
바클라브 하벨 대통령의 취임사 (The inaugural Address of Vaclav Havel)

이윤진이카루스 2010. 7. 31. 08:35

                         VACLAV HAVEL



                                                 1 January 1990



                                      'A contaminated moral environment'


1. Communism in Europe died in 1989 as one by one the Communist regimes in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria collapsed. The year ended with the crumbling of the Berlin Wall. It was the springtime of nations, the most exciting year in European history since 1848.

The motto of the year was 'Truth shall prevail' and it was a year of truth for Communism. As Timothy Garton Ash, an eyewitness to the events, puts it: 'There is a real sense in which these regimes lived by the word and perished by the word. For what, after all, happened? A few thousands, then tens of thousands, then hundreds of thousands went on to the streets. They spoke a few words, "Resign," they said. "No more shall we be slaves!" "Free elections." "Freedom!" And the walls of Jericho fell. And with the walls, the communist parties simply crumbled.'



1. regime: 정권

2. one by one: 하나하나

3. collapse: fall down, break down, crumble

4. contaminate: make something or somebody dirty, pollute

contamination n.

5. motto: a short sentence or phrase chosen or used as a guide or rule of behaviour or as an expression of the aims or ideals

6. prevail: exist or happen generally, be widespread, defeat

7. eyewitness: 목격자

8. put: express

9. sense: meaning

10. perish: be destroyed, die

11. happen: take place, occur

12. after all: ①문장 앞에서: We must remember that ② 문장 중간이나 뒤에서:

     in spite of  what was said before

13. resign: give up one's job or position, etc.

14. the walls of Jericho: 성경에 나오는 여리고 성벽

15. party: 정당 Communist party 공산당



1. It was the springtime of nations, the most exciting year in



    European history since 1848


2. As Timothy Garton Ash, an eyewitness to the events, puts it

                              동격관계임. to the events는 앞의 an

    eyewitness를 수식함.


3. There is a real sense in which these regimes lived by the word and

                                     관계대명사절로 a real sense를 수식함.


     perished by the word


4. No more shall we be slaves!

    문장 앞에 부정어 no가 오는 바람에 조동사 shall + 주어 we + 본동사

    be의 구조가 옴.














2. That sense that truth will prevail is what made the first speech by Vaclav Havel, the playwright who was elected Czech president on 29 December 1989, so moving and uplifting in its expression of the defiant human spirit that conquered Communism during that memorable year.

One theme of Havel's work was that under Communism almost everybody live a double life, saying one thing in public and another in private. It was a theme to which he returned in this speech on New Year's Day, broadcast on radio and television, with his comments on the 'contaminated moral environment' under the Communist regime.



1. speech: 연설, address

2. playwright: 극작가

3. elect: choose somebody by voting election n.

4. Czech: 체코슬로바키아의, 체코의

5. move: cause somebody to have strong feelings, especially of sympathy or sadness

6. uplift: raise somebody's spirits, so that they feel cheerful or have hope

7. defiant: openly refusing to obey or resisting somebody or something, showing defiance

8. conquer: take possession and control of a country, city, etc by force

9. memorable: worth remembering

10. theme: a subject of a talk

11. in public: 공개적으로 ↔ in private

12. broadcast - broadcast - broadcast

13. comment: a written or spoken remark giving an opinion on an event, a person, a situation, etc

14. environment: atmosphere, surroundings



1. That sense that truth will prevail is what made the first speech by

                      동격관계.                     what에서 끝까지는 관계대명사절


  Vaclav Havel, the playwright who was elected Czech president on 29

   Vaclav Havel과 the playwright who was elected Czech president on 29 December 1989는

   동격관계이고 who was elected Czech president on 29 December 1989는 앞의 the playwright를

   수식하는 관계대명사절임.


   December 1989, so moving and uplifting in its expression of the

                               so moving and uplifting은 the first speech by Vaclav Havel이라는

   목적어를 수식하는 목적보어임.


   defiant human spirit that conquered Communism during that

                                  that conquered Communism under that memorable year는

   관계대명사절로 (its expression of) the defiant human spirit을 수식함. during

   that memorable year는 동사 conquered를 수식하는 부사구임.


   memorable year

2. One theme of Havel's work was that under Communism almost


    everybody live a double life, saying one thing in public and another

                                           saying이하는 분사구문으로 동시동작을 의미함.


   in private


3. It was a theme to which he returned in this speech on New Year's

                                   관계대명사절로 a theme을 수식함.


