. on the 
other hand, when the temperature is kept low, say about 6° C. 
or 43° R, the evolution of carbon dioxide is too slow to buoy 
up the yeast cells, which therefore remain at the bottom of 
the vat. This is known as " bottom fermentation," and is 
made use of in Germany in the production of certain beers. 
The fermentation of the sugar solutions does not pro- 
ceed indefinitely, and when the liquid contains from 10 to 
1 8 per cent, of ethyl alcohol, the fermentation stops. The 
liquid, or " wash," as it is now called, contains not only 
ethyl alcohol, but also furfural and fusel oil — a mixture of 
higher-boiling alcohols, such as butyl alcohol, C4H9 . OH, 
and amyl alcohol, CgHu . OH, and other substances. From 
these different substances the ethyl alcohol is separated by 
distillation in special stills {e.g. the Coffey still), from which 
a mixture of alcohol and water containing about 96 or 
98 per cent, of alcohol by volume, is directly obtained. 
Alcohol so obtained, is spoken of as "silent spirit," or 
*' patent still spirit." By allowing this alcohol to stand over 
quicklime for some time and then distilling, "absolute 
alcohol," or pure ethyl alcohol, is obtained.* 
' For the purposes of taxation, the strength or concentration of a spirit is 
generally expressed in terms of "proof" spirit. Proof spirit is a mixture 
containing 49*24 per cent, by weight, or 57' I per cent, by volume of alcohol. 
"Weaker spirits are said to be so much "under proof" according to the per- 
centage of water and proof spirit which they contain. Thus, a spirit 10° under 
proof means a liquid which contains, at 60° F., 10 volumes of water and 90 
volumes of proof spirit. " Over-proof" spirits are defined by the number of 
volumes of proof spirit which 100 volumes of the spirit would give when 
dilated with water to proof strength. If 100 volumes of an over-proof spirit 
would yield 150 volumes of proof spirit, it is said to be 50"^ over proof. 
For industrial and other purposes, alcohol finds abundant 
and varied use. Not only is it employed as a heating 
agent, in spirit lamps, but it is also used, to some extent, 
as an illuminant (with incandescent mantles), and as a 
motor fuel. Its relatively high cost, however, militates 
against any immediate and extensive development in this 
direction. Alcohol is also used very extensively as a 
solvent in the preparation of varnishes, lacquers, and 
enamels ; in the manufacture of ether, chloroform, acetic 
acid, celluloid and xylonite, collodion, dyes, cordite and 
similar explosives, and many other substances. Ordinary 
methylated spirit, so largely used in spirit lamps and for 
other purposes, consists of ethyl alcohol "denatured" by 
the addition of wood-naphtha and mineral naphtha,^ the 
presence of which renders the liquid undrinkable. Such 
methylated spirit is free from the excise duty ordinarily 
placed on alcohol. For industrial purposes, special in- 
dustrial methylated spirit can also be obtained which con- 
sists of alcohol denatured with wood-naphtha only or with 
other denaturants suitable for particular industries. 
The fusel oils obtained as by-products in the manu- 
facture of ethyl alcohol, and formerly regarded as waste 
material, are now subjected to special distillation in order 
to obtain the higher alcohols present. Although the com- 
position of the fusel oil depends on the process in which it 
is formed, one can obtain from the different fusel oils the 
alcohols known as propyl alcohol (CsHy. OH), butyl and 
isobutyl alcohol (C4H9.OH), and amy! and iso-amyl 
alcohol (CsHii.OH). These alcohols find their use not 
' In the United States, methyl alcohol and benzine are used, and ia 
Germany, methyl alcohol and pyridine bases, derived from coal tar. 

only in the scientific laboratory, but also in industry, for 
the purpose of preparing artificial fruit essences, and as 
solvents. These artificial fruit essences and flavouring 
materials are pleasant-smelling compounds of alcohols with 
acids, known as esters. Thus amyl acetate (from amyl 
alcohol and acetic acid) forms the main constituent of 
artificial essence of pears ; ethyl butyrate (from ethyl 
alcohol and butyric acid) is used in making artificial 
essence of pine-apples ; amyl butyrate is used in making 
apricot essence ; and amyl iso-valerate (from amyl alcohol 
and iso-valeric acid) is used as a constituent of apple 
essence. In recent years, Professor Fernbach, of the 
Pasteur Institute, has obtained fusel oil and acetone, the 
former consisting mainly of butyl alcohol, by the direct 
fermentation of starch by means of a special culture. This 
fact is of importance as butyl alcohol forms the starting 
point in a suggested process for the s)mthesis of rubber. 
