What Remained to Us
In view of our survival up to now
What remained to us from the Beginning
Would be not cruelty but love.
When the Ice Age was ended in B. C. 1500
With the global warming started
Humanity had to struggle for the resources
As they prospered.
Since any requirement is meaningless To living,
The Transcendental is a sheer lone star
Always rotating in the night sky!
One should emulate him yet why he cannot is
That reason is lost in life and
“There await men after they are dead
Things which they do not expect or imagine.”
Paleolithic Altamira Cave Paintings were
Discovered by chance and Assessed by Picasso
To render all the later arts degenerate.
Thus the Kant’s claim that
99% of our knowledge is a posteriori was stranded
To the effect that the opposite is true.
As the evidence that you are right
Is nowhere can be found
While the your probable falsity remains
Like Voltaire’s remark,
If everybody forgives each other
Except the unforgiving
Can the term war persist on earth?
There await men after they are dead things which they do not expect or imagine (DK 27).
ㅡ Heraclitus ㅡ