   Day, broadcast on radio and television

           broadcast라는 과거분사로 시작하는 분사구문으로 it을 수식하고 수동의 의미임.


4. with his comments on the 'contaminated moral environment' under


   the Communist regime

   the contaminated moral environment를 수식하는 형용사구임.





















3. We live in a contaminated moral environment. We fell morally ill because we became used to saying something different from what we thought. We learned not to believe in anything, to ignore each other, to care only about ourselves. Concepts such as love, friendship, compassion, humility, or forgiveness lost their depth and dimensions, and for many of us they represented only psychological peculiarities, or they resembled gone-astray greetings from ancient times, a little ridiculous in the era of computers and spaceships. only a few of us were able to cry out loud that the powers that be should not be all-powerful, and that special farms, which produce ecologically pure and top-quality food just for them, should send their produce to schools, children's homes, and hospitals if our agriculture was unable to offer them to all. The previous regime - armed with its arrogant and intolerant ideology - reduced men to a force of production and nature to a tool of production. In this it attacked both their substance and their mutual relationship. It reduced gifted and autonomous people, skilfully working in their own country, to nuts and bolts of some monstrously huge, noisy, and stinking machine, whose real meaning is not clear to anyone. It cannot do more than slowly but inexorably wear down itself and all its nuts and bolts.



1. fell: got, became

2. become/get/be used to ~ing: ~하는 데 익숙해지다, be accustomed to 동사원형 또는 ~ing

3. believe in: trust

4. concept: notion, idea

5. compassion: pity for the sufferings of others

6. humility: a modest or low opinion of one's own importance, modesty

7. represent: stand for, mean

8. psychological: 심리(학)적인 psychology n.

9. peculiarity: an odd or unusual feature, quality, habit, etc

    peculiar a.

10. resemble: look like, take after

11. gone-astray: go astray: become lost

12. ridiculous: ludicrous, silly, absurd

13. era: a period in history

14. all-powerful: absolutely powerful, omnipotent

15. ecologically: 생태학적으로 ecological a.

16. produce n.: 농산물

17. agriculture: 농업

18. offer: give, present, furnish

19. previous: coming before in time or order, former

20. arrogant: behaving in a proud and superior manner, showing too

much pride in oneself and too little consideration for others

21. intolerant: not tolerant, cruel, not willing to accept others' ideas

22. ideology: a set of beliefs that form the basis of an economic or

political theory or that are held by a particular group of person.

23. arm: equip oneself or somebody weapons

24. reduce: reduce somebody to something: make somebody lower to something

25. substance: the most important or essential part of something

26. attack: a violent attempt to hurt, overcome, defeat somebody or


27. mutual: felt or done by each towards the other, shared by two or

     more people

28. gifted: talented, having talent

29. autonomous: having control over one's own affairs, acting


30. monstrous: shocking and unacceptable, outrageous, extreme large,

     huge, very big, like a monster

31. stink; have a very unpleasant and offensive smell

32. inexorable: impossible to change or prevent inexorably ad.

33. wear down: make something or somebody weaker by constant


34. but: except



1. We fell morally ill because we became used to saying something


    different from what we thought.

     형용사 different가 큰 표현의 일부로 앞의 명사 something을 수식함. 또한 something,   

     nothing, anything은 형용사가 뒤에서 수식함. what we thought는 관계대명사절로

     “우리가 생각했던 것”의 의미임.


2. We learned not to believe in anything, to ignore each other, to

                     to부정사의 부정임.


    care only about ourselves


3. Concepts such as love, friendship, compassion, humility, or

                      앞의 명사 Concepts를 수식하는 형용사구임.


    forgiveness lost their depth and dimensions, and for many of us they

                                                                   “우리들 중 많은 사람들에게는”의 의미임.


     represented only psychological peculiarities, or they resembled


     gone-astray greetings from ancient times, a little ridiculous in the era

                                      from ancient times는 앞의 gone-astray greetings를

     수식함. a little ridiculous in the era of computers and spaceships는

     형용사 ridiculous가 들어간 표현으로 gone-astray greetings를 수식함.


     of computers and spaceships


4. only a few of us were able to cry out loud ( that the powers that


    cry out loud에 걸리는 that절이 and로 두 가지 연결됨.


be should not be all-powerful, and that special farms, which produce



ecologically pure and top-quality food just for them, should send


their produce to schools, children's homes, and hospitals if our


agriculture was unable to offer them to all )


5. The previous regime - armed with its arrogant and intolerant



   ideology - reduced men to a force of production and nature to a tool


   of production.


6. In this it attacked both their substance and their mutual

                                  both A and B의 구문임.