In the case of alcoholic beverages, although ethyl alcohol 
is the most important ingredient, the taste, aroma, and 
special character of each depend on the presence of small 
quantities of other substances, which differ both in amount 
and in kind with the materials from which the beverage is 
prepared, and with the method of its preparation. These 
beverages may be classed into distilled liquors (spirits), 
wines, and beers. 
In the case of whisky, the process of fermentation is 
carried out essentially as already described ; malted barley, 
mainly, is employed, and the wash is distilled from a simple 
pot-still similar to that shown on p. 41. The result, there- 
fore, is not merely a mixture of pure alcohol and water, 
but one which also contains small quantities of various 
other substances — fusel oil, aldehydes, esters, etc. This 
raw whisky is then placed in casks to mature, and during 
this process the aldehydes become converted into acids 
which then unite with the alcohols present, to form esters, 
which give a special flavour and aroma to the whisky. 
In the case of gin, the distilled spirit is flavoured by 
redistilling with juniper berries, coriander, fennel, or other 
substances ; brandy is obtained by distilling wine, and owes 
its particular flavour to the various esters contained in the 
wine from which it is prepared ; and rum, prepared from 
fermented molasses, owes its flavour chiefly to the esters, 
ethyl acetate and ethyl butyrate. Sometimes it is also 
flavoured by placing the leaves of the sugar-cane in the still. 
These distilled liquors all contain a high percentage, 
40 to 50 per cent, or more, of alcohol. 
Wines are prepared by the fermentation of fruit juices 
— chiefly the juice of the grape — in which the two sugars, 
glucose and fructose, are present. The juice also contains 
various acids, especially tartaric acid ; and the skins of the 
grape contain tannin, various essential oils, and, it may be, 
colouring matter. These all pass into the juice when the 
grapes are pressed, and according to their nature and relative 
amounts, give wines of different flavours and qualities. 
Owing to the presence of a species of Saccharomyces on 
the grape itself, fermentation of grape juice must have been 
observed in warm, grape-growing countries at a very early 
period in man's history ; and the manufacture of wine must 
have been developed at a very remote time. Although 
the grapes are now crushed mainly by wooden rollers, the 
method of treading with the bare feet — treading the wine 
press — has not yet ceased to be practised. The juice 
extracted from the grape is called "must," and by its 
fermentation, alcohol is produced. After the first "active 
fermentation " is over, the " new wine " is drawn into casks 
which are filled full and loosely closed in order to prevent 
the conversion of the alcohol into acetic acid (p. 260). In 
the Ccisks, a " still fermentation " proceeds for several 
months, during which time the yeast settles down, and 
the tartaric acid, along with various salts and colouring 
matters, separates out as argoL This consists chiefly of 
potassium bitartrate, and is the main source of this salt, 
known familiarly as cream of tartar. 
After the wine has become clear, it is drawn off into 
casks and allowed to ripen for perhaps two or three years. 
During this process, the tannin and some other impurities 
are precipitated, and at the same time the alcohol and fusel 
oil combine with the small quantities of acids present to form 
esters, which give the peculiar and characteristic flavour and 
" bouquet " to the wine. After ripening, the wine is bottled. 
Since the quality of the grape juice varies with the soil, 
and also with the climate, some vintages give better wines 
than others. Wines, also, are subject to " diseases," due to 
the presence of enzymes, which bring about an alteration of 
the wine, e.g. conversion of alcohol into acetic acid. 
For the production of beers^ malted grain is employed, 
but in the mashing process the complete conversion of the 
starch into maltose is not allowed to take place, a portion 
being converted only into the intermediate product of 
hydrolysis, dextrin.^ This dextrin is retained in order to 
' Dextrin is also produced industrially by heating starch with dilate 
sulphuric acid. It is used as an adhesive, on stamps, envelopes, etCt It 
constitutes the so-called '* British gum." 
give " body " to the beer. Further, the nitrogenous com- 
pounds, the albuminoids and proteins, in the grain, are 
converted by the malt-enzyme, peptase, into peptones and 
other substances, which also add *' body " to and increase 
the nutritive properties of the beer. All these various 
substances are classed together under the name *' extract." 
When mashing is complete, the wort is drawn off and 
boiled with hops, and, after settling, the clear liquid is 
fermented with yeast. When the active fermentation has 
subsided, the new beer is run into casks and slow fermenta- 
tion allowed to continue, the froth which is formed being 
allowed to pass out through the bung-hole. At the con- 
clusion of the process, the beer is drawn off into casks 
or bottles. 