7. It reduced gifted and autonomous people, skilfully working in their



own country, to nuts and bolts of some monstrously huge, noisy, and


stinking machine, whose real meaning is not clear to anyone




























4. When I talk about contaminated moral atmosphere, I am not talking just about the gentlemen who eat organic vegetables and do not look out of the plane windows. I am talking about all of us. We had all become used to the totalitarian system and accepted it as an unchangeable fact and thus helped to perpetuate it. In other words, we are all - though naturally to differing extents - responsible for the operation of the totalitarian machinery; none of us is just its victim: we are all also its cocreators.



1. organic: 유기농의, 화학비료를 쓰지 않는

2. be/get/become used to ~ing/명사: ~에 익숙하다, be accustomed to 동사원형 또는 동명사/명사

3. totalitarian: 전체주의의, 일당독재의

4. perpetuate: make something continue

5. in other words: that is to say

6. naturally: of course, without exaggerating, in a normal way

7. extent: degree, way, size, range, scale

8. responsible: accountable

9. operation: an activity, an act performed by a machine, movement

10. machinery: organization or structure of something for doing something

11. victim: 희생자, 희생물



1. When I talk about contaminated moral atmosphere, I am not talking


just about the gentlemen who eat organic vegetables and do not look


                                         the gentlemen을 수식하는 관계대명사절


out of the plane windows


2. We had all ( become used to the totalitarian system and accepted

                                                      A                                   B


it as an unchangeable fact and thus helped to perpetuate it )
























5. Why do I say this? It would be very unreasonable to understand the sad legacy of the last forty years as something alien, which some distant relative bequeathed us. on the contrary, we have to accept this legacy as a sin we committed against ourselves. If we accept it as such, we will understand that it is up to us all, and up to us only, to do something about it. We cannot blame the previous rulers for everything, not only because it would be untrue but also because it could blunt the duty that each of us faces today, namely, the obligation to act independently, freely, reasonably, and quickly. Let us not be mistaken: the best government in the world, the best parliament and the best president, cannot achieve much on their own. And it would be also wrong to expect a general remedy from them only. Freedom and democracy include participation and therefore responsibility from us all.



1. unreasonable: absurd, irrational ↔ reasonable

2. legacy: money or property left to a person when somebody dies

3. relative: a person who is related to another

4. bequeath: give money, property, etc to somebody when one dies

5. on the contrary: no, to the contrary

6. commit: do something illegal or wrong

7. such: 그러한 것 (대명사)

8. be up to ~ : be somebody's duty or responsibility

9. accept: consider something as true, believe

10. blame: find fault with, criticise, rebuke

11. previous: existing before, former

12. blunt: make something less sharp, cause something to have less

      effect or power

13. duty: obligation

14. face v.: confront

15. namely: that is to say, i.e.

16. mistaken: wrong in one's judgement or opinion

17. parliament: 의회

18. achieve: carry out, fulfill, accomplish, work out

19. on one's own: independently

20. remedy: a treatment, medicine, etc that cures a disease or relieve

pain, a way of dealing with or removing something undesirable

21. democracy: 민주주의

22. include: involve

23. participation n.: participate: take part in, partake in



1. It would be very unreasonable to understand the sad legacy of the

  가주어                                                            진주어


   last forty years as something alien, which some distant relative



   bequeathed us


2. on the contrary, we have to accept this legacy as a sin we


   committed against ourselves



3. If we accept it as such, we will understand that it is up to us all,

                                                                 that절 속의 가주어


   and up to us only, to do something about it



4. We cannot blame the previous rulers for everything, not only


because it would be untrue but also because it could blunt the duty

            it은 blame the previous rulers for everything을 의미함.


that each of us faces today, namely, the obligation to act

관계대명사절임.                                                앞의 명사

the obligation을 수식하는 to부정사로 형용사적 용법임.


independently, freely, reasonably, and quickly


5. And it would be also wrong to expect a general remedy from them

        가주어                                                       진주어



6. Freedom and democracy include participation and therefore


responsibility from us all

                     participation and responsibility를 수식함.


















6. If we realize this, then all the horrors that the new Czechoslovak democracy inherited will cease to appear so terrible. If we realize this, hope will return to our hearts.

In the effort to rectify matters of common concern, we have something to lean on. The recent period - and in particular, the last six weeks of our peaceful revolution - has shown the enormous human, moral, and spiritual potential and civic culture that slumbered in our society under the enforced mask of apathy. Whenever someone categorically claimed that we were this or that, I always objected that society is a very mysterious creature and that it is not wise to trust only the face it presents to you. I am happy that I was not mistaken. Everywhere in the world people wonder where those meek, humiliated, sceptical, and seemingly cynical citizens of Czechoslovakia found the marvelous strength to shake from their shoulders in several weeks and in a decent and peaceful way the totalitarian yoke. And let us ask: from where did the young people who never knew another system take their desire for truth, their love of free thought, their political ideas, their civic courage and civic prudence? How did it happen that their parents - the very generation that had been considered as lost - joined them? How is it possible that so many people immediately knew what to do and none of them needed any advice or instruction?...



1. realize: understand

2. horror: a feeling of intense fear, shock and disgust

3. inherit: receive money, property etc as a result of the death of

    the previous owner

4. cease: stop

5. terrible: very unpleasant or serious

6. effort: the use of much physical or mental energy to do something

7. rectify: put something right, correct something

8. lean on/upon: depend/rely/count on/upon

9. concern: a thing that is important or interesting to somebody

10. in particular: particularly

11. enormous: very big, tremendous, huge

12. potential: the possibility of something happening or being developed

13. civic: of citizens

14. slumber: sleep

15. enforce: make something happen by force or necessity

16. apathy: a lack of interest, enthusiasm or concern

17. whenever: everytime when

18. categorically: clearly and definitely

19. claim: assert

20. object: give something as a reason for opposing somebody

      or something

21. mysterious: difficult to understand or explain, secret, surreptitious

22. creature: something created

23. wonder v.: want to know

24. meek: quiet, gentle and always ready to submit to others

25. humiliate: injure the dignity or pride of somebody

25. sceptical: unwilling to believe, doubtful

26. seemingly: in appearance, apparently

27. cynical: 냉소적인

28. marvelous: wonderful, superb, excellent

29. strength: force, energy

30. decent: proper, acceptable, good, satisfactory

31. yoke: 굴레

32. courage: bravery, audacity

33. prudence: carefulness, discretion prudent a.

34. consider: regard

35. immediately: without delay

36. instruction: order



1. If we realize this, then all the horrors that the new Czechoslovak



democracy inherited will cease to appear so terrible


2. In the effort to rectify matters of common concern, we have

                       명사를 수식하는 형용사적 용법의 to부정사


   something to lean on

                   명사를 수식하는 형용사적 용법의 to부정사


3. The recent period - and in particular, the last six weeks of our


peaceful revolution - has shown the enormous human, moral, and


spiritual potential and civic culture that slumbered in our society


under the enforced mask of apathy

   무생물인 The recent period가 주어가 되어 직역하면, “최근 기간이 - 그리고 특히 우리의 평화로운 혁명의 지난 6주 - 강요된 무관심의 가면을 쓰고 우리 사회에서 잠자던 엄청난 인간적이고 도덕적이고 정신적인인 잠재력과 시민 문화를 보여주었다”이지만 무생물 주어 구문은 우리말에 드물기 때문에, “최근 - 그리고 특히 우리의 평화로운 혁명의 지난 6주 동안 - 강요된 무관심의 가면을 쓰고 우리 사회에서 잠자던 엄청난 인간적이고 도덕적이고 정신적인 잠재력과 시민 문화가 나타났다”로 의역할 수 있다.


4. that it is not wise to trust only the face it presents to you

    that절 속의 가주어                   진주어


5. I am happy that I was not mistaken. Everywhere in the world


people wonder where those meek, humiliated, sceptical, and


seemingly cynical citizens of Czechoslovakia found the marvelous


strength to shake from their shoulders in several weeks and in a

             명사를 수식하는 형용사적 용법의 to부정사임. shake의 목적어는

the totalitarian yoke임.


decent and peaceful way the totalitarian yoke


6. from where did the young peoplewho never knew another system



take ( their desire for truth, their love of free thought, their political

                             A                             B                          C

ideas, their civic courage and civic prudence )

                          D                          E


7. How did it happen that their parents - the very generation that

            가주어                        진주어임. that had been considered as

lost는 the very generation을 수식하는 관계대명사절임.


had been considered as lost - joined them?


8. How is it possible that so many people immediately knew what to

          가주어                                          진주어


do and none of them needed any advice or instruction
























7. Masaryk* based his politics on morality. Let us try in a new time and in a new way to restore this concept of politics. Let us teach ourselves and others that politics should be an expression of a desire to contribute to the happiness of the community rather than of a need to cheat or rape the community. Let us teach ourselves and others that politics can be not only the art of the possible, especially if this means the art of speculation, calculation, intrigue, secret deals, and pragmatic manoeuvring, but that it can be the art of the impossible, namely, the art of improving ourselves and the world...