Many weak alcoholic beverages, such as light wines, 
become sour when exposed for some time to the air. This 
souring is due to the conversion (oxidation) of the alcohol 
to acetic acid by the oxygen of the air, under the influence 
of certain moulds and bacteria {e.g. Mycoderma aceti and 
Bacterium aceti) ; and the process is carried out on a large 
scale for the production of vinegar. 
In Britain vinegar is manufactured mainly from malt, 
which is mashed and fermented with yeast as in the pre- 
paration of alcohol. After fermentation, the alcoholic liquor 
(in which not more than lo per cent, of alcohol should be 
present), containing the nitrogenous matter and salts neces- 
sary for the growth of the bacteria, is sprinkled over beech- 
wood shavings or basket work inoculated with the acetic 
acid bacteria, and contained in a large vat to which air can 
be admitted. In this way the alcoholic liquor is spread 
over a large surface while exposed to the action of the air, 
and oxidation of the alcohol to acetic acid rapidly takes 
place. The liquid is drawn ofif from the bottom of the vat 
and passed repeatedly over the same shavings or basket 
work, until conversion of the alcohol to acid is nearly com- 
plete. A very small amount of alcohol, however, is left in 
the vinegar because, otherwise, oxidation and destruction of 
the acetic acid would take place. 
Vinegar thus obtained contains about 6 per cent, of 
acetic acid, but commercial vinegars are frequently weaker. 
Vinegar is also frequently made, especially in France, from 
wines, the process being carried out, as a rule, in large casks. 
Although vinegar is, essentially, a dilute solution of 
acetic acid in water, it receives its special flavour and 
quality from the presence of small quantities of other sub- 
stances derived from the materials of its preparation, malt, 
wine, etc. More especially does it contain esters, like ethyl 
acetate, which impart their aroma to the vinegar. 
Sometimes "vinegars" are prepared artificially by 
adding to a solution of acetic acid in water, caramel or 
burnt sugar, and various aromatic substances and esters. 
The production of acetic acid on an industrial scale is 
not carried out by the method just described, since only a 
dilute solution (up to 10 per cent.) can be obtained in this 
way, but by the distillation of wood ; and at the present 
day large quantities of wood are distilled for the production 
of this acid (cf. p. 238), and of "wood spirit" or methyl 
alcohol. By distilling acetate of soda with sulphuric acid, 
pure acetic acid can be obtained. Since, at the ordinary tem- 
perature, this acid crystallises in ice-like crystals (which melt 
at 17° C. or 626° F.), it is spoken of as glacial acetic acid. 
By heating acetate of lime or acetate of barium, the 
very important solvent, acetone^ is obtained. 
When rennet is added to milk, the enzyme rmnin 
which it contains brings about a curdling of the milk by 
causing a decomposition of the casein present in the milk 
into paracasein, which forms the curd, and whey albumin. 
This process of enzyme action is one of great importance, 
because it is employed not only for the industrial pro- 
duction of casein, but also as the first step in the manu- 
facture of cheese. In making clieese, the curd, after being 
separated from the whey, is allowed to stand some time, 
when various changes take place, accompanied by the pro- 
duction of acid. The curd is then ground, salted, and 
pressed in a cheese-mould. The cheese is then allowed 
to "ripen," when a complicated series of changes takes 
place under the influence of various enzymes, part of the 
casein undergoing a decomposition with production of a 
number of different substances, the nature and amount of 
which vary greatly in the different kinds of cheese. The 
presence of these decomposition products gives the charac- 
teristic flavour to the cheese. The different kinds of cheese 
vary considerably in composition, and contain about 24 to 
40 per cent, of water, 23 to 39 per cent, of fat, 27 to 33 per 
cent, of casein and nitrogenous compounds, and 3 to 7 per 
cent, of salts. 