1. base: 기초를 두다, 근거를 두다

2. morality: principles concerning right and wrong or good and bad

   behaviour, a particular system of moral principles

3. restore: bring back somebody or something to the former condition

4. concept: notion, idea

5. contribute to ~: ~에 기여하다/공헌하다

6. cheat: swindle, trick or deceive somebody

7. rape: 강간하다

8. community: the people living in one place, district or country,

    considered as a whole

9. art: any skill or ability that can be developed by practice

10. speculate: guess

11. calculate: estimate something by using numbers or one's judgement

12. intrigue: a secret plan

13. pragmatic: 실용적인

14. manoeuvre, manoeuver: guide somebody or something somewhere

     using skill and often deception

15. namely: that is to say

16. improve: make something better



1. Let us try / in a new time and in a new way / to restore this

                          부사구                 부사구임.   try to restore로



    concept of politics


2. Let us teach ourselves and others that politics should be an


   expression ( of a desire to contribute to the happiness of the

                                A이고 to contribute to the happiness of

   the community는 명사 a desire를 수시하는 형용사적 용법의 to부정사임.


  community rather than of a need to cheat or rape the community )

                                              B이고 to cheat or rape the community는

  앞의 명사 a need를 수식하는 형용사적 용법의 to부정사임.


3. Let us teach ourselves and others that politics can be not only the


   art of the possible, especially if this means the art of speculation,


   calculation, intrigue, secret deals, and pragmatic manoeuvring, but that


   it can be the art of the impossible, namely, the art of improving


   ourselves and the world































8. There are free elections and an election campaign ahead of us. Let us not allow this struggle to dirty the so far clean face of our gentle revolution. Let us not allow the sympathies of the world which we have won so fast to be equally rapidly lost through our becoming entangled in the jungle of skirmishes for power. Let us not allow the desire to serve oneself to bloom once again under the fair mask of the desire to serve the common good. It is not really important now which party, club, or group will prevail in the elections. The important thing is that the winners will be the best of us, in the moral, civic, political, and professional sense, regardless of their political affiliations. The future politics and prestige of our state will depend on the personalities we select and later elect to our representative bodies...



1. allow A to ~: A가 ~하도록 허용하다

2. so far: as yet, up to now, thus far

3. dirty v.: make something dirty, contaminate, pollute

4. sympathy: a feeling of pity and sorrow for somebody

5. rapid: fast

6. entangle: cause something or somebody to be caught in


7. skirmish: fight, fierce quarrel

8. serve: help

9. bloom: produce flowers, flourish, prosper, succeed

10. good n.: benefit, profit, advantage

11. prevail: be widespread, win

12. party: 정당

13. professional: 직업적, 전문적

14. sense: meaning

15. regardless of ~: ~과 관계없이, irrespective of, without considering ~

16. affiliation: linking

17. prestige: respect based on good reputation, past achievement, etc

18. depend on/upon: rely/count/lean on/upon

19. personality: 개성, 인격

20. representative: 대의적, 대표적

21. body: group



1. Let us not allow this struggle to dirty the so far clean face of our


   gentle revolution


2. Let us not allow the sympathies of the world which we have won



so fast to be equally rapidly lost through our becoming entangled in


the jungle of skirmishes for power


3. Let us not allow the desire to serve oneself to bloom once again

                                          to부정사로 the desire를 수식함. 


   under the fair mask of the desire to serve the common good

                                                        to serve the common good은

   명사 (the fair mask of) the desire를 수식하는 형용사적 용법의 to부정사임.


4. It is not really important now which party, club, or group will

  가주어                                                 진주어


   prevail in the elections


5. The future politics and prestige of our state will depend on the


   personalities we select and later elect to our representative bodies



















9. In conclusion, I would like to say that I want to be a president who will speak less and work more. To be president who will not only look out of the windows of his aeroplane but who, first and foremost, will always be present among his fellow citizens and listen to them well.

You may ask what kind of republic I dream of. Let me reply: I dream of a republic independent, free, and democratic, of a republic economically prosperous and socially just, in short, of a humane republic which serves the individual and which therefore holds the hope that the individual will serve it in turn. Of a republic of well-rounded people, because without such it is impossible to solve any of our problems, human, economic, ecological, social, or political.

The most distinguished of my predecessors opened his first speech with a quotation from the great Czech educator Comenius. Allow me to round off my first speech with my own paraphrase of the same statement:

                         People, your government has returned to you!