Milk can also be curdled by means of acids, and this 
method is generally employed in the industrial preparation 
of casein. The curd which separates out, and which has a 
different composition from the curd obtained with rennet, 
is washed and purified by dissolving it in ammonia, and 
precipitating the casein with acetic acid. It is then washed 
and dried, and is thus obtained as a white amorphous 
material, which finds very wide-spread application in the 
arts, and also as a constituent in food-preparations. Made 
into a paste with water containing a small quantity of 
bicarbonate of soda, casein forms an excellent glue or 
cement, which possesses the great advantage that it can 
be applied cold. If desired, it can be rendered insoluble 
by treatment with formalin (formaldehyde). Casein also 
is widely used as a sizing material for paper and cotton ; 
in calico printing ; and in the manufacture of casein water- 
paints or distempers (casein mixed with alkali and quick- 
lime, to which mineral colouring matters are added). The 
food-preparation plasmon consists chiefly of a soda com- 
pound of casein, together with a small quantity of fat and 
milk-sugar ; and sanatogen consists of about 95 per cent, of 
casein and 5 per cent, of sodium glycero-phosphate. A 
number of other casein preparations, including bread substi- 
tutes for diabetic patients, have also been put on the market 
In recent years casein has been largely used in the 
preparation of a horn and bone substitute, manufactured in 
England under the name of erinoid. In the manufacture 
of this material, casein is dissolved in a solution of sodium 
carbonate, or of ammonia, and, after the solution has been 
clarified, the casein is precipitated by acid, and the curd 
subjected to pressure. When this compressed casein is 
soaked for some time in formaldehyde solutions (formalin), 
the casein is rendered insoluble and horn-like in appear- 
ance. It can be mixed with pigments or coloured with 
dyes, and can by such treatment be made to resemble 
bone, ivory, horn, coral, tortoise-shell, amber, ebonite, etc. 
It is, in consequence, used for a great variety of articles — 
buttons, beads, umbrella handles, combs, cigar and cigarette 
holders, dominoes, electrical fittings, etc., and has the 
advantage over celluloid of being non-inflammable. When 
warmed with water, it can be moulded as desired. In 
comparison with celluloid, it suffers from the drawback 
that it cannot be obtained perfectly transparent or in 
sheets less than 2 millimetres (^g inch) thick, and cannot, 
therefore, be used for photographic films. It has, however, 
its own special characteristics which make it, along with 
celluloid and bakelite, one of the most important plastic 
And now we must conclude. Giving a backward 
look, we see how out of the mysticism and obscurantism 
of the earlier alchemistic period there has grown the 
science of chemistry, which offers to the mind a clear and 
well-ordered account of the constitution of matter and of 
the laws of chemical combination. We have seen also, how, 
during the past hundred years, much has been added not 
only to our philosophic conceptions regarding the universe 
of matter, but also to the great array of substances which, 
in various ways, have proved of benefit to mankind. But 
great as have been the services rendered by chemistry 
hitherto, its power to contribute to man's comfort and 
well-being and to the general advancement of civilisation 
and of culture, is not yet exhausted ; nay, rather, the 
achievements of the past are but an earnest, we may 
confidently believe, of what will still be accomplished in 
the future. 
Acetic acid, 261 
Acetone, 262 
Acetylene, 40, 55 
„ flame, 55 
Acheson, Edward G., 181, 196 
Acids, 165 
Activity, optical, 213 
Adrenaline, 241 
Adsorption, 198 
Affinity, chemical, 90 
Agriculture, colloids in, 202 
Air, composition of, 1 7 
„ liquefaction of, 132 
Albertus Magnus, 5, 89 
Alchemists, 5 
Alcohol, 252 
,, absolute, 255 
„ amyl, 255 
butyl, 255, 257 
„ ethyl, 252 
„ manufacture of, 252 
„ methyl, 247 
,, uses of, 256 
Alizarin, synthesis of, 234 
Alkalies, 166 
Alkali waste, 150 
Allotropic forms, 70 
Aluminium, 177 
,, bronze, 179 
„ nitride, 130 
Alundum, 182 
Ambergris, 245 
Ambrein, 245 
Amethyst, 141 
Ammonia, catalytic oxidation of, 1 25 
,, from blast furnaces, 1 16 
,, from coal, 44 
„ from peat, 115 
„ synthetic production of, 
Ammonium sulphate, world's produc- 
tion of, 115 
Amorphous solid, 138, 140 
Anaesthetics, 241 
Anions, 168 
Anisic aldehyde, 245 
Anode, 168 
,, mud, 176 
Anthracene, 232, 235 
Anthracite, calorific value of^ 60 
Antifebrin, 242 
Antipyretics, 242 
Aquadag, 197 
Argol, 259 
Aristotle, 4 
Arrhenius, Svante, 167 
Arsenic sulphide, colloidal, 192 
Aspirin, 243 
Asymmetric carbon atom, 221 
Asymmetry, molecular, 220 
Atomic theory of Dalton, 10 
„ weights, 13 
Atoms, definition of, 1 1 
„ early views regarding, 8 
Avogadro, 11 
Bacon, Roger, S, 70 
Baekeland, L. H., 247 
Baeyer, Adolf von, 236 
Bakelite, 247 
Barilla, 149 
Beers, 259 
Beeswax, 35 
Benzaldehyde, 245 
Benzene (benzol), 232 
„ formula of, 212 
Benzine (benzoline), 41 
Berzelius, 12, 94, 250 
Bevan, E. J., 83 
Beverages, alcoholic, 257 
Birkeland, 120 
Bitter almonds, oil of, 245 
Black lead, 182 
Blasting gelatin, 75 
Bleaching powder, 152 
Blowpipe, oxy-acetylene, 56 
„ oxy-coal-gas, 51 
Boyle, Robert, 4, 5 
Brandy, 258 
Brick-making, use of straw in, 196 
Brown, Crum, 227 
Brown, Robert, 204 
Brownian movement, 2C4 
Buchner, E., 251 
Bunsen, 49 
„ burner, 49 
Cairngorm, 141 
Calcium carbide, 55 
,, cyanamide, 124 
,, nitrate, 122 
Cambaceres, 37 
Camphor, synthesis of, 245 
Candles, 33 
,, annual consumption of, 37 
,, beeswax, 35 
„ paraffin, 34 
,, snuffing of, 36 
,, spermaceti, 35 
,, stearin, 34 
Carbohydrates, 78 
Carbolic acid, 232 
Carbon atom, asymmetric, 221 
,, chemistry of, 206 
,, circulation of, 58 
„ dioxide, test for, 23 
Carborundum, 181 
Casein, 262 
Catalysis, 95 
,, industrial applications of, 
104, 128 
Catalysts, 95 
,, in Nature, 103 
,, poisoning of, 98, 107, 128 
Catalytic agent, 95 
Cataphoresis, 200 
Cathode, 168 
Cations, i68 
Caustic soda, preparation of, 154, 176 
Cavendish, 117 
Cellite, 86 
Cellon, 86 
Celluloid, 85 
,, non-inflammable, 86 
Cellulose, 60, 78 
„ glucose from, 87 
,, products, 78 
Cerium iron alloy, 31 
„ oxide, 31, 53 
Cerium oxide, catalytic action of, 98 
Chancel, 27 
Charcoal, 70 
„ decolonrising of L'qoids by, 
Chardonnet, Count Hilaire de, 82 
Cheese, 262 
Chemical reactions, energy of, 57, 68 
Chemistry and electricity, 161 
,, definition and scope of, i 
,, organic, 206 
,, synthetic, 229 
Chevreul, 33, 153 
Chile saltpetre, 1 16 
Chloral, 241 
Chlorine, 152 
„ electrolytic preparation of, 
Chloroform, 240 
Chromium, production of, 25 
Cigar lighters, 31 
Clausius, 204 
Clay, •' Egyptianised," 197 
,, plasticity of, 196 
Clement-Desormes, 106 
Coal, calorific value of, 60 
„ conservation of, 62 
,, distillation of, 44 
,, production of, 59 
,, products of distillation of, 44 
Coal-gas, 44 
,, composition of, 47 
,, enriching of, 49 