* Thomas Masaryk (1850-1937) was the first president of Czechoslovakia after it won independence in 1918. The name was anathema to the Communist regime.



1. in conclusion: 결론적으로

2. would like: want

3. aeroplane: airplane

4. first and foremost: more than anything else, most importantly

5. present a.: 참석한

6. fellow a.: of the same class, type, etc

7. republic: 공화국

8. in short: 요컨대, 요약하여, in brief

9. reply: answer

10. democratic: 민주주의적인

11. prosperous: successful, flourishing prosper v.

12. serve: help, assist

13. humane: sympathetic, kind

14. in turn: 차례에 따라서

15. well-rounded: having various abilities

16. ecological: 생태학적인

17. distinguished: famous, reputed, famed, well-known

18. predecessor: 전임자

19. quotation: 인용

20. round off: end or complete something in a satisfactory way

21. paraphrase: 의역

22. statement: 서술, 진술 state v.

23. anathema: a person or thing that is hated



1. In conclusion, I would like to say that I want to be a president


   who will speak less and work more



2. To be president who will not only look out of the windows of his

   전체가 to부정사로 구 역할을 하며 술어가 없다. who로 시작하는 두 개의 관계대명사절은

   president를 수식함. not only but (also)의 구문임.


   aeroplane but who, first and foremost, will always be present among


   his fellow citizens and listen to them well


3. I dream ( of a republic independent, free, and democratic, of a

                                       A                                                  B


   republic economically prosperous and socially just, in short, of a



   humane republic which serves the individual and which therefore

   which로 시작하는 관계대명사절 두 개가 a humane republic을 수식함.


   holds the hope that the individual will serve it in turn )

           the hope와 that the individual will serve it in return은 동격임.


4. Of a republic of well-rounded people, because without such it is

   앞에서 I dream이 계속 연결됨.                                        가주어


   impossible to solve any of our problems, human, economic, ecological,

                                 진주어는 to부정사임. human, economic,

   ecological, social, or political은 형용사가 나열되면서 (any of) our problems를 수식함.


   social, or political




















전체 내용


'                                        오염된 도덕적 환경’


   유럽의 공산주의는 1989년에 폴란드, 체코슬로바키아, 헝가리, 루마니아 그리고 불가리아의 공산당 정권이 하나하나 붕괴함에 따라서 죽었다. 그 해는 베를린 장벽의 붕괴로 막을 내렸다. 그 해는 국가들의 봄으로 1848년 이래 유럽역사에서 가장 흥분되는 해였다.

   그 해의 좌우명은 ‘진리가 승리할 것이다’였고 그것은 공산주의에 대하여 진리의 해였다. 사건의 목격자인 티모시 가튼 애쉬 (Timothy Garton Ash)가 표현하는 바와 같이: ‘이 정권들이 말로써 살고 말로써 죽었던 실제적 의미가 있다. 왜냐하면, 결국, 무슨 일이 일어났는가? 이기 때문이다. 몇 천, 그리고 몇 만, 그리고 몇 십만 명이 거리로 나아갔다. 그들은 몇 마디 말을 했는데 “사퇴하라”고 그들은 말했다. “우리는 더 이상 노예가 아니다!” “자유선거.” “자유!” 그리고 여리고 성벽이 무너졌다. 그리고 그 성벽과 함께 공산당이 붕괴했을 따름이다.

   진리가 승리할 것이라는 그 의미는 1989년 12월 29일에 체코의 대통령으로 선출된 극작가인 바클라브 하벨 (Vaclav Havel)이 행한 최초의 연설을, 그 기념할만한 해 동안에 공산주의를 점령했던 항의성 인간 정신의 표현에서 매우 감동적이고 고무적으로 만든 것이다.

   하벨의 작품의 한 가지 주제는 공산주의 하에서는 거의 모든 사람이 공개적으로는 이렇게 말하고 개인적으로는 다르게 말하면서 이중적인 삶을 산다는 것이었다. 그것은 공산주의 하에서의 ‘오염된 도덕적 환경’에 관한 자신의 언급과 함께 라디오와 텔레비전으로 방송된 이 신년연설에서 그가 되돌아갔던 주제였다.