,, luminosity of, 48 
,, manufacture of, 45 
Coalite, 64 
Coal-tar, 44, 231 
„ dyes, 233 
Coffijy still, 25s 
Coke, 44 
Collargol, 194 
Collodion, 74 
Colloidal sol, 189 
,, state, 188 
,, ,, properties of, 192 
, , suspensions, stability of, 205 
Colloid particles, electrical charge on, 
,, „ size of, 191 
„ silver, 194 
Colloids, 188 
,, emulsoid, protective action 
of, 194 
,, peptisation of, 195, 197 
„ precipitation of, 194 
Combustion by means of combined 
oxygen, 25 
„ expUmation of, 17 
Combustion in absence of oxygen, 24 
„ in air, 15 
„ slow, 22 
,, „ of aluminium, 22 
,, . ,, of iron, 21 
,, „ in the living organ- 
ism, 22 
,, spontaneous, 24 
Compounds, 6 
Concentration, influence of, on velo- 
city of reactions, 90 
Conduction of electricity by solutions, 
Conservation of matter, law of, 18 
Constant proportions, law of, 10 
Constitution, molecular, 208 
Contact process, 107, 238 
Copper, electrolytic, 176 
,, refining of, 1 76 
Cordite, 75 
Corundum, 51 
Cotton, 79 
,, mercerised, 85 
Coumarin, 244 
Crookes, Sir William, 113 
Cross, C. F., 83 
Crystal (glass), 146 
Crystalline solid, 138 
Crystallisation, velocity of, 139 
Crystalloids, 188 
Crystals, hemihedral, 216 
„ holohedral, 216 
Dalton, John, 10 
Daniellcell, 171 
Davy, Sir Ilumphry, 20, 48, 163 
Decolourising of liquids by charcoal, 
Democritus, 8 
Devitrification, 141, 142, 149 
Dewar vacuum vessel, 135 
Dextrin, 259 
Dialysis, 188 
Diamond, 70 
Diastase, 253 
Diffusion, 186 
Dips (candles), 33 
Distempers, 262 
Dobereiner lamp, 97 
Drugs, synthetic, 240 
Dry cleaning, 41 
Dyeing, 200 
Dyes, coal-tar, 233 
Dynamics, chemical, 89 
Dynamite, 75 
Earth, chemical composition of the, 8 
Ecrasite, 76 
Edison cell, 1 75 
Egyptianised clay, 197 
Electric current, production of, 162 
Electricity and chemistry, 161 
,, conduction of, by solu- 
tions, 165 
,, in chemical industry, 175 
Electro-chemistry, 161 
Electrodes, 166 
Electrolysis, 166 
„ of copper sulphate, 166 
,, of sodmm chloride, 166 
,, mechanism of, 167 
Electrolytes, 165 
Electro-plating, 164, 166 
Elements of Aristotle, 4 
„ list of, 7 
Emery, 51 
Empedocles, 4 
Emulsoid colloids, 193, 194 
Enantiomorphic crystals, 217 
Endothermal reactions, 69 
Energy, 57 
„ of chemical reactions, 57, 68 
Enzyme action, 249 
Enzymes, 103, 249, 251 
,, catalytic action of, 249 
Equilibrium, chemical, 93 
„ „ influence of 
on, 93 
Ethane, 39 
Ethylene, 40 
Exothermal reactions, 69 
Explosives, 70 
disruptive efifect of, 73 
"high," 73 
"low," 73 
output of, 77 
taming of, 75 
Faraday, Michael, 163, 167 
Fats, chemical nature of, 33 
,, hardening of, 108 
Fermentation, 249 
„ bottom, 255 
„ explanation of, 2^0 
„ top, 255 
Fibre, compressed, 82 
Filtration through soil, 202 
Fire-damp, 21, 38 
„ production ot, 15 
Fixation of atmospheric nitrogen, 112 
Flash-lights, 179 
Flashpoint of oil, 42 
Formaldehyde, 247, 263 
Formalin, 247, 263 
Formulae, 12 
,, constitutional, 210 
Frankland, Sir Edward, 209 
Fructose, 253 
Fruit essences, artificial, 257 
Fuel, smokeless, 64 
Fuels, calorific value of, 60 
Fusel oils, 255, 256 
Galvani, 161 
Gas, for heating and cooking, 64 
„ from coal, 44 
„ marsh, 38 
,, Mond, 65 
,, natural, 40 
„ petrol-air, 41 
,, producer, 65 
„ water, 65 
Gases, kinetic theory of, 1 86 
Gasoline, 41 
Gel, 192 
Gelatin, blasting, 75 
„ colloidal solution of, 192 
Gelation, 192 
Gin, 258 
Glass, annealing of, 144 
„ coloured, 147 
,, crystal, 1 46 
„ hardened, 144 
,, invention of, 137 
,, manufacture of, 143 
,, patent plate, 144 
,, plate, 144 
„ quartz, 141 
,, sheet, 144 
,, silvering of, 148 
,, window, 143 
Glucose, 87, 252, 253, 254 
Glycerine, 33 
"Gob" fires, 24 
Goethe, 36 
Graham, Thomas, 187 
Graphite, 70 
„ artificial, 182 
„ deflocculated, 197 
Greek fire, 70 
Guldberg, 91 
Gum, British, 259 
Guncotton, 71 
Gunpowder, 70 
Hampson, 133 
Hardening of fats, ro8 
Hard fibre, 82 
Hardness of water, 159 
Hawthorn blossom, artificial, 245 
Herodotus, 137 
Herschell, Sir John, 215 
Holy Fire of Baku, 38 
Hydro-carbons, 34 
,, saturated, 39 
,, unsaturated, 40 
Hydrochloric acid, 151 
Hydrogen, commercial production of, 
Hydrolysis, 154 
Hypnotics, 241 
latro-chemistry, 240 
Ignition point, 19 
lUuminants, chemistry of, 32 
Incandescent mantles, 52 
Indigo, synthesis of, 235 
Invertase, 252 
Iodoform, 241 
lonisation, 167 
lonone, 245 
Ions, 167 
„ movement of, 169 
Iron-cerium alloy, 31 
Isomerism, 207, 208 
Japp, F. R., 224, 227 
Johnson, Dr., 137 
Kekule, 209, 211 
Kelvin, Lord, 13 
Kerosene, 42 
Kieselguhr, 74 
Kinetic theory of gases, 186 
Kiihne, W., 251 
Lavoisier, 16 
Lead accumulator, 174 
Leather, imitation, 87 
Le Bel, 220 
Leblanc, 150 
Leclanchecell, 173 
Leucippus, 8 
Liebig, 17, 240, 250 
Lignite, calorific value of, 60 
Lily of the valley, artificial, 245 
Limelight, 51 
Lime nitrogen, 124 
Linde, 133 
Liquid air, 133 
Liquids, supercooled, 1 39 
Lucretius, 8 
Lyddite, 76 
Magnalium, 179 
Magnesium, 1 79 
Malt, 253 
Maltase, 252 
Maltose, 252 
Manganese, 25 
Mantles, incandescent, 52 
Margarine, 109 
Marsh gas, 38 
Mass action, law of, 9 1 
Matches, 27 
Matter, constitution of, 3 
„ states of, 137 
Maxwell, Clerk, 203 
Mechanical pulp, 8 1 
Melinite, 76 
Mercer, John, 85 
Methane, 38 
Methyl salicylate, 245 
Mirbane, oil of, 245 
Mirrors, 148 
Moisture, catalytic action of, 95 
Molecular asymmetry, 220 
,, constitution, determination 
of, 208 
,, structure, 206 
Molecules, definition of, 1 1 
,, objective reality of, 204 
Monazite, 31, 53 
Mond gas, 65 
Mordant, 201 
Multiple proportions, law of, 10 
Murdoch, William, 43 
Musk, artificial, 245 
Must, 259 
Naphthalene, 232, 237 
Natural gas, 40 
Newton, 9 
Nickel, catalytic action of, 1 10 
Nitric acid, direct production of, 123 
Nitrobenzene, 245 
Nitro-cellulose, 72 
Nitro-cotton, 71 
Nitrogen and oxygen, direct combina- 
tion of, 117 
,, atmospheric, fixation of, 1 12 
„ compounds, sources of sup- 
ply of, 114 
„ importance of, in nature, 
„ liquid, 132 
Nitro-glycerine, 74 
Nitrolim, 124 
Nobel, Alfred, 74 
Non-electrolytes, 165 
Novocaine, 241 
Oildag, 197 
Oil fuel, 66 
Oils, chemical nature of, 33 
,, lubricating, 42 
Oleic acid, 33 
Optical activity, 213 
Organic chemistry, 206 
Ostwald, 125 
Oxidation, 18 
Oxy-acetylene blowpipe, 56 
Oxygen, liquid, 132 
Ozone, 69 
Palmitic acid, 33 
Paper, manufacture of, 8i 
„ parchment, 82 
,, waterproof, 42, 82 
,, Willesden, 82 
Paracelsus, 5 
Paraffin, 34, 42 
Paratartaric acid, 215 
Parchment paper, 82 
Paste, 147 
Pasteur, 215, 223, 250 
Fauling, 123 
Peat, 67 
„ calorific valae of, 60 
„ carbonisation of, 1 1 5 
„ coal, 68 
,, drying of, 200 
Peptase, 260 
Perfumes, synthetic, 244 
Perkin, W. H., 233 
Permutit process, 159 
Fertile, 76 
Petrol, 41, 66 
Petrol-air gas, 41 
Petroleum, American, 40 
„ distillation of, 4 1 
„ ether, 41 
,, Russian, 40 
Petronius, 145 
Phenacetin, 243 
Phenol, 232 
Phillips, Peregrine, 106 
Phlogiston theory, 16 
Phosphorus, in matches, 28 
„ red, 29, 70 
„ white 29, 70 
Phossyjaw, 28 
Photographic plates, 194 
Picric acid, 75 
Plane of polarised light, 213 
„ », „ rotation of, 
Plasmon, 263 
Platinum, catalytic action of, 97 
Pliny, 136 