   우리는 오염된 도덕적 환경에서 산다. 우리는 우리가 생각했던 것과 다른 것을 말하는 데 익숙해졌기 때문에 우리는 도덕적으로 병들었다. 우리는 어떤 것도 신뢰하지 않는 것을 배웠으며, 서로 무시하는 것을 배웠으며, 우리 자신에 대해서 걱정하는 것만을 배웠다. 사랑, 우정, 동정심, 겸손 혹은 용서와 같은 개념들은 깊이와 차원을 잃어버려서 우리들에게 그런 것들은 심리적인 기벽을 의미할 따름이거나 그런 것들은 컴퓨터와 우주선의 시대에 다소 우스꽝스러운 고대시대의 실종된 인사를 닮았었다. 존재하는 권력이 전횡적이어서는 안 되고 그 권력만을 위해서 순수한 일등품 식량을 생산하는 특별 농장들은 만약 우리의 농업이 모두에게 그 농산물을 보낼 수 없다면 그 농장의 농산물을 학교, 어린이집, 병원에 보내야 한다고 목청을 높일 수 있었던 사람은 우리들 중에서 거의 없었다. 이전 정권은 - 그 오만하고 무자비한 이데올로기로 무장을 하고 - 인간의 생산력으로 비하시켰고 자연을 생산도구로 타락시켰다. 여기서 그 정권은 그것들의 본질과 그것들의 상호관계를 공격했다. 그 정권은 자신의 국가에서 솜씨 좋게 일하고 있는 재능 있고 자주적인 사람들을 그 실제적 의미가 누구에게도 분명하지 않은 어떤 괴물처럼 거대하고 시끄럽고 냄새나는 기계로 타락시켰다. 그 기계는 자체와 그 기계의 너트 및 볼트 모두를 서서히 그리고 꾸준히 약화시키는 것 이상을 할 수 없다.

   내가 오염된 도덕적 환경에 대하여 말할 때 나는 유기농 채소를 먹으면서 비행기 창문 밖을 내다보는 신사에 대하여서만 말하고 있지 않다. 나는 우리 모두에 대하여 말하고 있다. 우리 모두는 전체주의적 제도에 익숙하게 되어서 그 제도를 변화 불가능한 사실로서 수용하여 그 제도가 지속되는 데 도움을 주었다. 다시 말해서 우리 모두는 - 물론 다양한 정도에 따라서라 할지라도 - 전체주의적 구조의 작동에 대하여 책임이 있다; 우리들 누구도 그 구조의 희생자만은 아니다: 우리 모두는 또한 그 구조를 공동으로 창조한 사람들이다.

   왜 나는 이렇게 말하는가? 과거 40년의 슬픈 유산을 어떤 먼 친척이 우리에게 물려준 외계의 것으로서 이해한다는 것은 매우 불합리할 것이다. 아니다, 우리는 그 유산을 우리 자신에 대하여 우리가 저지른 죄악으로서 수용했다. 우리가 그런 것으로서 그 유산을 수용한다면, 그 유산에 대하여 조치를 취하는 일이 우리 모두에게 그리고 우리에게만 달려있다는 것을 이해할 것이다. 우리는 그것이 사실이 아닐 것일 뿐만 아니라 우리 각자가 매일 직면하는 의무, 다시 말해서 자주적이고 자유롭고 합리적이고 신속하게 행동할 의무를 그것이 무지를 수 있기 때문에 우리는 모든 것에 대하여 이전 통치자들을 비난할 수 없다. 오해하지 말자: 세상의 최고 정부와 최고 의회와 최고 대통령은 독자적으로 많은 것을 이룩할 수 없다. 그리고 오직 그들로부터 일반적인 치유책을 기대한다는 것을 잘못일 것이다. 자유와 민주주의는 우리 모두의 참여와 그리하여 우리 모두의 책임을 포함한다.

   우리가 이것을 깨닫는다면 새로운 체코슬로바키아의 민주주의가 계승한 모든 공포는 그렇게 지독하게 보이지 않을 것이다. 우리가 이것을 깨닫는다면 희망이 우리의 가슴에 돌아올 것이다.