Plumbago, 182 
Poisoning of catalysts, 98 
Polarisation of light, 213 
,, „ demonstration 
of, 213 
Potash, caustic, 154 
Potassium, 163 
Priestley, 17, 117 
Producer gas, 65 
Propane, 39 
Propylene, 40 
Pulp, mechanical, 81 
„ soda, 80 
„ sulphate, 80 
,, sulphite, 80 
,, wood, 80 
Quartz, 141 
„ glass, 141 
Racemic forms, resolution of, 222 
Ramie fibre, 53 
Ramsay, Sir William, 58 
Reactions, endothermal, 69 
,, exothermal, 69 
„ influence of concentration 
on velocity of, 90 
,, influence of temperature 
on velocity of, 91 
„ reversible, 92 
Rennin, 262 
Rexine, 87 
Rock crystal, 141 
Rubies, artificial, 51 
Rum, 258 
Rupert's drops, 144 
Rutherford, 112 
Safety lamp, 20 
Saltcake, 150 
Saltpetre, air, 122 
„ Chile, 116 
,, Norwegian, 123 
Salts, 166 
Sanatogen, 263 
Saponification, 154 
Sapphires, artificial, 52 
Scheele, 17 
Schonherr, 122 
Sea-mines, 73 
Sedimentation in rivers, 194 
Serpek process, 129 
Sewage farms, 203 
,, purification of, 203 
Shale oil, 37 
Shimose, 76 
Sicoid, 86 
Silica, 141 
Silk, artificial, 82 
Soap making, materials used in, 1 54 
„ solution, emulsifying action of, 
Soaps, cleansing power of, 156 
„ hard, 154, 155 
„ soft, 154, 155 
„ transparent, 156 
Soda, bicarbonate of, 152 
,, carbonate of, 149 
,, caustic, 154, 176 
„ pulp, 80 
„ washing, 159 
Soda waste, 150 
Sodium, 163 
„ carbonate of, 149 
„ nitrite, 122 
Solid, amorphous, 140 
„ crystalline, 138 
Solutions, 185 
,, and gases, analogy be- 
tween, 186 
,t conduction of electricity 
by, 165 
Solvay, Ernest, 152 
Smokeless powder, 74 
Snuffing of candles, 36 
Spermaceti, 35 
Spirit, methylated, 256 
,, patent still, 255 
„ proof, 255 
„ silent, 255 
Spirits of wine, 252 
Stahl, 16 
Stearic acid, 33 
Stearin, 34 
Steel, chrome, 26 
,, stainless, 26 
Stereo-chemistry, 220 
,, ,, and vitalism, 224 
Stokes, Sir George, 213 
Storage cell, 174 
Strass, 147 
Sucrose, 252 
Sugar, beet-root, 252 
„ caiie, 252 
„ malt, 252 
Sulphate pulp, 80 
Sulphite ,, 80 
Sulphonal, 241 
Sulphuric acid, manufacture of, 104, 
los, 107 
Supercooled liquids, 139 
Suprarenine, 242 
Surface combustion, 99 
Surfaces, catalytic action of hot, 98 
Suspensoid, 193 
Symbols, 12 
Synthetic chemistry, 229 
Tartar, cream of, 259 
Tartaric acid, 215, 259 
Temperature, influence of, on chemical 
equilibrium, 93 
Temperature, influence of, on velocity 
of reactions, gi 
Terpineol, 245 
Tetronal, 241 
Thermit, 26 
Thermos flasks, 135 
Thorium oxide (Thoria), 53 
Titanium, 25 
Toluene (Toluol), 232 
Torpedoes, 73 
Touchpaper, 25 x 
Trinitrotoluene, 75, 76, 232 
Trional, 241 
Tyndall phenomenon, 189 
Tyrian purple, 239 
Ultra-microscope, 190 
Vacuum vessels, 135 
Valency, 209 
Vanillin, 70, 24$ 
van 't Hoff, 220 
Vaseline, 42 
Velocity of reactions, 88 
„ „ influence of con- 
centration on, 
,, „ influence of 
temperature on, 91 
Veronal, 241 
Vinegar, 260 
Violet, artificial, 245 
Viscose, 83 
„ films, 84 
Vitalism and stereo-chemistry, 224 
Vitriol, oil of, 104 
Volta, Alessandro, 162 
Voltaic cell, 162 
Waage, 91 
Walker, John, 27 
Wash, 255 
Water-dag, 197 
Water gas, 49, 65 
„ ,, carburetted, 49 
,, hard, 1 58 
,, „ softening of, 159 
,, power, utilisation of, 184 
,, purification of, 202 
„ „ by aeration, 23 
Water-glass, 142 
Welsbach, Auer von, 52 
" Wet carbonisation " process, 67 
Whisky, 257 
Willesden paper, 82 
Wines, 258 
Wintergreen, oil of, 245 
Wire gauze, cooling action of, 20 
Wood, calorific value of, 60 
„ pulp, 80 
Wood spirit, 247 
Wort, 254 
Xylonite, 85 
Zoroaster, 15 
=1 .3 
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