   공동 관심사를 바로 잡으려는 노력으로 우리에게는 기대야 할 것이 있다. 최근 - 그리고 특히 우리의 평화로운 혁명의 지난 6주 동안 - 강요된 무관심의 가면을 쓰고 우리 사회에서 잠자던 엄청난 인간적이고 도덕적이고 정신적인 잠재력과 시민 문화가 나타났다. 누군가가 명백하게 우리가 이러하거나 저러하다고 주장할 때마다 나는 항상 사회란 매우 신비로운 것이라는 이유를 들고 그 사회가 당신들에게 제시하는 얼굴만을 신뢰한다는 것은 현명하지 않다는 이유를 들어 반대했다. 내가 틀리지 않았기 때문에 나는 행복하다. 세계의 모든 곳에서 저 순종적이고 모욕을 당하고 회의적이고 겉으로는 냉소적인 체코슬로바키아의 시민들이 몇 주 동안에 그리고 합리적이고 평화로운 방식으로 전체주의적 굴레를 자신들의 어깨로부터 떨쳐내는 놀라운 힘을 어디서 발견했는지 의아해 한다. 그래서 질문하자: 다른 체제를 알지 못하던 젊은이들이 진리에 대한 자신들의 욕망, 자유로운 사고에 대한 자신들의 사랑, 자신들의 정치 이념, 자신들의 시민적 용기와 시민적 신중성을 어디로부터 가져왔던가? 그 젊은이들의 부모들이 - 실종된 것으로서 여겨졌던 바로 그 세대 - 그 젊은이들과 합류한 일은 어떻게 일어났는가? 그렇게 많은 사람들이 무엇을 할지 즉각 알고 그들 중 누구도 충고나 지시가 필요하지 않았다는 것은 어떻게 가능할까?...

   마사리크(Masaryk)는 자신의 정치를 도덕성에 두었다. 새로운 시간에 새로운 방식으로 이 정치개념을 회복하려고 노력하자. 정치는 사회를 기만하거나 강간하려는 욕구의 표현이라기보다는 사회의 행복에 기여하려는 욕망의 표현이 되어야 한다고 우리 자신과 다른 사람들에게 가르치자. 정치는, 특히 이것이 상상, 계산, 음모, 비밀 거래, 그리고 실용적 작전의 기술을 의미한다면, 가능한 것의 기술일 뿐만 아니라 불가능한 것, 즉, 우리 자신과 세상을 향상시키는 기술이 될 수도 있다고 우리 자신과 다른 사람들에게 가르치자...

우리 앞에는 자유선거와 선거 운동이 놓여있다. 이 싸움이 지금까지 깨끗한 우리 혁명의 얼굴을 더럽히는 것을 허용하지 말자. 우리가 그렇게 신속하게 획득했던 세상 사람들의 동정심이 우리가 권력을 위한 싸움의 정글에 연루됨을 통하여 동등하게 신속하게 실종되는 것을 허용하지 말자. 우리 자신을 이롭게 하려는 욕망이 공동의 이익에 도움이 되려는 예쁜 욕망의 가면을 쓰고 다시 한 번 피어나는 것을 허용하지 말자. 이제 어느 정당이나 모임이나 무리가 선거에서 승리할 것이지는 중요하지 않다. 중요한 것은 승자가, 그들의 소속과는 관계없이, 도덕적이고 시민적이고 정치적이고 전문적인 의미에서 우리들 중 최고의 사람들일 것이라는 점이다. 우리나라의 미래 정치와 위신은 우리가 선택하여 나중에 우리의 대의 체제에 선출하는 인격에 달려있을 것이다.

   결론적으로 나는 덜 말하고 더 많이 일하는 대통령이 되고 싶다고 말하고 싶다. 자신의 비행기 창문 밖을 내다볼 뿐만 아니라, 가장 중요하게는, 자신의 동료 시민들 사이에 항상 존재하여 그들의 말을 잘 듣는 대통령이 되는 것. 여러분은 내가 어떤 종류의 공화국을 꿈꾸는지 물을 것이다. 대답하겠다: 나는 자주적이고 자유롭고 민주적인 공화국을, 경제적으로 부유하고 사회적으로 정의롭고, 요컨대 개인에게 봉사하고 그리하여 개인이 거꾸로 그 공화국에 봉사하는 희망을 지닌 다정한 공화국을 꿈꾼다. 그런 공화국이 없다면 우리가 지닌 인간적이거나 경제적이거나 생태학적이거나 사회적이거나 정치적인 문제 어느 것도 해결하기가 불가능하기 때문에 재능이 많은 사람들의 공화국을.

   나의 전임자 중 가장 유명한 분은 자신의 최초 연설을 위대한 체코 교육가 코메니우스(Comenius)로부터 인용한 구절로서 시작했다. 나의 최초 연설을 동일한 서술에 대한 내 자신의 의역으로써 내가 끝냄을 허용하라:

                        여러분, 여러분의 정부가 여러분에게 돌아왔습니다.



* 토마스 마사리크 (Thomas Masaryk: 1850-1937)는 체코슬로바키아가 1918년에 독립을 획득한 후 최초의 대통령이 되었다. 그 이름은 공산당 정권의 증오의 대상이었다.


- Historic Speeches, The Penguin book, edited by Brian MacArthur -





